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PSVR launching in fall (Gamestop CEO seemingly lets slip)


I really hope this late launch is being adjusted for price. I'm hoping Sony is letting it wait a minute so they can reveal the price.

If this means better pricing then good, if it launches later this year and pricing is as high as some of the guesses then meh.

I suspect PSVR will release at whatever price they would have sold it for had it released earlier this year. If there is any savings to be had by releasing it later in the Fall, I expect it would come from a price drop of the PS4 itself making the total price cheaper for those who don't already own a PS4; say a $300 PS4.

This delay is probably to give extra time to get the PSVR release titles and PS4 virtual system software ready. It also allows Sony to judge how well OR and Vive are received and make tweaks to their offering based on that.

If true this is really disappointing. I've had my heart set on it coming out soon.

I agree. I've really been looking forward to it releasing soon. With all the VR hype going around (OR, Vive, PSVR), I went out and picked up a Samsung Gear VR to try VR out. Looks like that will have to tide me over until this Fall.


Don't: stage an embarrassing E3 demo.

Do: 299.

I think this is the point. If Nintendo is launching hardware in the fall the only way to match that hype is with your own hardware. NX and PSVR going head-to-head with all the launch lineup comparisons being debated. It's what every gaming media outlet will be talking about and both Sony and Nintendo benefit from all that attention/publicity.
good post, I think you'er right, although this gamestop think still isn't even a 100% confirmation that it's delayed though is it?


Sounds like a legit piece of info accidentally delivered. A shame, was really hyped for it but autumn seems like a better place. Can really be a huge hype builder for Xmas. Gives them longer to get more software ready so it can land with a bang, and yeah if combined with a PS4 price drop could really boost sales potential in a super bundle for Xmas.

I still see it $300 or less and could have a bundle for $500-$600 which is great for what you're getting.

Gives me more time to save money I guess...


I'm fine with a Fall release. That means though NMS won't be PSVR at launch. That would be a killer app for me.

Still not expecting this thing to be be $299. $349-$399 seems about right based on their previous comments on it costing the same as a new console.


the risk with a later release is that OR/Vive get all the launch press and become the 'face' of VR, and then PSVR may find it difficult to get traction with more than a 'me too' reaction.
good post, I think you'er right, although this gamestop think still isn't even a 100% confirmation that it's delayed though is it?
Watch the interview. The Gamestop CEO sounded very comfortable with his statement of launching in the fall. It's not official until Sony makes the announcement but if anybody has information about the launch date it would be retail.


I still see PCVR as a niche thing at this stage. Just not enough people with PCs to run it and they're pricey headsets. I don't see all that many people getting much hands on experience with PCVR. PlayStation VR still will be most people's first experience with VR.

Might be totally wrong I just only know of 2 people whow are in to PC gaming, most people justnown consoles and this gen PS4.

Edit: this was supposed to be a reply to Mrklaw's comment!


I still see PCVR as a niche thing at this stage. Just not enough people with PCs to run it and they're pricey headsets. I don't see all that many people getting much hands on experience with PCVR. PlayStation VR still will be most people's first experience with VR.

Might be totally wrong I just only know of 2 people whow are in to PC gaming, most people justnown consoles and this gen PS4.

well I suppose the opposite view of 'PC VR launches first and gets all the glory' is 'PC VR launches first, fluffs up the tech press and slowly builds awareness, and then Sony launches PSVR to take full advantage of that consumer awareness'.
well I suppose the opposite view of 'PC VR launches first and gets all the glory' is 'PC VR launches first, fluffs up the tech press and slowly builds awareness, and then Sony launches PSVR to take full advantage of that consumer awareness'.

This is probably part of their strategy. Let Oculus do all the heavy lifting, building awareness of VR tech. Then they start putting out demo stations in stores to show the public a more affordable, user friendly version of the tech is available.
Watch the interview. The Gamestop CEO sounded very comfortable with his statement of launching in the fall. It's not official until Sony makes the announcement but if anybody has information about the launch date it would be retail.
not in a position to watch it right now but i'll take your word for it. i want it to be true.
Ha, even in a thread not about PSVR price, here we go again with the price 'speculation'.

The most boring speculation threads ever to appear on GAF, easily. The entire conversation boils down to 299/349/399/449/499.

Hope Sony ends this nonsense soon.


This would allow them to

-bolster and polish their launch line-up
-lower manufacturing cost a bit
-offer an all inclusive PSVR/PS4 bundle($599?) for the holidays.

seems like a solid strategy


I guess fall makes sense. Gotta get ready for that holiday rush so that you can report that you completely sold out in the next year.


What is this delay people are talking about? They haven't announced a date yet.

They talked many times that PSVR will be out in first half of 2016. According to Sony, that target is still unchanged, but we are in the middle of February and there are no new updates...
This would allow them to

-bolster and polish their launch line-up
-lower manufacturing cost a bit
-offer an all inclusive PSVR/PS4 bundle($599?) for the holidays.

seems like a solid strategy

There's no way they put out a console/vr bundle. Even though it could potentially be cheaper than selling both separately, just having something out there with a $599+ tag attached to it would lead to potential misinformation spreading thus scaring off potential customers. Maybe a LE down the road but not at launch. They want those sticker prices as low as possible.


