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Project AM2R getting legally slammed by Nintendo; file hosts hit with DMCA notices


No need to snipe at people for pointing out Nintendo's actual history with fan projects.

It's possible that this ends up being either a rare exception or the start of a new (bad) direction they take, but it was entirely reasonable to suggest that AM2R would be fine based on how they've previously acted in regards to fan games.

if people had played this more than ten minutes it would have been obvious to them that this would happen. it is literally too good for them to ignore it

when i booted up AM2R and started playing it i was SHOOK. it is unfathomable to me that a remake of a game that i found so incomprehensible when i first played it could be upgraded like this BY FANS. theres no reason to buy the original metroid 2 on whatever virtual console mess they release it on after this. it is that polished. it got so much word of mouth because its just that fuckin good man. how many fangames do you even see get press on game sites like this one did? it even has an OT here. like it might as well have been an official release and most people would have been none the wiser lol

of course theyre going to try to cut this thing off at the knees in some way, even if they dont go directly after the dev. this game is competitive af. should give the dude a job tbh

inb4 blah blah they cant give him a job precedent blah blah I SAID WHAT I SAID


I was gonna keep ignoring this like I do with most PC games and fan games... but since Nintendo's being aggressive about it, I'll make it a point to go try and download it soon. It's all I can do.

The situation sucks. Nintendo's gotta be well within their rights to stop games that use their IP, but it's a shame they see a well made thing like that and try to shut it down instead of helping get it published or something.
Nintendo had a chance of getting some good PR back and earn some equity back but chose to be assholes. This is why the NX will fail they keep making their fanbase mad.


You're right, but it doesn't matter. They're still selling it regardless. This free remake can take away some profits of the VC game.

I honestly doubt that is the reason or is even in any lists of reasons nintendo took it down.

If that werethe case then theyd have done a massive sweep of rom hacks for mario or either super smash flash games or zelda games out there. Especially mario with super mario maker.


I was gonna keep ignoring this like I do with most PC games and fan games... but since Nintendo's being aggressive about it, I'll make it a point to go try and download it soon. It's all I can do.

The situation sucks. Nintendo's gotta be well within their rights to stop games that use their IP, but it's a shame they see a well made thing like that and try to shut it down instead of helping get it published or something.

dude you need to play it its LITERALLY THAT FUCKIN GOOD MAN
This remake is easily the best Metroid thing anybody has released this decade. Like its legit Zero Mission quality version of Metroid 2. Hell, it might be better than ZM, like no hyperbole fam.

I hope ya'll downloaded that shit when you could.
I want to say twelve years as my gut tells me this game is better than Corruption. ZM and Echoes are both probably better. Gotta dwell on it some more.

I'd put this at better than ZM, not as good as Corruption.

There's plenty of new stuff going on in this game, but the Metroid fights are still super repetitive and you can't change that they're the bread and butter of the game. Corruption's at least pretty novel through and through.


It's out there already. You can find it easily. Nintendo, a fan did what you couldn't do. You should be grateful people can play a fantastic version of Metroid 2.

Metal B

Sure, but the recent years have shown a trend of big companies taking quality fan games and elevating them.

Valve with Black Mesa
Sega with Sonic Mania
Capcom with RE2make and SFvsMM

Thing is, these companies reached out to the fans and opened a dialogue with them. Nintendo just shot a C&D. Sure, it's the typical thing to do, but maybe not the smartest or coolest thing to do. The reception to AM2R shows that fans have been craving this, and Nintendo could have been smart and leveraged this.

It would be great, if more Independent developer get jobs with their work or help from the publisher. But this doesn't always work out and will always be a wildcard for fan-games, so trying to make this into a rule, just because, doesn't work that way.

Sadly sells of Metroid games don't show the same engagement like the cry for those games (similar to F-Zero). Right now, classic Metroid is only a prestige brand.


This guy could still end up getting a job with them or something.

Im really confused as to how having this game without owning Mp2 is not considered piracy
Sorry, how is this ripping an entire game? It's built from the ground up with new level design and has original assets as well.

It's a remake of M2, it's using the frameworks of the older game. Whether it adds new levels or assets is irrelevant considering it's not 100% unique.
It's their Intellectual Property. They control what happens to it. It sucks that a well made fan game is shut down, but Metroid is Nintendo's business property to use to make money.

Maybe they're not taking it in the direction you want them to, but they're still a company and they get to use their IP as they want.


he dude a job tbh
inb4 blah blah they cant give him a job precedent blah blah I SAID WHAT I SAID
There technically is precedent, actually.

The lead translator of the Mother 3 fan translation was recently hired to work on the localization of the most recent Mario & Sonic Olympics.


And set a precedent that it's okay for people to infringe on IP because they'll eventually get a deal down the road? There's a reason why businesses don't view these kinds of moves favourably.

How is C&D talk any more disrespectful than the team deciding to create a remake of Nintendo's game without permission?
What's the problem? People will use their it's in different ways even games like they've always have. High exposure games are what catch the lawyers attention and take them down, and they get the attention because of the quality. Having a cherry picked partnership would benefit both and the fan base instead of this shit show.

