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Predict: 2016 in Gaming

-Final Fantasy 15 will be a big disappointment, world of FF will be the better game. In my eyes it is, come fight me
-Naughty Dog is gonna sweep up all the awards again. Not really known yet goty season still has to really start,
-Uncharted 4 will do better then Halo 5 in WW sales. Dont have the numbers sadly
-Keji Inafune does another kickstarter and its even shadier then previous ones. Nope
-No Kojima at E3 Nope we got Kojima and he announced a game
-Sony announces partnership with another big time developer. Well they announced they were partnering with Marvel,Insomniac and Kojima
-Crash is coming back developed by a small group of Naughty Dog veterans and Mark Cerny. I was wrong about the developer but we are getting 3 remakemasters
-NX will turn out to be a regular console no hybrid. Nope
-Steam customer service continues to suck. Low hanging fruit
-Persona 5 will be the highest rated jrpg of the year followed by project Setsuna. Nope 2017:(
-Konami continues to suck. Low hanging fruit
-God of War:reboot finally gets announced new protagonist set in egyptian mythos. Nope still Kratos but with a kid.
-Horizon Zero Dawn gets delayed. :( man i wish i was wrong on this one :(
-WiiU edition of the new Zelda gets cancelled. Not yet ;)

Not really that good with the predictions maybe next year.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Here's my 2016 predictions -

1A. PlayStation VR gets a $300 price tag, September 2016 release date and launch games announcement at E3 2016
E3 2016 will be the best time to announce all of the above as it would create hype and a lot more interest especially with it only being three months away from E3 2016.

1B. No Man's Sky gets delayed until September 2016 at E3 2016
Reason for the delay is so the game can be launched on the same day as PlayStation VR and will be Sony's biggest title for it's launch as the game will now be compatible.

1C. PlayStation VR will be a huge flop
It will be awesome and cool in the beginning but once the novelty wares off, it will be just another peripheral that does more damage to the brand that it's associated with. Add in the fact that "must buy" games will be few and far between which in turn makes the PlayStation VR anything but a "must buy". With that said, I do think that the technology and capabilities will be outstanding but at the end of the day, there's a reason why millions upon millions of gamers still buy consoles - it's because that's how they want to play games.

2. Nintendo will debut NX at E3 2016
Will launch in March 2017 for $300 and except for the hardcore fans, will be dead on arrival as it will still be underpowered compared to PS4 and Xbox One, third parties won't care and it for the third time in a row, will be a gimmick based console.

3. Konami will at some point during 2016 sell of their IP's to various publishers and license out the Fox Engine
Not sure which publishers will buy which IP's but in no way, shape or form does Konami sell off MGS to Sony for obvious reasons. Konami will also license out the Fox Engine which will allow Konami to earn money while getting out of the console gaming business.

4. Uncharted 4 will once again be delayed, this time to May 9th, 2016
Reason for the delay is simple - Sony and Insomniac Games come to an agreement for Insomniac Games to release an exclusive new IP for PS4. One of the terms is that Uncharted 4 has to be delayed at least four weeks to May 9th in order to not take any potential sales away from the remake of Ratchet and Clank.

5. Tom Clancy's The Division will be one of the better games of the year
After a few delays and a long development process, The Division will surprise a lot of gamers with how good it actually is. More importantly, it will actually be addictive and a lot of fun to play.

6. Sony will announce at E3 2016 that they acquired Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider IP from Square Enix
This is done for several reasons. First being that Square Enix was going to shutdown Crystal Dynamics once they finish the third and final game in the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy. Second, Sony seeing an excellent opportunity to purchase a solid underrated developer and an IP that quite simply is underused and underappreciated at Square Enix for a cheaper than you would think price which in turn, allows them to make the finale a full PlayStation 4 exclusive to release in March 2018. Third, with Uncharted finished, Sony sees the finale of Tomb Raider as an "Uncharted" type game which fills a void to an extent. Fourth, this allows Sony to brag that PS4 is the only console where you can play all three games in the Tomb Raider trilogy. Fifth, Sony markets Rise of the Tomb Raider Complete Edition as their big Holiday 2016 release title due to other games being delayed to 2017.

7. Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Last Guardian get delayed to 2017
By E3 2016, Sony is aware that neither game is going to make their Fall 2016 release dates so they acquire Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider IP from Square Enix (see above) and push it as their big holiday 2016 title. Amazingly but not surprisingly or shockingly, Rise of the Tomb Raider Complete Edition charts number one for it's release month for several reasons, main two being, it's seen as a PlayStation franchise and it's actually an excellent game that's worth buying and playing.

8. Xbox One surpasses PlayStation 4 in sales in NA after dominating October, November and December NPD's
Reason being Microsoft's far superior holiday exclusives lineup in 2016, a $200 core bundle and due to Sony having to delay both Horizon and The Last Guardian to 2017.

9. Rockstar starts Sony's press conference at E3 2016
Reason being to show PS4 exclusive - Agent.

10. Square Enix kills the Final Fantasy and the Hitman franchises
Reason being that FF XV isn't good at all and the Remake turns into a total and complete clusterfuck. Hitman basically dies because of it's beyond horrible launch setup which turns out to be a shame as the game itself when 100% finished, is actually pretty damn good.

Those are my "out there" predictions. I don't really see the majority of them happening but what the hell, it's predictions.

1A. Well, it launched at $400 and a month later. 0 for 1.
1B. Launched in August and still, no PSVR support. 0 for 2.
1C. This can go either way but I think that it's more of a flop than a success considering that Sony lowered their sales forecast from 2.5m units to 750K between launch and December 31st, 2016. I'm going to give this one to me. Hehehe. 1 for 3.

2. Wasn't shown at E3 but is expected to launch in March 2017 for $300 or less. Is in fact yet another gimmick based console that appears to be underpowered. Yeah, I was off with it not being shown at E3 but everything else seems to be thus far, true. I'm giving this one to me as well. 2 for 4.

3. Not even close with this one even though im surprised that Konami doesn't at the very least license out their Fox Engine to other developers. 2 for 5.

4. I screwed up the date and posted May 9th but it was supposed to be May 10th and I forgot to edit the damn thing. Oh well. I know I meant May 10th and I was right. 3 for 6.

5. Started slowly ala Destiny but has slowing but surely been picking up steam. I look for the momentum to continue in 2017. Love The Division and I don't even play online. 4 for 7.

6. Way off sadly. Oh well. 4 for 8.

7. I was 50/50 on this one. TLG made 2016 but Horizon didn't. I'll give myself a half a point. LOL. 4.5 for 9.

8. I was off with this one. 4.5 for 10.

9. Not even close. 4.5 for 11.

10. FFXV looks to be hit or miss and while Hitman's setup is bad in my opinion, the game is said to be real good so what the hell, im giving myself a half a point. 5 for 12.

Not too bad all things considered. About 50% accuracy. Some of my predictions were way out there. LOL.


So if you're reading this, congratulations you almost made it through 2015 unscathed. It's been a great year when all is said and done. Hoverboards are gaining popularity, Jaws 19 finally came out after months of hype, and anti-gravity is being used to cure back injuries. And of course the games, from Bloodborne, to Rise of the Tomb Raider from Super Mario Maker to Undertale 2015 has been a remarkable year for games both big and small.

1. No Man's Sky lives up to the hype.

Well let's see now...

- No Man's Sky will be both good and disapointing

Well then, it sure was one of those things.

- Horizon: Zero Dawn gets delayed


- The Division will end up a disapointment

Yep, trusted Ubisoft to do their thing! Disclaimer: I didn't end up buying it so I don't have a real opinion, but I suppose majority viewed it as disappointing?

- VR will be great, but it will not be huge outside the enthusiasts yet

Debatable I suppose? Counting as correct if nobody objects..?

- Final Fantasy XV will be a phenomenom like VII was

Not quite there?

- Final Fantasy VII remake episode 1 will come out and will have an hour or so of gameplay

-NX revealed in May, released in Nov (Revealed in Oct -_-)
-Crash reveal at E3 2016 (I sense a Spiderman/disney like deal between Sony and Activision) Nice! and we got a Spider-Man game sweet
-PSVR out in Nov at $299 and a $399 bundle (reactions Will be mixed) Just $100 shy from each one. Reactions have been positive a far as I can tell.

