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Project Scorpio to be shown off next week according to Jez C... (READ MOD POST)


...Since Phil came in and shook things up I think Xbox has been doing quite well. A lot of amazing games on there and a great hardware revision (Xbox One S). Some of my favs of the generation were on Xbox first - Ori and the Blind Forest, Inside, Gears 4 etc. Great stuff.

Not very nice to bring that up again since it's untrue and also been dealt with millions of times over.
Very much agree with this last bit. I'm a very optimistic Xbox owner now when before I was very lukewarm.


Because, again that's what the signs point to as being most likely.

I'll ask you the same thing I asked above, where is the credible Zen rumor? Outside of NeoGAF speculation threads where is the big name sites / leakers talking about Zen cores in Scorpio?
Every developer who's had hands on with it says its a next-gen machine and not half-arsed.

Putting a outdated Jaguar in a console in 2017 isn't next-gen. It's going to be Zen.


Forza is the perfect game to help brush the shit CPU under the carpet. Locked 60fps and (probably) native 4K.

Who needs a decent CPU, it's all about teh balance!

edit -

Eh, how so?

Are all the PC multiplats capped at PS4 graphical settings?

Is there zero reason to buy a PSPro?
I don't remember Sony making such a big deal over the Pro's specs which in hindsight made sense since it is a member of the PS4 platform i.e. it's still a PS4. All this focus on supposedly barrier-breaking specs seems OTT if it turns out that Scorpio is just an upgraded Xbox One. I mean we're not gonna going to see games built from the ground up (taking advantage of Scorpio's architecture) are we?


Every developer who's had hands on with it says its a next-gen machine and not half-arsed.

Putting a outdated Jaguar in a console in 2017 isn't next-gen. It's going to be Zen.
What developers have said it's next gen? They specifically used the words next gen


I don't remember Sony making such a big deal over the Pro's specs which in hindsight made sense since it is a member of the PS4 platform i.e. it's still a PS4. All this focus on supposedly barrier-breaking specs seems OTT if it turns out that Scorpio is just an upgraded Xbox One. I mean we're not gonna going to see games built from the ground up (taking advantage of Scorpio's architecture) are we?

Why would Sony make a big deal out of Pro's h/w when Scorpio was around the corner? They knew to position it differently not about power but games. Which they are doing a great job.
Every developer who's had hands on with it says its a next-gen machine and not half-arsed.

Putting a outdated Jaguar in a console in 2017 isn't next-gen. It's going to be Zen.

Well the Shadow of War dev apparently made it seem like this is a true upgrade rather than just upgrading some stuff. Thats really the best lead we have on the CPU front. But I mean he is comparing this to the xbox one so....



What developers have said it's next gen? They specifically used the words next gen
Team who made Ori and Shadow of Mordor devs. Also, then taking into account people like Shinobi who are excited for it. People are obviously getting whifs of what this machine is and let's be blunt, people wouldn't have as much excitement if it was Jaguar.
All two of them that's commented.
What, because two people said something means that they're talking crap? Should have all developers made a union and released a PR statement?

I can't wait for when we do find out what it is.


Team who made Ori and Shadow of Mordor. Also, then taking into account people like Shinobi who are excited for it.

What, because two people said something means that they're talking crap? Should have all developers made a union and released a PR statement?
I understand people are hyping up the specs but I do not recall anyone specifically calling it next gen
You don't even have the context for that ancient comment. Do you know where that comment originates from? I was being harassed constantly by "thelastword" (another poster around here) - every single thread he would show up and make baseless claims that we were all against Sony and couldn't be trusted. I was still green, though, and I let him get under my skin and, as a result, basically tried to spin things in the opposite direction without thinking about it. Didn't know how to deal with someone like that at the time. That's all.

These days, I love all platforms - I wouldn't own upwards of 400 games for Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One if I didn't. The original Xbox was amazing and Xbox 360 was the king of last generation. Take a look at the coverage I've done for all the big Microsoft games over the past couple years - I've been a huge champion of what they're doing.

However, early on in the days of Xbox One, I did wind up having a bone to pick with them based entirely on the attempts to eliminate game ownership. I'm a retro collector and that really really bugged me. I'm over it now but, at the time, I was not happy about that. I also didn't like the Kinect direction they were going. Basically, there WAS a period of 2 or 3 years where I wasn't fond of what Xbox was doing (but I've felt similarly about every company at some point in the past - could probably find all kinds of stuff in my 18 years of posting on GAF)).

