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Polygon: Xbox Scorpio will be a ~6 TFLOP system (v PS4K's 4.14), unveil soon, Fall 17


From what i understand, with HBM you can have max of 2GB per stack. Was it cheaper to do 4 stacks of 1GB than 2 stacks of 2GB? Was the need for 4 stacks the increased bandwidth?

Assuming Scorpio is using HBM2...

I think it needs two stacks to get the 512 gb/s bandwitdh. Can be 8GB or 16GB of ram total.
Hynix feels like 4-Hi stacks will be targeted for graphics applications so that means 8GB of RAM with (upto) 512GB/s bandwidth if they only use 2

ps3ud0 8)


From what i understand, with HBM you can have max of 2GB per stack. Was it cheaper to do 4 stacks of 1GB than 2 stacks of 2GB? Was the need for 4 stacks the increased bandwidth?

Assuming Scorpio is using HBM2...

I think it needs two stacks to get the 512 gb/s bandwitdh. Can be 8GB or 16GB of ram total.

Without the need for a bus and a less complex mobo, maybe the savings going forward would offset the cost of HBM2.

Are you sure you aren't confusing 2Gb per die with 2GB per stack? 4x1GB stacks was pretty much the best AMD could do. If they could have added more RAM to the Fury X, I'm pretty sure they would have. Having your top end card max out at 4GB couldn't have helped impressions.

As for HBM2, I have no idea how it's costs stack up with the savings it provides.

Hynix feels like 4-Hi stacks will be targeted for graphics applications so that means 8GB of RAM with (upto) 512GB/s bandwidth if they only use 2

ps3ud0 8)

Both Samsung and Hynix are planning to produce 8GB HBM2 dies later this year.


The Amiga Brotherhood
XBOX 4 sounds great, smells like victory.

They can't use 4 because Sony has a "4" this generation. Brands don't like to cross-match numbers like that. Note the lack of "Xbox 2" (they squeezed a "3" in there with the "360") or "Xbox 3" names. Even the Galaxy Note "6" is rumored to be jumping to "7".


They can't use 4 because Sony has a "4" this generation. Brands don't like to cross-match numbers like that. Note the lack of "Xbox 2" (they squeezed a "3" in there with the "360") or "Xbox 3" names. Even the Galaxy Note "6" is rumored to be jumping to "7".

explain Xbox One then


If they did that Xbox One sales would plummet overnight and not recover until Fall 2017. No way they tease a new console.
What exactly do you expect to happen when Sony announces a 5tf machine at E3, and MS announces...a smaller xbone.

It's damned if you do damned if you don't. Honestly.

It's not like Xbone sales are skyrocketing in sales to be lost here.


What exactly do you expect to happen when Sony announces a 5tf machine at E3, and MS announces...a smaller xbone.

It's damned if you do damned if you don't. Honestly.

It's not like Xbone sales are skyrocketing in sales to be lost here.

The Neo is 5TF now? Since when?


What exactly do you expect to happen when Sony announces a 5tf machine at E3, and MS announces...a smaller xbone.

It's damned if you do damned if you don't. Honestly.

It's not like Xbone sales are skyrocketing in sales to be lost here.

The demographic that would pick up a slim Xb1 at $199 are not the same as the one that would wait a year for the Scorpio, nor will they buy a Neo.

Even if someone is going to wait for the Scorpio instead, then its still good for MS in the long wrong.

The only competition to slim XB1 is the PS4.


5TF is the lower range of the rumor from one of the sources so people that prefer it to be 5 will say 5. Even though there is a different source saying just 6.

Oh no I know about the Scorpio. He was saying the Neo is 5TF when it has come out that it's 4.14 right now in the dev kits.


Oh no I know about the Scorpio. He was saying the Neo is 5TF when it has comes out that it's 4.14 right now in the dev kits.
It is not 4.14TF, that doesn't make any sense.

