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Predict: 2016 in Gaming

  • Playstation 4 continues to lead, with Xbox One closing in slowly.

lol. Good luck with that prediction.

Edit: Ah crap, top of the page. I'll add some more predictions then.

New game announcements:
- Soul Calibur VI
- Devil May Cry 5
- Resident Evil 7
- FFX/X-2 HD for PC
- FFXII HD for PS4/Vita
- Sunset Overdrive 2
- God of War 4
- Bloodborne 2
- Red Dead 3

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Here's my 2016 predictions -

1A. PlayStation VR gets a $300 price tag, September 2016 release date and launch games announcement at E3 2016
E3 2016 will be the best time to announce all of the above as it would create hype and a lot more interest especially with it only being three months away from E3 2016.

1B. No Man's Sky gets delayed until September 2016 at E3 2016
Reason for the delay is so the game can be launched on the same day as PlayStation VR and will be Sony's biggest title for it's launch as the game will now be compatible.

1C. PlayStation VR will be a huge flop
It will be awesome and cool in the beginning but once the novelty wares off, it will be just another peripheral that does more damage to the brand that it's associated with. Add in the fact that "must buy" games will be few and far between which in turn makes the PlayStation VR anything but a "must buy". With that said, I do think that the technology and capabilities will be outstanding but at the end of the day, there's a reason why millions upon millions of gamers still buy consoles - it's because that's how they want to play games.

2. Nintendo will debut NX at E3 2016
Will launch in March 2017 for $300 and except for the hardcore fans, will be dead on arrival as it will still be underpowered compared to PS4 and Xbox One, third parties won't care and it for the third time in a row, will be a gimmick based console.

3. Konami will at some point during 2016 sell of their IP's to various publishers and license out the Fox Engine
Not sure which publishers will buy which IP's but in no way, shape or form does Konami sell off MGS to Sony for obvious reasons. Konami will also license out the Fox Engine which will allow Konami to earn money while getting out of the console gaming business.

4. Uncharted 4 will once again be delayed, this time to May 9th, 2016
Reason for the delay is simple - Sony and Insomniac Games come to an agreement for Insomniac Games to release an exclusive new IP for PS4. One of the terms is that Uncharted 4 has to be delayed at least four weeks to May 9th in order to not take any potential sales away from the remake of Ratchet and Clank.

5. Tom Clancy's The Division will be one of the better games of the year
After a few delays and a long development process, The Division will surprise a lot of gamers with how good it actually is. More importantly, it will actually be addictive and a lot of fun to play.

6. Sony will announce at E3 2016 that they acquired Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider IP from Square Enix
This is done for several reasons. First being that Square Enix was going to shutdown Crystal Dynamics once they finish the third and final game in the Tomb Raider reboot trilogy. Second, Sony seeing an excellent opportunity to purchase a solid underrated developer and an IP that quite simply is underused and underappreciated at Square Enix for a cheaper than you would think price which in turn, allows them to make the finale a full PlayStation 4 exclusive to release in March 2018. Third, with Uncharted finished, Sony sees the finale of Tomb Raider as an "Uncharted" type game which fills a void to an extent. Fourth, this allows Sony to brag that PS4 is the only console where you can play all three games in the Tomb Raider trilogy. Fifth, Sony markets Rise of the Tomb Raider Complete Edition as their big Holiday 2016 release title due to other games being delayed to 2017.

7. Horizon: Zero Dawn and The Last Guardian get delayed to 2017
By E3 2016, Sony is aware that neither game is going to make their Fall 2016 release dates so they acquire Crystal Dynamics and the Tomb Raider IP from Square Enix (see above) and push it as their big holiday 2016 title. Amazingly but not surprisingly or shockingly, Rise of the Tomb Raider Complete Edition charts number one for it's release month for several reasons, main two being, it's seen as a PlayStation franchise and it's actually an excellent game that's worth buying and playing.

8. Xbox One surpasses PlayStation 4 in sales in NA after dominating October, November and December NPD's
Reason being Microsoft's far superior holiday exclusives lineup in 2016, a $200 core bundle and due to Sony having to delay both Horizon and The Last Guardian to 2017.

