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PS4 Hardware Troubleshooting / Q&A Thread


launch PS4 here from amazon

started getting this issue today while watching amazing video. the screen will flicker a couple times like it's lost HDMI signal and then the PS4 shuts down. the only way to get the system to turn back on is to unplug it first.

it's happened twice today, one time about 10 minutes in and anothe time about after 3 hours of use. both while using amazon video.

I'm playing a bit if watch dogs now to see if it happens while playing games.

here's a video I found on YouTube of what seems to be my issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_O9VMiyu8odo I need to get a repair started with Sony?
That happened to my launch ps4 and it eventually died. I would get it replaced right away.
Not sure if this is a thing but I plugged my wife's Kindle (same mini USB connection) to charge it and put my ps4 into standby. Within minutes my ps4 shuts off. Has done it 3 times now, has never done this with any thing else (Ds4 or the gold headphones). Obviously i should not do this lol, just found it odd.


welp PS4 randomly died again today while watching a tv show. sony is sending me a coffin so hopefully it will be fixed/replaced soon

the phone call to support was quick and painless though so kudos to them for that


Not sure if this is a thing but I plugged my wife's Kindle (same mini USB connection) to charge it and put my ps4 into standby. Within minutes my ps4 shuts off. Has done it 3 times now, has never done this with any thing else (Ds4 or the gold headphones). Obviously i should not do this lol, just found it odd.

My first PS4 couldn't stay in Standby. It would shut itself off every time. Sometimes I'd get the message that it wasn't shut down properly. Are you getting that message?


Just had my ps4 freeze for the first time and it required me to unplug the console as holding the power button did nothing.

Is my ps4 dying?


Just had my ps4 freeze for the first time and it required me to unplug the console as holding the power button did nothing.

Is my ps4 dying?

this happened to me when my PS4 was in standby mode and there was a sudden blackout

the PS4 won't turn via the power button, I had to unplug the console for several seconds , was in a panic mode lol


Just had my ps4 freeze for the first time and it required me to unplug the console as holding the power button did nothing.

Is my ps4 dying?

I think this exact thing happened to me around launch, but never since. It's likely just a simple software crash, nothing to worry about until it happens repeatedly.


what's the turnaround for PS4 repairs from Sony these days anyway? I know they were pretty quick around launch but how about now?


So the plastic on the side of my ps4 is starting to bulge and warp... Should I be worried?
(sorry for massive potato picture)


My ps4 just powered off while in standby this morning, it happened before about a month ago but is a rare occurrence. Is this a normal thing or why does it happen?

I'm also finding that the power button isn't as response as it used to be, especially when trying to turn off the system.


I've noticed that very rarely my PS4 will for about 2-3 seconds go to a full static screen, no sound, then black screen, then back to whatever I was doing, first time it happened was playing Trine 2 a month or so ago, just happened now as I was testing streaming with Killzone Shadow Fall. 2 different TVs and 2 different HDMI cables. My PS4 hasn't gotten a huge amount of use, though the release week of Watch_Dogs and the Destiny Alpha I used for long periods of time with no issues.

Anyone had/resolved this issue before?
My ps4 just powered off while in standby this morning, it happened before about a month ago but is a rare occurrence. Is this a normal thing or why does it happen?

I'm also finding that the power button isn't as response as it used to be, especially when trying to turn off the system.
This is something mine was doing, but mine would also regularly power off while on. I just got my replacement back from Sony yesterday. It's been on all night playing the WWE network so I think this one is good. Downloading everything was painless and hooray for cloud saves.

Turn said was really fast. They received it Wednesday morning and I had it back on Saturday. Would have been Friday if I had been home to sign for it. Now if only my repaired second controller would show up.


I'm running into an intermittent issue with my controller. At times it will become laggy/unresposive and make games unplayable. For example in watch dogs the sticks will respond very slowly and the camer will spin in circles. Oddly, the ps button continues to function and sometimes turning controller on or off fixes it. Any ideas?


My experience (had 4 boxes shipped to me, 2 systems sent back) is that the box takes 3-5 days to get to you. It comes from Fort Wayne, Indiana (if you're in the US).