If this was an over/under at $348 I'd take the over without blinking. I'd say $349 is my hopeful guess but could easily see a $449 price as well. $299 doesn't fall within the "new console" ballpark in my mind.


I'm starting to get really excited about VR. PSVR will just be so damn accessible for the average gamer (not necessarily on price but for the plug-and-play factor) that I could see it taking off.


I guess it's probably true. If there's no FCC listing or leaked pic from a Chinese assembly line worker by next month then it's confirmed.
There's no way they put out a console/vr bundle. Even though it could potentially be cheaper than selling both separately, just having something out there with a $599+ tag attached to it would lead to potential misinformation spreading thus scaring off potential customers. Maybe a LE down the road but not at launch. They want those sticker prices as low as possible.
I was thinking that too but the thing is, there may be people who are interested in VR who still don't have a Ps4. by Q4 this year the install base may be approaching 50 million, that's enough to hope a good portion will get VR but for those who don't have a Ps4, I don't think many consumers would want to purchase a Ps4 and the VR, two sets of hardware, to play it. I could be wrong though. who knows


that's gonna tank, yo.

There's no way they put out a console/vr bundle. Even though it could potentially be cheaper than selling both separately, just having something out there with a $599+ tag attached to it would lead to potential misinformation spreading thus scaring off potential customers. Maybe a LE down the road but not at launch. They want those sticker prices as low as possible.

I disagree and definitely think they should and will do a complete bundle. Even at $599 it would be the cheapest 'zero-to-vr' option available by ~$1000(excluding gear & cardboard). Also the modern consumer has been conditioned to comprehend & juggle a litany sku's and bundle options. Don't see that being a problem.
There's no way they put out a console/vr bundle. Even though it could potentially be cheaper than selling both separately, just having something out there with a $599+ tag attached to it would lead to potential misinformation spreading thus scaring off potential customers. Maybe a LE down the road but not at launch. They want those sticker prices as low as possible.

This isn't even remotely true. There will undoubtedly be a bundle.

Gotta say I'm not excited for this. I think we're not ready for VR yet. Will wait til next gen most likely.
Fall release likely means a lower price if they are assuming Christmas season sales which generates higher volume. VR games are fancy 3D games and the fall back will be 3D TV support to increase software sales. A game developer can't survive on VR alone.

Microsoft's Skype is going to support 3D on the XB1 using HEVC multi-view plus depth. MV+D 1080P 3D will use 3/4 the bandwidth of frame packed 1080P and it's the native low level 3D. Along with 3D VR is a whole host of other 3D features....using the same hardware to support VR. Same for Sony but 720P 3D cameras and 720P VR with additional hardware to calculate depth from two cameras. I hope they have at least the browser 3D and VR. We've been expecting browser 3D since the PS3 3D with firmware 3.5.

Edit: HEVC (MVD) will be used by streaming VR and eventually a 3D UHD Blu-ray player then 4K antenna TV.

W3C on depth maps use:
https://www.w3.org/TR/mediacapture-depth/ said:
Depth cameras are increasingly being integrated into devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops. Depth cameras provide a depth map, which conveys the distance information between points on an object's surface and the camera. With depth information, web content and applications can be enhanced by, for example, the use of hand gestures as an input mechanism, or by creating 3D models of real-world objects that can interact and integrate with the web platform. Concrete applications of this technology include more immersive gaming experiences, more accessible 3D video conferences, and augmented reality, to name a few.

SVG Extensions for 3D displays This references Multi-view plus depth hardware that will be found in future 3D TV.

Sony Patents 3D Head-Tracking Glasses


If true that might put it head to head with NX in terms of gamer hardware money. I'm betting Nintendo has better exclusive NX games than psvr exclusives. Nintendo has to explode out of the gates to give NX a chance. Psvr will be a slow burn.


Personally, I'm kind of glad because that will give me several months to pay it off. Hopefully Amazon opens up preorders soon and I can start making payments.

But still, would have been nice for people to get their hands on it now, then by the time Fall came around a lot of the kinks would be worked out if there were any and I know a lot of people would buy it yesterday if they could.
I disagree and definitely think they should and will do a complete bundle. Even at $599 it would be the cheapest 'zero-to-vr' option available by ~$1000(excluding gear & cardboard). Also the modern consumer has been conditioned to comprehend & juggle a litany sku's and bundle options. Don't see that being a problem.
this part of his post is what sticks out to me. I don't think it can be ignored.

just having something out there with a $599+ tag attached to it would lead to potential misinformation spreading thus scaring off potential customers


Interesting, I would have bet that No Man's Sky would be announced to be VR, and come bundled with a more expensive version of the set in June.
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