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PS Plus games for February: Yakuza 4, Transistor, Rogue Legacy, more (NA&EU)


Apotheon (PS4) -- Cool! I'll give it a shot.
Transistor (PS4) -- Awww, wish I would've waited to buy. Oh well!
Thief (PS3) -- Not interested.
Yakuza 4 (PS3) -- Maybe I'll give it another try. I really liked 3.
Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross Buy) -- Awesome! I was hoping this would be on PS+. :D

So yeah, PS+ crushes GWG for me this month. Well done.

Chris R

Never heard of Apotheon before this, looks pretty cool though. Also I'm thinking Rogue Legacy on my Vita might be the incentive I need to actually beat the game. I killed two bosses and was making progress on the third but then had to reinstall my OS or something and lost the save (why the game doesn't use steam cloud IDK).


Junior Member
Very good month! I'm all over Transistor, Thief and Yakuza 4. Already have Rogue Legacy for PC but I wouldn't mind adding it to my Vita.


Sweet finally going to pick up Rogue Legacy for Vita. I have been waiting for a sale, but I guess free is better!


Yes you can. I did it and I loved it. The story is pretty much self-contained. There are characters from previous entries coming back and references to some events of previous entries, but they are far between and won't substract from the experience in my opinion.

Getting obsessed with playing the first 3 entries before getting to the 4th will probably stop you from even playing any of them at all. Even if you managed to get all of them (and 1 and 2 would require a PS2, since the HD remasters never came West), I would not recommend playing 4 Yakuza games in a row (That is 300+ hours with some gameplay overlapping). I advise at least one or two months of cooldown between entries. You don't want a Yakuza overdose :).

That's great advice -- I know I played Yakuza 1 on PS2 (didn't 100% it at all) and I thought "I need to do Yakuza 2 before I get to the PS3 releases!"

Which I have Yakuza 3 & 4 retail, so it's nice to see Yakuza 4 show up on PSN and now PS+. But I still need to Platinum them.... :(

But the less siad about Yakuza Dead Souls/Of The End, the better. I haven't played that and even I know it's awful.


I thought I purchased Transistor during the holidays and didn't. Was disappointed that I didn't get it on sale.
not anymore!

Really can't wait to try Rogue Legacy!

Great great great month.
Months with 3 PS+ games on PS4


Dust: An Elysian Tail
Pix the Cat (cross-buy)
Spelunky (cross-buy)


Escape Plan (cross-buy)
SteamWorld Dig (cross-buy)
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (cross-buy)


Injustice: Gods Among Us – Ultimate Edition
Secret Ponchos
Titan Attacks (cross-buy)

and sometimes we get a bonus PS4 port when a cross-buy games releases that you got via PS+ before (Thomas was alone, Hotline Miami)
Apotheon (PS4) Was going to buy it anyways...
Transistor (PS4) Been hearing a lot of good things, knew it was a matter time before this showed up...
Yakuza 4 (PS3) Yes, yes, yes. I'll proabbly won't play it straight away but I've been wanting to give this a try for quite some time. This is a perfect excuse to jump in.
Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross Buy) Same as Transistor...

Easily one the best months so far.


AMAZING month. Holy crap they went all out on this one. There's a fantastic game for every platform.

Transistor is balls out amazing. One of the best I played last year.

Yakuza 4 is motherflippin' Yakuza, I don't even need to go further. You know what I'm talking about, you Night Club attendees, you.

Rogue Galaxy is better than finding awesome literature while pooping. Yes, it's that good.


I just bought Rogue Legacy last week for full price. Oh well, I guess being impatient means I got to play is a few days earlier than I would have? Plus it means extra support for the devs.

Also, I've always wanted to try a Yakuza game. Another great month!


Still going to be people complaining about getting "crappy" indie games instead of getting actual crappy AAA games.
Couldn't have put it any better!

I wish Transistor was available for Vita too this month. Oh well, Resogun has re-ignited my Vita love and that will keep me going for a while.


Oh my god! I just freaking bought Transistor. This literally has happened to me like every month. Anyway, Rogue Legacy crossbuy is a big yes. Woot.


Bought the Yakuza 4 Kuro Edition a few months ago, never got to play it since then.
Will download it anyway.
Apotheon seems interesting, will check out Transisor perhaps.
Pretty good month imo, hopefully March will bring Journey.


I'll finally get around to finishing Yakuza 4.. had to send it back when Lovefilm got out the game rental business.


Just realized there are some trophies I never got in Yakuza 4. Definitely gonna play it again, mostly as a refresher for Y5.
Absolutely stellar month! Was REALLY looking forward to Apotheon :D

I really wish I still had my PS3, I definitely want to check out the Yakuza series :/ I'll buy 5 for sure.

I've also heard endless positives about rouge legacy, so I'm excited for that as well.

Man, this month is pure win.

Even Kick and Fennick looks great!
February looks like an outstanding month for the IGC. it's such a shame that the comment section on the PSblog is such a cesspool of ignorance and entitlement. I've seen so many anti-indie stances over the course of PS4's life so far and I'm genuinely worried that SCE will take those comments to heart resulting in a reduced number of indie titles that find it's way to the IGC or even the overall number of titles that get green-lit.

you can guarantee that you'll see the the standard "I didn't buy a $400 console to play SNES games".
February looks like an outstanding month for the IGC. it's such a shame that the comment section on the PSblog is such a cesspool of ignorance and entitlement. I've seen so many anti-indie stances over the course of PS4's life so far and I'm genuinely worried that SCE will take those comments to heart resulting in a reduced number of indie titles that find it's way to the IGC or even the overall number of titles that get green-lit.

you can guarantee that you'll see the the standard "I didn't buy a $400 console to play SNES games".

Seriously, I'm LOVING the indie scene on PS4. IGC is a great way to get exposure to a ton of titles that would fly under the radar.

And a ton of these indies go on flash sales all the time, and with the beauty of cross play, the playstation ecosystem is now my primary destination for indie titles.


Yup. PS Plus is devaluing indie games in my eyes. On one hand it's great because the games get exposure they wouldn't have otherwise and the developers to get paid for games on PS Plus. On the other hand, I've been trained to wait for indie games to hit PS Plus. As the market saturates and more and more indie games are fighting for PS Plus spots, many will get left out and their games won't be purchased at all. That's my fear at least.

Well it does not seem to have made any impact as PS4 gets more indie titles everyday than the console competitors combined. PS Plus business model seems to be fine.


Oh man I *almost* bought Yakuza 4 digitally last weekend during the sale. I am really glad I held off now. I previously owned the game on disc but wanted to pick up the digital release since I never finished it. PS Plus ftw!


Unconfirmed Member
Already have most of these, but it is an undeniably great month for PS+. I hope Yakuza 4 makes a lot new fans to the series. We need more Yakuza games localized.
I already own Rogue Legacy, but with over 50 hours put into the game, I ain't even mad. Solid month, Apotheon was one of my favorite games of E3 2015.
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