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Project Cafe Rumor Cafe [Weinerpoop Post 7513]

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Need to Song of Double-Time this bitch.


Ookami-kun said:
To be honest, Vita was the thing that made Sony's presentation much better. Otherwise only Sly 4 felt different in the sea of the similar games and was pretty much bland.

Yeah, there were a lot of FPS games this year.

Can't wait for the Nintendo Magic to start!

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
DragonKnight said:
We are going to see pikmin, zelda, mario, and the like tomorrow you're talking about similar games?

God of War, ICO/Sotc Collection, Bioshock, Uncharted, Sly...i don't see the similarities. Come on. You're better than that. And bland? Bland?


Not really much anticipating collections, especially with my bad experience with Slowdown Sly. Hoping ICOllection will deliver though. Also, seriously, God of War?

And yes, Bioshock, Killzone, etc. gritty generic shooters. Only Uncharted has a personality among them yet I still cringe because it's yet another retread of the same generic "adventurer" story with shootan.

I actually cheered when I saw Sly 4 because HOLY SHIT IT'S DIFFERENT
NSQuote said:
Yeah, there were a lot of FPS games this year.

Can't wait for the Nintendo Magic to start!

To be fair, Sony was much better than micro in that regard. The only shooter I remembered from their conference was resistance.


NSQuote said:
Yeah, there were a lot of FPS games this year.

Can't wait for the Nintendo Magic to start!

See I think there were too many FPSes, but I feel a big major FPS is one of the things Nintendo needs to announce at their show to make people know they are serious.


Penguin said:
See I think there were too many FPSes, but I feel a big major FPS is one of the things Nintendo needs to announce at their show to make people know they are serious.

Agreed. Not really a fan of the genre, but it appeals to a certain audience.


Penguin said:
See I think there were too many FPSes, but I feel a big major FPS is one of the things Nintendo needs to announce at their show to make people know they are serious.

That or GTA5.


Just watched an episode of the Japanese Iron Chef and Itoi was a panelist. Made me realize how bad I want a Mother collection for 3DS.
Ookami-kun said:
Not really much anticipating collections, especially with my bad experience with Slowdown Sly. Hoping ICOllection will deliver though. Also, seriously, God of War?

And yes, Bioshock, Killzone, etc. gritty generic shooters. Only Uncharted has a personality among them yet I still cringe because it's yet another retread of the same generic "adventurer" story with shootan.

I actually cheered when I saw Sly 4 because HOLY SHIT IT'S DIFFERENT

First no Killzone, second if Bioshock counts as a generic shooter than you seriously have no gaming credibility. Sorry but I went there. Only two smart shooters even exist and they are bioshock (part one) and the Half-Life series.

And have you even played uncharted? You sound like you just want things to be different just for the sake of being different without caring about quality (see kinect)

Go to bed. Hopefully nintendo will be different enough for you tomorrow. Wow. Lemme guess. Sly 4 is just mgs with a fox and a crippled turtle. And you praise one collection and criticize the other?

It's definitely E3

Beth Cyra

Ookami-kun said:
Not really much anticipating collections, especially with my bad experience with Slowdown Sly. Hoping ICOllection will deliver though. Also, seriously, God of War?

And yes, Bioshock, Killzone, etc. gritty generic shooters. Only Uncharted has a personality among them yet I still cringe because it's yet another retread of the same generic "adventurer" story with shootan.

I actually cheered when I saw Sly 4 because HOLY SHIT IT'S DIFFERENT
I can't agree with this.

Bioshock 2 didn't have the magic that Bioshock 1 or seemingly Bioshock Infinite have but by no means was in generic.

It did alot more with story and characters and the world it was set in then most. Bioshock Infinite seems to be doing any more.

Killzone and the other garbage I can agree with but I really think unless you are giving Bioshock crap because of System Shock that this is unfair to the game.
NSQuote said:
> Pause for claps
> No claps
>> What do?

Play fake applause sounds, apparently.

In conferences past, the MCs would announce things and not expect applause. Said applause would come and they would get interrupted. So now they wait. Simple as that. So Reggie announces F-Zero HD and pauses for applause? What does that make him.
dankir said:
Come on, not a single leak??? No console shots yet or anything..........fucking hell this is taking forever.

Dude, look at this:


They built a fucking fort so that people couldn't see the Cafe.

Takeda Kenshi

blew Staal
dankir said:
Come on, not a single leak??? No console shots yet or anything..........fucking hell this is taking forever.

With the lack of genuine surprises in this day and age, we should cherish this moment for all its worth. /justification


DragonKnight said:
In conferences past, the MCs would announce things and not expect applause. Said applause would come and they would get interrupted. So now they wait. Simple as that. So Reggie announces F-Zero HD and pauses for applause? What does that make him.
I'm just joking; I thought it was funny when after a while they started to play the fake applause.

Beth Cyra

DragonKnight said:
And bioshock 2 is made by a completely different development house that lacked the vision of what bioshock 1 and system shock tried to accomplish
That doesn't matter to the majority of consumers.

Though it is very clear that Bioshock Infinite is made by the same group that made Bioshock 1, because it looks fucking amazing.


DragonKnight said:
My bad. That Ookami dude has me on edge.
Nah man, it's fine.

And you are right, Uncharted and Bioshock aren't just ordinary FPS games; they are the gems of the genre. Just because there is an influx of FPS games right now doesn't mean good ones don't exist.

Beth Cyra

JazzmanZ said:
So Gaf how hyped are you for the Cafe'? use this handy chart to decide which one you are.

I love new hardware, I love certain Nintendo franchsies and I'm excited to see what exactly SSFIV 3DS links to, guessing just SSFIV AE on Cafe but still can't wait.

