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PSVR Price: $399/399/£349/¥44,980, no camera/move, launching October


Do we have any idea how many units will be available for each region? I remember when the 360 came out and each store had like 50 units due to supply shortages. Do we think Sony is dropping a couple hundred thousand or a few million into the wild for launch day? I want to wait for the inevitable all in one/upgraded Move controller bundle but I don't want to find out in Sept that each store has 7 of them and the rest have to wait until early 2017 for the next batch.


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
Pretty sure that's some hacked together prototype for a specific game demo. (If you look at the back of it versus a sharpshooter there's an extra thingy built in.) Still I imagine any VR game using a Move controller as a gun should work with it.

Does look like a slightly modded sharpshooter. That thing was a nightmare to use though.


Please understand, pre-order information is coming soon

The silence is what's worrying. There is some shit going down.

I have a feeling either they had some major miscommunication with US retailers or they had EU/AU retailers jump the gun based on early estimated allocation data


Really pleased that I kept hold of all our Move stuff. Just dug them out now to find that we've got two main controllers, one navcon, one of the charging stations and two of the shooting attachments.

Really can't recommend the shooting attachments enough for shooting games, the pair will be absolutely perfect for Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. :)


I agree, I'm thinking some behind the scenes legal issue.
The only likely issue I can imagine is that the EU pre orders blew up their projections, and they are trying to secure more production capacity in order to guarantee supplies for NA resellers near the Holidays.

Other than that... Dunno what to think.



This article seems to suggest that their will be a newer, improved Sharpshooter accessory/controller. Maybe I should wait before buying.... Curse my impulses!

Mr. Giantbomb posted this yesterday so I hope it's properly supported.


You see how cool Jeff looks. YOU SEE IT?!

(I sadly got rid of mine, I believe I think I gave it to a friend of mine. I know someone else who owns it so I'll see if I can buy it off from him since he doesn't use it.)

I was going to say I know they've been demoing that version which is slightly different from the old one. I wish someone made a one hand controller with buttons on it
Really pleased that I kept hold of all our Move stuff. Just dug them out now to find that we've got two main controllers, one navcon, one of the charging stations and two of the shooting attachments.

Really can't recommend the shooting attachments enough for shooting games, the pair will be absolutely perfect for Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. :)

^^ Man, I used to own that... :(

I owned everything Move. I lost one move controller, one navigation controller and both gun attachments, and my charging station.
Please understand, pre-order information is coming soon

I have a feeling either they had some major miscommunication with US retailers or they had EU/AU retailers jump the gun based on early estimated allocation data

PS VR cancelled, thats it folks. Pack it up and go home.

I agree, I'm thinking some behind the scenes legal issue.

It's probably unexpected demand


The only likely issue I can imagine is that the EU pre orders blew up their projections, and they are trying to secure more production capacity in order to guarantee supplies for NA resellers near the Holidays.

Other than that... Dunno what to think.

I doubt it's legal, but if I had to make a guess it's probably trying to figure out how to split allocation between retailers.

It's probably unexpected demand

True, you guys are more than likely correct.

I just wish there was a slight hint of transparency.


^^ Man, I used to own that... :(

I owned everything Move. I lost one move controller, one navigation controller and both gun attachments, and my charging station.
I was looking to maybe get some silicon grips for the controllers and Amazon.co.uk has the gun controller that I have for only £3.49. A pretty good price if you're after them.


What time is it?
So I thought the nightmare that is motion controls was over. I guess not

Just wrapping up GiantBomb's Unfinished Ex: Golem and this was almost exactly what I said to myself. I'm still probably going to get PSVR for a new way to experience Rez which is one of my favorite games of all time. Luckily I bought a bunch of PS Moves on clearance at BestBuy in preparation for J.S. Joust.



This article seems to suggest that their will be a newer, improved Sharpshooter accessory/controller. Maybe I should wait before buying.... Curse my impulses!

This kinda reminds me of the Guncon3. Being able to use the lightgun on top of the traditional controls was one of a kind experience. While the game was rather lacking, the controls were promising and a lot more intuitive than Move or Wiimote.

I hope they do try to create another improved controller like that and adding the VR tracking to it. I would buy it in a heartbeat.


