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Project AM2R getting legally slammed by Nintendo; file hosts hit with DMCA notices


You mean like how Valve gave a deal to the Black Mesa people and let them sell the game on their store?

Or maybe how Sega let Christian Whitehead release his Sonic 1 and 2 remakes for iOS? And now they're letting him and other Sonic fangame creators make a new 2D Sonic game?

Boy will their faces be red when they realize how much they've screwed up with their fan and consumer-friendly decisions.

This post is so right. Nintendo has the right to shut the game down on PC considering they legally own the Metroid IP, but they could pull a SEGA and work with the developer on making the game for Nintendo systems. Imagine how great it would be for Nintendo to do this: "Today I want to announce that working with __________, we proudly present 'Metroid 2: The Return of Samus Remastered' for the Nintendo Wii U & 3DS in celebration for the anniversary of the Metroid series this year."

That would not only give them positive PR after how badly fans reacted to Federation Force, but it would be one of the first times Nintendo works with the fan community on a project. SEGA did this with Sonic and Capcom gave the blessing for Street Fighter X Mega Man, so what is Nintendo's excuse?

Oh well. Like all fan games, its out on the market and people will find ways to play it. Just hope the developer doesn't face legal issues over this :(.


But there are people who didn't. I didn't play Metroid 2 before this remake. Now that this is out, there's no purpose for me to get Metroid 2 on the eshop at all. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Given how extremely dated metroid 2 was there is little overlap in attracting new players whove never played it. Thats a huge selling point of the remake, to entice people who would have never bought the original, especially when there are plenty of modern 2d metroids (everything post super). I cant imagine many people buying the original outside of those who have already played it and it certainly is t a seller like super metroid or the prime trilogy, both of which are readily available and are metroids big sellers.
It's a damn shame, but the good news is that it's on the interwebs now, so it'll always be available in some form or other, for anyone that really wants it.

Where are all the people that flipped out on anyone mentioning/asking about a C&D in the other thread? They were 100% certain that this game wouldn't get hit by a C&D and would jump down the throats of anyone mentioning it.

Just like Metroid Federation Force 100%, truly, definitely, 100% is part of and belongs in the Metroid universe, right? Ho ho ho.

P.S. Fuck you, Nintendo. Fuck you.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Dude's had demos on his site for years as the game has progressed. Nintendo can't have not been aware of it. They simply didn't do anything till now...if this is indeed them and not a DMCA troll.
Or they just ignore the countless fan projects that probably exist until they become prominent enough and actually get released? It's possible that they are too busy worrying about those projects and only focus on the bigger ones.

How deep in corporate fanboyism do you have to be to post like this?
I am not remotely what you could call a "Nintendo fan" (Super Metroid is the only Nintendo game I really, really love, ironically enough). But come on. What did you guys expect? Making a fan remake of a copyright-protected game without permission is literally begging for a DMCA takedown notice.

Don't get me wrong, as a fan of classic Metroid I'm glad the game was made and is being enjoyed, and I think Nintendo squandered their best IP to ghastly degrees. But it's just plain dumb to not expect a reaction from Nintendo when you go around using their IP like that without permission.
The best Metroid game in nine years - an absolutely fantastic package, a stunning reimagination of a oft-forgotten classic - and Nintendo are trying to kill it.

Happy Anniversary, everyone.
Seriously, between this and the Sony YouTube takedown I just feel sick at the game industry today.

FFS Nintendo. All you do is shit on Metroid nowadays so if someone actually does something noce, then hey destroy the nice thing. Can't let Metroid live. May aswell remove all Metroid references from Smash & VC services too. Just kill it all since thats what you want. Jeez.


I'm pretty sure a 2D Metroid can do as well as Kirby on the 3DS, and he got a fuckton of games in these years.

It helps Kirby a lot that they're able to reuse so many assets between games, which makes it easy to get a new project done quickly and cheaply. That's never been a thing for Metroid, which I'm sure contributes a lot to the whole "it sells, but does it sell enough" problem that it keeps running into.


That they do absolutely fuck all with...yep. Protective.

? You do know a new game with that IP is coming out this month? lol

Again, that people actually care about. i acknowledged the smash and other guest appearances. But the fact they havent done a proper, mainline entry that fans actually WANT (Other M was not well received either), means they pretty much consider the IP dead.

That makes like no sense at all.




Hurr hurr hurr, gosh I wish I was as funny and logical as you

Want to make an avatar bet that Sonic Mania will have a higher review average than Federation Force?


Why does Nintendo hate Metroid fans?

