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PS4 Hardware Troubleshooting / Q&A Thread


Yeah, it's absolutely ridiculous that they are telling me they can't fulfill my replacement when they were selling them last night. Their system let me put in for a replacement because they fucking had them. I'm sure they just decided they'd rather have another unit to sell and send me to Sony rather than help me out.

I sent them a nice email bitching at them about their response. I wasn't flipping out cussing at them or anything, but I made it clear that I felt I was being fucked in favor of new sales. We'll see if they respond at all.

I'm off Monday-Wednesday this week. I was happy to get that order in last night thinking it'd arrive Tuesday (and hopefully not be dead). Then they decided to piss all over me instead.

Never in the storied history of my videogaming career has there been a faster transformation of banderas.gif into feelsbad.jpg. staring into the BLOD is like staring into the abyss. I still feel rotten about it.

I hope Amazon steps up their game and you get a new console fast. fwiw I talked to a CS rep earlier today, citing the same argument about them prioritizing new sales over preorders, and they allowed me to return my B2G1 copy of Knack for a refund, in essence refunding me the extra $60 I was forced to spend on the bundle over the initial launch unit. It'll be a tougher sell, but I wonder if you escalate it high enough they'd agree to reserve a console for you from whenever the next batch ends up being. Seems like the least they can do, honestly.
Never in the storied history of my videogaming career has there been a faster transformation of banderas.gif into feelsbad.jpg. staring into the BLOD is like staring into the abyss. I still feel rotten about it.

I hope Amazon steps up their game and you get a new console fast. fwiw I talked to a CS rep earlier today, citing the same argument about them prioritizing new sales over preorders, and they allowed me to return my B2G1 copy of Knack for a refund, in essence refunding me the extra $60 I was forced to spend on the bundle over the initial launch unit. It'll be a tougher sell, but I wonder if you escalate it high enough they'd agree to reserve a console for you from whenever the next batch ends up being. Seems like the least they can do, honestly.

I won't be shocked at all if at some point today they start selling them again. They went up three or four times yesterday. I expect it. But, I will still rage.


Got my PS4 replaced today. Went to the Sony Store in Menlo Park Mall (Edison NJ) and swapped my BLoD Amazon unit.

Three other people were in front of me with the same issue, another guy behind me had a BLoD Taco Bell unit. The employee said that he's replaced nine already and that I was lucky cause they only had like two units left. Felt bad for the dude, he was very nice and as soon as he was done replacing one PS4 another person would come in lol.

They fill out a page of paperwork with your contact info, place of purchase, original and replacement serial number and that's it:


Anybody who has a Sony Store in driving distance I would recommend going there. Easier than buying another unit and returning to Amazon and dealing with shipping etc. He said the Sony Store's will replace any defective unit no matter where you purchased (as long as they have stock of course). At last I'll finally get to play PS4 this weekend, knock on wood.


This thread is more terrifying than a horror movie. Even has random bits of comedy like horror movies, like the missing eject button.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Man, in a way, I'm kind of glad that I have to wait an extra week for my system as I'm hoping Sony will release some sort of OS update.

I'm wondering if cboat's OS problem rumors were intended for PS4. :p
Many of these unresponsiveness problems are due to OS' complex integration with PSN which is being hammered into oblivion right now it seems. I couldn't do anything for hours with my PS4 when I got it, except play Playroom. Every time I tried to log in to PSN it would get into a never ending 'Please Wait' screen but it would let me press the PS button to get out if it - except that would also lag sometimes. Now that PSN is kind if working more reliably, things are fine. If you ask me, it was possibly a mistake to make the whole OS in what seems like HTML. You can tell PS4 is barely just fast enough to power through this smoothly, and that's when network is working well. Ironically, much weaker Vita is blazing through what feels like a visually simarly demanding UI, because it's probably done in something more native to hardware than HTML/JavaScript.

Still kudos to OS team for having everything happen quickly and responsively. Store can finally be used, while it was a joke on PS3, switching in and out of game is instant, games launch super quickly etc.


Unconfirmed Member
Got my PS4 replaced today. Went to the Sony Store in Menlo Park Mall (Edison NJ) and swapped my BLoD Amazon unit.

Three other people were in front of me with the same issue, another guy behind me had a BLoD Taco Bell unit. The employee said that he's replaced nine already and that I was lucky cause they only had like two units left. Felt bad for the dude, he was very nice and as soon as he was done replacing one PS4 another person would come in lol.