2016 Game of the Year nominees will be
-Uncharted 4 (overall winner) (Too early to tell, but it has the lead for now)
-No man's sky (LMAO)
-Dishonored 2 (So-so)
-Persona 5 (T_T)
-The Last Guardian (This year's BB, it's gonna get robbed)
Not to bad. I felt for the NMS/NX hype.


2. Wasn't shown at E3 but is expected to launch in March 2017 for $300 or less. Is in fact yet another gimmick based console that appears to be underpowered. Yeah, I was off with it not being shown at E3 but everything else seems to be thus far, true. I'm giving this one to me as well. 2 for 4.

This gave quite the laugh. Some of those points you "gave yourself" were almost as far off as some of the predictions!
1A. Well, it launched at $400 and a month later. 0 for 1.
1B. Launched in August and still, no PSVR support. 0 for 2.
1C. This can go either way but I think that it's more of a flop than a success considering that Sony lowered their sales forecast from 2.5m units to 750K between launch and December 31st, 2016. I'm going to give this one to me. Hehehe. 1 for 3.

2. Wasn't shown at E3 but is expected to launch in March 2017 for $300 or less. Is in fact yet another gimmick based console that appears to be underpowered. Yeah, I was off with it not being shown at E3 but everything else seems to be thus far, true. I'm giving this one to me as well. 2 for 4.

3. Not even close with this one even though im surprised that Konami doesn't at the very least license out their Fox Engine to other developers. 2 for 5.

4. I screwed up the date and posted May 9th but it was supposed to be May 10th and I forgot to edit the damn thing. Oh well. I know I meant May 10th and I was right. 3 for 6.

5. Started slowly ala Destiny but has slowing but surely been picking up steam. I look for the momentum to continue in 2017. Love The Division and I don't even play online. 4 for 7.

6. Way off sadly. Oh well. 4 for 8.

7. I was 50/50 on this one. TLG made 2016 but Horizon didn't. I'll give myself a half a point. LOL. 4.5 for 9.

8. I was off with this one. 4.5 for 10.

9. Not even close. 4.5 for 11.

10. FFXV looks to be hit or miss and while Hitman's setup is bad in my opinion, the game is said to be real good so what the hell, im giving myself a half a point. 5 for 12.

Not too bad all things considered. About 50% accuracy. Some of my predictions were way out there. LOL.

LOL! That's some hilarious scoring. You got the Uncharted 4 and Horizon delays right and I'll give you The Division, even though its reception was nowhere near "one of the best games of the year!"

Real score: 2.5 out of 12

I forgot I even posted in this thread but here's mine:
lol. Good luck with that prediction.

Edit: Ah crap, top of the page. I'll add some more predictions then.

New game announcements:
- Soul Calibur VI
- Devil May Cry 5
- Resident Evil 7
- FFX/X-2 HD for PC
- FFXII HD for PS4/Vita
- Sunset Overdrive 2
- God of War 4
- Bloodborne 2
- Red Dead 3

4.5 out of 9

Not bad but not great either. I was sure Microsoft would secure a SSO sequel if only to help fill out their lineup but nope, Insomniac are off making Spider-Man for Sony.


Persona 5 is going to release and meet its impossibly high expectations

VR is gonna have mixed but more negative reception, but it'll end up being like the opposite of motion controls and 3D where more people will accept it over time as the prices get cheaper.

NX is going to be huge. It'll absolutely dominate the year here on GAF with speculation and people talking about it up to the launch. Zelda NX will be Nintendo's first legit GotY contender (as in, press GotY awards) in a long time.

And, completely random guess, at least one PS4/X1 total exclusive (not console exclusive or timed exclusive) will be a disappointing disaster.

First one kind of.....it released in Japan and not US but I seemed to be right with meeting expectations?

VR I don't seem too off about, Idk why I made this one when we won't really know until years later if more people accept it over time. I wouldn't be surprised if this happens though, where it gets more popular with the improved generations of VR. I also wouldn't be surprised if it does totally turn out to be a gimmick that no one cares about or remembers fondly in two years though.

NX I was straight-up wrong about I guess? There was a lot of speculation but it mostly took place in NintendoGAF's own kind of bubble for the most part, or at least that's what it seemed like. It didn't dominate shit, I remember when I wrote this I meant that it would be the number 1 most important thing industry-wide and it would release this year (even if I didn't explicitly say it), and none of that happened.