Shipping back to the facility is standard ground, so another 3-5 days, and then once they have it is generally 3-5 days for them to process your system and ship you a new one. When they ship the new one, it's overnighted to you. Total RMA process takes, on average (for me, YMMV), 2-2.5 weeks, and I live within one day ground shipping of the RMA center. Sony will probably fail to send you the proper email with the tracking numbers, as well, so a pro tip is you can go to FedEx.com and track shipment by reference number and put in your service request #, country and your zip code and you can track your package that way.

In my experience over the past three months, Sony's support is a total mess so don't be surprised if you have to call them multiple times before they process a RMA request properly. If you have severe issues getting them to do anything like I did, PM me, I have the direct phone number to the executive of customer service. One call to him will get your problem sorted straight away. That's how I finally had to resolve my issue.

Good luck!

Just wanted to say thanks for this post.

Sent my PS4 in on Monday and got a new one sent to me on Friday. So far so good, I wasn't expecting the turn around to be that fast at all so guess I was lucky.

They didn't send me an email they shipped my PS4, if I haven't seen your post about using the service request number as a reference number on Fedex I probably would of missed it, especially since you have to sign for it.

Thanks owlbeak!


White light of doom?

Sometimes when I try to turn on my PS4 it just goes directly to the white light without going blue. The system is frozen and nothing displays on screen and the power button won't respond and the eject button gives beeping sounds.

The only thing I can do is unplug the power cable and plug it back in. Then it boots fine and tells me the system wasn't shut off correctly blah, blah, blah.

Also had a few crashes when using the web browser. It asks me to submit a report, describe the situation, blah, blah, blah.

Is my PS4 domed?


thought I'd post an update. got my replacement PS4 from Sony today and so far all is well. also kudos to this thread for giving me the heads up that the replacement delivery requires a signature, I worked from home today so I wouldn't miss it.

All in all in took a little less than 2 weeks from the day of the first phone call
Woke up this morning and the unit won't power on

Just blue light for a second then a kind of popping noise.

I guess this is a widespread issue? I pretty much have to send it back?


Woke up this morning and the unit won't power on

Just blue light for a second then a kind of popping noise.

I guess this is a widespread issue? I pretty much have to send it back?

Widespread? Nope. But a known issue for some.

Doesn't sound good. Tried this? (if it's even possible)
If it won't even stay on for longer than a few seconds -> Yes, send it back and get a new one.
Maybe the internal power-supply got damaged somehow (power spike, etc.).


my PS4 has been experiencing some powering on issues, similar to others on here. And it might be an HDMI issue or not, because it was working fine prior to recent firmware updates (either 1.71 or 1.72). So Amazon is accepting an exchange, even I bought it 6 months ago. Are there newer PS4s out there, ones that were produced after the launch?? I hope I don't have the same issue again. Thanx GAF.


Woke up this morning and the unit won't power on

Just blue light for a second then a kind of popping noise.

I guess this is a widespread issue? I pretty much have to send it back?

Unplug it from the outlet for a minute and then replug it and try to turn it on.

Had the same issue and that worked for a bit but it eventually stopped working so sent it into Sony.


has anyone had problems with their PS4 reading dvds/blu-rays since the latest update? I went to watch a movie tonight and it shows the disc loading icon in the top right for a few seconds but no option to play the movie shows up after that :-/
so after having problems with the Share bug since launch I decided to just exercise my Warranty and get a replacement. how long does it take to get a console back from this process?


So i keep having voice chat problems: either i'm talking with a friend and while i hear him he doesn't hear me, or i'm in a 3ppl chat and can chat with just one of them.
Anyone know what it is/how to fix it? Thanks


I've had an issue recently with the Ethernet port, it gets so hot back there that the plastic clip on the cable started to weaken. It became so weak that it was losing connection and it gradually got worse and worse till I had no connection at all.

I swapped to a new cable and after playing Destiny the other day, I checked the clip and once again it was soft instead of stiff holding the cable in firmly in place. Moving the cable resulted in an intermittent connection once again which doesn't happen when the cable is first used. I've now switched to Wi-Fi until this hot British summer is over.
Quick question, if I go to Notifications, the Downloads, it has a list of recent downloads and updates. If I press Options and then Delete, does it delete the update itself or just the notification? Thanks!


