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Project CARS 2 discussion thread (provisional release date: Septemberish 2017)


That said, I do think that there should be a special learning mode, a mode where rewind is available to enable you to learn the track, I also thing this mode could be fleshed out to provide a extra layer of gameplay, a bit like the way the track mastering system worked in Shift 2.

I'm sure I read recently that there might be a 'driving school' in pCARS 2 for learning race craft, but I can't find the quote.


I'm sure I read recently that there might be a 'driving school' in pCARS 2 for learning race craft, but I can't find the quote.

That, combined with a decent ranking / matchmaking system (I am sure I read it will have a tier multiplayer system to make sure you are racing with people of the same level?) would be a good thing.
They never confirmed PSVR for PCars 2, I don't know what your going on about. They only said they are looking into it. And if your talking about the first Pcars, maybe your bitching should be more specific in a thread about a separate game.

Well he has a point, how can you trust the very same developer with anything they say when they promised PSVR for the first game? Being honest they also promised a WiiU game and we all know what happened there as well.


Well he has a point, how can you trust the very same developer with anything they say when they promised PSVR for the first game? Being honest they also promised a WiiU game and we all know what happened there as well.
Well, his point is one nobody probably cares about if they are visiting this thread. I mean, you can hate PC1 and 2 and SMS for all the reasons you may want, but coming here and saying such things is nothing but trolling, since it only adds noise to the conversation.

Of course, being a dick when someone exposes you some arguments doesn't help either.

Edit: Now something worthwhile, maybe. The other day I was talking about how I could not go into details on gamepad controls because I'm not a gamepad player myself. What I can do instead is talking about the approach to driving, which also relates to gamepad controls. I will not talk about tech, just about something you could call a paradigm shift.

PC1 driving at the edge was mostly about prep driving. You knew that beyond a certain point there was no way back. So you had to drive to never reach that point. You had to refrain from pushing, turning, braking because if you went too far, thet was a spin. Add in changing conditions and it was a very brave task, to be honest. More than needed, probably.

PC2 is different in that it is more about reactionary driving. The FFB gives more detailed/better information on what the car is doing, yes, but physics are also less digital, more organic. So, instead of never reaching a certain point, what you need to do is reach that point and surf the wave from then on. There're different stages of success and failure, you can, for instance, lose the tail but control it. You'll lose some tenths, some acceleration, but you will not lose the car. Braking is the same. You can block, release the brakes a bit, adjust the car and do the turn. Again, you will be losing some precious time, but you will not lose the car. I'm not saying there's a point of no return; there is, but it's not do or die anymore. Not in good conditions, anyway.

Some people will probably find it too easy, or will think it is not as thrilling. In my opinion it's simply more fun and is better suited for people of all driving styles. It also encourages the player to try to surf the wave instead of discouraging him from learning the limit. I don't like talking about realism because I've never been in conditions similar to those of a race in real life. I'll just say that it feels more natural to me and more in line with what I'm used to see in real life races.
Well, his point is one nobody probably cares about if they are visiting this thread. I mean, you can hate PC1 and 2 and SMS for all the reasons you may want, but coming here and saying such things is nothing but trolling, since it only adds noise to the conversation.

Of course, being a dick when someone exposes you some arguments doesn't help either.

True, I'm hoping that SMS are going to be good to their word with the improvements and come out with a fairly bug free game on release. I know this will be more simulation but I'm hoping it offers a good alternative to the functionality of GT:Sport when it releases, I always enjoyed the online aspect of GT5


Edit: Now something worthwhile, maybe. The other day I was talking about how I could not go into details on gamepad controls because I'm not a gamepad player myself. What I can do instead is talking about the approach to driving, which also relates to gamepad controls. I will not talk about tech, just about something you could call a paradigm shift.

PC1 driving at the edge was mostly about prep driving. You knew that beyond a certain point there was no way back. So you had to drive to never reach that point. You had to refrain from pushing, turning, braking because if you went too far, thet was a spin. Add in changing conditions and it was a very brave task, to be honest. More than needed, probably.

PC2 is different in that it is more about reactionary driving. The FFB gives more detailed/better information on what the car is doing, yes, but physics are also less digital, more organic. So, instead of never reaching a certain point, what you need to do is reach that point and surf the wave from then on. There're different stages of success and failure, you can, for instance, lose the tail but control it. You'll lose some tenths, some acceleration, but you will not lose the car. Braking is the same. You can block, release the brakes a bit, adjust the car and do the turn. Again, you will be losing some precious time, but you will not lose the car. I'm not saying there's a point of no return; there is, but it's not do or die anymore. Not in good conditions, anyway.

