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Project AM2R getting legally slammed by Nintendo; file hosts hit with DMCA notices

Metroid Prime Hunters
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid: Other M
Super Smash Bros for Wii U
Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS
NES Remix
Metroid Prime Federation Force
Virtual Console releases of multiple games in the series on multiple platforms

All of the above contains Metroid content in the past ten years, plus some I'm forgetting. Nintendo uses the Metroid IP often in multiple products, we're not talking about an IP that hasn't seen the light of day in almost 30 years like Alex Kidd.

You really can't use this list and add nintendoland and federation force to try and prove your point.



I don't know what you're being snide for, because the post you've quoted is clearly referencing SEGA's positive relationship with fan developers, which Nintendo could do well to follow.


You really can't use this list and add nintendoland and federation force to try and prove your point.

My point is that Metroid as an IP is utilized frequently. It's not as if it's gone unused for a decade or more. The argument that "Oh well Nintendo isn't doing anything with it, so fans should be able to." falls apart because of this.

And Metroid skipping a console isn't anything new. The Nintendo 64 went an entire generation without a Metroid title. Folks are being a bit too entitled over this whole thing, methinks.


Well no, they own the Metroid brand. If you want to play Metroid 2, they still sell it. This remake is potentially lost sales for them so they're going to get it taken down.

I was joking, I'm pretty confident Nintendo understands Federation Force isn't really competing with any other Metroid products. It's why I referenced Metroid Dread afterwards.

For what it's worth, I still have my copy of Metroid 2, I don't need to rebuy the game. I'm playing the remake because it has a wonderful new fresh coat of paint on a well made, but rather archaic title.

I understand why Nintendo is taking action, I just wish that they would try to cater to this market is all. I already said earlier in this thread, I would have been happy to pay Nintendo for this remake.


Many of you have yet to see what a dead franchise looks like. Metroid has constant references, amiibo figures, toys and retro releases. It will get a new game next month that could very well act as a springboard for future titles.

Advance Wars is dead. Wave Race is dead. Not Metroid, which is merely hybernating.

Since Federation Force's announcement he Metroid fandom has been spiraling down to some embarrasing levels of angst and entitlement. Why would Nintendo or Sakamoto get involved with such toxicity? They are probably trying to keep Metroid alive and market any future titles to a fresh, non-spiteful generation of gamers.


You really can't use this list and add nintendoland and federation force to try and prove your point.
Nintendoland not counting is fine, sure.

Federation Force is a new game with Metroid in the title, set in the Metroid universe, and very clearly uses elements from Metroid Prime. Whether you approve of what it is or not, they are releasing a new Metroid this month.


Given how extremely dated metroid 2 was there is little overlap in attracting new players whove never played it. Thats a huge selling point of the remake, to entice people who would have never bought the original, especially when there are plenty of modern 2d metroids (everything post super). I cant imagine many people buying the original outside of those who have already played it and it certainly is t a seller like super metroid or the prime trilogy, both of which are readily available and are metroids big sellers.

You're right, but it doesn't matter. They're still selling it regardless. This free remake can take away some profits of the VC game.


I was talking about Studio's quality, Which Nintendo > SEGA

It's a good banter, don't take it too serious :p

I don't agree but that has nothing to do with this thread either way. I'm talking about their relationship with fans, which SEGA has proven to be demonstrably better at.


Like fan art?

Fan art is ok just like this remake would have been okay if it wasnt being floated around the internet for mass consumption, not that fan art is the same as recreating someone's product that took major investment and is sold for profit and giving it away for free but ok

My enjoyment matters more than your principles. Not that I'd slam Nintendo over this, but... we take those.

Lol I'm just saying the moment this started being shared everywhere it was just as up for being taken down as every other mixtape and video game that just blatantly uses copyrighted content.

Being disappointed and salty is understandable. Arguing about how Nintendo is wrong for protection its ip...it's not even about principle it's just wrong lol..

No, people, it doesn't matter how much you love a video game, you're not allowed to recreate it and gi e it away for free. Pretty basic stuff.
Metroid Blast is better than Other M.


