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Quantum Break Review Thread


Wow sub 80. The way this game was hyped in the gamersyde thread and also by Remedy for letting reviews hit early i was expecting an average of 88.


Looking like the reviewers are taking between 9 and 12 hours on the game, the shows 4 episodes come out to almost 1.5 hours, so 7.5-10.5 hours of ingame play time.

Thank you! Purely from commercial POV, this means I can finish the game in a day or two with no replay value, and then for most players I know it really needs to be classic to stay in their collection. Will follow the long tail of sales closely.


I think I guessed 83 metacritic, but sub 80 isn't shocking.

It seemed like the kind of game that would get more 6,7 and 8s than 9 and 10s.


Where did you get that 79 from? Opencritic has it at 76 and that site doesn't have weightage last I heard.

he's averaging the scores on metacritic, unweighted. i'm assuming opencritic and metacritic don't draw from the same exact review sources which would explain the difference.


Where did you get that 79 from? Open critic has it at 76 and that site doesn't have weight age last I heard.

I calculated it from Metacritic, and it's different from Opencritic's because as of now they're missing many reviews (45 VS 62)


I hope I enjoy this. I'm a fan of Remedy's style, which should bode well. I'm surprised by the number of very positive scores next to the very lows.

I think tempering expectations a bit will probably be a good thing in the long run.


Ouch, was not expecting the thrashing from Jeff. I still want to give it a look; I've liked all of Remedy's games. I'm hesitant on full price for this one, given some of the scores...


Quick run through...should be close

Number given /10 in the OP.

10s = 6
9s = 24
8s = 29

7s = 4
6s = 4
5s =
4s = 3

Can't wait to play on Tuesday.

Over 80% of the reviews are an 8 or better in OP. That's well over what one could call the Majority.

Reminds me of Alien Isolation reviews, they tried something different and some liked it some didn't. It had around the same meta score and was on a lot of (including mine) GOTY list for 2014.


Wasn't really a fan of Alan Wake, but I'm willing to give this is a try, mainly due to my love for the Max Payne series.

There's no way in hell I'm paying full price on the Windows Store, though. Hopefully, I can nab a cheap enough PC code in the B/S/T thread come release. If so, I should have the game wrapped up in time for the 12th. Then the real fun begins.


Some more:

You put gamervets in twice

So.. Mario Kart 8 is a 90s game... that's not how the things works. QB is going to be a 70s forever... sorry dude.

No need to say sorry. I couldn't care less about review scores. Just tallying them up for people that have a hard time seeing what's there in a wall of scores. ;)

The game sounds incredible from the reviews, I don't need scores....and I'd buy it as a Remedy game anyway, lol.
Quick run through of reviews...should be close

Number given /10 in the OP.

10s = 6
9s = 24
8s = 29

7s = 4
6s = 4
5s =
4s = 3

Can't wait to play on Tuesday.

Over 80% of the reviews are an 8 or better in OP. That's well over what one could call the Majority.
So.. Mario Kart 8 is a 90s game... that's not how the things works. QB is going to be a 70s forever... sorry dude.
Jeff Gerstmann said:
It's also worth noting that the TV-like episodes stream over the internet by default, which in my case led to uneven performance, with some episodes hitching up so frequently that the game finally gave up and asked if I wanted to just download the episodes. That's 75GB of hard drive space on the Xbox One, should you choose to do so.


Are you kidding? Fuck anyone with a metered connection I guess!
I'm hearing about a majority of these sites today. Not saying that they couldn't possibly like the game, but I'm not sure why many are so eager to dismiss established critics like Gerstmann in favour of a blog that was probably started last week.
Does it? I'm pretty sure Giant Bomb's 4 is HIGHLY weighted in the metacritic score calculation. Gamespot's score is too.

I doubt meta critic counts it as a 4. I know it translates to 4/10 but I doubt that's what they convert Giant Bomb's score into. It's probably much higher than that based on the review itself


I'm liking the reviews for this. The ones that are really high and praise the game are actually down to earth and honest in saying the gameplay and story are nothing groundbreaking, but that mix working out in a game is what makes it so awesome.

the negative ones I've read well the expected too much. Criticize the show part for being bad( I'm am 100% sure it is not, but I'm sure their expectations were unreal) or by the gun play being samey and the game being short.