9. Rockstar starts Sony's press conference at E3 2016
Reason being to show PS4 exclusive - Agent.

10. Square Enix kills the Final Fantasy and the Hitman franchises
Reason being that FF XV isn't good at all and the Remake turns into a total and complete clusterfuck. Hitman basically dies because of it's beyond horrible launch setup which turns out to be a shame as the game itself when 100% finished, is actually pretty damn good.

Those are my "out there" predictions. I don't really see the majority of them happening but what the hell, it's predictions.
1. Zelda releases, makes grown men cry.
2. TLG releases, makes grown men cry
3. XB1 global sales leaked, worse than expected, makes grown men cry.
4. Nier: Automata gets delayed to 2017, makes grown men cry.


- VR will never be a hit on the mainstream audience.

- No Man's Sky won't live up to the hype.

- The Division will be an average game.

- Horizon is going to be a really good PS4 title.

- Dishonored 2 will be what people expected.

- SFV is gonna be good and people will start finding out the depth in it.

- Injustice 2 is announced :D
From will fuck up Dark Souls III PVP. Just like with Bloodborne, they will make some incredibly stupid systems that make the PVP a big step down from Dark Souls II. I have a feeling they're going to make it so that, except for some.specific PVP areas, they're going to make it so you can only be invaded while in co-op.

Final Fantasy VII Remake Part I releases. It takes place in Midgar only, and severely disappoints fans by toning down Honeybee Inn too much. The crossdressing will be glorious though.

Playstation Plus will continue to be great by not wasting space on Western AAA games and Knack. Gaffers will continue to be pissed, but still pay up for the multiplayer.
3. Konami will at some point during 2016 sell of their IP's to various publishers and license out the Fox Engine
Not sure which publishers will buy which IP's but in no way, shape or form does Konami sell off MGS to Sony for obvious reasons. Konami will also license out the Fox Engine which will allow Konami to earn money while getting out of the console gaming business.

Gonna disagree with this one. Unless Konami is suddenly in financial desperation, it will probably benefit them more to keep their well-known IPs and just hire other studios to make games for them. See this thread for related discussion re: Crash Bandicoot.

And as much of a joke as it is on the internet, they probably want to keep their characters so they can slap them on pachinko machines.

EDIT: I should have read the rest of your crazy predictions before I started nitpicking lol. I'll just say that Square Enix is not going to relinquish Tomb Raider and they're not going to stop making Final Fantasy.
- PSVR turns out the be the next big thing
- Zelda WiiU is a NX launch title, and looks exactly the same as on WiiU
- TLG postponed
- Gran Turismo Sports doesn`t sound like a race between an angry mob of vacuum cleaners anymore
- Half-Life 3 announcement
- 50 million PS4 shipped. Before November.
- XBOX 360 and PS3 retire (so does WiiU)
- Uncharted 4 wins 200+ GOTY awards, rest goes to South Park - The fractured but whole


Gold Member
PSVR - Will be a slow burn til GT arrives
PS4 sales - 60M
Horzion Zero Dawn - pushed to 2017
Detroit - Will be David's best game (ever)
No Man's Sky - Will find itself in a love/hate relationship
Last Guardian - Will receive lots of story praise, mechanics not so much
Uncharted 4 - Successful but still heading for retirement... for now
Crash Bandicoot - E3 announcement
GoW4 - Announced for March 2017

Bitch Pudding said:
rest goes to South Park - The fractured but whole

Forgot all about this game, will be there day 1.


Retail chains will start not stocking games, margins are too small and many games need deep discounts to move. Also digital sales will continue to grow and overtake physical sales.


