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PS Vita western launch thread, p. 2 | Simply the most desirable handheld yet released

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Fafracer forever
famousmortimer said:
2. I did mention that sub-native res was both good looking (uncharted) and likely a symptom of launch titles.
Personally I think rendering resolution is also a design-choice, much like the color palette of the game or the flow of UI, or the target framerate. Yes a launch title would be more likely to fall into the trap of being "forced" to use it due to lack of time, but I see nothing wrong with developers experimenting, it's one of the major advantages consoles have over more open platforms.

Ultimately it'll be up to market to decide if resolution tradeoffs are worth while or not - eg. the biggest game series on PS3/360 by far runs closer to PS2 "native" then it does to any "official" HD resolutions. But then again, "native" on Vita does look more spectacular then 1080P does on a decently sized HDTV (let alone 720P).


What are the odds of Sony deciding to give us a new home-screen UI, kind of like the 360? These bubbles seriously suck.


What are the odds of Sony deciding to give us a new home-screen UI, kind of like the 360? These bubbles seriously suck.

Yeah, more customization options are needed. I'd like them to focus on getting a steady flow of games out first, then refine the UI.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I'm gagging for more indie games like Mutant Blob attack on the Vita, I really don't see myself buying many full retail games tbh, I just hope PS Suite takes off, if it does this system could be a real gem.


Overall, i'd recommend this over the official case considering they are the same retail price. Although its a bit larger and can't hold that power chord, it feels more well-built and safe. Thanks again, DoubleTap.



i love me some input lag.
Yeah, unless you're playing something that's not time sensitive I can't imagine why you'd want to play over remote play. Hopefully we'll know something on proper PS1 support soon.

I'm also curious to know what the status is with new firmwares. I assume they're heeding the mountain of criticism they get for the PS3 updates (I like them) and working on a bigger update to hopefully address a lot of the concerns.

Also, Rayman is a long game. Getting everything will take forever.


Can anyone give me a good comparison of the Vita with the 3DS so far? (No bias please)

I know the Vita hasn't been out as long but i'm talking in terms of hardware and upcoming games.

It seems the hardware is pretty nice but what about the games library?

The PSP was pretty sweet but it was kind of lacking in games. The games that WERE good on it were pretty good though.


Can anyone give me a good comparison of the Vita with the 3DS so far? (No bias please)

I know the Vita hasn't been out as long but i'm talking in terms of hardware and upcoming games.

It seems the hardware is pretty nice but what about the games library?

The PSP was pretty sweet but it was kind of lacking in games. The games that WERE good on it were pretty good though.

Hardware is obviously in favour of the Vita, software is utterly subjective depending on your tastes. I don't think anyone else can choose for you, you need to look at both libraries and decide.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Can anyone give me a good comparison of the Vita with the 3DS so far? (No bias please)

I know the Vita hasn't been out as long but i'm talking in terms of hardware and upcoming games.

It seems the hardware is pretty nice but what about the games library?

The PSP was pretty sweet but it was kind of lacking in games. The games that WERE good on it were pretty good though.

The Vita hardware is better. It feels so good - the screen especially. I'm not sure on the backtouch but it isn't a bad feature all things said and done. It comes down to 3D vs. gorgeous OLED screen. I know which one I prefer.

As for games, the 3DS has a better library, particularly if you are a Nintendo fan, it also has a guaranteed stream of quality games incoming and a certain future. Sadly the same cannot be said of the Vita.

However, the Vita's launch lineup (Up to and including Persona 4 and MGS HD Collection) is amazing and unparalleled. After that though, there are no real guarantees, unfortunately.

Also, the PSP library is great and they run very well and look great. That system had a better library than anyone gives it credit for. Of course 3DS has DS games but they look worse of there, in contrast to PSP games on Vita.

Ultimately though, it comes down to the games - do you like Nintendo games? If so, get 3DS. The 3DS is a safe investment, and shouldn't disappoint. The Vita has been great so far, but it has an uncertain future(in comparative terms), so I can't actively recommend it. But the Vita IS a brilliant console.


Finally received my VIP case in the mail from Zavvi earlier today.
As someone who's going digital-only with the Vita, I could not possibly be happier.

If I was going to need space for carts, power supply, headphones, etc. I'd be rolling with the Pull N Go Folio like I do with my 3DS.


I love playing on this thing. Very happy with it so far though i have encountered one glitch when playing MHFU the sound just died while I was in the vllage and when i hit the PS button there was a tiny bit of slowdown then after attempting to jump back in to game it froze up. No idea what was going on there, battery was all charged up.
Honestly, if Sony cares about PSO2 as much as featuring it as the grand attraction of "Game Heaven" indicates, they should shuttle their useless SCEJ teams over to Sega right now and make damn sure the game's out in 2012 day and date with the PC version. MGS:HD, SFxT, now this...it sucks that we have to wait so long for ports.