Many of you have yet to see what a dead franchise looks like. Metroid has constant references, amiibo figures, toys and retro releases. It will get a new game next month that could very well act as a springboard for future titles.

Advance Wars is dead. Wave Race is dead. Not Metroid, which is merely hybernating.

Since Federation Force's announcement he Metroid fandom has been spiraling down to some embarrasing levels of angst and entitlement. Why would Nintendo or Sakamoto get involved with such toxicity? They are probably trying to keep Metroid alive and market any future titles to a fresh, non-spiteful generation of gamers.

You're right, Metroid isn't dead.

It's more like that dude the killer from Se7en had starved and kept trapped in bed for a year straight for his "sloth" murder


But NeoGAF said
No need to snipe at people for pointing out Nintendo's actual history with fan projects.

It's possible that this ends up being either a rare exception or the start of a new (bad) direction they take, but it was entirely reasonable to suggest that AM2R would be fine based on how they've previously acted in regards to fan games.


Many of you have yet to see what a dead franchise looks like. Metroid has constant references, amiibo figures, toys and retro releases. It will get a new game next month that could very well act as a springboard for future titles.

Advance Wars is dead. Wave Race is dead. Not Metroid, which is merely hybernating.

Since Federation Force's announcement he Metroid fandom has been spiraling down to some embarrasing levels of angst and entitlement. Why would Nintendo or Sakamoto get involved with such toxicity? They are probably trying to keep Metroid alive and market any future titles to a fresh, non-spiteful generation of gamers.

Yeah, people are so entitled. It's better than nothing!
My point is that Metroid as an IP is utilized frequently. It's not as if Nintendo hasn't used anything from it in over a decade or more.

And Metroid skipping a console isn't anything new. The Nintendo 64 went an entire generation without a Metroid title. Folks are being a bit too entitled over this whole thing, methinks.

lol yeah like Nintendo owes us a Metroid game even though they don't even sell that well and Retro took a break to make fantastic DK game, they could be back on the NX with a MP4 for all we know but fuck nintendo you fucking fucks.


There is one place where the torrent should be safe from over-reaching assholes lawyers at Nintendo. You know what site I'm talking about. And I'm not linking or saying more.

But what's next? DMCA fan art? Because why the fuck not, right?

Metal B

Not too familiar with Black Mesa, but Valve did throw a couple of wrenches prior to distance themselves from what they perceive to be a fan project, as they didn't want people to think they were similar to Valve's official products. That being said, Valve isn't that concerned with IP protection like Nintendo is, which is their prerogative, but that doesn't always mean other companies can follow suit. And the whole "consumer-friendly" decisions is overrated considering that once a new game is announced, people will rush in to buy it. Only a small minority would actually follow through with boycotting because of company decisions.
Let's not forget, that Black Mesa is a mod. You need to own Half-Life 2 to play it. So Valve gets money, if people want to play it and don't own the game. - I am wrong, but Valve still makes money with it, since it got sold over Steam.

Sega is really the only exception here.


There's a couple of differences. Whitehead had developed an engine for use on an iPhone and used assets from Sonic to showcase it through proof-of-concept videos. Typically, that's a very risky move (think when Sakurai pitched Smash Bros. to Nintendo without having permission to showcase Nintendo characters), but Sega was impressed and used that as an opportunity to cut into the mobile market, as well as use his engine in other games. He didn't rip an entire game and distribute it w/o permission like the Metroid developer did.

Not too familiar with Black Mesa, but Valve did throw a couple of wrenches prior to distance themselves from what they perceive to be a fan project, as they didn't want people to think they were similar to Valve's official products. That being said, Valve isn't that concerned with IP protection like Nintendo is, which is their prerogative, but that doesn't always mean other companies can follow suit. And the whole "consumer-friendly" decisions is overrated considering that once a new game is announced, people will rush in to buy it. Only a small minority would actually follow through with boycotting because of company decisions.

Sorry, how is this ripping an entire game? It's built from the ground up with new level design and has original assets as well.

Let's not forget, that Black Mesa is a mod. You need to own Half-Life 2 to play it. So Valve gets money, if people want to play it and don't own the game.

Sega is really the only exception here.

