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Quantum Break Review Thread

just gonna post this here rather than making a new thread, what way does the PC version cross buy work? I can get a code for XB1 version for 44 euro does downloading that get me the PC version on my xbox account I can just sign into on my PC?


Poor MS. Sub-80 is not what you want for your hype train platform exclusive.

And to everyone says it's just 2 bad reviews....it's 2 bad ones and 13 mixed (< 75) ones.

Campbell's Soup level salt in this thread.


just gonna post this here rather than making a new thread, what way does the PC version cross buy work? I can get a code for XB1 version for 44 euro does downloading that get me the PC version on my xbox account I can just sign into on my PC?

Pre order the xbox version on the xbox store. The you get a W10 code also on release i believe.
We dont know yet if its account linked/


Since I'm pretty much as blasé as Jeff from GB I think I'll pass. Especially since I really didn't find the basic idea all that great to begin with. Visuals seem to be impressive though.


Has any reviewer talked about the multiple endings/story line combinations? It sounds like an 8-9 hour experience but are multiple playthroughs rewarding enough to keep coming back?


Really don't care about this game but i hope someday reviews stop giving scores,you can describe the highs and lows of a game without numbers.


Is it pre order only? And will the bundle code work?

"Xbox wants to empower gamers to play the games they want with the people they want on the devices they want, so Microsoft Studios and Remedy Entertainment will launch Quantum Break on Windows 10 simultaneously with the Xbox One version on April 5, 2016. Anyone who pre-orders the Xbox One digital version of Quantum Break through the Xbox Store, purchases an Xbox One digital token at participating retailers, or pre-orders an Xbox One Special Edition Quantum Break bundle, will receive the Windows 10 version of the game downloadable at the Windows Store via redemption code.*"
Has any reviewer talked about the multiple endings/story line combinations? It sounds like an 8-9 hour experience but are multiple playthroughs rewarding enough to keep coming back?

One reviewer has said there is only one ending

No story spoiler - but just in case you don't want to know.


Has any reviewer talked about the multiple endings/story line combinations? It sounds like an 8-9 hour experience but are multiple playthroughs rewarding enough to keep coming back?
Gamespot review said there is only one ending.


One reviewer has said there is only one ending

No story spoiler - but just in case you don't want to know.

I'm picking up the game any way to support story driven games that push the visual and fidelity envelope. Just wanted to keep my expectations in check because InFamous has burned me out on the multiple playthroughs.
As time goes on, I feel more and more that a numbered rating system for games is dumb. I wish more outlets would adopt something similar to Eurogamer's system.

I say it mainly because a lot of reviewers don't seem to see that you can hate a game, but still see that it has merit, just not their cup of tea. I dunno, I guess I wish reviews were a more defined mix of objective and subjective, like having the first part of a review being purely about the content and the quality of that content, then following that up with a "how I felt about the content" kind of section.

Maybe it's just me growing up and valuing my own opinion more than I used to.


Wow quite a few bad scores ..... Thinking about canceling my pre order... But eza and acg said its good I'll watch there reviews and decide


Imagine what happens when we take out Polygon's score from The Last of Us MC? /s

You can't just selectively choose to ignore criticism. The score is what it is.

Which Universe did you fall out off?

what? i never said to ignore criticism, only that the current criticism doesn't drag the score down as much as people are saying

Does it? I'm pretty sure Giant Bomb's 4 is HIGHLY weighted in the metacritic score calculation. Gamespot's score is too.

sure, but how much variance off of my non-weighted calculation do you think that would be?


Anyone posted yet what the approx play-through time is if you skip the TV-show, as I think many will do? With only 1 ending, this might mean that there will be copies back at GS racks pretty quickly, which could cut into the sales.


Imagine what happens when we take out Polygon's score from The Last of Us MC? /s

You can't just selectively choose to ignore criticism. The score is what it is.

Which Universe did you fall out off?

He's not wrong. The order had huge hype before release, especially on gaf


Just calculated it, and they're right. The average became 80.63

I think he means that the metascore isn't an average and certain reviewing outlits impact the score more. So without information on how metacritic calculates the score we can't really work it out on our own.
Anyone posted yet what the approx play-through time is if you skip the TV-show, as I think many will do? With only 1 ending, this might mean that there will be copies back at GS racks pretty quickly, which could cut into the sales.

Looking like the reviewers are taking between 9 and 12 hours on the game, the shows 4 episodes come out to almost 1.5 hours, so 7.5-10.5 hours of ingame play time.