SFV will boost the fighting game community, attract many new players

Persona 5 will be GOTY 2016

FFXV will begin it's marketing campaing in March, winning back many who lost hope in the project, and will be an amazingly solid game when it releases in September. Will sell a lot, but sadly won't reach VII levels of fame

Horizon and Nier Automata delayed to 2017

Quantum Break is a solid game, but will underperform

The Last Guadian will be praised by the web and the critics, but the mass will hardly care about it

NnKII, DQXI, KHIII and FFVIIR-1 will release in 2017


1. vita, 3ds, and wii u essentially all have their final bow.
2. pokemon 20th anniversary celebration (gen i sequel, plus spinoffs and movie)
3. sonic 25th anniversary celebration (something with the show and a brand new game from the sonic colors/generations team)
4. metroid 30th anniversary celebration (metroid federation force and metroid nx)
5. zelda 30th anniversary celebration (with tp hd, zelda wii u, and hyrule warriors legends)
6. 9th gen starts with nx: a shared library played across multiple form factors. this will surprise some people, and anger others when the xb1/ps4 pairing in the west is mimicked with a nx/ps4 pairing in japan.
7. the last guardian comes out for ps4, no jokes
8. persona 5 still isn't out in all regions, is digital only on ps3
9. ps vr replaces the vita in terms of sales and market presence
10. if it wasn't already clear, the ps4 continues to clobber all other 8th generation platforms in sales
11. mario nx by ead tokyo (technically mario's 35th anniversary in 2016)
12. by the end of the year, we start hearing rumblings of other 9th gen platforms, with microsoft eyeing a 2018 launch.
13. uncharted 4 wins game of the year awards from the majority of media outlets, being the biggest, most aaa, most western, story-focused game in 2016
14. neogaf's goty is instead dark souls 3. also on the top 5: mario nx and zelda wii u/nx
15. zelda wii u is an nx launch title. this is also the most obvious thing ever.


VR will have enthusiast penetration. wont be mainstream.

XB1 will get a redesign and will help sales but ps4 will continue to sell at an accelerated rate

NX will be sold out at launch but will continue to only sell mainly to nintendo centric buyers and may be unappealing to a majority of ps4/xb1 owners.

Majority of the xb1 games may end up having the same fate as ROTR and under perform despite good to decent critical acclaim.

Horizon will end up like monster hunter and appeal to some. SFV will do what SF4 did to the fgc. Infiltration will win evo16.


The Division will be a hit critically and commercialy

Horizon will be a really pretty but dreadfully average game like everything GG have ever done.

PSVR is expensive and flops, E3 demo somehow worse than the PS Experience demo. VR on PC find a market with enthusiast crowd, has some impressive software by years end, remains niche.

Stellaris will be another hit for Paradox

Mass Effect gets delayed to 2017

NMS fails to live up to hype, people wool still ask "but what do you do? "

Mr Swine

1. PS4 will see its best year with sales over 45% YoY. With VR it will be the leading platform for gamers and developers

2. Xbox One will continue to sell ok but will fall far behind the PS4 in sales during the last 6 months of the year.

3. Nintendo NX (console/handheld) will flop as third party games are absent and that the new gimmick is a bit to hard to swallow despite released with a good price and first party games


No Man's Sky and Horizon will not be that great because hype levels are through the roof for both games. Hype can be a dangerous thing.

The same can be said for the new Zelda, with hype levels reaching maximum capacity among fans of the franchise. The current Zelda team deserves the benefit of the doubt, because they seem to have learned a lesson or two with A Link Between Worlds, but I still think they will fuck up in some capacity with Zelda U. It will still be a good Zelda and great game, but not a great Zelda game.

Dark Souls 3 might be the GOTY for a lot of people, myself included, provided that the game goes back to the roots and gives us a true worthy successor to Dark Souls 1.

Final Fantasy XV will just be a good game, but nothing earth-shattering.

Uncharted 4 has the potential to be truly great.


I predict Dark Souls 3 will be the greatest Souls game to date, bringing fresh ideas to the series (some of which were brought over from Bloodborne). This is one of my most anticipated games ever.

I also predict huge things for Horizon ZD. The game looks so fucking good.


The Division will be a huge flop - Lots of technical issues, downgrades and just a plain average-to-bad game.