No, you can get Black Mesa standalone. It started out as a mod, then Valve permitted the developers to turn it into a standalone game and sell it. It's $20. http://store.steampowered.com/app/362890/


Many of you have yet to see what a dead franchise looks like. Metroid has constant references, amiibo figures, toys and retro releases. It will get a new game next month that could very well act as a springboard for future titles.

Advance Wars is dead. Wave Race is dead. Not Metroid, which is merely hybernating.

Since Federation Force's announcement he Metroid fandom has been spiraling down to some embarrasing levels of angst and entitlement. Why would Nintendo or Sakamoto get involved with such toxicity? They are probably trying to keep Metroid alive and market any future titles to a fresh, non-spiteful generation of gamers.

Sakamoto's basically said he's not doing anymore big games anyway.


My point is that Metroid as an IP is utilized frequently. It's not as if Nintendo hasn't used anything from it in over a decade or more.

And Metroid skipping a console isn't anything new. The Nintendo 64 went an entire generation without a Metroid title. Folks are being a bit too entitled over this whole thing, methinks.

Its an odd situation with Metroid honestly, as you are both completely right and wrong.

You are right, as the series did get a lot of attention in Nintendo releases over the years and through re-releases like you listed. And Metroid skipping a generation isn't new, as again, you bring up a good point with the N64 not getting a Metroid title.

But you are wrong in the sense that the Metroid series didn't end with a nice bang but a Sonic 06 style bomb. Other M wasn't a bad game at its core but the story elements and a few issues make it stick out BADLY among the other Metroid games. And again, the story isn't so bad its good like 06, its just insultingly horrid and takes a good game and completely ruins it for many. And Nintendo never recovered from this for Metroid, not unlike Sonic which got better over time. Granted, I'm talking about Sonic on Gaf and this place in the gaming side at least hates the series, so I'm likely wasting my time saying this but point still stands.

Metroid in my mind, ended with Prime 3 and is getting a fun spin-off with Federation Force from a studio that never made a bad Nintendo game before with me having hope for a NX Metroid being in the works in the future. But if I count Other M in this story? I would be more bitter toward the series future like many are here.

Honestly, it doesn't matter what happens with the IP; people can give Federation Force a fair chance like I plan too or can just say 'Series is dead' and play games like Axiom Verge or the fan game discussed here (AM2R).


I don't agree but that has nothing to do with this thread either way. I'm talking about their relationship with fans, which SEGA has proven to be demonstrably better at.

Well, Sega's in-house software output has dropped to practically nothing over the past five years, so they're more adept to work with fans on software to fill in their release schedule.

Nintendo doesn't have this problem. They have multiple in-house studios working on games constantly plus their many "second party" studios that they work with.


Metroid Prime Hunters
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Metroid: Other M
Super Smash Bros for Wii U
Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS
NES Remix
Metroid Prime Federation Force
Virtual Console releases of multiple games in the series on multiple platforms

All of the above contains Metroid content in the past ten years, plus some I'm forgetting. Nintendo uses the Metroid IP often in multiple products, we're not talking about an IP that hasn't seen the light of day in almost 30 years like Alex Kidd.

Hey, you forgot Samus costume in Bayonetta 2 !


No need to snipe at people for pointing out Nintendo's actual history with fan projects.

It's possible that this ends up being either a rare exception or the start of a new (bad) direction they take, but it was entirely reasonable to suggest that AM2R would be fine based on how they've previously acted in regards to fan games.

Most fan projects get nowhere near this much PR .


Oh, and also, Capcom sanctioned that Street Fighter Mega Man game as well. So it's Sega, Capcom and Valve who were cool about fan games, and Nintendo who are dicks about it.

So Valve still makes money with it.

Like anything sold on steam? What's your point?