So I ame extremely excited, but that comes with all consoles so I can't reall be disappointed.

Unless they pull a Virtual Boy and it's only view able in Red.
So when IGN says that we will be surprised, what do you think they are talking about?
--The games
--The hardware
--The power
--The online
--The third party support
--Cafe is a bear
DragonKnight said:
So when IGN says that we will be surprised, what do you think they are talking about?
--The games
--The hardware
--The power
--The online
--The third party support
--The bear is Cafe

All of the above.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Is it ok to call in sick on the second day of a new job? :lol


Beth Cyra

DragonKnight said:
So when IGN says that we will be surprised, what do you think they are talking about?
--The games
--The hardware
--The power
--The online
--The third party support
--Cafe is a bear
If it's not this then Nintendo am 3rd Party.
I have class until 10 am pst... crap.

What would be the best place to watch the conference from the beginning without anything being spoiled, an hour later?

(sad i know)


I'm seriously thinking about heading down to Nintendo World tomorrow to see the conference live. Is anyone else down?


JazzmanZ said:
So Gaf how hyped are you for the Cafe'? use this handy chart to decide which one you are.


Overhyped. I can't see myself sleeping tonight. Hell, I woke up at 6AM today because I was excited about Vita.

Cafe hype is Vita hype x 9001.
jetpacks was yes said:
I have class until 10 am pst... crap.

What would be the best place to watch the conference from the beginning without anything being spoiled, an hour later?

(sad i know)
I think most sites will have them up an hour or two later.

Just go to this thread.

DragonKnight said:
Lord. Although it would suck but if Nintendo could just cause you to have a meltdown it would simply be glorious.

You'll be waiting a looooooooooooooong time, my friend. Like I said before, I'm not nearly that emotionally involved. Doesn't mean I don't like to have fun and speculate.
Kamek said:
I'm seriously thinking about heading down to Nintendo World tomorrow to see the conference live. Is anyone else down?
Yes. Getting there early.
Edit: I'm still bringing my laptop and some headphones, just in case...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
DragonKnight said:
First no Killzone, second if Bioshock counts as a generic shooter than you seriously have no gaming credibility. Sorry but I went there. Only two smart shooters even exist and they are bioshock (part one) and the Half-Life series.

And have you even played uncharted? You sound like you just want things to be different just for the sake of being different without caring about quality (see kinect)

Go to bed. Hopefully nintendo will be different enough for you tomorrow. Wow. Lemme guess. Sly 4 is just mgs with a fox and a crippled turtle. And you praise one collection and criticize the other?

It's definitely E3

Yeah Killzone wasn't in the E3, I just said that since it is part of Sony's arsenal. And yes, Bioshock Infinity looks good, but I am still holding judgment especially after 2.

Yes I have, thank you very much. I pretty much enjoy 2 even, but 1 was pretty boring in contrast. I don't like cinematic games and all this "set pieces" bullshit. And don't even get me started on QTEs. No, being different is a requirement, but usually people are easily impressed with "cinematics".

Also I won't go to bed since it's early morning in my time zone. Sly 4 looks good because it is quite different in tone and contrast compared to the recent GRITTY, SERIOUS, "DUDEBRO" games. And it pretty much differentiated itself right off the bat, not pretending to be an MGS game (stealth is a commonplace nowadays).

I criticized Sly Collection because of the instances of its FPS going down at certain points, as well as weird glitches (like the Mz. Ruby battle in 1 which wasn't present in the PS2 game). As I said, ICO and SotC collection can make it work since it's technically not "done" yet, maybe even improve stuff like SotC's framerate.

So yeah. Don't get upset there just because I said some things.
Ookami-kun said:
Yeah Killzone wasn't in the E3, I just said that since it is part of Sony's arsenal. And yes, Bioshock Infinity looks good, but I am still holding judgment especially after 2.

Yes I have, thank you very much. I pretty much enjoy 2 even, but 1 was pretty boring in contrast. I don't like cinematic games and all this "set pieces" bullshit. And don't even get me started on QTEs. No, being different is a requirement, but usually people are easily impressed with "cinematics".

Also I won't go to bed since it's early morning in my time zone. Sly 4 looks good because it is quite different in tone and contrast compared to the recent GRITTY, SERIOUS, "DUDEBRO" games. And it pretty much differentiated itself right off the bat, not pretending to be an MGS game (stealth is a commonplace nowadays).

I criticized Sly Collection because of the instances of its FPS going down at certain points, as well as weird glitches (like the Mz. Ruby battle in 1 which wasn't present in the PS2 game). As I said, ICO and SotC collection can make it work since it's technically not "done" yet, maybe even improve stuff like SotC's framerate.

So yeah. Don't get upset there just because I said some things.

Just so you know Sly 4 isn't even being made by Sucker Punch. I just fucking ruined your day.

Not really lol
Got three websites up for this nitendo conference. I wish I woulda went out and bought some snacks. I'll get pizza. What kind should I get?
Kamek said:
I'm seriously thinking about heading down to Nintendo World tomorrow to see the conference live. Is anyone else down?
Oh, that's not a bad idea...

...well, except it's $4.50 in transportation fees I could avoid spending by watching the conference at home without noisy people freaking out next to me. lol


TruePrime said:
I love new hardware, I love certain Nintendo franchsies and I'm excited to see what exactly SSFIV 3DS links to, guessing just SSFIV AE on Cafe but still can't wait.

So I ame extremely excited, but that comes with all consoles so I can't reall be disappointed.

Unless they pull a Virtual Boy and it's only view able in Red.

Fun Fact: Red is the greatest color ever*

*excluding brown and gray
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