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Predict: 2016 in Gaming


1. Phantom Dust will be revealed in some way (studio working on it or gameplay).
2. Halo Wars 2 will be pushed back into 2017
3. Next God of War will be revealed and there will be a female character as the lead
4. We will see certain multiplatform games that will have some kind of PSVR mode in it.
5. NX will have a pack in game and won't be a mini game collection.
6. Nintendo will have their own version of GwG and PS+
Pretty bold to say that about Horizon. Looks great, yes, but I still have my reservations with side quests, storytelling, etc.

Witcher isn't loved because people crave the genre. It's genuinely a fantastic title, with excellent cutscenes, humour, characters, lore, quests and quest design.

All of which need to be proven with Horizon. Hopefully you're right though.


-No Man's Sky gets delayed to Fall 2016 and is exactly what they said it would be (good for those who know what to expect).

-VR does incredibly well with PSVR being the leading device.

-NX launches with Zelda and starts off stronger than the Wii U. Whether it will end up being a success is still a mystery, but it will certainly not be a phenomenon like the Wii.
Persona 5 wont be out in the west.

Sony will delay all its holiday games again.

Gears 4 will be like the Halo dev transition. It well made but not what people are looking for.

We will hear credible rumours that the next Xbox is deep into development and coming sooner then we think.

EA wont even bother with a token NX game.

VR will be a slow burn. First gen headsets will have lots of issues and limitations. The games will be mostly mini game collections and the sales will be so-so.

Destiny 2 will a much better game but wont sell great after people felt burned with the first game and TTK was left do wither away.
- VR hits, to mixed reception. I think people like the current status of the tech, but the market viability is questionable. The overwhelming majority of consumers will not buy these devices for the first year, if not the entire first generation. Software support and price will hold them back, but the potiental is there. The biggest hurdle for VR isn't tech. It's marketing.

- Zelda stuns. It's big. It's revolutionary. It's out next year.

- The NX is a handheld... For now. 2016 will see the NX hit shelves, but at a smaller scale. A single handheld unit device with high-end visuals, and a launch made up mostly of WiiU ports. But a 2017 date for the console unit will fill us with hope.

- Crackdown crumbles in real world execution. Microsoft's most bold use of cloud processing ever is dense with magic. But making the magic happen will prove to be too much for Microsoft at a mass level, resulting in their most disastrous launch since Halo: MCC.

- Horizon falls to 2017. Sony continues its trend of underdelivering on Fall exclusives, pushing Horizon to an early 2017 date - alongside The Last Guardian.

- The sins of KickStarter come to roost. Mighty No. 9 will finally release like a long wet fart in the night. Project updates from Shenmue - including a second round of crowdfunding - will raise doubts. Star Citizen will start releasing, to an enthusiastic following of people who have already paid for it - and a baffled general public.

- Doom is released, and tanks in the face of an uncharacteristically massive ad campaign.

- Assassin's Creed is the surprise hit of the Summer box office, while Warcraft struggles to find an audience. Studios rush to buy up gaming IP, or rush development on projects they currently have optioned.

- Konami announces remakes of the Metal Gear Solid saga. Doubt and anger fuel the Web.
- The NX console and handheld come out in 2016. Both launch better than their predecessors but nowhere near as good as the Wii or DS.

- Nintendo's mobile efforts are quite successful.

- Nintendo pull a Twilight Princess with Zelda WiiU. Comes out on Wii U in limited quantities, with the focus on the NX version.

- PS4 sells over 55 million.

- Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian finally come out. Half Life 3 is still vaporware.

- Kingdom Hearts 3, FFVIIR Part 1 and (in the west) Dragon Quest XI scheduled for 2017.

- The Division bombs.

- VR has a slow but steady start.


1. The Division will be great

2. VR will be a smash success on PSVR.

4. NMS will be a PsVr game at lunch. most game sites will hate it but will have a strong fan base because of vr tech.

5. demon souls 2 2017

6. the NX will fail.

7.crash Bandicoot will stay dead

8. Quantum Break will be delayed

9. xbox one slim

10. dota 2 will still be a shit show(also maybe the best game ever)


-Ni-Oh finishes Top 5 in GAF GOTY voting.