Some people will probably find it too easy, or will think it is not as thrilling. In my opinion it's simply more fun and is better suited for people of all driving styles. It also encourages the player to try to surf the wave instead of discouraging him from learning the limit. I don't like talking about realism because I've never been in conditions similar to those of a race in real life. I'll just say that it feels more natural to me and more in line with what I'm used to see in real life races.

I've heard very similar comments from other hands-on WMDers. It's all very encouraging stuff. Couple this with the new tyre model, the reportedly huge advances in FFB, and better aural feedback like multi-layered tyre screech (directionally-accurate from each tyre on surround sound systems) and it apparently like playing a whole different game to the first pCARS (which I guess it really is).


Yeah, it's still Project CARS at its core, but cars definitely feel different. GT3 is probably the closest to PC1, and even there there's a noticeable difference. All other returning cars that I've tried feel very different. They share the same basic characteristics (lazy in tigh corners, or not enough drag, or tail happy, or whatever that certain car is like), but how they come to happen and how these are translated to the player are very different. For the better, IMO.


VR and he's not even looking around at all! That's pretty funny.

Yeah, I noticed that as well. He did glance left as a car overtook at one point. It's a shame he didn't turn around because everything that you can possibly see in the car in now correctly modelled, apparently.

It'd be weird seeing arms that aren't your own. Can you disable the arms/wheel graphics in pCARS 2?

Of course..!


I'm just guessing that it'd be weird, I haven't even tried VR out yet myself. Seeing what should be my arms not moving 1:1 with how I'm actually moving them just seems like something that'd be weird to see.
I'm just guessing that it'd be weird, I haven't even tried VR out yet myself. Seeing what should be my arms not moving 1:1 with how I'm actually moving them just seems like something that'd be weird to see.

Having spent about two hours with Dirt Rally VR last night on the PS4 with my wheel I can safely say that this wasn't an issue, I was spending more time concentrating on what was being said and where the road went to look at my steering wheel.

Fox Mulder

Christ, I really hope SMS pull all of this off. They seem to be thinking of all the little details that could add so, so much to the overall experience.

And then you do a race where crash debris stays in the racing line the whole race like in pcars 1.


Yeah, random youtuber, rant, blah blah blah etc etc etc, but I can't really disagree with the bit about Mr Bell, and how they treated customers after release.


I couldn't stand more than two minutes. The guy is either trolling or super bad informed while he thinks he knows something.

Livetrack comments: Oh, it rains, that's cool, but dirt and mud, you will not notice, so it does not make a difference. Oh, yeah, it doesn't make a difference. Like the track, even when in dry, rubs in real time, so grip grows based on the cars trajectory, braking patterns, etc., and the heat of the tarmac that the cars create is done in real time too (and shadow based, and dependant on time of day, and location, and climate, and weather, and day of year...), so when you want to cool down your tyres, you are better not following the standard line. And that heat also makes the rain dry faster, which dynamically creates dry lanes on wet asphalt that you can actually see. But yeah, that's just... you know, that doesn't matter, you will not notice.

When you have a game changer in front of you and you cannot understand it, you better refrain from telling people what they should do.


If the game ends up being great and you're a fan of racing sims I think you have to just ignore any dislike you may have for Ian Bell or how they handled community feedback for your own sake as a sim fan and play the game.

Those youtube comments though. Why do I ever read them lol.


If the game ends up being great and you're a fan of racing sims I think you have to just ignore any dislike you may have for Ian Bell or how they handled community feedback for your own sake as a sim fan and play the game.

I think you're right, but either way, it's no way a day 1 buy for me, I'll give it a week while the dust settles and the non-enhanced reactions start to filter through.


I think you're right, but either way, it's no way a day 1 buy for me, I'll give it a week while the dust settles and the non-enhanced reactions start to filter through.

Not giving them the benefit of the doubt makes sense to me as well. If it does turn out great it'll be a must-own for all of us though.


I think you're right, but either way, it's no way a day 1 buy for me, I'll give it a week while the dust settles and the non-enhanced reactions start to filter through.
Well, that's just common sense and something more people should do with any game; companies would be more careful to not release some things.


I've pretty much given up preordering ANY game any more. Nothing seems to launch these days without being 'fixed' a few months later, so I'd rather wait a few months and play a 'better' game. This was harder a few years ago when it meant missing out on big MP sessions with friends on CoD etc, but that scene has fragmented now to the point of nonexistence.