They fill out a page of paperwork with your contact info, place of purchase, original and replacement serial number and that's it:

Anybody who has a Sony Store in driving distance I would recommend going there. Easier than buying another unit and returning to Amazon and dealing with shipping etc. He said the Sony Store's will replace any defective unit no matter where you purchased (as long as they have stock of course). At last I'll finally get to play PS4 this weekend, knock on wood.

Nice. Wish I could do that but there's no Sony store around me. Have you tried your new system yet?


Jesus christ this thread is scary lol. I salute you brave soldiers and I will sacrifice goats and chickens to give blessings to each and everyone's consoles durability!
Mine is an Amazon preorder. Everything worked fine so far, just 1.5 errored out a few time before downloading. Installed Netflix, watched a couple shows, played some Killzone, watched some more Netflix, no errors. At my girlfriend's right now. A bit worried about getting back and seeing if things still run.
The port may be shitty, but it's not the cause of 95% of the issues. Neither is the packaging or that the device shifted in transit.

There is clearly something wrong with the internals with these BLOD cases. :(

The patternless issues is what is making me worried as well. Hopefully the EU release is a bit smoother.
Any estimates yet on percentage affected? This is starting to sound like a lot more than .4 that's for sure.

Also, any incidents of BLOD after working for many hours and turned off and on many times? Mine seems fine but if it can happen later uggggh.

Did Cerny's soothing voice mislead us!?

My #1 fear, I don't have any games to test it just yet. I have a bunch of finals and won't be able to play and disc based games for sometime. Nothing worse than not knowing. RROD was awful, but at least we had a direct cause. Time will tell by the grace of Shuhei.


LOL I am just picturing myself getting a PS4 home, all happy, putting in a disc and having it eject on me constantly. Can't stop laughing.


Party Pooper
LOL I am just picturing myself getting a PS4 home, all happy, putting in a disc and having it eject on me constantly. Can't stop laughing.

I was about halfway into Jurassic Park, I stood up to use the bathroom and it ejected, and then got stuck in that loop every couple seconds afterwards

I've got the system back to horizontal now, trying again (plugged into different outlet, and wiped down the button)


I was about halfway into Jurassic Park, I stood up to use the bathroom and it ejected, and then got stuck in that loop every couple seconds afterwards

I've got the system back to horizontal now, trying again (plugged into different outlet, and wiped down the button)
Weird. At least Sony/retailers are taking care of it. The joys of early adoption.

Mr. Helios

Neo Member
Why am I unable to install Killzone? It certainly was installing when I first put it in, but now it seems to never let me play without the disc. The only notification I have for KZ is that it was "updated". I'm thinking this is why the console gets loud/hot during gameplay? Because the bluray keeps running?

Everything is running smoothly otherwise.


Nice. Wish I could do that but there's no Sony store around me. Have you tried your new system yet?

Made him boot it up in the store and it showed the PS logo and setup screen (white light too) so I guess it works. That is further than I've ever gotten on my BLoD unit.

I'm about to set it up at home right now, just checked and my replacement is a Hongfujin Yantai China unit manufactured in September 2013 (same as my broken one). Just my luck lol. As long as it works though I'll be happy.


As a UK guy, i'm hopeful i'll get a good one, but the wait is going to be rather tense to say the least! Maybe by the29th a new FW update will arrive that fixes some of the software related issues.


Why am I unable to install Killzone? It certainly was installing when I first put it in, but now it seems to never let me play without the disc. The only notification I have for KZ is that it was "updated". I'm thinking this is why the console gets loud/hot during gameplay? Because the bluray keeps running?

Everything is running smoothly otherwise.

You need the disc in to play the game, like every console ever.


So I have a console from Hongfujin Yantai China delivered from Amazon and I have been playing it almost nonstop since I got it this morning around 12. It's been updated to 1.5 and turned off to standby once, but should I be worried about turning it off completely or am I in the clear for now?

Forgot to mention I haven't experienced any OS issues or glitches.

Same here. No probs what so ever. It's been on for 24 hours, in and out of standby. playing NFS and downloading BF now. Don't be afraid to use it!!!

Pauly Math

Neo Member
I have an Amazon console, FW 1.5 and an OG 3G Vita.

When I connect Vita as Second screen, my TV flickers like mad.

Does this happen to anyone else?


Well shit, my PS4 keeps trying to eject a disc every couple of seconds

Fucking fantastic

I have this exact same issue. I just started from the last page of this thread to see if others are getting this issue.