-An important executive leaves Sony.

-NX tries to cram too many different ideas into one machine.

-Assassin's Creed doesn't get a sequel.

-VR is greeted with a muted response due to high price tag. PSVR releases in June and is packed with NMS.

-Rockstar announces its next game and it's a new franchise.

-Shenmue 3 enters development hell.

-Destiny 2 is year's highest selling game.

-Persona 5 is year's highest rated game.
Darksiders 3 will be announced and have no multiplayer nonsense.

Deep Down will resurface as Dragon's Dogma 2.

I'll allow myself to be hyped for Nintendo's next console (against better judgement) and during the reveal I'll shout "What the fuck is this shit!?" At least 3 times.

There will be a great game revealed based on the Masters of the Universe IP.

I'll almost buy an Xbox One when it leaks that a new Banjo-Kazooie game is coming.. And then I'll be glad I didn't when we see what they've done with it.

Yooka-Laylee will put a big smile on my face.


1. NX launches in November 2016 with Zelda being on both it and Wii U. Pikmin 4 will also be there at launch as well as a Smash port.

2. PSVR won't be a financial success but those who own it will love it. With none of Sony's well known owned first party studios (so not Guerrilla Cambridge and the new North West Studio) creating a game from the ground up for PSVR or worthwhile 3rd party VR games it will fail to interest a lot of the hardcore and casual audiences.

3. Final Fantasy XV launches in September.

4. Sony Bend's open world horror new IP is finally revealed at E3.

5. No Man's Sky is compatible with PSVR and is a launch game.

6. Dark Cloud 3 is announced at E3, it's another collaboration between Level-5 and Japan Studio.

7. A God of War reboot is announced at E3.


Persona 5 will be GotY, people will pretend otherwise and they will be wrong.

VR will be the biggest revolution in gaming since Mario 64, if you have the budget for it.

FFXV will come out and be fantastic, but people will shit on the combat system.

The Last Guardian will underwhelm.

Uncharted 4 will be fantastic.

Wii U will be buried and Nintendo will announce NX as a mobile application.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
  • No Man's Sky is exactly as promised and demonstrated and most of GAF/the internet has a shit fit over how boring and bad it is because they hyped themselves up for a game that never existed and was never marketed.
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided completely forgoes refined character builds for a more accessible experience and modernised experience wherein the player can more-or-less do anything.
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda is pushed into March 2017.
  • Uncharted 4 fails to find a balance between humorous adventure and The Last of Us-style bleak human drama which further highlights Nathan Drake's psychopathy and ludonarrative dissonance. Game ends with you escaping a collapsing lost village/temple.
  • Zelda Wii U/NX is a weak open world game filled with repetitive collect-em-all / find-the-thing grind quests and a bolted on crafting system nobody asked for. Like a weird Japanesey Ubisoft game.
  • Unravel ends with the old lady dying and/or deteriorating memory while sad string music plays for maximum emotionally manipulative impact.
  • Nier: Automata is a budget restrictive character action game that, while good, is almost totally devoid of open adventure, questing, and role playing that the original had. Fans complain.
  • Final Fantasy XV sucks.
  • The Last Guardian actually releases, and is painfully obviously a last generation game that was stuck in development hell, and doesn't feel truly finished, well rounded, or true to a singular vision. Littered with half baked, undercooked game concepts and puzzles.
  • Super Mario NX is open world and kinda shitty compared to Galaxy 2 and 3D Land.
  • Dishonored 2 nowhere to be seen.
  • Mirror's Edge 2 has some disastrous issue that fans are pissy about.
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn is pretty much exactly like Zelda U; interesting game systems stretched too thinly and repetitively over a bland open world. Erratic framerate and bugs galore.
  • Quantum Break is secretly Alan Wake 2 in an abstract method of storytelling via an interactive medium.
  • Doom is...okay. But clearly rushed.
  • Gears of War 4 is plenty fun but the fanbase has long abandoned the series and it doesn't sell anywhere near as well as Microsoft hope.
  • Most of GAF hates Scalebound. Sells like arse.
  • Most of GAF complains Yooka-Laylee plays too much like an old 90s collect-a-thon 3D adventure game.
  • Far Cry: Primal is exactly what you expect and indistinguishable, outside of aesthetic, from the other Far Crys.
  • Cuphead is style over substance and play, exactly like Limbo.
  • Gravity Rush 2 is awesome but nobody buys it.
  • Halo Wars 2 somehow winds up the best Halo in years.
  • Ni-Oh is a poor man's Dark Souls that's kinda okay but clearly cobbled together to bank on the Souls formula hype and not a particularly coherent or well balanced vision.
  • Shadow Warrior 2 is one of the best games of the year. We get more Wang.