I don't fault them for the C&D. that's understandable. I do however think they should respect fan desires and make this an official release by having this guy port it to their systems.

nah, kind of sets a bad precedent for them legally, the way copyright law is set up

good scenario would be if nobody at Nintendo managed to see it

the best case scenario would have been for:
1. The game creator to approach Nintendo and say "hey I'm making made this cool thing, wouldn't it be cool if we put this out for the 30th anniversary"
2. Nintendo to actually be cool about it for fucking once and be like "okay cool"

which is the way derivative works are supposed to work out under the current system, and something you see from time to time with companies like Valve

of course the best BEST case scenario would be for us to have slightly less strict laws about copyright in the first place, so that noncommercial works that are clearly marked as unlicensed derivative works could exist in some capacity without the full fury of copyright law being unleashed upon their heads


Well, Sega's in-house software output has dropped to practically nothing over the past five years, so they're more adept to work with fans on software to fill in their release schedule.

Nintendo doesn't have this problem. They have multiple in-house studios working on games constantly plus their many "second party" studios that work with.

And yet with all those resources, they seem incapable of releasing a Metroid game people actually want... 🤔🤔


This is exactly what I was talking about. Giving Nintendo shit for "killing" a franchise when it's clearly not dead is just ignoring the actual issue at hand. But no, let's hear more about how Metroid is dead because Nintendo isn't making the games I want them to make. It's not like there's anything important going on, right?


Oh, and also, Capcom sanctioned that Street Fighter Mega Man game as well. So it's Sega, Capcom and Valve who were cool about fan games, and Nintendo who are dicks about it.

And the RE2 Reborn guys. They were invited to help with the official remake before it was even announced.


Tears of Nintendo


To Nintendo - too little too late, we already have the game and there is nothing you can do about it. Looks like fans all over the world care a lot more about Metroid than you do, so stop being a dick and just accept the fact that those 10 years of work which these good people dedicated to this project is a lot more than you did for the last 6 years (yes, I like Other M, but only in terms of gameplay and visuals).... which is fucking NOTHING =[

Metal B

Oh, and also, Capcom sanctioned that Street Fighter Mega Man game as well. So it's Sega, Capcom and Valve who were cool about fan games, and Nintendo who are dicks about it.
How many Fan-games are out their and how many got taken down? The problem ones are mainly games, which come out at the wrong time and have too much media coverage.

Like anything sold on steam? What's your point?
That Valve still makes directly money with it, this pretty much helps Valve to be okay with it.


The best Metroid game in nine years - an absolutely fantastic package, a stunning reimagination of a oft-forgotten classic - and Nintendo are trying to kill it.

Happy Anniversary, everyone.

I want to say twelve years as my gut tells me this game is better than Corruption. ZM and Echoes are both probably better. Gotta dwell on it some more.


There's a couple of differences. Whitehead had developed an engine for use on an iPhone and used assets from Sonic to showcase it through proof-of-concept videos. Typically, that's a very risky move (think when Sakurai pitched Smash Bros. to Nintendo without having permission to showcase Nintendo characters), but Sega was impressed and used that as an opportunity to cut into the mobile market, as well as use his engine in other games. He didn't rip an entire game and distribute it w/o permission like the Metroid developer did.

Small clarification, Sega can't use Whitehead engine's unless he develops or allows it. Whitehead didn't sell the license to them.

Retro Engine has been just used in the Sonic 16 bits remakes, and now Sonic Mania.


People arguing in favor of letting Metroid Prime 2 HD be given away for free by someone who doesn't have any rights to the copyrights involved but dont realize that its basically piracy


Let's not forget, that Black Mesa is a mod. You need to own Half-Life 2 to play it. So Valve gets money, if people want to play it and don't own the game. - I am wrong, but Valve still makes money with it, since it got sold over Steam.

Sega is really the only exception here.

There are other free fan made remakes out there that haven't been shutdown.


How many Fan-games are out their and how many got taken down? The problem ones are mainly games, which come out at the wrong time and have too much media coverage.

Sure, but the recent years have shown a trend of big companies taking quality fan games and elevating them.

Valve with Black Mesa
Sega with Sonic Mania
Capcom with RE2make and SFvsMM

Thing is, these companies reached out to the fans and opened a dialogue with them. Nintendo just shot a C&D. Sure, it's the typical thing to do, but maybe not the smartest or coolest thing to do. The reception to AM2R shows that fans have been craving this, and Nintendo could have been smart and leveraged this.
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