The last one.....ah no. I would have been spot-on if I specified console-exclusive instead of not console exclusive because of No Man's Sky. I don't think any actual exclusives were a disaster, though there were just so few this year it seemed like.

Oh, I made another post!

I guess some more on my end, since I don't feel like editing my first post:

-Horizon won't make 2016. It'll be delayed to 2017. Also when it releases in 2017 its reception will be lukewarm.
-Mass Effect: Andromeda will be disappointing, though some people will still like it more than ME3.
-Uncharted 4 will meet expectations and be the biggest GotY contender.
-Pokemon 20th anniversary will be kind of a bust. Pokken won't be all that well received within the Tekken community and it'll be one of those games that gets lost in the shuffle of other fighting games. Pokemon Z will be a great game at its core but Game Freak will fuck up something about the postgame. Everything else is mostly forgettable, like VC releases of the original games. Nintendo will still treat it as one of the biggest parts of the year.
-the Last Guardian will have a November release date announced but then get delayed to early next year, sort of similar to Uncharted.
-Valve won't publish any new releases or announce anything that isn't related to Steam.
-Sony has by far the weakest E3 of the year. Nintendo has a huge NX blowout, Microsoft basically tries to one-up what Sony did last year and basically showcases the next three years of major X1 first-party titles as well as a revival of a beloved franchise. Sony's conference will have lots of good and memorable trailers but few actual announcements.
-Final Fantasy XV won't get released, but FF7 Remake Episode 1 will. Reception will be fairly negative, people will like the core game but the game won't have enough content. Comparisons will be drawn to Ground Zeroes even though the two won't really be comparable. FF15 will manage to get people excited again though.
-Dragon Quest XI will be amazing but its US release will be botched. It'll go unadvertised and get lost in the shuffle of the Holiday releases.

-Horizon got delayed....so yep.

-Uncharted 4 kind of met expectations? This one is subjective, I didn't play it myself. I don't think it's the biggest GotY contender although it did garner the best reviews this year. Its general consensus seemed to drop considerably a few weeks after release for some reason and Overwatch seems like the GotY frontrunner. I'd say I got it more wrong than right, though the game itself turned out to be more or less what I expected it to be from what I can tell.

-Pokemon was a miss. A huge miss. I couldn't have gotten it wronger. This was the biggest year for Pokemon in years. Pokemon Go was arguably the biggest thing in gaming all year, certainly the biggest thing in mobile gaming, Pokemon Z wasn't a thing, Sun and Moon were huge and fantastic games. Pokken did kind of get lost in the shuffle, but that doesn't really count for much (sidenote: I like Pokken).

-the Last Guardian didn't get delayed! Kind of surprised with this one myself even after it happened actually. Didn't play it but it seemed to turn out fine, definitely wouldn't have expected that.

-Valve didn't publish anything. Completely correct but this one seems like kind of a freebie the more and more time passes. It probably was when I wrote it honestly but it just seems even more obvious in retrospect.

-God, I can't remember much about Sony or Microsoft's E3. It was alright. Maybe the best IMO but I could see a decent argument about it also being the worst of the three. This should count as wrong just because of how off I was about Nintendo's E3.

-Completely wrong about FF15. This one seems dumb in retrospect but it made sense at the time just because for years FF15 felt like something that was never going to come out, and the FF7 episodic thing could have meant a short development time for that.

-IDK why I thought DQ11 was going to come out in the US this year. I don't think I thought about that. I don't think I was even thinking of this as a 2016 prediction, just a general gaming future prediction. I still think it'll probably go unadvertised I guess.


Well shit here we go:

Judging by how my 2015 Predictions went this should be fun.

