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PS4 can't play MP3, Music Unlimited needed for background music [Up:Yoshida responds]

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So, it's a garbagy piece of technology that expects you to be a chump consumer. That is its purpose.

I'll stick to my gaming PC, and maybe a Wii U, thanks.


Get the fuck out....so you mean to tell me I'll have to turn off my PS4 in order to play music? This shit better be a..."we couldn't get it ready in time. we chose to focus on other priorities but it will come later" and not a "fuck you, that's why"
Guys I know the next step, having the ost/bg music for a game in the music unlimited service. Only way to hear it is by subbing. Patent that shit sony. Like that McDonalds ad patent. I want more funny patent pictures. :3


Seriously. For all the talk of "PC can't be taken seriously" at least we don't look like fucking clowns in shackles dancing to some company's tune. Let me use the damn hardware.

That's the reason I went PC 3 years ago. I'm probably not alone in that.
Did anyone actually use this feature on their PS3 / 360? I sure didn't. I've got way too many other music players to worry about putting music on my console.

listened to barry manilow while blowing players' heads off in killzone 2 mp, but since the feature is not universal, it wasn't really missed. people got over it for 8 years. this is uber lame for the ps4, but people will get over it too. why? it's more of a novelty than a necessity.

also, with the sharing feature, wouldn't that mean copyright issues as well? playing music in the background while playing a game and recording/uploading those would spell copyright complaints about the playstation 4 as a device, no? granted, anyone can put it music in any videos today,
Sony better fix this shit. I was thinking about getting one around summer time next year but that I will push that back if I have to.
Lets hope so, it's god damn ludicrous.
I'm not going to buy one and just hope.

This is so very far beyond stupid. Its a core feature that I use all the damn time. This announcement cuts the legs right out from under me.

Whats next? Blurays only play Sony movies? The Web browser only renders affiliated websites?

God damn it. Do I own my own console, or am I leasing a DRM/AD/Subscription box from Sony and MS?


This is infuriating. HOW could they not have such BASIC features that their last system had on day one EIGHT YEARS AGO? No audio CDs was bizarre enough, but no MP3s or DNLA? This is absolutely ridiculous.

Awesome. M$ony want to position these things as ultimate media devices. They propose to do that by removing media support. Does the Wii-U support DLNA?

Wii U supports nothing. No MP3s, no DNLA, no videos, no photos, nothing. It's an absolute joke regarding media. Way worse than even the Wii.


Did anyone actually use this feature on their PS3 / 360? I sure didn't. I've got way too many other music players to worry about putting music on my console.

I used it all the time on on 360 and was the major reason I used the system last gen, it wasn't ubiquitous on PS3 since Sony didn't force it so therefore it didn't get much use. The situation is a bit better on Vita even though there are some games that I have and would prefer they allow me to play my own music.

It's an important feature to me and I do have a friend who would not use his PS3 much because it lacked it on a system wide level. No MP3 support is downright shocking and a backward ass step considering their last 3 systems did it, so I hope that changes. The system is marred a bit in my eyes until that has been resolved.

lol Please. Sony isn't going to lose sleep over people on GAF bitching that they can't play MP3s on their system.

I could swear people were saying the same thing about MS back in June before the policy reversals.


maybe the Sony suits were pushing for this

gotta recoup the MU investment

This is what always happens with Sony internal politics. The various factions pretend to work together but are really trying to use each other to get their own shit done. Though to be fair this does seem like a trend going forward for both consoles, more and more control.
For those of you saying this makes no sense, it makes a TON of BUSINESS sense.

No, it really doesn't. Locking a feature people like but don't need behind a paywall just means devs won't implement it because nobody is going to be using it. Nobody is going to pay $60 just to hear the music they already own and should be able to access like they did on the 360/PS3 on their new PS4. Fuck that noise.

If Music Unlimited was free like Spotify, I would agree. It would encourage people to buy the music they're listening to in-game for their actual PC music library. But to have it behind a paywall is a non-starter.


Sucks, BUT i listen to music like 90% of the time on my phone, so i'm not upset by the move. And Spotify > Music Unlimited.


While I tend not to play with any music on I have to admit that this is some grade a bullshit. It seems like a ploy to try and push people to their paid music service. I don't like that one bit.
I really dont get the outrage, but I never used any of these features on ps/360 so idk. All I ever used was netflix but now my tv can do all of this lol


hide your water-based mammals
I'm glad all this stuff is getting out the way now because I just want to play the games and enjoy these new systems and all they can do.

I will hardly even be wanting to touch music when I first get it so people are sensibly upset but overreacting in how they say things.

I don't really care about this right now but hopefully they patch in some kind of support on both ends.


Sucks, BUT i listen to music like 90% of the time on my phone, so i'm not upset by the move. And Spotify > Music Unlimited.

This, most people don't use PS3 to listen to music or stream tv series from PC. All of us who do are fucked. Sony is not going to change this, i'm sure.


This is some real bs. While I actually never play music through my PS3 this just pisses me off. The principle of removing such a basic feature is just mind-boggling.
Doesn't "Play To" in Win 8.1 use DLNA? Seems like the XBOne would have to be DLNA compatible given that workflow has been highlighted multiple times.


formerly nacire
This is the first I've heard of PS4 not supporting DLNA and I'm on GAF all day urry day. Oddly enough, streaming to my PS3 has been the majority of its use for a long time now. Prior to the Last of Us I played Journey and before that I believe it was Castlevania? Creating a device that is to be the center of your entertainment hub in 2013 means that it needs to communicate with your home pc and allow you to access your media: movies, tv shows, photos, etc.

If SteamOS integrates media streaming and support then that is a huge pro to just going htpc / steambox in my living room this coming gen.



I was going off this:


Which is apparently unconfirmed.
Hahahaha so much for "Sony won't force paywalls"

Next gen is here.

Meanwhile I have 5 browser tabs, music and plenty of other programs running and I'm able to play games at the same time. I use a futuristic thing called PC.

You're so much better than us.
Are they gonna patch it out of my Vita as well? This is unbelievable bullshit. One of the biggest things that drives me and my brother nuts is not having custom soundtrack in the bulk of multiplayer PS3 games..something we just KNEW we would never have to deal with again this next gen. What the fuck is this noise?

Take away DNLA to boot? This is going to blow up in their face..y'all can downplay it all you want.
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