I think it's going to be hard for me not to digitally preorder pCARS 2 though.


Well, that's just common sense and something more people should do with any game; companies would be more careful to not release some things.

I tend to give racers, and sim racers in particular free(r) range when it comes to buying them day 1, as it's my genre, this will be one of the first big sim releases I haven't brought day 1

I think it's going to be hard for me not to digitally preorder pCARS 2 though.

I'll let you be the guinea pig then.


I tend to give racers, and sim racers in particular free(r) range when it comes to buying them day 1, as it's my genre, this will be one of the first big sim releases I haven't brought day 1

I'll let you be the guinea pig then.

Happy to be one! :)

Christ on a unicycle, that guy in the video talks some shit. Is the whole thing like that?

OK, Ian Bell was the antithesis of approachability at times following the launch but I think that's because of the shit that was being flung at SMS and WMD immediately after release, and the inane whingeing about development features or roadmap items not making the final cut, as happens during every game development. He made a few comments at the time that he might now regret but it's nothing compared to Stefano's various meltdowns over at Kunos.

Ian's actually been very open and honest about pCARS' shortcomings and how SMS are working hard to correct them for pCARS 2. They are a talented, dedicated bunch at SMS and the vitriol fired their way is criminally undeserved.

I guess everyone needs a pantomime villain and it seems there are a lot of people who see it as good sport to continually shit on pCARS because of some internet warrior 'issue' they have with the studio head. It's a shame these fucking cockwombles have such a public forum in YouTube to spray their clickbait bile.

Fox Mulder

Happy to be one! :)

Christ on a unicycle, that guy in the video talks some shit. Is the whole thing like that?

OK, Ian Bell was the antithesis of approachability at times following the launch but I think that's because of the shit that was being flung at SMS and WMD immediately after release, and the inane whingeing about development features or roadmap items not making the final cut, as happens during every game development. He made a few comments at the time that he might now regret but it's nothing compared to Stefano's various meltdowns over at Kunos.

Ian's actually been very open and honest about pCARS' shortcomings and how SMS are working hard to correct them for pCARS 2. They are a talented, dedicated bunch at SMS and the vitriol fired their way is criminally undeserved.

I guess everyone needs a pantomime villain and it seems there are a lot of people who see it as good sport to continually shit on pCARS because of some internet warrior 'issue' they have with the studio head. It's a shame these fucking cockwombles have such a public forum in YouTube to spray their clickbait bile.

Are you Ian bell?


Are you Ian bell?
I would not go as far as Mascot, but you don't really see the same kind of hate towards Kunos/Stefano. Did you, by any chance, read his last meltdown? He was calling names on a professional driver, who was just willing to help, just because he doubted the tyre model (this driver is, BTW, working as a consultant for PC2 now, lol).

Kunos and his fans have created this imagery of a small studio fighting against the odds, when the truth is that, once you count outsourced material, there were more people working on AC than on PC1. And I don't really want to start any contrroversy between PC and Assetto Corsa, I'm not that kind of person. I fully believe that many sim fanatics don't understand they are a minority and need to work together and make sim racing a movement instead of a random number of families that despise each other.

The hate towards Project CARS and SMS started looooong before PC1 was on the market and Ian Bell started calling names and deleting people from their official forums.


The hate towards Project CARS and SMS started looooong before PC1 was on the market and Ian Bell started calling names and deleting people from their official forums.

I can't speak for other developers, and I never hated on PC1 prior to release, didn't really follow it particularly closely.

But I have never been spoken to or seen people get spoken to, by the developer of a game before PCars was released.

Maybe it's not unusual, but it was too me, as far as I am concerned, you speak to people like that, then you deserve any flak you get back


Are you Ian bell?

No, but I wish I had his Veyron.

I just think the guy deserves a break. A lot of the ill-feeling towards him is based on a few overblown incidents that keyboard warriors like to over-exaggerate because they harbour some abstract hive-mind grudge.

It's a real shame because you then have thundercunts like that YouTube prick publicly slagging off pCARS (which, btw, is fucking great now) and pre-boycotting pCARS 2 because of it.

But I have never been spoken to or seen people get spoken to, by the developer of a game before PCars was released.

You've piqued my curiosity Dan - I need to know what he said now...


I can't speak for other developers, and I never hated on PC1 prior to release, didn't really follow it particularly closely.

But I have never been spoken to or seen people get spoken to, by the developer of a game before PCars was released.