Horizon: Zero Dawn will go the way of The Order 1886. Pretty hyped, but will fail to live up to the expectations.

VR won't take off.

Microsoft will still ignore anything outside US and they will still be beaten to a pulp in sales.


-PSVR will launch by fall at 399.99. Will flop. All the software will be gimmicky

-Oculus and Vive will launch at 499.99 and will flop as well.

-NX will be a bunch of cool new ideas cobbled poorly together. Will do better than WiiU but still be a commercial failure

-The Witness will not be worth the wait

-Ninja Gaiden 4 and Devil May Cry X Bayonetta will be announced at E3

-Rockstar's next game is Midnight Club 5 and will be always online

-God of War IV is a reboot with Kratos but a different mythology

-Street Fighter V at Evo will have 3000 competitors, making it the largest game in EVO history

-Far Cry Primal will play exactly like Far Cry 4 with terrible animal physics

-The Division will pleasantly surprise gaf and will have the second longest OT, behind Destiny

-Destiny 2 will launch and will be the second best selling game behind COD, and will have much more content and story but using the same cross gen engine.

-Dark Souls 3 will once again be paraded as the best game of the year on gaf but won't even be top 5.

-Star Fox Zero will be complete trash

-Uncharted 4 will win a ton of GoTY awards

-Battleborn will review well and be a critical success

-Mirror's edge catalyst will be decent, it will come and go, forgotten like a fart in the wind.

-No Man's Sky will meet expectations and be completely disappointing on gaf.

-Deus Ex Mankind Divided will be the streamlined homogenized version of Human Revolution. Will sell a ton more, review lower.

-Crackdown 3 wont make it out this year. Demos will look rough as shit.

-Cuphead will be amazing

-Dishonored 2 will release in the fall and be a good game largely forgotten in most people's GoTY talks

-Doom will come out and sell a ton and have an active online arena community

-Fable Legends will be the last Fable ever due to poor sales and bad critical reception

-Witcher 3 DLC will be the best DLC of 2016

-Gears of War 4 will be reviewed well and sell pretty well but the online community will die like Halo 4's did

-Gravity Rush 2 will have a meta in the 70s, bomb commercially and loved by GAF

-Horizon wont see 2016

-Nor will Mass Effect

-Nier Automata will be good, sell terribly though.

-Same with Ni-Oh

-Overwatch will be the most active online game of 2016 and will be the third best selling game of 2016

-Battlefied 5 will launch with another shitty campaign and online will have progress bars for different outfit colors and destruction will be limited to only vehicle damage.

-Persona 5 will be the highest reviewed game of the year

-Scalebound will be a technical mess but filled with a bunch of good ideas that needed more time to be fleshed out

-Titanfall 2 will be announced with an epic space traveling single player campaign, like a Mass Effect without the rpg elements.

-Star Citizen will miss 2016

-The Last Guardian will launch completely unfinished. Will be charming but wont do well commercially or critically.

-Gran Turismo Sport is a direct sequel to GT6, focusing on the racing aspect. Will finally have real engine sounds.

-Final Fantasy XV will come out, and meet expectations. Nothing more, nothing less.

-Kingdom Hearts 3 will announce frozen, Marvel Universe and Star Wars worlds and an online component

-Tekken 7 will come out this fall and be the best tekken since dark resurrection.

-Shenmue 3?? Vaporware
A lot of the games that were going to make 2016 one of the greatest years in gaming will get delayed to 2017 or will be majorly disappointing.


1. Squadron 42 will release, look significantly better than UC4, a lot of people will get banned because of it.

2. Witcher 3 DLC will be the best "game" released in 2016

3. FFXV won't live up to all the expectations.


  • Horizon will be released in 2016, it's gonna be fail of the year biggest contender though.
  • ME:A, Gears 4, NMS, Scalebound, TLG and Cuphead won't live up to the hype.
  • PSVR will be released on June 2016 right after E3, $350 for base model, and it will flop. EDIT: And yeah, OR and Vive will flop too.
  • No CoD next year.
9. ps vr replaces the vita in terms of sales and market presence
LOL, so good!


