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PS4 can't play MP3, Music Unlimited needed for background music [Up:Yoshida responds]

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I never use background music for 360 or any games that support it on PS3 but I know that this feature is especially popular for teenagers and college students.

Ultimately this won't effect me, but this is some shitty news.


If I ever played my own music while playing games... or loaded a single MP3 on my PS3 since I replaced it 2 years ago... I might care...


This is seriously the dumbest thing I have ever heard of. What the hell is Sony thinking?


From Music Unlimited subs.


This is a stupid fucking decision. Not playing CDs is one thing, but preventing MP3 playback and forcing you into their service? Bullshit.

This is the kind of dumb shit that made Sony stumble last gen.
So we lost media streaming. Fuck.

Don't do this to me Sony. You were on the ball, you had everything right. Considering the key features they added with the day one update, I can't imagine it will stay this way, literally a downgrade from basic functions on the PS4.

In the meantime, let's do what we do best, backlash, backlash, backlash. Yosp, prepare to be twittered.
Who thought this was a good idea....well I definetly won't sub and probably won't miss the feature that much. Sucks but Sony can actually afford this in a PR sense, they are so far ahead because of MS blunders. Still, it's keeps me thinking that why should I not stay with currentgen+PC if nextgen consoles downgrade in some features..


Not a feature I use or care about but it sucks for those that do want it. Such a simple request being denied to push a service.


I didn't realize this affected so many people. I just use bluetooth from my sound bar to play music from my phone.


It's very sad they didn't add such a simple and old feature that tons of people including me uses it.

If at least the internet browser works in the background we can stream music form Grooveshark or something similar.


sony always fucks up in some way or another.

who the hell wants to sign up for a music service just to listen to their own soundtrack during a game? it truly is a baffling decision.


Are users able to record, distribute or stream any gameplay video?
No. Users may not be able to record certain areas within the game. Developers can select the area of restriction, and what will be restricted will depend on game titles. In these cases, recording will be temporarily suspended during the scene.

So this is saying that a developer can limit what you can stream via Twitch etc?


Get the fuck out....so you mean to tell me I'll have to turn off my PS4 in order to play music? This shit better be a..."we couldn't get it ready in time. we chose to focus on other priorities but it will come later" and not a "fuck you, that's why"
That's pretty much the reason.


Sony cutting corners right before launch, no MP3 support is a huge loss. No way I am subbing to their own music to play my own background music for games.


hide your water-based mammals
I'm beginning to understand why people love Gabe so much. Save me, Steambox.

Not when it won't have the exclusives and be as easy to use as these new consoles.

I get people wanting to pile on and I'm on of those but that doesn't invalidate these new consoles as many people are anticipating them.

Cancel a game, that would be bad but these features will probably be patched in with time. The consoles aren't even out yet.


Boy, I'd find this really frustrating if this were an artificially created shortcoming to try to prop up a fledgling paid music service at the expense of users. Like, it would be ridiculous if we'd seen universal custom soundtracks and music streaming implemented on other systems from almost a decade before, right? Good thing none of that is true.

At least there would be an alternative from other new systems, right guys?

This really does bother me. I use these features constantly on current systems. Custom soundtracks on 360 in 05, oddly enough, felt like one of the more "next-gen" features that I used.
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