They develop a horrible and shitty game with the name Metroid on it, when the game looks like crap, and does not look like Metroid at all. And they want us to buy it. A game nobody asked, and nobody wanted.

What's more, they don't even celebrate the franchise's Anniversary.

Meanwhile, some fans make a free Metroid game for fans. A game with a gameplay and style all fans want, and have been asking for a long time. And what does Nintendo do? Well, you already know the rest of the Story.

We can't enjoy Metroid, we can't even celebrate the Anniversary the way the franchise deserves.

Nintendo screwed it up again once more.


That caveat is stupid and completely irrelevant to the principle of what's going on here. The AM2R developer made a high quality product that people want and would be willing to pay for, just like talented SEGA and Valve fans have in the past. There's precedence for these kinds of projects being adopted as official products as a sign of goodwill and positive consumer relations, as well as, frankly, "extra pocket money".

Instead, Nintendo chose to anger their fanbase and shut this down with no consolation for no reason.

That's the crazy thing here. People are acting like wanting Nintendo to reach out to their fans and respond to what they actually want is crazy and stupid, despite the proven track record of "not treating your fans like shit."


Metroid Prime Hunters
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid: Other M
Super Smash Bros for Wii U
Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS
NES Remix
Metroid Prime Federation Force
Virtual Console releases of multiple games in the series on multiple platforms

All of the above contains Metroid content in the past ten years, plus some I'm forgetting. Nintendo uses the Metroid IP often in multiple products, we're not talking about an IP that hasn't seen the light of day in almost 30 years like Alex Kidd.

What a great 2D Metroid experience all of these games are. Truly everything we asked for...

You have to be shitting me...
Glad I was able to download it from my phone before all this happened. Would have really sucked to not be able to play this because I'm away from my computer for three weeks.


Metroid Prime Hunters
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid: Other M
Super Smash Bros for Wii U
Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS
NES Remix
Metroid Prime Federation Force
Virtual Console releases of multiple games in the series on multiple platforms

All of the above contains Metroid content in the past ten years, plus some I'm forgetting. Nintendo uses the Metroid IP often in multiple products, we're not talking about an IP that hasn't seen the light of day in almost 30 years like Alex Kidd.

I'm sorry to say this but WHAT XD?!

You could say the same thing about Star Fox or F-Zero man :'). But the bolded is why so many Metroid fans and gamers in general are sour against Nintendo. THAT game is the reason the series is 'dead' now and if I consider it part of the series? I start getting very, very upset.

You are right; the series hasn't been forgotten by Nintendo. But people want Metroid to be like Prime or the 2D games. Not like Other M was :(.


Hurr hurr hurr, gosh I wish I was as funny and logical as you

Want to make an avatar bet that Sonic Mania will have a higher review average than Federation Force?

None of those are being developed by their OG Studios :p

Let's make a better bet

Next Sonic vs Next Mario


That caveat is stupid and completely irrelevant to the principle of what's going on here. The AM2R developer made a high quality product that people want and would be willing to pay for, just like talented SEGA and Valve fans have in the past. There's precedence for these kinds of projects being adopted as official products as a sign of goodwill and positive consumer relations, as well as, frankly, "extra pocket money".

Instead, Nintendo chose to anger their fanbase and shut this down with no consolation for no reason.

So you think people should be able to create things using other people's assets and properties because people would enjoy consuming it?
Metroid Prime Hunters
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid: Other M
Super Smash Bros for Wii U
Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS
NES Remix
Metroid Prime Federation Force
Virtual Console releases of multiple games in the series on multiple platforms

See guys, they really do love Metroid!!!!

That said, I'm not a real big Metroid fan to begin with so I'm not as emotionally invested into this debacle as some of you are. I will still think it's stupid that Nintendo doesn't try to get something out of this (like hiring the dude).
All of the above contains Metroid content in the past ten years, plus some I'm forgetting. Nintendo uses the Metroid IP often in multiple products, we're not talking about an IP that hasn't seen the light of day in almost 30 years like Alex Kidd.

If you're counting stuff like Smash Bros, it's weird that you mention Alex Kidd there, considering he made cameos in games like Segagaga and in the recent Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing games. He also had Virtual Console rereleases like Metroid as well.


AM2R is scratching the itch I've had for a new true to form entry in the Metroid series. Albeit a fan made game, it has so much quality to it. I finally got around to playing that stupid Federation Force Blast Ball demo yesterday and I just can't believe that the game has Metroid branding surrounding it.

The game will be forever re-hosted at this point by Metroid fans.