Since Phil came in and shook things up I think Xbox has been doing quite well. A lot of amazing games on there and a great hardware revision (Xbox One S). Some of my favs of the generation were on Xbox first - Ori and the Blind Forest, Inside, Gears 4 etc. Great stuff.

Not very nice to bring that up again since it's untrue and also been dealt with millions of times over.

I agree. We all respect DF around here. Well at least the level headed ones.


I'm not sure it's Zen but I'm sure it's not Jaguar, Phil said they would wait a year to have the best tech possible, no way they are coming with Jaguar.


Hopefully they can do something about the Jaguar if they are indeed stuck using it. Even the overclocked version in the PS4pro holds it back considerably. Asking for Zen is a bit much because it only just launched on PC but perhaps MS has been working with AMD the last 12 months to use some of the fabrication process involved in making zen to make a supercharged jaguar ?

I don't think it's too much to ask to want a CPU that's at least double what a Jaguar can do in 2017.

I suppose ultimately the question here is what MS intends to achieve with scorpio - the xbox one s was clearly an attempt at rebranding the one line into something more palatable to consumers , the marketing and messaging was "this thing can be used to play modern games , 4k movies and streaming and it's visually appealing now". With scorpio I imagine they'll be pushing "the worlds most powerful game console" really hard.

But, despite my own personal thoughts that this thing IS the 4th full console from MS , they'll have to pretend it's like the ps4 pro for a year to keep people interested in buying the one S instead.

So , do they really push that it's the only device running ALL games at native true 4K (which, if it's saddled with a crap CPU , will run poorly) or do they simply call it the fastest games console ? How long until they announce that developers can make games that only run on scorpio or modes that only run on scorpio ?

I mean, imagine if , even at launch they have a Halo 3 anniversary edition and if you play it on scorpio , it runs at 4k 30 fps with fully redone graphics taking full advantage of the console but.. play it on a regular xbox one or one s and it's stuck at 720p with slowdown. Or do you just say , hey this game is only for scorpio , if you want to play halo 3 on the one just play MCC.

This is the kind of stuff they need to communicate.
I don't remember Sony making such a big deal over the Pro's specs which in hindsight made sense since it is a member of the PS4 platform i.e. it's still a PS4. All this focus on supposedly barrier-breaking specs seems OTT if it turns out that Scorpio is just an upgraded Xbox One. I mean we're not gonna going to see games built from the ground up (taking advantage of Scorpio's architecture) are we?

I don't really see what amazing game could be made which isn't possible on the older machine if they so chose to drop it. What games have been made this gen which weren't possible last? Not many, just shinier graphics.

The big advance if any was a large RAM increase and the XB1 / PS4 still have plenty for the time being. Graphics engines are highly scale-able these days and besides, the bulk of the hardware will be used on ~4K.

If they had made the Scorpio a 1080p machine then yeah, it maybe could have pushed on quite a bit. But it isn't and it would be unrealistic to try and cut this gen short and start afresh.


Why would Sony make a big deal out of Pro's h/w when Scorpio was around the corner? They knew to position it differently not about power but games. Which they are doing a great job.
Yeah but even if Scorpio wasn't around the corner, talking about the Pro's specs in a way that suggests it is ushering in a new generation wouldn't have made sense as the Pro is, despite its upgraded guts, still a PS4 that only plays PS4 games. Scorpio is supposed to be Microsoft's turbo Xbox One - it is still an Xbox One. It won't have exclusive software built from the ground up that really harnesses the power of the upgraded innards. Scorpio will at the end of the day still be a console that only plays Xbox One software. That's why I don't get the next-gen-esque barrier breaking talk about power.
Team who made Ori and Shadow of Mordor devs. Also, then taking into account people like Shinobi who are excited for it. People are obviously getting whifs of what this machine is and let's be blunt, people wouldn't have as much excitement if it was Jaguar.

What, because two people said something means that they're talking crap? Should have all developers made a union and released a PR statement?

I can't wait for when we do find out what it is.

Agreed. I think people would've said "well it's pretty much what we all thought it was." if it's indeed Jaguar instead of saying they're very impressed with the hardware. But if not Jaguar what other options are there before it becomes Ryzen?