Your saying that somehow the motion control systems will do something they didn't do prior. This is a change to the display tech right? Not the move

I don't have the link to hand but a journalist spent 4 hours hands on with PlayStation VR and said PS Move completely lets it down. "Shit" to quote - actions simply don't translate properly in games. The DS4 games were great. Kinect had similar press reports people ignored, where the motion controls just never worked properly.
I don't have the link to hand but a journalist spent 4 hours hands on with PlayStation VR and said PS Move completely lets it down. "Shit" to quote - actions simply don't translate properly in games. The DS4 games were great. Kinect had similar press reports people ignored, where the motion controls just never worked properly.

Odd move has always worked well for me (never used it in VR though). And from all the hands on PSVR demos journalist seemed to have enjoyed the experiences.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I've seen the Sharpshooter for under $10 used recently.

The vita had 3D audio?

The point was to show the Pulse Elites being used in wired mode.
I don't have the link to hand but a journalist spent 4 hours hands on with PlayStation VR and said PS Move completely lets it down. "Shit" to quote - actions simply don't translate properly in games. The DS4 games were great.

There's a link to that article in this thread way back. Read it and all I'll say is that I also got to play a bunch of demos/experiences at PSX and the Move tracking in particular was on point. In fact the 1:1 tracking of my "hands" in game and the way in-game objects responded was what convinced me to dive in day 1 on PSVR. Sorry that the journos experience with it was shit but whatever.
Your saying that somehow the motion control systems will do something they didn't do prior. This is a change to the display tech right? Not the move

Move already worked fine even in just the context of waggle. Here, it's more about representing your hands in a virtual space, which it handles very well. Not as accurately as the Vive and Oculus solutions mind you (which are pretty rock solid 1:1), but it's far more affordable than those.

Is it perfect? Nope. Does it get confused in bad lighting conditions? Certainly, and I'm guessing Oculus Touch may as well (which uses IR emitters/camera). Is it better than having no representation of your hands in a virtual space? Definitely. I'd even call it better than the DS4 in the context of VR, unless you're specifically talking about cockpit-style games.


I don't have the link to hand but a journalist spent 4 hours hands on with PlayStation VR and said PS Move completely lets it down. "Shit" to quote - actions simply don't translate properly in games. The DS4 games were great. Kinect had similar press reports people ignored, where the motion controls just never worked properly.

Interesting. I just want to make sure fud isn't getting spread about magical changes to the same input solutions just because the display tech changes. The 360 controller with the Rift, the Move here. They are the same tech. With the same positives and negatives.
Move already worked fine even in just the context of waggle. Here, it's more about representing your hands in a virtual space, which it handles very well. Not as accurately as the Vive and Oculus solutions mind you (which are pretty rock solid 1:1), but it's far more affordable than those.

Is it perfect? Nope. Does it get confused in bad lighting conditions? Certainly, and I'm guessing Oculus Touch may as well (which uses IR emitters/camera). Is it better than having no representation of your hands in a virtual space? Definitely. I'd even call it better than the DS4 in the context of VR, unless you're specifically talking about cockpit-style games.

I think in peoples rush to defend things they didn't read. I am not saying any of those things. I am saying that they will work exactly as they did prior.
Serious question: have you had any hands-on time with any of the VR kits that use motion controls? It's far removed from a gimmick. It's core to the experience.

Not yet. Doesn't change the fact that motion controls are bad. Now it will be even more complex: head movement + motion controls. Maybe I'm just old school.
I don't have the link to hand but a journalist spent 4 hours hands on with PlayStation VR and said PS Move completely lets it down. "Shit" to quote - actions simply don't translate properly in games. The DS4 games were great. Kinect had similar press reports people ignored, where the motion controls just never worked properly.

I don't understand why Move wouldn't work though. I mean it's similar tech to what's inside the DS4 and, as far as tracking goes, PSVR. You've got your usual gyros and the like and then an LED which is tracked. Move isn't that old tech and from what I remember of it it worked nicely on PS3.


There's a link to that article in this thread way back. Read it and all I'll say is that I also got to play a bunch of demos/experiences at PSX and the Move tracking in particular was on point. In fact the 1:1 tracking of my "hands" in game and the way in-game objects responded was what convinced me to dive in day 1 on PSVR. Sorry that journos experience with it was shit but whatever.