The situation now it's Nintendo lawyers being lawyers and cracking down on anything, instead of development Nintendo do or even executive Nintendo. And taking the side of soul eating lawyers is a no go for me.

There technically is precedent, actually.

The lead translator of the Mother 3 fan translation was recently hired to work on the localization of the most recent Mario & Sonic Olympics.
Mayo was a professional translator before attempting Mother 3.


Nintendo had a chance of getting some good PR back and earn some equity back but chose to be assholes. This is why the NX will fail they keep making their fanbase mad.

...I mean, no. That's just silly.

It's their Intellectual Property. They control what happens to it. It sucks that a well made fan game is shut down, but Metroid is Nintendo's business property to use to make money.

Maybe they're not taking it in the direction you want them to, but they're still a company and they get to use their IP as they want.

Yup. If anything, Nintendo is kind of shitty for not having killed this sooner. Letting the devs think they can make a real thing of this only to kill it on the day of it's release is a dick move.
ITT: Legality=morality, "A game no one asked for is coming out, your franchise isn't dead stop being entitled", "what do you mean appearances in crossover games don't count"

Fuck Nintendo for this. There are a million Pokemon fan remake hacks, that use actual in game assets, and they're all allowed to exist. And yet Metroid fans have been wanting a real, faithful to the franchise game for fucking ages, and a fan makes one with all new assets, and people in this thread are saying fans are entitled? Corporate shills never cease to amaze me, which is sad because I see them far too much.


before i played AM2R, i had asthma. breathing was so difficult. my lungs were bad and weak

now that ive played AM2R, i have begun training for 2020 olympics. expect to see me win gold for my country in swimming. i am stronger than ever


ITT: Legality=morality, "A game no one asked for is coming out, your franchise isn't dead stop being entitled", "what do you mean appearances in crossover games don't count"

Fuck Nintendo for this. There are a million Pokemon fan remake hacks, that use actual in game assets, and they're all allowed to exist. And yet Metroid fans have been wanting a real, faithful to the franchise game for fucking ages, and a fan makes one with all new assets, and people in this thread are saying fans are entitled? Corporate shills never cease to amaze me, which is sad because I see them far too much.

excellent point. isn't the Twitch Plays Pokemon just a ROM someone hacked? Nintendo didn't seem to care about that.


Sounds like some fanboys are just mad some amateur put out a better Metroid game than Nintendo for free. It's okay guys, no ones taking Federation Force away from you.
I'm confused. Has there actually been a cease and desist, or is that just speculation right now?

There has been no Cease and Desist at this moment, but download files have been legally taken down by a law firm that represents Nintendo. Metroid Database is looking into their own DMCA takedown to check if it's even legitimate and the developer hasn't been contacted at all.

That's all that's developed right now.


I honestly doubt that is the reason or is even in any lists of reasons nintendo took it down.

If that werethe case then theyd have done a massive sweep of rom hacks for mario or either super smash flash games or zelda games out there. Especially mario with super mario maker.

You have a point, but what makes this any different? Quality aside, it's basically the same as a rom hack. Unless they have plans for a Metroid 2 remake or another 2D Metroid in the works.

if you have nothing to say, do not speak.


It's a remake of M2, it's using the frameworks of the older game. Whether it adds new levels or assets is irrelevant considering it's not 100% unique.

That's a far cry from "rip an entire game and redistribute it without permission", and if you can't see that distinction and keep engaging in hyperbole then I don't think you're worth talking to.


This guy could still end up getting a job with them or something.

Im really confused as to how having this game without owning Mp2 is not considered piracy
I thought I was missing a joke at first but it seems like you actually think this is a fan made HD remaster of Prime 2? It's not, it's a remake of Metroid 2, a game boy game, made in Game Maker. It's seems to have redrawn Zero Mission assets and some Nintendo sound effects but the engine, level design and pretty much everything was built by the team.

Whether you still consider that piracy is up to you though, just clearing that up.


I'll eat crow. I mean, I wasn't wrong that Nintendo doesn't have a history of taking down non-profit fangames, but I was mistaken in my belief that this did not fall into the realm of what Nintendo finds unacceptable for fan projects. (I.e. when they compete with official releases)

My guess is they considered that this being available made purchasing Metroid II: The Return of Samus redundant and obsolete. Which is sad.

Of course the title is a bit of an exaggeration, as I wouldn't use the word 'slammed' but whatever.


There has been no Cease and Desist at this moment, but download files have been legally taken down by a law firm that represents Nintendo. Metroid Database is looking into their own DMCA takedown to check if it's even legitimate and the developer hasn't been contacted at all.

That's all that's developed right now.

Just confirmed as legit on twitter, btw.

What is being redistributed? Is there an HD remake of Metroid 2 that Nintendo produced that I'm forgetting about here?

AM2R is using sprites from the GBA games. Someone mentioned music too which I personally don't know about unless you count obvious remixes.


