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Project Cafe Rumor Cafe [Weinerpoop Post 7513]

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GDGF said:
I hope Nintendo stays sealed tight until tomorrow. Advanced leaks (among other things) ruined the Microsoft conference. I don't want Nintendo's going the same way.
I'd say they served as more of a warning(that most of us should have heeded lol).



I'm having connection issues. I swear to god, if my god damned ISP screws me up tomorrow, I'll personally destroy their offices. I absolutely CANNOT miss the conference tomorrow. I've missed all the previous worthy conferences due to power outages or miscalculating the time.


Well after the MS and Sony conferences I stand by my prediction that Nintendo and Cafe will own this E3. Still a year away doesn't mean much at this point and especially so after Nintendo supposedly won last year's E3 on the back of 3DS that never really turned into much real world.


Reggie said surprises all week. I wonder if he's referring to the roundtables on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, or other stuff they'll reveal during the week.
DarkWish said:
Reggie said surprises all week. I wonder if he's referring to the roundtables on Tuesday and Wednesday evening, or other stuff they'll reveal during the week.

Probably. The roundtables usually give us goodies. They might also show off new stuff on their e3 web casts.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Yeah, and IGN also has said you need to stay tuned ALL WEEK for Nintendo information.

Maybe a SSBB-type reveal coming this year?


herzogzwei1989 said:
Nintendo seriously needs to save this E3.

Other than the Vita price reveal, Sony had a bad show too.

I thought it sucked for the PS3, but the Vita was fantastic. The price, Modnation, LBP, the b-roll of the upcoming games was all stellar.

Krowley said:
From an earlier post ....

What was the hint they gave?


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
"Hey hey IGN boardies, Lucas here checking in from the IGN War Room at E3. It's time to get hyped, Nintendo fans. I think you're going to be very pleased with what you're going to see very soon! I could give you guys a clue, but you'd have to chase me down. You guys have some great guesses. I think that clue is all I can offer right now, but I'll be back with another nugget sometime before the Nintendo's briefing kicks off tomorrow morning."

Chase = cars

Nugget = gold

Gold + car = "Goldbug"

"Goldbug" = autobot "Bumblebee"

"Bumblebee" = voltswagon beetle

voltswagon bettle = Beetle Adventure Racing!

Case closed.


Why would you do that? said:
They will be talking about their new systems

(Yes I know he most likely means 3DS and Cafe.)
Surprise Twist! The Café is TWO systems! At home it's the next Nintendo home console but take the controller away with you to get Nintendo's very first tablet PC!


OG_Original Gamer said:
You heard it here first, Rockstar gets Zelda development with Nintendo input, obviously is a guess. Would be something though.
Metroid would make 1,000x more sense than Zelda. Bounty hunter>Elf manchild for a sandbox title.
Cheesemeister said:
Thank goodness that's over. Deciding on a console name and selling it is a job for marketing people like Scott Moffitt.

VP Scott Moffitt
Sat on a toffet
Playing his games all day
When along came a system
Whose name quite perplexed him
And drove the poor marketer insane

This didn't get the love it deserved


"Hey hey IGN boardies, Lucas here checking in from the IGN War Room at E3. It's time to get hyped, Nintendo fans. I think you're going to be very pleased with what you're going to see very soon! I could give you guys a clue, but you'd have to chase me down. You guys have some great guesses. I think that clue is all I can offer right now, but I'll be back with another nugget sometime before the Nintendo's briefing kicks off tomorrow morning."

If it was that awesome he wouldn't address to Nintendo fans specifically, but the whole human race. Disappointment incoming....
Mojojo said:
If it was that awesome he wouldn't address to Nintendo fans specifically, but the whole human race. Disappointment incoming....

GTA announced for PS3: Oh, cool another one.

GTA announced for Cafe: OMG! FINALLY! YES! IT'S HAPPENING!


Just the name & console itself with some Nintendo games in HD is enough to win this year's E3. Everything else is just icing on the cake.
JasonMCG said:
Metroid would make 1,000x more sense than Zelda. Bounty hunter>Elf manchild for a sandbox title.
Now this is where you're wrong. GTA titles share much in common with Zelda. Metroid is a tight puzzle experience and not conducive to the sandbox design of Zelda/GTA. I would much rather Rockstar not touch any Nintendo IPs. ;)
Mojojo said:
If it was that awesome he wouldn't address to Nintendo fans specifically, but the whole human race. Disappointment incoming....

Cafe to only cure cancer. AIDS cure still not found. I am disappoint nintendo.


Why would you do that? said:
They will be talking about their new systems

(Yes I know he most likely means 3DS and Cafe.)
4th pillar!!!!
Wii and 3DS for the casuals
Cafe and New Uber Portable that will crush the Vita for the hardcores!


mugurumakensei said:
Cafe to only cure cancer. AIDS cure still not found. I am disappoint nintendo.

Sony and MS will drop a AIDS curing bombshell next year.

Kintaco said:
4th pillar!!!!
Wii and 3DS for the casuals
Cafe and New Uber Portable that will crush the Vita for the hardcores!

4DS here we come.


The new controller could probably be a new system, too. Imagine if it has app support, etc. It could basically be an iPad copy.
ombz said:
Technically Nintendo never confirmed the console being HD :p

When people kept asking Nintendo about HD on the Wii, WiiHD possibilities and so on, they kept saying "no, we will do that on our next system but not now."

The Hermit

I couldn't sleep last night...I took some sleeping pills tonight. True story...

I've never been so hyped...this is too much!



My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Baiano19 said:
I couldn't sleep last night...I took some sleeping pills tonight. True story...

I've never been so hyped...this is too much!

Unfortunately I took my quota of two-ambien last night. (don't like the feeling of taking that stuff two nights in a row.) But I did go with decaffeinated coffee . First time I've had decaf in 20 years.


ThoseDeafMutes said:
When people kept asking Nintendo about HD on the Wii, WiiHD possibilities and so on, they kept saying "no, we will do that on our next system but not now."
Ya I've read his comments and HD should be a sure bet. Its just funny toying with the idea that Nintendo still doesn't adopt HD.


My eyes are burning from lack of sleep, but I promised a friend I would have a drink with her and watch some E3 coverage.

But soon that will be over and I will be able to rest and dream of tomorrow's conference. And then tomorrow will be here.

My body is ready.


just some silly theory, but iwata has tweeted a bunch today, and reggie did the tweet vid. i think they may be doing it from the new controller.

we know it has cameras, and it could very well possibly connect to wifi and have apps such as twitter...


I really hope they show actual video games tomorrow. Not glorified tech demos. Not CG trailers that tell nothing about the final product. Not silly waggle-fests. Real, honest- to-God video games. Is that too much to ask?
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