Wonder if he just had a glitchy model or environment had some issue causing the camera not to pick it up properly. Seems like an outlier experience and not representative of 99% of others experience. I mean it totally bugged out during that awful E3 stage demo, but you see videos where clearly the Move is pretty damn accurate.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I'll probably use DS4 for a lot of VR games, but Move is going to be great for Dreams, which is easily my most anticipated game.


There's a link to that article in this thread way back. Read it and all I'll say is that I also got to play a bunch of demos/experiences at PSX and the Move tracking in particular was on point. In fact the 1:1 tracking of my "hands" in game and the way in-game objects responded was what convinced me to dive in day 1 on PSVR. Sorry that journos experience with it was shit but whatever.

It's not just one journalist. There's a bunch of reports of problems. There's a video in the other thread of somebody playing Gollum, and Move is doing different things to the player - you can see it happening live from the footage Sony supplied to the journo at the event.


Not yet. Doesn't change the fact that motion controls are bad. Now it will be even more complex: head movement + motion controls. Maybe I'm just old school.

Except in VR 1:1 motion controls are almost just like using your hands in real life. See something, reach out grab it. Don't even need to be looking at it, if you know where it is in 3D space you will instinctually be able to 'place it' in the environment. That's the difference. There's no abstraction other than a button controls your grab rather than clenching your fist.


Except in VR 1:1 motion controls are almost just like using your hands in real life. See something, reach out grab it. Don't even need to be looking at it, if you know where it is in 3D space you will instinctually be able to 'place it' in the environment. That's the difference. There's no abstraction other than a button controls your grab rather than clenching your fist.

Also, PS4 camera is a pretty big upgrade from the PS3 one.
Not yet. Doesn't change the fact that motion controls are bad. Now it will be even more complex: head movement + motion controls. Maybe I'm just old school.

I'm plenty old myself, which is in part why I can appreciate just how far these experiences-- and the controls that enable them-- have come over the years. I mean, VR won't be for everyone and that's fine. Just don't knock it until you try it. HMDs + motion controls for each hand with 1:1 representation in-game is the exact opposite of complicated. The speed at which people with next to zero experience playing video games pick up on what to do is really exciting to watch.

I mean it totally bugged out during that awful E3 stage demo, but you see videos where clearly the Move is pretty damn accurate.

Don't forget Dr. Marks' failed PSVR demo at PSX lol man that was rough


Having tried them all I can say for me the most important thing is straight up no bullshit. No magical stories, no hyperbole either way. I have wanted this tech to be around since the Sega Saturn's headset design tests back when I kicked our their halls. The more truthful everyone is with exactly what can and can't be done and the positives and negatives the better people who aren't rushing in can play and see if they are interested without having to weed through magical changes in old tech.
Its a fairly huge change and the less marketing and shill shit that creeps in the better the entire adjustment will be.
It's not just one journalist. There's a bunch of reports of problems. There's a video in the other thread of somebody playing Gollum, and Move is doing different things to the player - you can see it happening live from the footage Sony supplied to the journo at the event.

Oh I never said it was just that journo. Just that their experience seemed to be nearly the exact opposite of mine in terms of tracking and Move functionality when using PSVR. If that's how it went down for them, then they have every right to criticize it in their piece (though calling it "shit" and their 'letter to Sony' bit at the end was a little much). I'm just saying that they could be an outlier.

Its a fairly huge change and the less marketing and shill shit that creeps in the better the entire adjustment will be.



I don't have the link to hand but a journalist spent 4 hours hands on with PlayStation VR and said PS Move completely lets it down. "Shit" to quote - actions simply don't translate properly in games. The DS4 games were great. Kinect had similar press reports people ignored, where the motion controls just never worked properly.

It was this article:


They are, so far as I can tell, the only outlet that reported in this issue.


It was this article:


They are, so far as I can tell, the only outlet that reported in this issue.

But when I went to counter my opponents' moves, the controller didn't respond well at all. Tracking was inaccurate and inconsistent. It sorta swung in the general direction I was aiming (most of the time) but it couldn't track speed with any reliability (so you're left swinging the controller in slow motion) and has way too low an overall accuracy no matter how quickly you move the controllers.

That's always a design connundrum for motion controls. Yes you can swing a move control super fast. But it'd look weird if that golem you play as would swing a huge sword that fast. Not sure what the solution is here.
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