NX doesn't come out until 2017.

Old franchises make surprise returns:
Crash, Pilotwings, Fusion Frenzy?

PSVR blows minds, and stock can't keep up with demand.

Zelda & FF XV both actually release in 2016.

And the shocker: new Mario game of some kind.
Mario Golf Tour U?
Quantum Break will be disappointing.

Nintendo will make strange decisions for the NX.

Watch_Dog2 revealed at E3.

New Assassin's Creed will be a letdown.

Zelda is cross gen.
Zelda Wii U/NX will be very well-received for about five minutes until the hatedom forms around it and the general consensus paints it as the worst Zelda ever and suddenly people appreciate Skyward Sword.


Unconfirmed Member
Uncharted 4 will be good, but it being the 4th entry and possibly not iterating on certain things will get lower scores than what people would want. The thread might not be as bad as Uncharted 3's, but will still be filled with the same "This reviewer just wants attention", "they are pushing an agenda", "they weren't paid enough" spoutings that show up in almost any major release review thread.

No man's Sky will be good, but will not live up to the hype of everyone. It'll be groundbreaking in just pure scale and design of video games and will help space sim like games in the console market.

Resident Evil 7/*Resident Evil Reboot title here* is announced. Takes Resident Evil 6 and makes it more actiony. Capcom says that if you want to play a slower Resident Evil then play REmake, Resident Evil 0, REmake 2, etc.

Recore will be good, and will become a new series with a release every 3-4 years.

Destiny 2 will be announced and released next year. It'll be better than Destiny 1 but still have glaring issues.

Microsoft announces Halo MCC for PC, confirms cross buy/able to put disc in Windows 10 PC to play it.

A Berserk game gets officially announced and the developer is Platinum. Announced Ps4 Exclusive. Over 1000 people go berserk.

NX will more powerful than the xbox one and ps4 in the console state. The handheld state will be a little more powerful than the vita and will have a 480p screen.
NX handheld releases in October, console follows in September of next year.
Zelda U will be announced for NX launch.
Animal Crossing: The Neighbor NeXt Door will be announced for NX launch.
Spla2n will be announced for late 2017 early 2018 for NX.
New 3DS gets a slightly Jank version of Splatoon, is last game for the 3DS officially from nintendo.
Mother 3 translation gets announced to be the last VC game on the WiiU
2017 release
. Does not get announced for NX, and causes people to get annoyed.
Star Fox is okay.
- Nintendo goes HAM on Splatoon, moving forward with a new amiibo line, an anime, and it will be announced as one of the first Universal Studios event areas.

- Pokemon Z is finally announced, is simultaneously more than we think and less. Still 3DS, still running on the XY engine, but not just a retread of XY. Nintendo keeps it out of the marketing and reviews, but Sinnoh is a post-elite four campaign.

- EVO kicks Smash 4 to the curb for Melee, angering many and pleasing some others. Nintendo withdraws sponsorship (but obviously there's no repeat of the Melee debacle from a few years back).

- Oh boy, the NX. I'll stay out of predictions on that one, but people expecting the world won't get it. Nintendo is not radically changing with this. They've already tipped their hand on where they want to go with the next few years and it is more about a general Nintendo lifestyle between different devices than it is hardware that brings about Ragnarok.

- Sony makes a surprising number of fairly major reveals before E3, making people wonder what they have for E3. E3 itself will mostly be announcements of games we already know about, with the caveats that they're all much further along.