As time goes on, I feel more and more that a numbered rating system for games is dumb. I wish more outlets would adopt something similar to Eurogamer's system.

I say it mainly because a lot of reviewers don't seem to see that you can hate a game, but still see that it has merit, just not their cup of tea. I dunno, I guess I wish reviews were a more defined mix of objective and subjective, like having the first part of a review being purely about the content and the quality of that content, then following that up with a "how I felt about the content" kind of section.

Maybe it's just me growing up and valuing my own opinion more than I used to.
Nah number reviews are flawed, at the very least metacritic is flawed, because people have such wildly different opinions and tastes, in addition to the fact that most outlets use a different scale. I also think it's messed up that some sites are weighed more on metacritic. Basically saying that some opinions are more valuable than others which is a little messed up.

Kotaku and Eurogamer get it. They tell you what the game is and does and leaves it up to you to decide if you think it's worth your time.


As time goes on, I feel more and more that a numbered rating system for games is dumb. I wish more outlets would adopt something similar to Eurogamer's system.

Numbered rating system for anything is dumb. I wish everyone would just take the rotten tomatoes approach to reviewing. Either you recommend it or don't.

e: anything that's based mainly on opinions, that is.
From what I saw of this game pre-release (that 2-part GB unfinished was my first real experience), it seemed kinda underwhelming. But maybe popular opinion will shift as more people play it, but the more I think about it, the more I agree with Jeff Gerstmann's point in the review that I wouldn't want to break up the flow of playing a game by watching a 20-minute TV show every hour or 2, conceptually some of the ideas in this game could work, but in practice just seems to fall flat.


Lots of polarizing reviews, which is good imo, looks like they did something different and some liked it and some didn't.

Pre-ordered based on what I saw and also that we're getting reviews well ahead of release. Reading thru seems to be what I expected.


Jeff does have a tendency to be negative on games....and I wouldn't change it for the world. I like his hyper-critical reviews of things and if he takes down a couple metacritic scores with him so be it.

Maybe people will eventually realize that getting worked up over what metacritic score a game gets is ridiculous. Probably not, people still freak out about the NPD numbers but I can hope.


As time goes on, I feel more and more that a numbered rating system for games is dumb. I wish more outlets would adopt something similar to Eurogamer's system.

I say it mainly because a lot of reviewers don't seem to see that you can hate a game, but still see that it has merit, just not their cup of tea. I dunno, I guess I wish reviews were a more defined mix of objective and subjective, like having the first part of a review being purely about the content and the quality of that content, then following that up with a "how I felt about the content" kind of section.

Maybe it's just me growing up and valuing my own opinion more than I used to.

There is nothing wrong with the score itself, its a neat way to get an at a glance feel for how the reviewer felt about a game. The real problem is people and their inability to accept the numbers for what they are.
Pretty happy with the reception, the criticisms seem to be largely leveled at the experimental nature of the game and I hope that doesn't deter other developers to trying similarly ambitious things and mix up the third person genre a bit. Nice work Remedy!


He's not wrong. The order had huge hype before release, especially on gaf
What? Maybe you are confusing hype with visibility? Sure there were more people excited for the order than for QB, but there were a lot more that thought the game would be shit before launching.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Game sounds good. Totilo's review sold me on it, at least for a playthrough. The TV/game thing intrigues me and having some good actors should help.


Imagine what happens when we take out Polygon's score from The Last of Us MC? /s

You can't just selectively choose to ignore criticism. The score is what it is.

That person agrees with you. Their post was in response to people saying "two scores are dragging it down". Sure, they're dragging it down, but only by two measly percentage points.


what? i never said to ignore criticism, only that the current criticism doesn't drag the score down as much as people are saying

sure, but how much variance off of my non-weighted calculation do you think that would be?
Fair enough. But all I'm saying is that that's a pointless exercise.
That person agrees with you. Their post was in response to people saying "two scores are dragging it down". Sure, they're dragging it down, but only by two measly percentage points.
A wall of 8s, 9s, and even 10s in the OP

Metacritic in the 70s..makes sense.


While I don't think this is actually factored into the aggregation, a lot of the really high scores are from what you'd call 'first party' sites like XBOXWorld Australia (9/10) and TrueAchievements (9/10) which are ostensibly Xbox related and a swathe of mixed reviews with some really subpar ones factored too.


Quick run through of reviews...should be close

Number given /10 in the OP.

10s = 6
9s = 24
8s = 29

7s = 4
6s = 4
5s =
4s = 3

Can't wait to play on Tuesday.

Over 80% of the reviews are an 8 or better in OP. That's well over what one could call the Majority.
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