But still, if it turns out to be Ryzen after all, why not make a bigger splash with that when you're Microsoft? Just letting a website cover it without (so far) announcing it is odd.
Is it really worth boasting about what's under the hood if Scorpio will only play Xbox One software? Surely that limits what can be done with the hardware.

Im just going to have to bookmark my previous response to this line of thinking...

Yeah, 4K is no easy feat. Check things out on the PC side. They need a good CPU AND GPU to power games at 4K effectively. I believe it's in the tea leaves: It's all XBOX ONE from now on. XBOX ONE Scorpio. XBOX One Murcielago. XBOX ONE Moccasin. The platform grows.

It's not "just XBOX One games" as if that's some indictment of quality. These developers are very talented and will get the most out of these systems just as they do on PC today. Their engines, and let's face it many games use UE4, will have customizable presets for the different consoles.
Every developer who's had hands on with it says its a next-gen machine and not half-arsed.

Putting a outdated Jaguar in a console in 2017 isn't next-gen. It's going to be Zen.
Pretty much my thinking. The scorpio isn't next gen in the sense that MS is moving away from generations. The scorpio for all intents and purposes is or should be the xbox ones successor and the xbox one will eventually be phased out. From a strategy standpoint, how would that not be a boss move by MS? In my mind it makes absolutely no sense for MS to come out with the one s only to release a completely new console that isn't something more than a stop gap before the next xbox? That would be the dumbest strategy ever from a financial standpoint and also from a competitive standpoint with sony. I'll be ready to eat crow if wrong but that's the way I see it.


Yeah but even if Scorpio wasn't around the corner, talking about the Pro's specs in a way that suggests it is ushering in a new generation wouldn't have made sense as the Pro is, despite its upgraded guts, still a PS4 that only plays PS4 games. Scorpio is supposed to be Microsoft's turbo Xbox One - it is still an Xbox One. It won't have exclusive software built from the ground up that really harnesses the power of the upgraded innards. Scorpio will at the end of the day still be a console that only plays Xbox One software. That's why I don't get the next-gen-esque barrier breaking talk about power.

Because scorpio is pushing 4k natively. To get that they need to talk about specs. Also it's primed at the hardcore so hardcore will talk specs all day long. Spencer already said the S will be the main seller and Scorpio is 'premium'.

It's like a 911 and a GT3, GT3 crowd will always want specs, details details, blah blah. And GT3 will never sell like an 911.


Unconfirmed Member
I took the liberty of putting together some quick notes on the Xbox One Revealed event:

1. Video segment - Inspiration video


Talks about history of Xbox
Talks about what's ahead
Introducing Xbox One

3. Video segment - Look at the console and some of its features


Talks briefly about the core philosophy of the console. Then welcomes Yusuf Medhi to
show some experiences.


Talks about a "a new generation of gaming like you’ve never seen before"
Demonstrates "Xbox, on." voice command
Demonstrates user interface (focus on multimedia (TV, music, Internet etc.))
Welcomes Marc Whitten to talk tech


Talks about a "future-proof system", the cloud, smart devices etc.
Talks system specifications, "5 billion transistors", "8 gigabytes of RAM" etc.
Talks system architecture (three operating systems in one)
Talks controller and Kinect
Talks Xbox Live
Welcomes Andrew Wilson from Electronic Arts


Talks partnership between EA and Microsoft
Announces FIFA, Madden NFL, NBA Live and UFC for Xbox One
Talks EA Sports Ignite (game engine)

8. Video segment - Athletes talk about the world of sports


Further talks EA Sports Ignite and how it will impact gameplay

10. Video segment - EA Sports Ignite features


Talks partnerships with premiere publishers, exclusive content
Talks new experiences made available by the new technology
Announces Forza Motorsport 5 on Xbox One

12. Video segment - Forza Motorsport 5 running on Xbox One


Announces Forza Motorsport 5 will be available at launch, more to show at E3
Talks about Remedy, announces Quantum Break

14. Video segment - Quantum Break trailer


Announces more than 15 exclusive games in the first year of Xbox One
Welcomes Nancy Tellem, head of Xbox Entertainment Studios to talk about their mission to transform television


Talks about her past at CBS and Warner Brothers
Talks about how Xbox One will personalize TV to your tastes
Talks original programming (Halo)
Welcomes Bonnie Ross