The Division will be a huge flop - Lots of technical issues, downgrades and just a plain average-to-bad game.

Horizon: Zero Dawn will go the way of The Order 1886. Pretty hyped, but will fail to live up to the expectations.

VR won't take off.

Microsoft will still ignore anything outside US and they will still be beaten to a pulp in sales.



NX obviously

PS4 will transform into a NEW Superbeast Form
NEW Killzone announcement + Remaster of 2 and 3
NEW "Burnout" style game by Alex Ward
NEW God of War
NEW FIFA called Fifa 17!
NEW Battlefield 5 - World of War

1000$ Nvidia GTX "1080 TI". SHIPPING NEW
Crash announcement will crash the gaf servers at E3.

Real talk: servers will be down within ten minutes of any conference, regardless of what's being shown


VR will have a smartphone-like, first models will mostly have business and niche audience and we'll wait for about 5 years until some Apple-like company come and make a technically mature and mass-oriented product with appropriate business model.
1: The Division will be a solid title that will actually last.

Ubisoft are building this to be a TPS Modern themed Destiny (while lerarning from the mistakes of the previous title), and it shows. Expect The Division to have a pretty long tail behind it, and expansion packs galore over the next few years.

2: NX won't "save" Nintendo, but they're gonna do a lot more than just that.

I'm a card carrying Nintendo fanboi, but I don't think NX is going to bring them to the Wii or SNES' grand heights. But it will bring them into a solid parity with current gen consoles, and the doubling down on remote play/portability will be the key they need for decent success. What WILL please the investors and get them making bank again is The Amiibo centric games they're likely working on (an AmiboMOBA is inevitable), and their new social and mobile titles coming in. Also, QoL device is Vitality sensor 2.0, it'll never happen. NX will get a VR headset in 2017.

3: GOTY will be something out of left field. Again.

What was the Zeitgeist GOTY that got the net abuzz? Undertale. Who knew that Undertale would get that big? Nobody, not even the creators.

GOTY 2016 will be another non-AAA Game that will come around and rick everybody's socks.

4: VR will have a ROUGH start, but will be incredibly popular once it passes a tipping point.

The biggest problem with VR is putting bums in seats and goggles on heads. It's magical, and it will be "teh future", but noone's gonna touch it till they've tried it at least once. Demo units need to be in every Store. Vive, Rift, PSVR all need to be front and centre for people to check out. once enough non tech-enthusiasts get into the zeitgeist, they'll be all over this shit.

5: At least one new major corp will try and enter the console race.

Not saying whether they'll succeed or fail, but they will go in and go in HARD, advertising it as a new fourth major console.

My money's on HTC with a Vive-capable Steambox with a custom UI and a few exclusives.

