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#PS4NoDRM #XboxOneNoDRM || Now do you "Believe?"

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Gold Member
Congrats ladies and gentleman, everyone put their small grain of sand led by famousmortimer, and here are the results. It's really gratifying to be successful when the supposed game media that should defend consumers rights just kept defending the corporate positions (save for some exceptions).

It definitely must be said: NeoGaf "Believe"



The slogan for this gaming forum has never been so accurate/relevant and probably would never be this relevant again.

Incredible. Glad to have been a part of it.


A big THANK YOU to the OP for getting this train started.

And a big FUCK YOU to all the apologists, doubters, and anyone else who laughed and sneered at this effort.


With the new thread title, we need a GIF from Event Horizon where Sam Neil character pulling Laurence Fishburne's hair while saying "Do you see?!". But replace Fisburne's face with Xbone logo.

It's a great victory for us gamers. That said, make no mistake, they are backing up because of the low preorders, bad press and perhaps because they realised their so called family plan would actually make devs lose more money than used games ever will.

Those are snowball effects from our refusal to accept DRM and the bad word-of-mouth we spread to our family and friends.


We aaaaare the chaaaampions,
And weeeeee'll Megaton until the eeeeeeend~


Region Locking and Nintendo FIRST, right?

Self Publishing on Xbox One SECOND

gaf,i am going to cry because of you some of these days. You all have done a lot for me and for millions (maybe billions if you ask microsoft...) of people, that dont even know about it. I have never believe in things like not region locking on nintendo consoles but... now i do. If we make that, i will cry for sure.


You guys have changed the entire landscape of the industry for the next generation for the better. A sincere thank you to everyone involved, you are amazing.

I really, really want to express my sincere gratitude to you guys. You stood up to Apollo Creed and hopefully MS doesn't want a rematch. You guys are my Adrian after getting the shit beat out of me this last generation from greedy publishers and the prospects of the initial Xbox One's DRM policy and the rumored Sony one that never came to pass. From a dude that makes $25K/year and lives paycheck to paycheck and loves this hobby, gaming is the only real escape I have from the real world/borderline poverty I live in.

I work my ass off to buy the games I buy. I own all the consoles from this generation and will hopefully buy all from the next. I spent two years paying off the purchase of gaming PC. I spent like three years paying off the purchase of an HDTV at the start of this generation. I love gaming, but I'm not made of money. I have bills, car payments and other expenses. I'm not even sure I can afford jumping in day one or year one with this gen like I was when I was younger. This year I had a same-day surgery and got hit with a $1,500 bill for the surgery, a $250 bill for the anesthesiologist, a $100 bill for just showing up to the hospital and a $12 bill I got for just saying hello to the receptionist with insurance. That's coupled with the $500 in federal taxes I paid this year despite making jackshit salary-wise.

But you guys have actually made me sleep more soundly knowing that I will still be able to enjoy the hobby that I love. For that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


When Sony dropped the DRM, Total Biscuit was actually kind of gracious about it.

Now it's nothing but bitter tears and "I was right anyway, even if MS dropped the DRM!" He's been tweeting like mad for what looks like hours and hours.


When Sony dropped the DRM, Total Biscuit was actually kind of gracious about it.

Now it's nothing but bitter tears and "I was right anyway, even if MS dropped the DRM!" He's been tweeting like mad for what looks like hours and hours.

He wasn't gracious, he was trying to save face. Everything he does is to protect his ego and keep his viewership. If you think of it that way, it's quite funny.
I didn't want to make a new post for it because I hate to self-promote like that... but here's a blog post I wrote tonight.

A victory for physical media doesn't have to be a loss for digital innovation

If someone wanted to make a thread I wouldn't be mad.... but, I dont know, probably not thread worthy. But there's a discussion to be had about us wanting to move forward with digital innovations - just not at the expensive of physical goods. I'm trying to start that conversation.


Gaf is amazing.

I thank everyone who joined the cause. :)
A very good example in videogame history how much power the consumers have.

We vote with our wallet.


I didn't want to make a new post for it because I hate to self-promote like that... but here's a blog post I wrote tonight.

A victory for physical media doesn't have to be a loss for digital innovation

If someone wanted to make a thread I wouldn't be mad.... but, I dont know, probably not thread worthy. But there's a discussion to be had about us wanting to move forward with digital innovations - just not at the expensive of physical goods. I'm trying to start that conversation.

Good blog post. I especially liked your point about the need to address disabled gamers. I think a good first step would be to allow controller button remapping at the OS level. It's something that can be accomplished in software and thus should be fairly tractable.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I just got back from a full day marathon of Fringe. I come here and see this!? Is this real life or did I watch so much Fringe in one day I'm in an alternate universe? This is awesome news!

From what I'm piecing together, MS changed their decision on two things:

1. Pre-orders getting hurt/negative press and everything.
2. The army weighed their opinion in.

And if they chose to change it because of the latter then we can assume that this decision was NOT MS's but the people behind the scenes, Big brother, forcing MS to change the decision for the troops and everything.

My opinion ofcourse.


Difference being that Sony did because they cared, and MS because they realized they were getting very few reserves.

Sony "caring" and Microsoft "being reactionary" is an attachment that both got because of their timing. Sony timed it perfectly and Microsoft timed it horribly. Both still have the best interest of their company at hand though.

Hmm since the power of the cloud is bullcrap how about this?

The power of Gaf is greater than the power of Microsoft's PR division

Still not that impressive as MS's PR is terrible but I imagine it's still more powerful that the added power of the cloud lol



From what I'm piecing together, MS changed their decision on two things:

1. Pre-orders getting hurt/negative press and everything.
2. The army weighed their opinion in.

And if they chose to change it because of the latter then we can assume that this decision was NOT MS's but the people behind the scenes, Big brother, forcing MS to change the decision for the troops and everything.

My opinion ofcourse.

GAF started the ball rolling, which lead to the greater media dissemination, solidified Sony's stance on DRM, and hence put enormous pressure on MS, with the fallout of MS discontent spreading to the general public and the military. This all resulted in very low preorder numbers and being outsold several fold by the PS4. It wasn't solely GAF, but to say that the movement had no part of it in the grand scheme of things is false. It's a big culmination of all the backlash, destruction to reputation and their competitor riding high on the wave of negativity, and NeoGAF is part of it all. You're welcome to believe what you wish, of course, but your post denotes that you have no idea what you're talking about.

From what I'm piecing together, MS changed their decision on two things:

1. Pre-orders getting hurt/negative press and everything.
2. The army weighed their opinion in.

And if they chose to change it because of the latter then we can assume that this decision was NOT MS's but the people behind the scenes, Big brother, forcing MS to change the decision for the troops and everything.

My opinion ofcourse.

If we didn't change DRM from a small topic only a few cared about to largest ovation in E3 history - none of this would have happened. Did microsoft cave this week because of our pressure? Not directly, no. But was the pressure on them, namely low sales, a direct result of us turning DRM into a huge and winning issue for Sony? Absolutely.
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