Maybe it's not unusual, but it was too me, as far as I am concerned, you speak to people like that, then you deserve any flak you get back
PC1 was a very unique thing, and not all of it was pretty. Thousands of people had access to daily builds. Thousands of people were commenting on the development forum, some kind of online office, not NeoGAF, and many, many, many of them were very blunt, when not clearly disrespectful dicks about SMS' work. And I'm not talking about late stages, I'm talking about 2011 builds.

So, while it's clear that Ian Bell has problems dealing with people and he thinks he is "boss" to everybody, I can understand perfectly why things happened the way they happened. He got to see his staff being pressed psicologically beyond any logical point by manchildren just because they didn't like the game. It's a fucking game, nothing more. But man, some people can get really entitled after paying 50€ (or 10€, like a ton of juniors that were trashing WMD all day long during development).

And I'm first to denounce the ugly state of PC1 (even now). But that should allow people to go just so far.


I believe people who felt burnt by SMS and pcars will be wary of the second installment much like those who bought Race Pro and remember the name Simbin will be wary of whatever GTR 3 is in 2018. Nothing wrong with that approach IMO.

To address some of the more recent comments; as an ex WMD member and £50 contributor/investors POV, pcars was a solid release that was rightly criticised for its shortcomings and flaws..Many of which are present in SMS's earlier titles too. While it is lovely to read Ian Bell addressing many of the issues from the first game (cynics will note at a time when pcars 2 is due to arrive), it wasn't like that at all when pcars first shipped. The negative/disappointed customer posts, to be fixed lists and work around guides on the pcars forum attest to this.

Mr Bell has a well earnt reputation for being prickly with people inside and outside of the game development industry. He also has a reputation for making games that sell like cool water to the partched 8)

There are faults on both sides as some people really wanted pcars to fail long before release; these same people are often found criticising every game bar their favourite 8(

As for the comments about Stefano of Kunos; they don't belong here nor should the actions of one man be used to justify those of another. Both Ian and Stefano appear to be highly driven and emotionally connected to their work which has resulted in interactions that became fodder for the dolts at PRC and other such websites. Both men would be better served by hiring a thick skinned community manager.

I'm looking forward to pcars 2; I like what I've read thus far and hope SMS release a solid product again. Great time to be a sim racer..So many fantastic choices across lots of motorsport genres.


Blame NVIDIA for the video resolution: http://www.bsimracing.com/project-cars-2-lighting-effects-video/

As an NVIDIA GPU owner, I'm excited to see how hard pcars pushes the 1070 I currently own. Hope AMD users have better support too.

Over 170 licensed cars from the most iconic brands
Largest track roster of any console racing game ever
Full VR support
Revamped pad handling

All-new vehicle types & motorsport classes, plus old favorites (Rallycross, GT, and more)
Robust e-Sports functionalities and all-new online championships

Race on varying track surfaces including ice, tarmac or dirt tracks
LiveTrack 3.0: Dynamic road surface transitions affect vehicle performance, grip, and handling in real-time with bleeding-edge tire physics and surface deformities
Full 24-hour cycle faithfully recreates the atmospheric conditions and ambiance of a specific time of year

Co-op Career as Teammate Driver, Spotter, Driver Swap, or Co-Pilot
Online Track Days
Pro eSports Racing with Skill & Behavioural-based matchmaking
Custom Online Racing Seasons
Live Broadcast


Trucks - early dev WiP footage (leaked)

Edit: related to recent discussion here: about features getting cut in pCARS 1

This is a common misconception. I created an entirely new and entirely open form of development that had never been tried before. The WMD concept predated Kickstarter and with it we welcomed 80,000 people into the full development process. As with every game, you have a list of features you aim to deliver up front and you work hard to get them to fruition. As with every game I'm aware of, not everything makes the cut. The general public aren't aware of this as games are made behind closed doors and information on what will be delivered is only released as marketing starts 'when you know almost exactly what you can deliver'. We didn't have that privilege as our development was completely in the open, including vision statements, design documents and everything else.

So, from our plans what were we unable to deliver for ship? Fully animated pit crews and ovals. What did we deliver that was never promised, more than 100 features and assets (mainly requested by users) after we shipped and for free.

Edit 2: Code 60

Yes, AI will not "fight" faster cars under blue flag.

We wanted flag waivers and those nice "immersion" things but i dont think we will do it. So you will see icons on your screen for the flag situations.

Yes we have manual formation and cooldown/victory laps. I mentioned before during cooldown/victory lap your vehicle will be non-collidable so you cannot catch up to other still racing and mess up their race.

If you fall out of formation you will get penalty.