There's a couple of other corps out there who may do something similar, such as Nvidia with an upgraded SHIELDBox, or Razer with the NeOuya.
  • No Man's Sky is exactly as promised and demonstrated and most of GAF/the internet has a shit fit over how boring and bad it is because they hyped themselves up for a game that never existed and was never marketed.
  • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided completely forgoes refined character builds for a more accessible experience and modernised experience wherein the player can more-or-less do anything.
  • Mass Effect: Andromeda is pushed into March 2017.
  • Uncharted 4 fails to find a balance between humorous adventure and The Last of Us-style bleak human drama which further highlights Nathan Drake's psychopathy and ludonarrative dissonance. Game ends with you escaping a collapsing lost village/temple.
  • Zelda Wii U/NX is a weak open world game filled with repetitive collect-em-all / find-the-thing grind quests and a bolted on crafting system nobody asked for. Like a weird Japanesey Ubisoft game.
  • Unravel ends with the old lady dying and/or deteriorating memory while sad string music plays for maximum emotionally manipulative impact.
  • Nier: Automata is a budget restrictive character action game that, while good, is almost totally devoid of open adventure, questing, and role playing that the original had. Fans complain.
  • Final Fantasy XV sucks.
  • The Last Guardian actually releases, and is painfully obviously a last generation game that was stuck in development hell, and doesn't feel truly finished, well rounded, or true to a singular vision. Littered with half baked, undercooked game concepts and puzzles.
  • Super Mario NX is open world and kinda shitty compared to Galaxy 2 and 3D Land.
  • Dishonored 2 nowhere to be seen.
  • Mirror's Edge 2 has some disastrous issue that fans are pissy about.
  • Horizon: Zero Dawn is pretty much exactly like Zelda U; interesting game systems stretched too thinly and repetitively over a bland open world. Erratic framerate and bugs galore.
  • Quantum Break is secretly Alan Wake 2 in an abstract method of storytelling via an interactive medium.
  • Doom is...okay. But clearly rushed.
  • Gears of War 4 is plenty fun but the fanbase has long abandoned the series and it doesn't sell anywhere near as well as Microsoft hope.
  • Most of GAF hates Scalebound. Sells like arse.
  • Most of GAF complains Yooka-Laylee plays too much like an old 90s collect-a-thon 3D adventure game.
  • Far Cry: Primal is exactly what you expect and indistinguishable, outside of aesthetic, from the other Far Crys.
  • Cuphead is style over substance and play, exactly like Limbo.
  • Gravity Rush 2 is awesome but nobody buys it.
  • Halo Wars 2 somehow winds up the best Halo in years.
  • Ni-Oh is a poor man's Dark Souls that's kinda okay but clearly cobbled together to bank on the Souls formula hype and not a particularly coherent or well balanced vision.
  • Shadow Warrior 2 is one of the best games of the year. We get more Wang.

You took pessimism to a whole new level. Damn.


Persona 5 is going to release and meet its impossibly high expectations

VR is gonna have mixed but more negative reception, but it'll end up being like the opposite of motion controls and 3D where more people will accept it over time as the prices get cheaper.

NX is going to be huge. It'll absolutely dominate the year here on GAF with speculation and people talking about it up to the launch. Zelda NX will be Nintendo's first legit GotY contender (as in, press GotY awards) in a long time.

And, completely random guess, at least one PS4/X1 total exclusive (not console exclusive or timed exclusive) will be a disappointing disaster.
1. NMS to be disappointing
2. Uncharted 4 will be GOTY contender
3. Rime still not out
4. Horizon delayed
5. FFXV to disappoint and have troubles at launch
6. More Japanese games for Steam
7. Radio the Universe finally gets released and is my personal GOTY
8. Capcom to finally announce current gen games
9. Star Fox to be average at best
10. Zelda U/NX to be goty contender and the final Nintendo AAA effort
11. NX revealed: NX home console to be weaker than XB1, NX handheld to be twice faster than Vita. Games are fun but still lower end efforts. Metroid Prime GF sucks
12. PS+ still disappoints
13. VR to not take off this year because of multiple brands/systems/exclusives. See you next year VR
14. Zero Escape 3 to be GOTY contender
15. E3 being bad this year (lot of already announced titles)


My VR related prediction is that it will live up to (and for the consumer model compared to early models beyond) the expected hype. Almost everybody that has used it says it's an absolute game changer and they haven't experienced anything like it.

The only problem is I bet it's going to be massively expensive in itself, and on top of that the hardware to run it is also going to put it well out of reach for your every day consumer for at least a few years.
No Man's Sky will be a huge disappointment. Too empty and repetitive.
Mirror's Edge 2 will be a good game but not as good as the first one. Music will be awesome.
Playstation VR will bomb, hard. Too pricey and too many people will get motion sickness. It's also just another gimmick.
Uncharted 4 will be... Uncharted. We have played this game several times before.
The Division will be great and my personal "Freedom Fighter's 2".
Horizon Zero Dawn will be a looker but one mediocre game, just like Killzone Shadow Fall.
Mass Effect Andromeda will be the best game in the series. A sleeper hit.
Half-Life 3 will be get a short teaser trailer and the Internet will implode on itself.
Hitman will be mediocre at best. The series will never reach Blood Money quality again.
Rime will be good, but short. Too short.

