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PS4 Hardware Troubleshooting / Q&A Thread


This news fucked up my mood, i have 2 PS4 DualShock 4 Bundle from amazone , 1 for me and 1 for my brother,
and I'm not there to test them yet, i will be in few days but the waiting to find out is killing me, god I'm angry

some question:

1- Anyone with PlayStation 4 DualShock 4 Bundle ?
2- Any defect or problem?
3- What is the manufacture date for this Bundle?

i don't know if there's a difference between bundles but DS4 bundle came later in august unlike the other
I got the Dualshock 4 bundle and I'm having audio/video problems. Mine is Hongfujin September 2013.


Party Pooper
Anybody else noticed horizontal wobble noise during blu-ray playback? (I don't have any disc games to test)

I took a video putting pressure on the corner solves the issue

skip to 1:38 or so


I'm going to one right now..I just pray thy have replacement units.

Good luck man. Might be a good idea to call them first, if they don't have any left it'll save you some time and if they do have it they might be able to put one aside/hold one for you.

Also did you only bring the system? Are did you bring the controller and everything?

I took the whole box, controller, cables, everything. (I took a picture of the PSN codes with my cell phone too, so even though I returned that little booklet I've got the freebie codes to redeem still). I also showed them a print out of my Amazon receipt though I don't think that is necessary. They'll give you a brand new unopened box.


He measures in centimeters
Then you have those too heavily invested in seeing the console fail; especially the more "passionate" for the other camp. Not to mention when Sony's biggest rival at the moment is known to use the nasty tactic of flooding forums as fake people; trying to sway public opinion; I'm sure that's not helping.

There are legitimate problems; but no sign that it exceeds the usual expected failures around a new product. The sad part is that all the noise created from the bullshitters; is causing the ones who actually need the support; to get mixed signals.

Personally, I've never bought a launch console before. I'm going to wait the usual few months with this one and see if it blows up. Hopefully within warranty.

And there aren't any heavily invested in the camp that needs to see the console succeed?

Seems like the mods should be asking where your proof is that the competitor is flooding the forums with 'fake people'. That appears to be the standard request for any slanderous stuff coming the other direction.
I'm sure this has been asked at some point in this thread, but a quick reply would be appreciated.

What should my console light look like? I see all of these troubleshooting responses about white lights and pulsating blue lights, but I see all of these at some point. Is there a way for me to find out exactly what colors the lights are supposed to emit, and in what order?


Called Sony support on audio leak problem where selecting Optical out still outputs audio to HDMI.

Was told to put the volume down on the TV. LMAO.

Sony you fucked up. I'm going to take my unit to Best Buy and see what can be done.


I upgraded my HDD and for the life of me cannot reinstall the firmware. Downloaded the 1.50 fw from Sony (322MB) formatted a USB drive in fat32, made the PS4/UPDATE folder and put it inside. My PS4 does not like this and says cannot find it inside. can anyone please help?
Good luck man. Might be a good idea to call them first, if they don't have any left it'll save you some time and if they do have it they might be able to put one aside/hold one for you.

I took the whole box, controller, cables, everything. (I took a picture of the PSN codes with my cell phone too, so even though I returned that little booklet I've got the freebie codes to redeem still). I also showed them a print out of my Amazon receipt though I don't think that is necessary. They'll give you a brand new unopened box.

Did they open the box you brought them?


I upgraded my HDD and for the life of me cannot reinstall the firmware. Downloaded the 1.50 fw from Sony (322MB) formatted a USB drive in fat32, made the PS4/UPDATE folder and put it inside. My PS4 does not like this and says cannot find it inside. can anyone please help?

You need the 900MB FW, it clearly states that in the article (replace HDD -> 900MB, update existing FW -> 300mb).


It's always too hard to tell this early on to what degree the failure rate might equate towards. Most people with functioning consoles are not on the forums; but are instead invested in playing the thing; so you only get the negatives. Mine is working flawlessly; the one at the office was flawless; I have not heard of a single problem among my circle of friends (many of which have one).

Then you have those too heavily invested in seeing the console fail; especially the more "passionate" for the other camp. Not to mention when Sony's biggest rival at the moment is known to use the nasty tactic of flooding forums as fake people; trying to sway public opinion; I'm sure that's not helping.

There are legitimate problems; but no sign that it exceeds the usual expected failures around a new product. The sad part is that all the noise created from the bullshitters; is causing the ones who actually need the support; to get mixed signals.

Personally, I've never bought a launch console before. I'm going to wait the usual few months with this one and see if it blows up. Hopefully within warranty.

This is true and I agree. Though in the interest of impartiality, you also get the supporters of said product/company trying to shuffle problems out the door and mindlessly downplaying everything negative. Especially in this current environment where Sony is doing so much right and recieving so much praise, I don't want to see a legitimate problem brushed aside. (<-----i'm not saying that is what's happening, I just don't want it to go down that route just as much as I don't want the anti-Sony fanboys purposefully trying to give out misinformation and create hyperbole)


Did they open the box?

Yep they checked the box to make sure all the stuff was in it and they also tried to see if they could get it to work in store (guy took out the hard drive and everything but that didn't help). Once they confirm all that stuff you'll get a replacement.


My brother has a projector and fancy audio system so due to the physical layout of his setup, he has to use optical cable out for audio. He has the problem with PS4 optical out outputting audio to HDMI simultaneously. No simple solution so sucks for him.


And there aren't any heavily invested in the camp that needs to see the console succeed?