- An FFVIIR trailer ends with Sephiroth walking through the flames in Cloud's flashback, leaving people wondering how far the first chunk goes.

- Horizon: Zero Dawn is one of the most anticipated games of the year and a hard line is drawn during GOTY discussions between that and Persona 5.

- A Monster Hunter launches on PS4 and Xbox One - it's not Frontier, but it's not the 3DS games, as Capcom wants a console revenue stream for the series.

- PSVR launches for $350, $400 with move controllers and camera. Adoption isn't quick, but it's the most talked about VR solution.

- After a fairly weak 2015, Microsoft redoubles efforts on third party partnerships. They decide not to buy any more exclusives a la Tomb Raider, but make more efforts for development partnerships like Street Fighter V. These don't bear fruit for at least a year.

- Kinect is officially taken of the market. A late year firmware simply no longer uses it for OS functions.

- Phantom Dust is revived with Sega as a partner.

- Microsoft sandbags Scalebound by releasing it against a major game and not advertising it. Greenberg claims this couldn't be foreseen.

- Microsoft will give up on PC gaming by end of 2016.

- Sea of Thieves will review highly, but early server issues will hurt its reputation. Rare and Microsoft release free DLC to smooth things over and eventually it becomes a strong title in the library.

- The price will be cut to $275 by Christmas, but Xbox Live Gold memberships will go up $5 a year.

- Yacht Club Games staffs up for a new kickstarter, a 3D platformer in the vein of N64 platformers.

- Ninja Gaiden 4 is announced, using Soft Body tech for mutilation purposes. They once again try to talk about the feel of the blade and everyone gets NG3 vibes.

- FROM announces a non-Souls game.

- An indie developer makes a VR simulation of being in the Twin Towers during 9/11 and it makes the national news.

- President Trump announces in his victory speech that he is banning the Vita.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Just like TLOU
Or Uncharted 2. Or anything else released before gaming outlets started ignoring their own review scores. The safe bet is that PS4's popularity and the holiday bundles create strong demand, and it outsells prior installments.
Konami announces remakes of Metal Gear 1 and 2 (the MSX games), farmed out to another studio.
Final Fantasy XV releases in August and it's excellent, but has to compete with Persona 5's release. Will sell a few million but won't be a huge commercial hit.
The Last Guardian will be delayed into 2017.
Nier Automata will be delayed into early 2017.
New Zelda will be crossplatform WiiU and NX.
No Man's Sky will be a game that players get bored with quickly.
Wattam will be cute but small scale and mostly overlooked.
The Division will suck.
Kojima's game will be announced, set in outer space in keeping in theme with his new logo and website design.
Crash Bandicoot reboot announced at E3, temporarily spikes interest in the old games.
All games for the NX will be crossbuy between the handheld and console iterations.
Microsoft will begin using "hours played per user" as its yardstick of success for the Xbox One.
Unreal Engine 4 will continue to gain traction among Japanese developers, adoption rates climb.
Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna's music composer will be a last-minute surprise reveal, will be a big name and used to promote the game.
NX will get a quirky name that fans kneejerk-complain about.
DotEmu's unannounced 2006 AAA title port to iOS / Android is Final Fantasy XII


1. Horizon Zero Dawn will be mediocre

2. Dark Souls 3 lives up to hype

3. Uncharted 4 comes out to critical acclaim. Crazy people attack any reviewer who gives it less than a 8/10 in the review thread. GAF loves it initially but eventually comes to see it as an okay/good game at best.

3. VR will be more expensive than people expect, lots of people say it will fail. It develops a stable core market but doesn't break any sales records.

4. Mirrors Edge Catalyst will exceed expectations


Just making one prediction for now.

Overwatch will be the best new ip in 2016, both critically and commercially.


-Star Fox Zero will get low scores despite the delay. Game will have divided opinions between fans. It will be TW101 situation all over again.

-Wii U continues with game droughts.

-Nintendo will not talk about NX until E3 2016 and it will be very briefly and they will not talk again about it until 2017 wich is when is gonna release... : /

-Miitomo (Nintendo's first app for mobile due to launch on March) is going to be VERY popular and Nintendo will start being relevant to the masses again.