See this is the kind of stuff we need to be giving Nintendo shit for. They get hate in all the wrong places, when stuff like this has always been an issue for the company. They really need to get with the times and start embracing their fans more, events like this just weaken their good will and continues the image of Nintendo being a very old fashioned company. When it comes to their online activities it always feels like one step forward and two steps back.

Still buying Federation Force


While we rage on about the take down does Anyone that has it mind messaging me a link to a file share where I can get this?


Why does Nintendo hate Metroid fans?

They develop a horrible and shitty game with the name Metroid on it, when the game looks like crap, and does not look like Metroid at all. And they want us to buy it. A game nobody asked, and nobody wanted.

What's more, they don't even celebrate the franchise's Anniversary.

Meanwhile, some fans make a free Metroid game for fans. A game with a gameplay and style all fans want, and have been asking for a long time. And what does Nintendo do? Well, you already know the rest of the Story.

We can't enjoy Metroid, we can't even celebrate the Anniversary the way the franchise deserves.

Nintendo screwed it up again once more.
Better then five years ago where Metroid didn't even get anything, this year there is a game coming.
Which is irrelevant to the point about using the IP/it being dead, etc. You're just mad they're not making the game you want.

Nobody got "legally slammed" yea. The thread title is pure hyperbole.

Seems like the news has left you so devastated and shaken that you can't face the facts, pal.

Better then five years ago where Metroid didn't even get anything, this year there is a game coming.

Is it really better if it shows they don't know what fans of the niche series actually want, and that the game doesn't even seem appealing to a more general audience?


If you're counting stuff like Smash Bros, it's weird that you mention Alex Kidd there, considering he was in the recent Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing games. He also had Virtual Console rereleases like Metroid as well.

Ah, touché, I had forgotten about that. Still, Sega has a shitton of 8-bit and 16-bit game franchises that we haven't seen hide not hair of in decades.
why not put it up on https://mega.nz/?

New MEGA will comply with DMCA notices, they just make it way harder compared to megaupload to actually have something to file the complaint about, since they do not index files (thus can't be legally attacked as a whole in the way megaupload was, but also can't be searched for infringements), and claim they in fact can't see their content by default. When you post the link out in the open, the latter isn't particularly useful.
You mean like how Valve gave a deal to the Black Mesa people and let them sell the game on their store?

Or maybe how Sega let Christian Whitehead release his Sonic 1 and 2 remakes for iOS? And now they're letting him and other Sonic fangame creators make a new 2D Sonic game?

Boy will their faces be red when they realize how much they've screwed up with their fan and consumer-friendly decisions.

There's a couple of differences. Whitehead had developed an engine for use on an iPhone and used assets from Sonic to showcase it through proof-of-concept videos. Typically, that's a very risky move (think when Sakurai pitched Smash Bros. to Nintendo without having permission to showcase Nintendo characters), but Sega was impressed and used that as an opportunity to cut into the mobile market, as well as use his engine in other games. He didn't rip an entire game and distribute it w/o permission like the Metroid developer did.

Not too familiar with Black Mesa, but Valve did throw a couple of wrenches prior to distance themselves from what they perceive to be a fan project, as they didn't want people to think they were similar to Valve's official products. That being said, Valve isn't that concerned with IP protection like Nintendo is, which is their prerogative, but that doesn't always mean other companies can follow suit. And the whole "consumer-friendly" decisions is overrated considering that once a new game is announced, people will rush in to buy it. Only a small minority would actually follow through with boycotting because of company decisions.


None of those are being developed by their OG Studios :p

Let's make a better bet

Next Sonic vs Next Mario

Neither is this, what's your point?

And wtf does Mario have to do with anything in this thread? You lost me.

So you think people should be able to create things using other people's assets and properties because people would enjoy consuming it?

Yes because it's not for profit and the engine and source code are both entirely original.

I also think it would be smarter of Nintendo to recognize the value of the engine, code, and programming talent that's being poured into their IP for free and integrate it into their product line instead of shutting it down for no reason, as their fans have expressed excitement over the product and it's reception has been overwhelmingly positive across the board. That's the crux of the entire argument here.
Like fan art?

well, am2r uses zero mission sprites and music. so, it's not comparable to fan art. that said,

I don't fault them for the C&D. that's understandable. I do however think they should respect fan desires and make this an official release by having this guy port it to their systems.
wait so were people saying this wouldn't happen or what
Nintendo has a history of letting fan projects be. Including this one, which has been publicly in development for like 7 years, has had a downloadable demo available for like 4 years. They only tend to step in if the project is charging money/asking for donations, or if their lawyers think the project could be mistaken for an actual Nintendo product.
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