Seems like the mods should be asking where your proof is that the competitor is flooding the forums with 'fake people'. That appears to be the standard request for any slanderous stuff coming the other direction.

I agree, if you're accusing people on the board for spreading FUD and making fake claims then you should have some proof that's happening. It seems your fine with deflecting the issues that people are having in this thread and content to blame it on external factors instead of considering there may have been some issues with the manufacturing.


My brother has a projector and fancy audio system so due to the physical layout of his setup, he has to use optical cable out for audio. He has the problem with PS4 optical out outputting audio to HDMI simultaneously. No simple solution so sucks for him.

Yep, I've been having the same issue. Many others are too. Sony has no answer as of now. For shits and giggles I selected HDMI out in audio and it is still outputting audio to my optical audio device. Wtf.
Yep they checked the box to make sure all the stuff was in it and they also tried to see if they could get it to work in store (guy took out the hard drive and everything but that didn't help). Once they confirm all that stuff you'll get a replacement.
Well I don't have the little ear piece thingy, forgot it at the crib.


Not sure how widespread this is, but my PS4 won't play half my blu rays. When they don't work, it will start but all it ever shows is a black screen. The PS3 plays them all fine.

Mine was having problems playing The Amazing Spiderman on Blu-ray. It froze up twice in two different areas of the movie. Forcing me to unplug from the wall. I had just opened the movie. I did try another movie (Star Trek), but it had no problems so I don't know if I got a bad disc or what.

We already had this thought last night and decided it was bullshit.

No I have one on the way.

Odds are you'll be fine. Test it out, if it works great, if not, then decide whether it's worth the hassle or if you should just return it.

I think the odds of getting a DOA one are higher than they should be, but in actuality it is still the minority by a long shot.


So, I managed to download Resogun just fine, but every other download after that, I get a message after a while that says something like "X can not be downloaded". What am I supposed to do in this situation? I tried deleting and redownloading the stuff, but every time, they just get stalled later on again.


Crystal Bearer
So, I managed to download Resogun just fine, but every other download after that, I get a message after a while that says something like "X can not be downloaded". What am I supposed to do in this situation? I tried deleting and redownloading the stuff, but every time, they just get stalled later on again.

PSN still seems to be having issues for people.


So I've clearly got a hdmi issue. Unit either doesn't boot and sits at a blue light, or boots to then get a quick blink or two of the picture on the tv and it powers itself off. Looking at the Kotaku issue of bent metal, I did not have that problem when I received my unit. The hdmi port is just shit. Tried 4 different cables and 3 different tvs with the same issue. Random boots followed shortly after the inevitable blink or two and power off. The hdmi port itself seems loose.

I also live in the middle of nowhere Ohio, so no Sony stores anywhere close. Amazon pre-order.



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The patternless issues is what is making me worried as well. Hopefully the EU release is a bit smoother.

I hate to say it but the patternless issues are actually comforting from a Law of Large Numbers perspective. Manufacturing defects that shouldn't be happening-- bent pins, chipped cases, dents, faulty controllers-- aren't happening that frequently. There is, unfortunately, a massive manufacturing issue (or was) with some run of PS4s somewhere. Let's see how Sony responds. They could, I think, say, "We've identified a flaw in a certain serial number run of PS4s, we will replace them free of charge and this will not affect any other line," or they could say nothing. Or this could be RROD type failure. So many variables at this point.

I believe sony will have to comment soon, probably this week.
I dont buy that Foxconn story, this was posted on ign, Im really not sure how the conditions are over there but doesn't look bad from in this vid to me, actually looks good.


That video focuses on people traveling to work there, and the assembly of ipads. The case in question is interns being mandated to make ps4's.

You'd think they would test the units. Maybe they were rushed.

Once again, i dont want this to be true.


So 50% of Amazon's stock is broken? Gimme a break.



It's always too hard to tell this early on to what degree the failure rate might equate towards. Most people with functioning consoles are not on the forums; but are instead invested in playing the thing; so you only get the negatives. Mine is working flawlessly; the one at the office was flawless; I have not heard of a single problem among my circle of friends (many of which have one).

Then you have those too heavily invested in seeing the console fail; especially the more "passionate" for the other camp. Not to mention when Sony's biggest rival at the moment is known to use the nasty tactic of flooding forums as fake people; trying to sway public opinion; I'm sure that's not helping.

There are legitimate problems; but no sign that it exceeds the usual expected failures around a new product. The sad part is that all the noise created from the bullshitters; is causing the ones who actually need the support; to get mixed signals.

Personally, I've never bought a launch console before. I'm going to wait the usual few months with this one and see if it blows up. Hopefully within warranty.
Agreed on all points. I am just giving props to Sony/other parties for handling bad units well based on what I've seen thus far.

There is always a risk to early adoption though, but it's way too early to know how widespread these issues really are. Too much noise to confirm that it is as bad as some angry customers or perhaps trolls make it out to be. Time will sort it out.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm just saying there's a pretty big incentive to troll given people are literally talking about returning their working and/or unopened units due to someone else on the internet having a bad unit.

Electronics fail, that's a part of the business. A lot of this is just looking for patterns in relative randomness. The 360 had a very high failure rate for a consumer electronic, but I don't we were ever able to get down to specific lots or manufacturers or even retailers. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Have you updated to 1.50?

Yes. Is that good or bad?

Btw, I've just had two hard locks trying to play Warframe. The initial patch notes screen comes up, it starts downloading an update at the bottom, and about 30mb in it hard locks. I have to force the PS4 off and it complains bitterly that I did so.
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