-Same with Pokémon GO!

-Zelda U will get lot's of hate because of a weird gameplay gimmick it will be implemented.

-Yet the game will blown away everyone's mind.

-Uncharted 4 will be awesome

-Final Fantasy XV will be awesome and it will be worth the wait for it and it will release on September.

-The Last Guardian delayed till early 2017


Junior Member
  • The NX Platform will have multiple form factors, one console & at least one handheld (both with an ARM architecture). The NX Console will launch Holiday 2016 in the West while Japan gets the NX Handheld at the same time. Said NX Console will be a bit under the Xbox One, while the NX Handheld will be a bit under the Wii U. Whichever NX device isn't in a region yet will be launched in Spring 2017. The door is left open for an NX Handheld XL later down the line, probably saved for late 2017 or early 2018.
  • The NX Console will be a bit underwhelming in sales, while the NX Handheld is a booming success in Japan. This is concerning the Fall 2016 launch of each NX device in their respective regions.
  • Zelda U will see an NX Platform port as well as a Wii U release.
  • Most western third parties won't bother with the NX Platform.
  • Street Fighter V will begin to take off in the FGC, & Capcom will add another $500k to the Capcom Pro Tour pot post-EVO.
  • Capcom will announce the Wave 2 cast for Street Fighter V's DLC near the end of 2016.
  • Smash 4 & Melee will continue to co-exist at EVO 2016.
  • Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will stick around for EVO 2016
  • Persona 5 will launch Summer 2016 in Japan & Fall 2016 for the rest of the world. It will meet expectations for long time fans, & bring tons of new fans into the series.
  • Final Fantasy XV will exceed expectations.
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake (Episode 1) will cover everything up to Cloud & Co. having to leave Midgar after being framed for killing Shinra. Each episode will have a set exclusivity period for the PS4, & will later see release on PC, the NX Platform, & the Xbox One.
  • Uncharted 4 will end the series on a high note.
  • The 25th Anniversary Sonic game will basically be Sonic Generations 2. The Sonic 3 half of S3&K & Sonic Lost World will see representation in the game. Like Generations 1 before it, the music will be amazing.
  • Virtual Reality won't catch the world on fire early on due to the high barrier of entry (mainly with the price tag). It will however be awesome for those who can afford it.
  • Tekken 7 will be out on consoles near the end of 2016, & will launch on the NX Platform alongside the PS4 & XB1 releases.
  • King of Fighters XIV will exceed expectations, despite its mediocre graphics. That being said, KoFXIV will receive a bit more polishing in the visuals department before release, looking passable in its final form. It will barely be out in time to be at EVO 2016 (just barely).
  • The next 3D Mario & Pikmin 4 will be in the Fall 2016 NX Platform launch window.
  • Smash 4 will see a Complete Edition on the NX Platform, with the NX Console supporting the GameCube Adapter to keep the competitive scene happy. All future tournaments will make the jump to the NX Console for future-proofing purposes.
  • The PS4 will continue to sell like hotcakes.
  • Gravity Rush 2 will be awesome.
  • Bayonetta 3 & Splatoon 2 will be announced for the NX Platform, planned for a 2017 (maybe 2018) launch.
  • Pokémon Z will be the swan song for the 3DS, launching in Fall 2016 (giving it a few months between it & the NX Platform's launch).
  • Pokkén Tournament will be a solid game, but how Local Multiplayer is handled will cause road-blocks for competitive play.
  • Corrin will be upper-mid tier, while Bayonetta will be amongst the top tier (despite her limited knockback potential beyond her smash attacks).
  • Fire Emblem Fates will sell slightly more than Awakening did in the West thanks to positive word-of-mouth & Corrin being in Smash 4. As implied in the previous sentence, it will be well-received by Western critics.
  • Dark Souls 3 will be awesome.
  • Monster Hunter X Ultimate will be announced for the NX Platform, planned for a 2017 release.
  • A new mainline Animal Crossing game will be announced for 2017 on the NX Platform.
  • Star Fox Zero will end up going above the mixed expectations of many. It'll be a damn good game, but nothing mind-blowing.
  • Retro Studios' new project will be a new IP, planned for a 2017 release on the NX Platform.
Actually, let me throw a few more in here:

- Ubisoft announces Watch_Dogs 2 and promises in interviews that they have been taking fan feedback seriously. Game eventually releases and it's exactly the same as the first with some gimmicks thrown on top; it sells 12 million copies in the first six months.