Gold Member
I'll eat crow. I mean, I wasn't wrong that Nintendo doesn't have a history of taking down non-profit fangames, but I was mistaken in my belief that this did not fall into the realm of what Nintendo finds unacceptable for fan projects. (I.e. when they compete with official releases)

My guess is they considered that this being available made purchasing Metroid II: The Return of Samus redundant and obsolete. Which is sad.

Of course the title is a bit of an exaggeration, as I wouldn't use the word 'slammed' but whatever.

They took it down because they played it and were embarrassed in themselves.


excellent point. isn't the Twitch Plays Pokemon just a ROM someone hacked? Nintendo didn't seem to care about that.

ITT: Legality=morality, "A game no one asked for is coming out, your franchise isn't dead stop being entitled", "what do you mean appearances in crossover games don't count"

Fuck Nintendo for this. There are a million Pokemon fan remake hacks, that use actual in game assets, and they're all allowed to exist. And yet Metroid fans have been wanting a real, faithful to the franchise game for fucking ages, and a fan makes one with all new assets, and people in this thread are saying fans are entitled? Corporate shills never cease to amaze me, which is sad because I see them far too much.

None of these things are the same as literally remaking a game that they sell for profit and giving it away for free. The fact that it's better than the original only makes it worse lol

Its understandable to have supported the project and be disappointed, but people doing backflips to logically justify their saltiness is silly

If you owned an IP you probably wouldn't let people give away one of your creations from it for free either.
before i played AM2R, i had asthma. breathing was so difficult. my lungs were bad and weak

now that ive played AM2R, i have begun training for 2020 olympics. expect to see me win gold for my country in swimming. i am stronger than ever

lmao you really love this game!

On-topic for a moment: I think the anger and fire here is that Metroid has gone without a good game for its fans in like forever, so this one comes along and it's absolutely fantastic and really well made and Nintendo has the choice here to be the good guys Sega style and connect amicably and positively with its fans or be complete legal dicks and shut the game down and they take option two; shitting on their fans that have kept them afloat for decades and will likely see the NX be a success. While Nintendo have the right to protect their IP this is still a dick move to which they had another choice of possible action here i.e. pulling a Sega and supporting their fans.

Also this just came through on my Twitter feed:

Metroid Database ‏@MetroidDatabase 2m2 minutes ago
The attorney has gotten back in touch with us and it appears the notice is indeed legitimate. We have no further comments.

Source: https://twitter.com/MetroidDatabase

The legal notice that hit Metroid Database was legit indicating that the legal notices here are too.


ITT: Legality=morality, "A game no one asked for is coming out, your franchise isn't dead stop being entitled", "what do you mean appearances in crossover games don't count"

Fuck Nintendo for this. There are a million Pokemon fan remake hacks, that use actual in game assets, and they're all allowed to exist. And yet Metroid fans have been wanting a real, faithful to the franchise game for fucking ages, and a fan makes one with all new assets, and people in this thread are saying fans are entitled? Corporate shills never cease to amaze me, which is sad because I see them far too much.

To be fair, that's more a problem with apple and google than it is with Nintendo.

I really hope you guys who are claiming "corporate shill" are planning on supporting newer games with the same formula, like Axiom Verge and Ghost Song.


I'll eat crow. I mean, I wasn't wrong that Nintendo doesn't have a history of taking down non-profit fangames, but I was mistaken in my belief that this did not fall into the realm of what Nintendo finds unacceptable for fan projects. (I.e. when they compete with official releases)

My guess is they considered that this being available made purchasing Metroid II: The Return of Samus redundant and obsolete. Which is sad.

Of course the title is a bit of an exaggeration, as I wouldn't use the word 'slammed' but whatever.
Sadly, I think any fan project that attracts too much attention will get taken down. Project M ended up in kinda the same situation, except they tried to ignore it for longer, hoping it would go away.

In this case too, I think the fan game was just too good, so they attacked it. From what I've seen, it makes Nintendo's recent efforts look weak and out of touch.


excellent point. isn't the Twitch Plays Pokemon just a ROM someone hacked? Nintendo didn't seem to care about that.

Because it served as one giant meme-y ad for Pokemon. Why would they care? That's money in their pocket.

This though, ain't no one buying Metroid 2 when they can get this for free.

The corporate bootlickers here are kinda gross

Let's put it this way. Part of heading up a passion project of any kind is doing to legal legwork to make sure what you're making can be marketed without issue. That was not done here, and the act of not doing that was irresponsible.


Nintendo had a chance of getting some good PR back and earn some equity back but chose to be assholes. This is why the NX will fail they keep making their fanbase mad.


This is shitty for Metroid fans, but lol at thinking NX will fail because Nintendo makes their fans mad. If anything the rate at which they produced million sellers on a console that had a low install base should tell you that their fans are generally catered to. Its drawing in fans of 3rd party stuff they struggle to appeal to.

And realistically...they are within their rights here. Sucks we never get Metroid or Chrono Trigger or any number of other things but these properties dont belong to us. Folks have the right to protect their property even if its from being outshined or out done by fans doing their own remakes.

At least Project M lasted as long as it did I guess.
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