Talks about Halo as more than a game
Announces a live-action Halo television series in partnership with 343 Industires and Steven Spielberg

18. Video segment - Spielberg talks about film creation and Halo


Talks more TV, announces partnership with NFL

20. Video segment - NFL, Don Mattrick shares features


Talks more NFL
Thanks us for joining the event
Announces that Xbox One will be launch around the world later this year
Talks E3
Welcomes Eric Hirshberg from Activision


Talks Call of Duty (Ghosts)

23. Video segment - Ghosts

Says it'll be the "most beautiful Call of Duty game we have ever made"
Shows a comparison video between Ghosts and Modern Warfare 3

24. Video segment - Comparison video

Talks more about Ghosts, features etc.

25. Video segment - Call of Duty: Ghosts world premiere


You can read the transcript in full here: https://news.microsoft.com/2013/05/21/don-mattrick-xbox-one-launch-event/

The event was around an hour. Perhaps something similar to this is what to be expected next week?


Rösti;233221502 said:

There is no event. The reveal will be indirect as far I understand it. They will talk about hardware and stuff on one or some more showcase games in form of interviews and articles and maybe supported by some videos. That's it.


You don't even have the context for that ancient comment. Do you know where that comment originates from? I was being harassed constantly by "thelastword" (another poster around here) - every single thread he would show up and make baseless claims that we were all against Sony and couldn't be trusted. I was still green, though, and I let him get under my skin and, as a result, basically tried to spin things in the opposite direction without thinking about it. Didn't know how to deal with someone like that at the time. That's all.

These days, I love all platforms - I wouldn't own upwards of 400 games for Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One if I didn't. The original Xbox was amazing and Xbox 360 was the king of last generation. Take a look at the coverage I've done for all the big Microsoft games over the past couple years - I've been a huge champion of what they're doing.

However, early on in the days of Xbox One, I did wind up having a bone to pick with them based entirely on the attempts to eliminate game ownership. I'm a retro collector and that really really bugged me. I'm over it now but, at the time, I was not happy about that. I also didn't like the Kinect direction they were going. Basically, there WAS a period of 2 or 3 years where I wasn't fond of what Xbox was doing (but I've felt similarly about every company at some point in the past - could probably find all kinds of stuff in my 18 years of posting on GAF)).

Since Phil came in and shook things up I think Xbox has been doing quite well. A lot of amazing games on there and a great hardware revision (Xbox One S). Some of my favs of the generation were on Xbox first - Ori and the Blind Forest, Inside, Gears 4 etc. Great stuff.

Not very nice to bring that up again since it's untrue and also been dealt with millions of times over.

I just quoted the image, I really hate system wars BS.

Apologies for my replay on the image.
Didn't Phil talk about the first dev machines being available, right around the Zen launch? My assumption was that it was Zen, just not in APU form. We also know AMD's plans for the Zen APU in the new year, which somewhat lined up with Scorpio's launch date.

I'm guessing it's a lower tier Zen and some sweet HBM and 300 series Radeon, using a shared memory pool.
You don't even have the context for that ancient comment. Do you know where that comment originates from? I was being harassed constantly by "thelastword" (another poster around here) - every single thread he would show up and make baseless claims that we were all against Sony and couldn't be trusted. I was still green, though, and I let him get under my skin and, as a result, basically tried to spin things in the opposite direction without thinking about it. Didn't know how to deal with someone like that at the time. That's all.

These days, I love all platforms - I wouldn't own upwards of 400 games for Xbox, Xbox 360 and Xbox One if I didn't. The original Xbox was amazing and Xbox 360 was the king of last generation. Take a look at the coverage I've done for all the big Microsoft games over the past couple years - I've been a huge champion of what they're doing.

However, early on in the days of Xbox One, I did wind up having a bone to pick with them based entirely on the attempts to eliminate game ownership. I'm a retro collector and that really really bugged me. I'm over it now but, at the time, I was not happy about that. I also didn't like the Kinect direction they were going. Basically, there WAS a period of 2 or 3 years where I wasn't fond of what Xbox was doing (but I've felt similarly about every company at some point in the past - could probably find all kinds of stuff in my 18 years of posting on GAF)).