- Final Fantasy XV will come out and, by its release, people will find out that we have seen all of it before release. There are some plot twists here and there, but all the cities, enemies, and areas were shown in ATB or Famitsu. The game sells above FFXIII, at about seven million, with a 80/20 split favoring PS4.

- Nintendo continues to change things in games they feel better fits western sensibilities, and continues to get blamed for things they had no control over that are changed. Eventually, a new movement on twitter arises against this, made up mostly of Gamergaters, that claims to be anti-censorship and harasses anyone who disagrees.

- People will buy Nier Automata, not understand Yoko Taro's writing or directorial style, and suggest they were mislead by Nier fans.


- NX is announced to be released in 2017 with Zelda and 3d Mario. Mario Kart and Metroid are shown.Pikmin 4 is shown. Splatoon is strongly hinted at.
- VR launches to mediocre sales.
- Final Fantasy XV rekeases and is passable, but fans are disappointed at bad design decisions
- capcom actually announces some games.
- Square heavily supports NX.
- Persona 5, Uncharted and Zelda are exceptionally good.
- Ab-zu is fantastic.
- Horizon is good, not great.


You will all hype games for months, buy em day 1 and then proceed to hate it forever

And do it again and again forever

Vr will be great. But you wont like it

For some reason, i dont know

You will all complain about DLC and Season Passes. But you will all keep buying it anyway

Why do you keep doing that is the real mistery


Even if prime 4 is announced, people will still be down on federation force despite it being well recieved

NX won't be out until 2017, zelda u is the holiday 2016 title.

True Fire

NX handheld is released in Fall 2016 in Japan. It's not backwards compatible with 3DS or DS games and only has one screen.

It launches with a new 3D Mario game, Dragon Quest XI HD, and some sort of surprise port from Capcom.

ATLUS will probably release something for it by the end of the year. Devil Survivor 3? Etrian Odyssey V?
1. Torment:tides of Numenera and divinity original sin 2 will be delayed to 2017
2. MN9 will suck
3. The NX will be announced, it will be underpowered and will come with some stupid useless gimick that will make its price higher than it should be, and will have no third party support whatsoever
4. Persona 5 will be garbage like 3&4
A couple more.

-Zelda U will be Wii U exclusive with a smaller game in the series released a year or two after for the NX.

-Pokemon Z with Super Saiyan Pikachu will happen mark my words.

-Yooka Laylee will be the indie hit of 2016

-Mario Maker 3DS announced

-Scalebound will be underwhelming.
Not in the year of Mass effect, no.

Come at him, Drake will be ready.