The JG review I really don't care about not only because of the score, but because he says things like: " ...hey, if you're a sucker for goofy time travel hijinks this game has that going for it, too..." which I know I am taking out of context, but if he seems cold to one of the main features of the game/story then it doesn't surprise me he gave it a low score.


Solid scores overall. Unfortunately a minority of scores brought it down a bit, but that's the reality of the industry right now.

Either way, the game seems to be awesome.
Quick run through of reviews...should be close

Number given /10 in the OP.

10s = 6
9s = 24
8s = 29

7s = 4
6s = 4
5s =
4s = 3

Can't wait to play on Tuesday.

Over 80% of the reviews are an 8 or better in OP. That's well over what one could call the Majority.

Pretty telling what most reviewers think. Kind of sucks the large minority has such a sway on the average, but it is what it is.


Always was bugged by the TV stuff, it's like they didn't really get why that stuff was cool in Max Payne and Alan Wake, that it was more humorous and added to the style of the game, and less that they were all that compelling. I didn't want to watch an actual tv show in a Remedy game, I wanted an odd show hidden in the back ground of the game like usual.

Game sounds as repetitive as all their other outings, ah well, I have it preordered, should at least be an entertaining, if vapid romp. Will probably wait till the windows updates so I don't have to have vsnc on and get a proper full screen.
As always, people angry or salty at review scores are merely seeking validation for their own pre-conceived notions of a video game, which is not the purpose of a subjective review.

This game looks alright and I'd likely find enjoyment out of it but I agree with some early posts - after watching a decent chunk of footage from the early stages, I am getting heavy vibes of The Order: 1886, in that they both feel like responses to Uncharted 1 or Mass Effect 1 or games from another generation.

If a game is going to score high on review scales these days I feel like it has to offer more than that.

If I had an Xbox One I'd be eager to play it but the 75-80 score seems fair and having read the more negative reviews the criticisms seem valid.


Gameinformer Test Chamber.


They gave it a 8.5.

Tell a unique time-travel story through a third-person shooter and a television show

Remedy’s time-manipulating effects are truly impressive, and the characters look great. However, seeing real-life actors juxtaposed with their in-game counterparts is jarring

Suspenseful firefights come alive through great sound design, and solid acting work helps bring each character to life

The gunplay feels precise and your wide array of time powers helps keep the action moving even when time isn’t

The show leaves a bit to be desired, but the game is full of breakneck firefights and stunning action set pieces

Moderately High


SuperÑ;199847882 said:
Game sounds like a must buy judging from the reviews.

Funny, it sounds like a safe-to-buy at best. Most postive reviews touch on the lack of innovation and the dubious-at-best implementation of the show. It seem like its a cool game, despite its shortcomings. Hardly must-buy.


Up to 78 on MC

Let'c crack that 80 boys

Wait, hold up.

Are we going to sit here and pretend that 78 isn't a fantastic aggregate score for a game? Not calling you out specifically for this, but I've never gotten why we're so obsessed with games getting less than 80 on MC.

1) MC is a terrible way to judge a game
2) If you're rating on a 10 or 100 scale, 50 is an average game that does nothing new or special and hits all the expected notes in a genre.

Really I'm sick of 79 being treated like a 50, and suddenly 80 is this must own gem of a game.


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Good reviews. I am excited! Bring on April 5th.


Wait, hold up.

Are we going to sit here and pretend that 78 isn't a fantastic aggregate score for a game? Not calling you out specifically for this, but I've never gotten why we're so obsessed with games getting less than 80 on MC.

1) MC is a terrible way to judge a game
2) If you're rating on a 10 or 100 scale, 50 is an average game that does nothing new or special and hits all the expected notes in a genre.

Really I'm sick of 79 being treated like a 50, and suddenly 80 is this must own gem of a game.

I'm gonan enjoy the game nevertheless of the scores it gets, but i absolutely adore Remedy, so it would be nice to see it reach an 80, 78 just doesn't look as good :p
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