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Quantum Break Review Thread


Looks like a decent game, good for a rental, I'm really disappointed, I was waiting more from Remedy, Alan Wake had mixed reviews too and it's a good game so I'll try it later just in case...


There have been quite some games scoring similar recently that were, for me, great to play. I think we are moving towards 7-8 being good/great, with 9-10 on average mostly being games likely to reach "classic" status in terms of quality. Which is great, given the 9-10/10's being way to normal last gen.

And that does not mean a person cannot enjoy the 7-8/10 more than the 9-10/10, offcourse. Actually, that there is exactly why divisive reviews are better than absolute critical acclaim, as it allows the consumers to read different opinions and decide what positives/negatives weight the most for themselves.

For example, some people criticize Telltale games for the lack of influence by the player's choices, which can affect their rating. I, however, know that negative does not apply for me, as I am there to experience a story whilst having a degree of interaction to play along. That doesn't mean the reviewer would be wrong in expecting more impact of your choices and giving it a 7 instead of an 8.

I love Remedies (Remedy's?) vision for this game and would definitely buy it if I had a capable PC or One. I hope it does well financially.
What's up with the 75 GB of data for the videos/shows? Will I be missing anything if I don't have them downloaded by launch? Will they be streamed in-game instead? No way I can download 120 GB (Game/Videos) of data by Tuesday.


That's like 1/4 of the game. More than enough time to get a feel for the overall mechanics.

Considering that the first 90 mins is not really 1/4 of the game as some people would have you believe on here, it's not.

I imagine in 90 mins he didn't actually get to see much at all as you spend most of that time walking and talking. The combat only really kicks in at the end of the episode and escalates from there.


my hard graphic balls
That's a bad joke.

anyone know what the achievements are like? Any for difficulty?

We kept them pretty simple as overall Achievements are way too hard to get. So you do get quite a few on your first playthrough. Yes, there's achievements for completing the game on different difficulty levels.


People pay attention to Gerstmann reviews lol?

Anyway, biggest concern is that I feel like I'm going be jumping through so many hoops just to get back to the gameplay. I heard one review mention that they wish some form of challenge mode had been included, and that's what I feel will be sorely missing. A quick way to jump in and enjoy combat.

Karak, any thoughts on that issue?

I think challange modes, and those kinds of things do wonders for titles like this. Especially with the...unique nature of the narrative something like that would rock.

Kid Goku

ACG is one of the few whose opinion I really value because so far haven't been disappointed with any of his verdicts. Can't say the same about the other big ones like IGN, GS or GB. Still it's Remedy and I'll play any Remedy game, I fell in love with Alan Wake and even thats reviewed around 80 on last gen when higher reviews were given more easily so that doesnt' say much to me. I mean TLOU was raved and had the best review score out there but felt hugely disappointed with it. I think his scale of Buy, Rent or Never Touch is preferable for me because numbers can often be very deceiving. Because with numbers, high or low, you build yourself up with certain expecttions. If QB had received say a 90+ rating my hype level would be pretty high and upon playing it I might have been very disappointed with it just like TLOU as an example. Keeping expectations in check is always a good thing so you won't be disappointed and you might actually enjoy things a bit more. Preordered waiting till the 5th to play this game. Then after that there's Uncharted. Good times.


Weird, I pre-ordered QB on the xbox store and it was installing on the app section instead of games.

I deleted the game, and re-installed, and now it went on the games section. Never happened before.
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