I was obviously talking about 2

  • No Man's Sky is exactly as promised and demonstrated and most of GAF/the internet has a shit fit over how boring and bad it is because they hyped themselves up for a game that never existed and was never marketed.
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided completely forgoes refined character builds for a more accessible experience and modernised experience wherein the player can more-or-less do anything.
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda is pushed into March 2017.
  • Uncharted 4 fails to find a balance between humorous adventure and The Last of Us-style bleak human drama which further highlights Nathan Drake's psychopathy and ludonarrative dissonance. Game ends with you escaping a collapsing lost village/temple.
  • Zelda Wii U/NX is a weak open world game filled with repetitive collect-em-all / find-the-thing grind quests and a bolted on crafting system nobody asked for. Like a weird Japanesey Ubisoft game.
  • Unravel ends with the old lady dying and/or deteriorating memory while sad string music plays for maximum emotionally manipulative impact.
  • Nier: Automata is a budget restrictive character action game that, while good, is almost totally devoid of open adventure, questing, and role playing that the original had. Fans complain.
  • Final Fantasy XV sucks.
  • The Last Guardian actually releases, and is painfully obviously a last generation game that was stuck in development hell, and doesn't feel truly finished, well rounded, or true to a singular vision. Littered with half baked, undercooked game concepts and puzzles.
  • Super Mario NX is open world and kinda shitty compared to Galaxy 2 and 3D Land.
  • Dishonored 2 nowhere to be seen.
  • Mirror's Edge 2 has some disastrous issue that fans are pissy about.
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn is pretty much exactly like Zelda U; interesting game systems stretched too thinly and repetitively over a bland open world. Erratic framerate and bugs galore.
  • Quantum Break is secretly Alan Wake 2 in an abstract method of storytelling via an interactive medium.
  • Doom is...okay. But clearly rushed.
  • Gears of War 4 is plenty fun but the fanbase has long abandoned the series and it doesn't sell anywhere near as well as Microsoft hope.
  • Most of GAF hates Scalebound. Sells like arse.
  • Most of GAF complains Yooka-Laylee plays too much like an old 90s collect-a-thon 3D adventure game.
  • Far Cry: Primal is exactly what you expect and indistinguishable, outside of aesthetic, from the other Far Crys.
  • Cuphead is style over substance and play, exactly like Limbo.
  • Gravity Rush 2 is awesome but nobody buys it.
  • Halo Wars 2 somehow winds up the best Halo in years.
  • Ni-Oh is a poor man's Dark Souls that's kinda okay but clearly cobbled together to bank on the Souls formula hype and not a particularly coherent or well balanced vision.
  • Shadow Warrior 2 is one of the best games of the year. We get more Wang.

Gee,I wish I could be as optimistic as you are
U4 will be glorious and blow ROTR away like it did at E3 showing why Struckmann are the best.

NX -- I have no idea! Console Portable hybrid but can't predict its sales.

VR will be very popular and 299 or less.

Some AAA titles will be released on PS+.

TLG will be emotional, fantastic, extremely memorable, griping, powerful and 8 hours long.

From announces some weird shit and people go nuts.

GOTY is either U4 or Zelda.

Horizon is delayed to Jan-Mar 17.

P5 Makes it to 2016 worldwide!

God of War 4 is a no show at E3! Shows up at PSX or another show.

MS does something stupid again.

GT Sport beta releases in June around E3 and is great, no GT release date in sight.

A new Marvel/DC action game is announced. Sucks balls.

JRPGS take over the world.


  • Playstation 4 continues to lead, with Xbox One closing in slowly.
  • NX will be properly shown. People complain, because why not?
  • NX will get strong support from Japanese devs like the PS4. Handheld component will sell very well in Japan.
  • Spla2n will be an NX launch title, or close to it.
  • Mario NX will basically be Super Mario 64-2.
  • Zelda U will also release on the NX, "now u rike skyward sword!"
  • Final Fantasy XV will be a love/hate game. It will score well with critics but suffer criticism from the fanbase.
  • Horizon Zero Dawn will launch early 2017. Decent game.
  • Crash will return.
  • Devil May Cry 5 will be announced during E3.
  • Ni No Kuni II will release in 2017. Better than the first in every way.
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV Final will be better than it's predecessor but review worse.
  • Persona 5 will contend for GOTY and be pushed aside much like Bayonetta 2 in favor of Open World 45-2 The Opening.
  • Fire Emblem and Megaten fans will be disappointed in Genei Ibonruku #FE. Not terrible but it will lack a decent story.
  • Uncharted 4 will be a good game, better than Uncharted 3, worse than Uncharted 2.
  • Gravity Rush 2 will be awesome but flops commercially.
  • Scalebound will be awesome but flops even worse.
  • Dark Souls III will be Dark Souls. Improves over Dark Souls II.
  • Nier Automata will be awesome, but flop, not as bad as Scalebound though.
  • Valkyria Azure Revolution will be decent, but not as good as Chronicles.
  • DOOM will be a huge success.
  • Just kidding Crash will not return.


The NX will be the Wii 2 that we always wanted, hottest thing to buy. Long lines and full on crazy people trying to get the first ever hybrid console/handheld from Nintendo
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