Since Phil came in and shook things up I think Xbox has been doing quite well. A lot of amazing games on there and a great hardware revision (Xbox One S). Some of my favs of the generation were on Xbox first - Ori and the Blind Forest, Inside, Gears 4 etc. Great stuff.

Not very nice to bring that up again since it's untrue and also been dealt with millions of times over.

Well said.

Love your DF Silent Hill 2 retro btw :)
Rösti;233221502 said:
I took the liberty of putting together some quick notes on the Xbox One Revealed event:

1. Video segment - Inspiration video


Talks about history of Xbox
Talks about what's ahead
Introducing Xbox One

3. Video segment - Look at the console and some of its features


Talks briefly about the core philosophy of the console. Then welcomes Yusuf Medhi to
show some experiences.


Talks about a "a new generation of gaming like you’ve never seen before"
Demonstrates "Xbox, on." voice command
Demonstrates user interface (focus on multimedia (TV, music, Internet etc.))
Welcomes Marc Whitten to talk tech


Talks about a "future-proof system", the cloud, smart devices etc.
Talks system specifications, "5 billion transistors", "8 gigabytes of RAM" etc.
Talks system architecture (three operating systems in one)
Talks controller and Kinect
Talks Xbox Live
Welcomes Andrew Wilson from Electronic Arts


Talks partnership between EA and Microsoft
Announces FIFA, Madden NFL, NBA Live and UFC for Xbox One
Talks EA Sports Ignite (game engine)

8. Video segment - Athletes talk about the world of sports


Further talks EA Sports Ignite and how it will impact gameplay

10. Video segment - EA Sports Ignite features


Talks partnerships with premiere publishers, exclusive content
Talks new experiences made available by the new technology
Announces Forza Motorsport 5 on Xbox One

12. Video segment - Forza Motorsport 5 running on Xbox One


Announces Forza Motorsport 5 will be available at launch, more to show at E3
Talks about Remedy, announces Quantum Break

14. Video segment - Quantum Break trailer


Announces more than 15 exclusive games in the first year of Xbox One
Welcomes Nancy Tellem, head of Xbox Entertainment Studios to talk about their mission to transform television


Talks about her past at CBS and Warner Brothers
Talks about how Xbox One will personalize TV to your tastes
Talks original programming (Halo)
Welcomes Bonnie Ross


Talks about Halo as more than a game
Announces a live-action Halo television series in partnership with 343 Industires and Steven Spielberg

18. Video segment - Spielberg talks about film creation and Halo


Talks more TV, announces partnership with NFL

20. Video segment - NFL, Don Mattrick shares features


Talks more NFL
Thanks us for joining the event
Announces that Xbox One will be launch around the world later this year
Talks E3
Welcomes Eric Hirshberg from Activision


Talks Call of Duty (Ghosts)

23. Video segment - Ghosts

Says it'll be the "most beautiful Call of Duty game we have ever made"
Shows a comparison video between Ghosts and Modern Warfare 3

24. Video segment - Comparison video

Talks more about Ghosts, features etc.

25. Video segment - Call of Duty: Ghosts world premiere


You can read the transcript in full here: https://news.microsoft.com/2013/05/21/don-mattrick-xbox-one-launch-event/

The event was around an hour. Perhaps something similar to this is what to be expected next week?

Cringe reveal, don't ever expect to see another event like that from MS again for whenever their next hardware dedicated xbox reveal event.

I doubt this is going to be a reveal event that's going to get streamed.


Too bad for DF, Scorpio will have a negative impact on DF threads/exposure.

The opposite surely?

Most Xbox one owners after the first year sort of didn't bother going into those threads as they knew what the result was going to be. PS3 owners used to do the same with multiplat games up against the 360. After a while we know what the results are going to be.

Two of the most hilarious comparison threads of that gen were GTAIV's 640p PS3 revelation reveal and the original grassgate aka the RDR comparison thread.

Once the Scorpio releases those threads will see lots of people coming back to comparison threads.


I am in a way graphics whore but i mist admit i am more interested in games . I mean last year pro was more powerful this year its scorpio next year or 2019 its ps5 or whatever its called. And all of them bow to pc in terms of graphics. I am more interested in the games it self. With that being said if the console is truly way more powerful than ps4 pro then i am buying one just for multiplayer games .


Unconfirmed Member
There is no event. The reveal will be indirect as far I understand it. They will talk about hardware and stuff on one more showcase games in form of interviews and articles and maybe supported by some videos. Thats it.