Ok some information on safety/pace car. For most circuits (road and city tracks) we will have Code60 local yellow and for ovals we will basically Code60 the whole track for couple laps and aim to "reset" or recollect the field behind leader. Indycar does single-file restarts so this is what we will do for all classes on ovals.

We will not have pit open/close logic for this game or real/visible safety car with "waive arounds" which is much more complicated.


No provision for jump starts?, looks like the cars are 'held' until the light goes green?

Jump starts were in pCARS 1 (I did one at the weekend - oops!) so I'd be amazed if they weren't in pCARS 2, especially with the new expanded penalty system.


Jump starts were in pCARS 1 (I did one at the weekend - oops!) so I'd be amazed if they weren't in pCARS 2, especially with the new expanded penalty system.

I know, hence why I highlighted it.

Certainly look locked into the green light in that video.


I know, hence why I highlighted it.

Certainly look locked into the green light in that video.

Maybe it's a toggle, or when penalties are disabled?

It's leaked dev footage, so all sorts of things might not be working depending on the build.


I really like PC1, the visuals, sound and feel are great...... But playing online has been a terrible experience. Half the race field quits after the first lap, the first turn on any course is an absolute cluster, and the ramming and diving into people's race lines... Makes my blood boil.

If anything after playing PC1 it made me want to go back to playing iRacing because of the reputation system they have in place. I feel like PC1 has so much potential that is squandered on system that doesn't punish or reward drivers for good behaviour.

I realize you can get into leagues as well, but they seem to be underground and not seem less to the experience.

Here is hoping PC2 has a better system for this.


I really like PC1, the visuals, sound and feel are great...... But playing online has been a terrible experience. Half the race field quits after the first lap, the first turn on any course is an absolute cluster, and the ramming and diving into people's race lines... Makes my blood boil.

If anything after playing PC1 it made me want to go back to playing iRacing because of the reputation system they have in place. I feel like PC1 has so much potential that is squandered on system that doesn't punish or reward drivers for good behaviour.

I realize you can get into leagues as well, but they seem to be underground and not seem less to the experience.

Here is hoping PC2 has a better system for this.

It does


30fps replays for consoles confirmed


Not at all happy about this. OK, 60fps replays had technical issues in pCARS 1 but I'd have thought these would be ironed out over the following couple of years. Regressing to 30fps replays seems like a huge step backwards to me. I've always hated the 'ah, but extra effects!' excuse, as if that somehow compensates for halving the framerate.

Can't see myself spending much time watching replays in pCARS 2 now, whereas I do spend a fair bit watching them in pCARS 1.

Hype has just been turned down a couple of notches.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
30fps replays for consoles confirmed

Not at all happy about this. OK, 60fps replays had technical issues in pCARS 1 but I'd have thought these would be ironed out over the following couple of years. Regressing to 30fps replays seems like a huge step backwards to me. I've always hated the 'ah, but extra effects!' excuse, as if that somehow compensates for halving the framerate.

Can't see myself spending much time watching replays in pCARS 2 now, whereas I do spend a fair bit watching them in pCARS 1.

Hype has just been turned down a couple of notches.

I'd take a stuttering 60fps replay over 30. This is disappointing


30fps replays for consoles confirmed

Not at all happy about this. OK, 60fps replays had technical issues in pCARS 1 but I'd have thought these would be ironed out over the following couple of years. Regressing to 30fps replays seems like a huge step backwards to me. I've always hated the 'ah, but extra effects!' excuse, as if that somehow compensates for halving the framerate.

Can't see myself spending much time watching replays in pCARS 2 now, whereas I do spend a fair bit watching them in pCARS 1.

Hype has just been turned down a couple of notches.

Mascot, I don't know how else to say this to you, but man you really need to build yourself a capable gaming PC. As a sim racing fan you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't in this day and age.


Mascot, I don't know how else to say this to you, but man you really need to build yourself a capable gaming PC. As a sim racing fan you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't in this day and age.

I was a big PC sim racer back in the day, but it's just not practical for me anymore.


Mascot, I don't know how else to say this to you, but man you really need to build yourself a capable gaming PC. As a sim racing fan you're doing yourself a disservice if you don't in this day and age.

I know, I know. I've come close a few times, even down to speccing one and filling a shopping basket. My patience was running out on PS4 but to be honest I'm more than happy with Beast Mode performance of pCARS (and Assetto Corsa) on the PS Pro now. I'm sure pCARS 2 will perform admirably on the Pro, but I won't hide the fact that 30fps replays will be a bitter pill to swallow. My eyes are already bleeding with fear and loathing.
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