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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately


Got the game a couple days ago. I added myself to the spreadsheet already, but figured I'd drop my tag in here, too. I'm US East, and normally play with my brother.



Fantastic patch notes. Good sign of future patches and how Ubisoft plans to support the game.

Really excited for Galz's new scope, damn thing was broken at times.


I think I am going to go ahead and buy this game after I return the rental I have. Wouldn't mind finding it for cheaper than 60 though. It took me a little while but I am really starting to like the game.


I really hope that patch fixes stuff tomorrow cause I just almost put my fist through my monitor after going aorund a corner to a guy with his back to me, open up on him and then instantly die to him apparently having looked at me the whole time putting 2 shotgun shots into me.

Or the guy who shoots 5 pistol rounds through a barricade at me and the last one headshots me but on my screen it was just one shot that I immediately died to.



Goddamn that is an amazing first patch. Can't wait to go home and fire it up.

Will probably buy the season pass as a thank you to UBI tonight since it's on sale on GMG.
Goddamn that is an amazing first patch. Can't wait to go home and fire it up.

Will probably buy the season pass as a thank you to UBI tonight since it's on sale on GMG.

Yeah. It has me excited to jump back on after a few days break. Get home, make dinner, watch the last 2 Espinosa of Fargo and then Ding Chavez all night. Patch tomorrow is gonna be awesome b
Goddamn that is an amazing first patch. Can't wait to go home and fire it up.

Will probably buy the season pass as a thank you to UBI tonight since it's on sale on GMG.

Yea it really is. As someone who's been critical, it's great to see and the game is a blast. Just fix that right stick twitch!!!!


PvP - Reduced time to detect Defenders outside from 5 seconds to 2 seconds.

Thanks Ubi. Some great changes in the patch.

I'm kind of sad about this--I loved going out and lighting up people while they were rappelling. But I can see that the way Ubi is going with the game, it doesn't really fit.
so I got this game yesterday. Today was the first time I played it 3 times I played it and 3 server errors booted me. I am on PS4. I am enjoying it aside from the fact I can't string enough games to gain enough points to unlock an operator....


so I got this game yesterday. Today was the first time I played it 3 times I played it and 3 server errors booted me. I am on PS4. I am enjoying it aside from the fact I can't string enough games to gain enough points to unlock an operator....

watch the tutorial movies (or skip em)
youll get enough points to unlock an operator
had no network error on ps4 in the last week, must be lucky
I'm kind of sad about this--I loved going out and lighting up people while they were rappelling. But I can see that the way Ubi is going with the game, it doesn't really fit.

The biggest issue I found with it was people immediately running outside as soon as the round would start and just mowing people down as they were still under the 5 second timer. I'm glad to see it shortened
Idk I liked the 5 sec timer
Jump out the window, wrap around, shoot one guy, jump back in

It's not like it changes the boundaries. You can still do it. The way it worked, it put the attackers at a big disadvantage. You could see someone breaking in and immediately run outside and get the easy kills. It cuts the cheese factor down a bit.

Rebel Leader



The announced the changes here: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.ph...ge-s-Playlists-to-Evolve-in-the-Coming-Months

There has been plenty of backlash about the changes, but they did go into plenty detail on why they are doing it.

I don't like the changes either, but will reserve full comments until I see the changes in action for a bit.

What in the cold hell, it was pretty cool that ranked had a more minimal HUD making casual like the training wheels and Ranked like the real deal. Death to grenade indicators.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I like grenade indicators. Fuck grenades. Fuck explosives. That's all shooters are these days. Explosives spam. I'll support any measure intended to nerf explosives just because I'm so tired of that shit.

Rainbow, they aren't too bad, and only a couple operators even have them... but still, earn your damn kills. Frags make for boring, annoying combat encounters.



The biggest issue I found with it was people immediately running outside as soon as the round would start and just mowing people down as they were still under the 5 second timer. I'm glad to see it shortened

It's not like it changes the boundaries. You can still do it. The way it worked, it put the attackers at a big disadvantage. You could see someone breaking in and immediately run outside and get the easy kills. It cuts the cheese factor down a bit.

I kinda wish there would be Police NPCs on the boundary where you spawn, so if defenders try to rush your spawn too hard they get shot by them

Edit: Yeah, i don't like spaming grenades, but the way its set up in this game is pretty cool, grenades have a really big radius and you can clearly hear them and watch them fall, i say if you didn't notice it should be your fault.
That's why i really don't like indicators, don't make too much sense with how good the game is made.
For me, it seems like the game is all built up around how to take out campers and how to camp effectivly, so grenades and flash bangs are super important to coordinate.

I have a vivid memory of playing one of my first ranked games and watching a grenade roll in my direction and me standing there still thinking " oh crap", i love those moment, but even more if i get to run from it :p


I've done that! and to kill the hostage with it you have to be very unaware of the siituation, it takes forever.

That makes your tale a lot more hilarious now that i think about it :V

Yeah a teammate of ours got his drone up there pretty quick (most of ours got shot) so we watched the whole thing unfold. Teammates put the barbed wire and run away....Bandit comes in and sets his batteries, then goes and hides in another bedroom. Hostage gets injured, our prep time runs out, but as we're running towards the building we win the round. It was epic.


I like grenade indicators. Fuck grenades. Fuck explosives. That's all shooters are these days. Explosives spam. I'll support any measure intended to nerf explosives just because I'm so tired of that shit.

Rainbow, they aren't too bad, and only a couple operators even have them... but still, earn your damn kills. Frags make for boring, annoying combat encounters.


I totally agree, I'm actually starting to hate Star Wars Battlefront as it's just a grenade fest at times.

I remember when R6 Vegas came out and I used to host games with explosive/incidenary grenades turned off, it made firefights much more interesting.


Edit: After completly checking the changes...Oh shit, hit indicators? that's buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulshit. Now it will be super easy to wall bang, what the hell!
Not only that, but hit markers on both modes.


Hoping one of the operators in the DLC is gonna have the option to place deployable cameras.

The whole fixed cameras is OD played out now that everybody knows where they are.

....then have his counter be an attacker who can hack cameras. Lol. Prolly OP. But the defender I feel would be a nice addition.


I was reading up on the upcoming content, and while I couldn't find much info on Operation Black Ice, I noticed how much they're planning on selling the new operatives for.

Approx 25k renown, or 5$. (Linky)


I don't make much renown per day, personally. I haven't reached level 20 yet though, so I can't tell how much more renown you get from ranked.

If the operators look cool, I might just end up spending some cash. We'll see.


I was reading up on the upcoming content, and while I couldn't find much info on Operation Black Ice, I noticed how much they're planning on selling the new operatives for.

Approx 25k renown, or 5$.


I don't make much renown per day, personally. I haven't reached level 20 yet though, so I can't tell how much more renown you get from ranked.

If the operators look cool, I might just end up spending some cash. We'll see.

25k Renown?? That seems waaay too high.


That's like 13 fourth operators worth of renown. (Since every fourth operator within a unit is worth 2k)
At least that will give some people a reason to grind renown wich will give the comunity a boost on activity every time one launches.
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