Cringe reveal, don't ever expect to see another event like that from MS again for whenever their next hardware dedicated xbox reveal event.

I doubt this is going to be a reveal event that's going to get streamed.
I see. Well, perhaps in terms of content the reveals can be similar, though I wouldn't expect any greater focus on features regarding TV.

I just hope that the reveal will be properly communicated beforehand so that as many people as possible will know about it, and that the information shared will be on one central hub and not scattered over several sites.


Because scorpio is pushing 4k natively. To get that they need to talk about specs. Also it's primed at the hardcore so hardcore will talk specs all day long. Spencer already said the S will be the main seller and Scorpio is 'premium'.

It's like a 911 and a GT3, GT3 crowd will always want specs, details details, blah blah. And GT3 will never sell like an 911.
Yeah so Scorpio's usp is Xbox One software in 4K with faster frame rates and better textures - essentially prettier Xbox One games at a premium price. It's still just gonna play Xbox One games tho. When I look it like that it isn't quite so remarkable as Microsoft are hyping it up to be. Then again I'm not someone that deeply cares about native 4K. It'll be interesting to see how many people do. Imo Microsoft's biggest problem is their lack of investment in new and exciting exclusives. I don't see how having a native 4K Xbox One will remedy that.
Yeah so Scorpio's usp is Xbox One software in 4K with faster frame rates and better textures - essentially prettier Xbox One games at a premium price. It's still just gonna play Xbox One games tho. When I look it like that it isn't quite so remarkable as Microsoft are hyping it up to be. Then again I'm not someone that deeply cares about native 4K. It'll be interesting to see how many people do. Imo Microsoft's biggest problem is their lack of investment in new and exciting exclusives. I don't see how having a native 4K Xbox One will remedy that.

Can someone explain this to me. Doom is an Xbox One game but on PC you can run it at 4k with higher textures. Any game that comes out is going to be a Xbox One/PS4/PC game.
Yeah so Scorpio's usp is Xbox One software in 4K with faster frame rates and better textures - essentially prettier Xbox One games at a premium price. It's still just gonna play Xbox One games tho. When I look it like that it isn't quite so remarkable as Microsoft are hyping it up to be. Then again I'm not someone that deeply cares about native 4K. It'll be interesting to see how many people do. Imo Microsoft's biggest problem is their lack of investment in new and exciting exclusives. I don't see how having a native 4K Xbox One will remedy that.

your Titan X SLI also plays only the same games your $299 Laptop does.

Well damn, I wouldn't have minded a slightly more excited reply by him. Your new system is about to be revealed, be happy!!!!! I understand it though. Just hope we get something official though.

By the way, I see so very little excitement for Crackdown. Nobody looking forward to it? I for one can't wait to see what it looks and plays like now. I am hoping it will look great in terms of visuals, I'm hoping for fun driving mechanics after we've had several games that really nail the driving I wouldn't be able to truly enjoy the game if the driving would feel like Sleeping Dogs or Saints Row. And in general I just hope we get a robust and worthwhile singleplayer mode. Last but not least I just hope all these years of development have meant something.
Pls could someone explain what the difference would be between a upclocked jaguar and new Ryzen cpu. Im no techie!
Different CPUs can do a different amount of Instructions per Cycle.
Say CPU A has 1 IPC and CPU B has 2 IPC, both at the cycle rate of 1 GHz. Then CPU B can do twice the work.

Zen has a 52% IPC improvement over their previous high power design (Jaguar is a low power architecture)


Cool! When I saw another Scorpio thread earlier this week I thought to myself "what's been shown??"

Glad it's gonna get some time. Look forward to seeing it and frothing at the mouth.
The opposite surely?

Most Xbox one owners after the first year sort of didn't bother going into those threads as they knew what the result was going to be. PS3 owners used to do the same with multiplat games up against the 360. After a while we know what the results are going to be.

Two of the most hilarious comparison threads of that gen were GTAIV's 640p PS3 revelation reveal and the original grassgate aka the RDR comparison thread.

Once the Scorpio releases those threads will see lots of people coming back to comparison threads.

That was then.

DF threads don't blow up unless the Xbox One version of a game is inferior to the PS4 version. Or If there is an outrage about a PS4 version being nearly identical.
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