In PS4/Xbone/PC Corner:

1. Uncharted 4 takes GOTY from most media outlets. GAF and most others will see it as great but not as good as 2 or TLOU (because the two are obviously very comparable). 92 MC Score. Seems to be pretty on point. Overwatch may be in the lead for now but U4 will take many more. The GAF consensus is it isn't as good as these two games but some here have even said it's worse than 1 & 3 (which I don't agree with). Was one point off for the metascore but I'm giving this one to me as "right"

2. Deus Ex Mankind Divided will be the dark horse candidate for GOTY. Will be a great game that genuinely improves upon an already great predecessor. Won't win too many GOTY awards in the end but it'll make a lot of lists. That or it'll release broken. Hopefully the former. 91 MC It came and went without much attention and scored well enough but pretty average for most big titles. I don't even see it making many lists. Well at least it isn't broken. Marking it down as "wrong"

3. Gears 4 will release in October as Microsoft's big Holiday Game. It'll be pretty similar to Halo 5: Multiplayer is a step in the right direction, campaign is a bit of a let down and worse than the original trilogy, and the mutiplayer will probably be lacking content in the first few months. Knowing this gen, it may not even launch with Horde. Hopefully I'm wrong with that part. Overall, the Gears fanbase has for the most part moved on so it won't be the success that MS hopes it'll be. Everything seems to be the case except for the part about lacking Horde. I think Gears fans agree that the campaign isn't as good as 1-3 but not necessarily a let down. Multiplayer is pretty good and not really lacking in content so I'll give this one a "half right"

4. Rockstar will come out of its hole and announce something. After the latest discovery online, I think we'll see some GTAV single player DLC by the end of the year.

Red Dead Revengeance will finally be announced as well. While I don't expect it until 2017, there may be a chance R* pulls a Bethesda and releases it by the end of the year, this would happen if they don't do any GTAV DLC. If this is the case, it will sweep every GOTY award. Didn't get the DLC and RDR2 didn't release this year but it was announced and I kinda predicted two dates here that negate each other so another "half-right"

5. Half Life 3 will still not be announced Obviously

6. AGENT will still be MIA but not confirmed cancelled As is tradition

7. Crash Bandicoot will be unveiled by Sony at E3. Shawn Layden's shirt has me convinced. It won't be developed by Naughty Dog though which will lead to GAF complaints. Yeah and it also wasn't a new game but a series of remasters. "Right"

8. Dark Souls 3 will be dank af but not the best in the series. Souls fatigue will begin to become a thing and prevent it from getting the credit it deserves. Will be completely overlooked in the end of the year awards. 87 MC 100% spot on. It will certainly finish in my top 3 games this year and one of my favorites this gen but fatigue is setting in from annual releases and this game is getting overlooked. "Right"

9. Recore will release in August or something and not be the game anybody is expecting at all. It'll retail for around $40 and be greeted with skepticism at first but will end up finding its way onto end of the year lists. September release and no end of the year lists but it wasn't what anyone expected and did release as a budget title. "Half-Right"

10. Next CoD will be a sequel to Ghosts, though it may not have the Ghosts branding given the horrible reception of that entry, despite the high sales. It will surprise many by having the best campaign the series has seen in years, thanks to all the new talent IW brought in since Ghosts. Multiplayer will be much better received than Ghosts and tone down on all the future stuff. IW will be seen as a good developer again. Lol wrong. Completely wrong.

11. Battefield 5 will be futuristic Battlefield, though not with Titanfall jumping and wall running. GAF will be pissed that it isn't Bad Company 3. It'll work just fine at release. Campaign will be mediocre at best. Wrong about everything. Campaign part is debatable from what I've heard.

12. Destiny 2 will be announced by the end of March and released in September. It'll feature some of the content we initially thought would be in 1 like New Chicago, Mercury, Europa, and Saturn. It'll obviously be a better game than 1 but it won't have many improvements from The Taken King. It'll just be more Destiny and you can import your Guardian from the previous game. I'm moving this prediction to 2017. I'm just counting this one as delayed.

13. Ubisoft will push Assassin's Creed hard next year. The new one will be set in Japan and released in November. It'll be among the better releases of the series. They will also release a remastered Ezio Collection to coincide with the movie. The Division will bomb but won't get bad reviews. The community will be very small by the end of the year and many will forget about the game entirely. Primal will be ok but will also end up completely forgotten by the end of the year. Wrong on the first part but counting myself as right for the rest. I don't think Division bombed though. "Half-Right"

14. Watch Dogs 2 is announced for a 2017 release. New protagonist and new city. Ubi promises that it'll be much better than its predecessor by working more on the graphics than anything else. Right about everything but the first part. The 2016 release was a surprise.