Gies just took PS4 1.84TF and multiplied by 2.25 = 4.14TF

That is how that number came about. Going purely from known spec, it is 4.19TF or ~4.2TF


It is not 4.14TF, that doesn't make any sense.

Gies just took PS4 1.84 and multiplied by 2.25 = 4.14

That is how that number came about. Going purely from known spec, it is 4.19TF or ~4.2TF

Whoops my bad. I knew it was a 4.1x and .14 was sticking with me for some reason.
yeah I know that but it still goes against that "no smaller numbers" theory

not really though.

it's supposed to undermine the whole keeping-up-with-numbers game by resetting it back to ground zero.

notice how i said zero, not 0? ;p

not saying it worked or anything, but i think their logic / motivation there isn't too mysterious.
The demographic that would pick up a slim Xb1 at $199 are not the same as the one that would wait a year for the Scorpio, or buy a Neo instead.

Even if someone is going to wait for the Scorpio instead, then its still good for MS in the long wrong.

The only competition to slim XB1 is the PS4.
Yup even if Sony announce at e3 there is still loads of time in the coming months to have a dedicated Scorpio reveal event before neo is in shops. That's why I think no Scorpio reveal at this e3


Whoops my bad. I knew it was a 4.1x and .14 was sticking with me for some reason.
No worries, its just technically incorrect information written by Gies.

This is how that information came about.

PS4 1152sp times 2.25 times 800Mhz times 2 = 4147200 or ~4.14TF

We know PS4 Neo Spec is

PS4 Neo 2304sp times 911Mhz times 2 = 4197888 or ~ 4.2TF

If we go by Gies's information and account for clock increase, it will put PS4 Neo at 4.7TF which is incorrect.


my hard graphic balls
I think he meant Ekim.
Oh I thought he meant Scorpio, people are doing that with the Scorpio though.

Who would even imply the Neo would be at 5 TF?

I think $299 list and $249 with discounts during holiday.

Fat Xbox One will be $249 and $199 holiday IMO.
The confusion is based on Polaris 10 being 5.5 TF with a TDP of 150 watts and NEO's GPU being downclocked to make TDP room for a CPU which leaves the NEO at about 4.2 TF. Scorpio has the same TDP but because HBM2 uses 20-30 watts less than GDDR5 it can have a larger TDP budget for the GPU giving it about 6TF.


The confusion is based on Polaris 10 being 5.5 TF with a TDP of 150 watts and NEO's GPU being downclocked to make TDP room for a CPU which leaves the NEO at about 4.2 TF. Scorpio has the same TDP but because HBM2 uses 20-30 watts less than GDDR5 it can have a larger TDP budget for the GPU giving it about 6TF.

IMO that Neo TDP is currently most likely less than 120W (PS4). OsirisBlack mentioned the GPU being smaller and cooler(?).


The confusion is based on Polaris 10 being 5.5 TF with a TDP of 150 watts and NEO's GPU being downclocked to make TDP room for a CPU which leaves the NEO at about 4.2 TF. Scorpio has the same TDP but because HBM2 uses 20-30 watts less than GDDR5 it can have a larger TDP budget for the GPU giving it about 6TF.
You're making things up. There has been no mention of HBM2 anywhere or what TDP Scorpio is going to have. All we have is Scorpio is shooting for over 4x Xbox One or somewhere between 5TF to 6TF.


What exactly do you expect to happen when Sony announces a 5tf machine at E3, and MS announces...a smaller xbone.

It's damned if you do damned if you don't. Honestly.

It's not like Xbone sales are skyrocketing in sales to be lost here.

Disregarding the actual power of the Neo, I think the point stands. If Sony announces they are releasing yet another more powerful machine and MS is perceived to be doubling down on their weaker one it won't be a good look for them. Better to just come out and announce their roadmap and give the message that their console is the better upgrade and worth waiting for if it is coming out later.


Has anyone speculated that the Slim itself will have a boost? Obviously the larger jump would be for the Scorpio to that 5-6TF range but what about the Slim going up to the 2-2.5 TF range?
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