Immediately out of the box, it was making a disc eject sound about every 8 seconds. I did the firmware update and restarted, and it stopped the ejecting sounds - thought maybe firmware resolved. Downloaded some games, played a couple, then today out of the blue it started the disc ejecting noises again, about every 8 seconds. I got a BD disc (didn't buy any disc games), and sure enough, the system generally won't take a disc. The couple times it did actually pull the disc in, it immediately spit it back out with three quick beeps. I tried a few different disc, always the same behavior; maybe one out of 20 tries, or so, it pulls the disk in and spits it back out.

So... yeah... :(
Weird. At least Sony/retailers are taking care of it. The joys of early adoption.

It's always too hard to tell this early on to what degree the failure rate might equate towards. Most people with functioning consoles are not on the forums; but are instead invested in playing the thing; so you only get the negatives. Mine is working flawlessly; the one at the office was flawless; I have not heard of a single problem among my circle of friends (many of which have one).

Then you have those too heavily invested in seeing the console fail; especially the more "passionate" for the other camp. Not to mention when Sony's biggest rival at the moment is known to use the nasty tactic of flooding forums as fake people; trying to sway public opinion; I'm sure that's not helping.

There are legitimate problems; but no sign that it exceeds the usual expected failures around a new product. The sad part is that all the noise created from the bullshitters; is causing the ones who actually need the support; to get mixed signals.

Personally, I've never bought a launch console before. I'm going to wait the usual few months with this one and see if it blows up. Hopefully within warranty.


Firmware v1.50

Purchased from Gamestop

HDMI Cable

My problem really isnt that big of a deal, I just wanted to know if anyone is having the same issue.

When booting from standby mode, sometimes I don't have any audio. I have to quit all apps and completely turn off the ps4 and turn it back on. Audio comes back every time, but I was wondering if anyone else was having this problem, and do you think its a hardware issue, or something they can patch in.


Crystal Bearer
It's always too hard to tell this early on to what degree the failure rate might equate towards. Most people with functioning consoles are not on the forums; but are instead invested in playing the thing; so you only get the negatives. Mine is working flawlessly; the one at the office was flawless; I have not heard of a single problem among my circle of friends (many of which have one).

Then you have those too heavily invested in seeing the console fail; especially the more "passionate" for the other camp. Not to mention when Sony's biggest rival at the moment is known to use the nasty tactic of flooding forums as fake people; trying to sway public opinion; I'm sure that's not helping.

There are legitimate problems; but no sign that it exceeds the usual expected failures around a new product. The sad part is that all the noise created from the bullshitters; is causing the ones who actually need the support; to get mixed signals.

Personally, I've never bought a launch console before. I'm going to wait the usual few months with this one and see if it blows up. Hopefully within warranty.

Pretty much this. Diablos jumping the gun as usual :p
Not sure how widespread this is, but my PS4 won't play half my blu rays. When they don't work, it will start but all it ever shows is a black screen. The PS3 plays them all fine.
Got my PS4 replaced today. Went to the Sony Store in Menlo Park Mall (Edison NJ) and swapped my BLoD Amazon unit.

Three other people were in front of me with the same issue, another guy behind me had a BLoD Taco Bell unit. The employee said that he's replaced nine already and that I was lucky cause they only had like two units left. Felt bad for the dude, he was very nice and as soon as he was done replacing one PS4 another person would come in lol.

They fill out a page of paperwork with your contact info, place of purchase, original and replacement serial number and that's it:

Anybody who has a Sony Store in driving distance I would recommend going there. Easier than buying another unit and returning to Amazon and dealing with shipping etc. He said the Sony Store's will replace any defective unit no matter where you purchased (as long as they have stock of course). At last I'll finally get to play PS4 this weekend, knock on wood.

I'm going to one right now..I just pray thy have replacement units.


Here is one getting the red light after trying to boot up. Looks like there are heating problems as well.


I think it's more likely that whatever temperature sensor they're using is malfunctioning and causing the machine to think thermal conditions are terminal when they're really not. There's no way that it's overheating significantly in that short amount of time while sitting idle in the OS.


I think it's more likely that whatever temperature sensor they're using is malfunctioning and causing the machine to think thermal conditions are terminal when they're really not. There's no way that it's overheating significantly in that short amount of time while sitting idle in the OS.

Could be. Shitty problem either way, though.


Unconfirmed Member
I was getting a message saying that I didn't have the licenses for Resogun and Contrast last night, but now they work fine. It as probably just a PSN issue. So if anyone has this issue, try waiting it out a little.
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