NX will be released in 2017 and it will be a terrible gimmicky and underpowered console with no 3rd party support. Nintendo will still charge $349 for it. They will never learn.
Zelda Wii U will be Wii U exclusive, no NX release because it will have Project Guard, Project Giant Robot and the untitled Pikmin game as release games. Mario NX will be released in 2018, and it will be terrible (gimmicky).
Metroid Prime 4 will never be a game. Prime series is dead. :(

But I'm still hoping for that miracle, that Nintendo will learn, that they will release a powerful console without any gimmicks, with a regular controller and Metroid Prime 4, and a real 3D Mario game (like Sunshine). I'm still dreaming of GameCube 2.


NX gets the following for third party launch window titles:
-Persona 5
-Final Fantasy XV
-Sonic 2016
-Assassin's Creed Syndicate
-Call of Duty 2016
-Rayman something or other
-A meh port of EA Sportsball
-Monster Hunter

NX console only launches once three AAA first party games are available for launch. NX only launches once an online shop complete with virtual console and indie game support is completed. NX's name is first revealed as a possible prototype as a failsafe against something as dumb as the Wii U or 3DS names happening again. NX console marks a shift in Nintendo's release date announcements, with most of its titles getting specific release dates 6 months or more in advance, as a sort of promise against dry periods. NX launches with an exclusive day one mario amiibo and becomes the greatest selling console of all time.

As for this year's delays, Project GAURD, Project Giant Robot, Recore, and Halo Wars 2 are totally not gonna hit 2016.


Dark Souls 3 will be GOTY and have the highest metacritic score of 2016.

Telltale Batman and Doom will be great games exceeding everyone's expectations.

Mass Effect: Andromeda gets delayed to 2017

Valve will tease Half-Life 3 at E3.

Valve will allow Steam users to trade used games.

New mobas will flop while Dota and League continue to grow bigger n bigger.

Konami will release Chapter 3 without Kojima.

Final Fantasy XV gets delayed to 2017.

Ubisoft releases new subscription service similar to EA access.

VR will become popular because of porn and not video games.

Microsoft will announce a new Minecraft game

Microsoft will moneyhat something even bigger than Tomb Raider.

Capcom will announce a Dino Crisis remake.

Kojima fiddles everyone again with another Moby Dick Studio type of trailer.
mass effect andromeda, ff7 remake part 1 and deus ex wont come out.

will be the year of dissapointments with no mans sky, the last guardian, shenmue 3 and the horizon.

rockstar will release a new game (red dead next, or gta story dlc that i count as a new game)

vr will come out and no1 will give a shit.

nx will be anounced but not come out untill 2017, wiiu will get 2 games, everything else will be delayed for nx.

will be the best year for indies in recent memory, and one of the worst for triple a, 2016 will rival 2014 in terms of dissapointing games.


Uncharted 4 ends up being a great or superb game but not GOTY worthy and another games steals critics attention in 2016 instead of Uncharted 4 and that game manages to win more GOTY awards than uncharted 4 in 2016.Uncharted 4 still manages to make 2016 GOTY lists.
Zelda WiiU is a hit with the critics and is well received by the Zelda fanbase and anyone else that tries out the game.
The PS4 continues to slowly sell in Japan. It reaches a LTD of around 3 million by the end of 2016 in Japan
Nintendo's next console and handheld are revealed and they reveal for both is well received by people compared to the WiiU reveal.
Horizon Zero Dawn if it releases in 2016 ends up being a good or great attempt at a new IP in over 10 years by Guerrilla Games.


we will get

persona 5 in japan and NA

an announcement of persona 5 anime series

an announcement of a persona 5 vita port

an announcement of a persona 5 anime series based on the vita port

an announcement of a persona 5 fighter

  • Zelda Wii U/NX is a weak open world game filled with repetitive collect-em-all / find-the-thing grind quests and a bolted on crafting system nobody asked for. Like a weird Japanesey Ubisoft game.

BRUH nooooooooooooooooooooooo. this is my biggest fear. (which i really think might happen)
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