My triggers for the DS4 squeak, ITS SO ANNOYING! Anybody know of a fix?

WD-40 on the hinges, press and hold the triggers to expose them. I sprayed the WD-40 on a piece of toilet paper, than took a comb and pushed it against the hinges so I wouldn't cover the whole controller. No more squeaking!

Quick question, if I go to Notifications, the Downloads, it has a list of recent downloads and updates. If I press Options and then Delete, does it delete the update itself or just the notification? Thanks!

Just the notification. Unfortunately there's no 'delete all' option so you'll have to manually delete each item.


My PS4 gets really loud when playing Infamous. Is this normal or should I send it in?

Depends how loud. People say their systems are quiet, somewhat noisy, noisy, and hair dryer.

if it's the last one, i'd send it in, tempted to with my noisy one. I was watching netflix yesterday and it got a little louder than i like after a bit of time without the ac on ( 80 degrees maybe?). The sound of my ac drowns out my ps4's loudest fan level, netflix usage takes it a step or two below that, but above it's initial start up noise.


I consider that "hair dryer" and mine, playing the same game, doesn't get that loud, more of a diminished loud noise.
Okay, this is really starting to annoy me. A few days ago I updated my email for my PSN account, and ever since then I've been getting the message "Cannot connect to network: NW 31294-9." However, if I test my connection it works just fine, and I have no issues accessing the PSN Store.

Anyone know what's up?
Hey guys!

Have a Ps4 which I have been actively trying to repair and work on without a resounding success

The problem is that it turns on then immediately off. I thought it mihht have been the power supply so I changed it out but still no go.

Its weird. For a system that is so easy to take apart it sure is hard to troubleshoot.

I can get the system to turn on by applying pressure in the top (where the heatsink and fan is)

I actually had some success for awhile by disassembling the support bracket and flipping it to seat the heatsink and processor better. Was able to turn system off and on reliably for a few days. Now its back and I am back to applying pressure to get the system to turn on. I might need to disassemble it completely and see if anything looks suspicious.

Any advice from people that had similar problems? Sending it to Sony is not an option.


Gah, I think I'm going to have to get another replacement. Bought a launch PS4 from Amazon and it had the BLOD. Received a replacement from Sony about 2 weeks later and noticed today that the drive is makeing a REALLY loud buzzing noise. I haven't even played many disc based games on it (total of around 5 I think) and am extremely disappointed that I will have had to get 2 replacements in 8 months.
So, all my disc based games are fine but when I put The Last of Us in, it goes nuts, makes a louder disc spinning noise until it stops reading the disc.
Anyone else have this?


so my replacement PS4 from sony has been working great I have noticed something odd though. It seems any new games I play aren't auto-uploading cloud saves. It seems like any game that I had previously played on my previous broken PS4 auto-uploads fine, but any new games that I've only played on my replacement PS4 do not auto-upload.

anyone have any ideas? before I sent my old PS4 to sony I made sure to deactivate it as my primary machine and I have my new machine activated as primary.

appreciate any help


so my replacement PS4 from sony has been working great I have noticed something odd though. It seems any new games I play aren't auto-uploading cloud saves. It seems like any game that I had previously played on my previous broken PS4 auto-uploads fine, but any new games that I've only played on my replacement PS4 do not auto-upload.

anyone have any ideas? before I sent my old PS4 to sony I made sure to deactivate it as my primary machine and I have my new machine activated as primary.

appreciate any help

Try going into your upload notification list and delete every entry. This works for downloads too, I've found. The system seems to get itself confused if the notification list is too full so it starts failing to upload/download while in standby.

I can't guarantee it'll work for you but ever since I started clearing out that list, my uploads and downloads work as intended.


Try going into your upload notification list and delete every entry. This works for downloads too, I've found. The system seems to get itself confused if the notification list is too full so it starts failing to upload/download while in standby.

I can't guarantee it'll work for you but ever since I started clearing out that list, my uploads and downloads work as intended.

weird, never heard of that. I'll try that tonight and see how it goes. thanks!
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