15. Final Fantasy XV will release in either June or September. The media will love it but GAF will be underwhelmed. Was initially scheduled for September. Not sure what to make of the reception though. GAF seems very divisive and the media gave it reviews on average with most other big games now (84 MC)

Delays: Horizon to March 2017, Mass Effect Andromeda to March 2017, Either Halo Wars 2 or Scalebound to Spring 2017, Crackdown to 2017 (maybe fall), The Last Guardian to 2017 (lol), Dishonored 2 to 2017

Right about all delays except for the last two. Release windows seem pretty spot on

In the Nintendo Corner:

1. The new Zelda will be the MGSV of 2016. Critics will praise the open world yet fans of the franchise will hate it. In a sense, it'll be ALBW but with a much bigger world. People will complain that the world is empty despite looking nice. Will release on both Wii U and NX. Like all Nintendo games after Galaxy 1 it won't win many GOTY awards. I'm delaying this prediction by one year because I still see this being the case

2. NX will release the weekend before Thanksgiving. It'll be some sort of console/handheld hybrid and the main controller may not even have buttons. Sales will be the usual for a new console launch (but not surpass PS4 or even Xbone). System will be less powerful than the Xbone. Wrong about the release date but right about the type of console and power. Not sure where I got the no buttons thing but that seemed like a passing thought and not a real prediction

3. Pikmin 4 will release at launch of the system We still don't know

4. Nintendo will embrace the Remaster trend once they realize their games won't be ready when they want them to be and 3rd parties continue to shove them to the side despite supporting them in the first month. Smash 4 Ultimate Edition and Xenoblade Chronicles X will be among them. The system will probably have Backwards Compatibility yet the remasters will be pushed. I don't think there's any BC but they are pushing remasters. Smash 4 is confirmed along with MK8 and XCX is probable

5. A new 3D Mario will be announced for 2017 Not officially but we know it's coming

6. Metroid Prime 4 will be teased for a release some time before the end of the world We'll see
It seems like the only things I got wrong were about annual releases. Just goes to show how even series that release yearly can have drastic differences from year to year or just have a different game replace it like WD2 did.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Well, I didn't do too badly. Love these threads.

The NX will be unveiled before E3, in the first half of 2016. Wishful thinking, lol.

Nintendo's E3 will once again avoid a live conference, and people will call it lacking compared to Sony's / Microsoft's. (Nintendo's proved time and time again they don't see E3 as "Gamer's Christmas" and couldn't care less about "winning" it.) Pretty much right, except they didn't have a conference at all.

The Nintendo World Championships will return. Nope

Those people that want the NX to be "gimmick-free" with traditional controls will be disappointed. As will those that want the NX to be a powerhouse. Dead right on this.

The NX won't be backwards compatible. Seems to be the case.

Zelda will turn out to be a Wii U exclusive. It won't get a NX port. lol

Metroid Fed Force will turn out to be a good game, but internet reaction will be mixed. It will sell poorly due to the bad first impression. (Some people will try to make it seem worse than it actually is because it isn't a traditional Metroid - just like Other M.) yep. Despite the hate it gets, I really had fun with it.

The Witness, No Man's Sky, Ratchet and Clank, Last Guardian (if it releases), Starfox, Project Guard and Project Giant Robot will all underwhelm and won't live up to the hype. Partially right on this. I'm pleasantly surprised by The witness and TLG.

VR will be niche and the press will be filled with multiple horror stories of people tripping over, eye damage, being unaware of their surroundings... This will stop any chance of it becoming mainstream. Partially right.

As for me, by the end of the year, I hope to own at least one new console. (PS4 / NX.) I got a gaming PC instead
-God, I can't remember much about Sony or Microsoft's E3. It was alright. Maybe the best IMO but I could see a decent argument about it also being the worst of the three. This should count as wrong just because of how off I was about Nintendo's E3.

Sony's E3 was pretty awesome. The orchestra really added a lot of flare, plus the announcements of God of War, Spider-Man and Days Gone, the announcement of the Crash remake, Kojima appearing and announcing his new game Death Stranding, more Horizon, a full trailer for Detroit: Become Human, and a beautiful Last Guardian trailer.

And it just felt very fun. Game after game after game with an orchestra? Cool.
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