Can anyone give me a good comparison of the Vita with the 3DS so far? (No bias please)

I know the Vita hasn't been out as long but i'm talking in terms of hardware and upcoming games.

It seems the hardware is pretty nice but what about the games library?

The PSP was pretty sweet but it was kind of lacking in games. The games that WERE good on it were pretty good though.

well, i own both, hardware wise there is no competition. Vita wins most comparisons. Only 3D effect is were Nintendo console , obviously,wins.
As for games, this is a personal thing. I think 3DS will go DS+PSP route, and will be fine, lack of second analog (until revision or unless you own CPP) is key for a few titles. On the other hand i can see vita being a portable XBLA/PSN machine with some 'big budget' style games, and getting some ports from both 3DS and PS360.
3DS is a safer bet, unless you are looking for what Vita offers and 3DS can't do properly.


Honestly, if Sony cares about PSO2 as much as featuring it as the grand attraction of "Game Heaven" indicates, they should shuttle their useless SCEJ teams over to Sega right now and make damn sure the game's out in 2012 day and date with the PC version. MGS:HD, SFxT, now this...it sucks that we have to wait so long for ports.

SCEJ is pretty much clueless this gen


Uncharted and Lumines are now mine for a bargain £53.91 :D
Lumines is only £24.95 at thehut, even though I don't like using them, plus I used a handy 10% off in my email, yay.

I can't believe I have so many great games at a launch.

Lumines - Retail
Rayman - Retail
Uncharted - Retail

Unit 13 - Digital
Mutant Blobs - Digital
Motorstorm - Digital

and then I have some PSP games on there, GT and Valkyria II, Flow, Pacman champ ed... this things a portable gaming beast.

Edit: I forgot - and Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions :]


Honestly, does there need to be a third launch thread? It's going on 3-4 weeks from the western launch, depending on how you count. I don't think other consoles have had perpetual launch threads.... And I say this as someone who checks this thread first whenever I check NeoGAF.


Fixed. I wonder how hard it'd be to have 2 game slots in a future hardware update though
Nah, I'd consider it annoying compared to other gaming hardware period, at least cart based stuff. Nothing else did that silly little cover thing anyway.
Honestly, does there need to be a third launch thread? It's going on 3-4 weeks from the western launch, depending on how you count. I don't think other consoles have had perpetual launch threads.... And I say this as someone who checks this thread first whenever I check NeoGAF.
It might still be a good place to catch up questions about the necessity of screen protectors and people's favorite cases. Discussion about specific games should probably be directed to the their own separate official threads.


Honestly, does there need to be a third launch thread? It's going on 3-4 weeks from the western launch, depending on how you count. I don't think other consoles have had perpetual launch threads.... And I say this as someone who checks this thread first whenever I check NeoGAF.

That's how all threads work, regardless of content.
Why not just make something like a "Playstation Vita Thread of General Post-Launch Awesomeness" then?

Definitely a third part of this thread seems out of place. The thing has launched everywhere weeks ago.

is it necessary to have a back screen protector?

EDIT: I don't have one, and it is the only part of my Vita that now has scratches. Not that I care, as the back touch won't stop working because of it, and I don't look at the back basically ever. So it depends on your personality and sense of preserving resale value. I don't envision me ever selling this thing. I kept my launch PSP as well, and it's still in use as portable video player for my 3yo and an occasional game.


I approve of a general Vita thread or a PS Vita: What Games Does This Thing Have? like the (very useful) 3DS thread.

Or maybe both.

Either way, the term "launch thread" should be dropped.
Is it just my imagination or does this thing use much less battery power while playing PSP games? I keep expecting it to die on me while I play Monster Hunter but every time I check it's like the battery meter hasn't budged.
I've noticed this as well playing through Ghost of Sparta and 3rd Birthday - Vita's battery life seems significantly improved playing PSP title...
I think I'm going to grab the digital version of Ridge Racer tomorrow. Changing games on the fly is very appealing to me now.

And yes I know RR has been gimped to shit, but what can I say I've been with the series since the very beginning.
Ya, I'm going digital with RR too... Doesn't sound like it will have much resale value, and it's the kind of game I like to have with me always for a quick race... And ya, I know this one's mucked and I'm part of the problem, but I've been buying RR with launch hardware since the original PlayStation, and I can't stop now!! (creature of habit)


I'm trying SO HARD not to get FIFA Soccer and Unit 13 right now. I still haven't finished Rayman, Golden Abyss and Tales from Space.
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