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Rainbow Six: Siege |OT| Idris Elba sold separately

Problem is with the team sizes as they are (which is great) it means just a few people can 'team up' to kick people unnecessarily. However you definitely need a vote kick option in a game like this where an asshole can just TK or deliberately grief and ruin the game for everyone since the matches are so small, it's not like one dude goofing off in the corner of a giant 64 player map.

There isn't really a good solution here other than play with at least 2 friends to avoid it.

I suggested a damage counter, after someone does a certain amount of damage to the team he is able to be kicked. The whole someone is annoying and talking to loudly or playing music can be rectified with just muting.

I guess people can be assholes in other ways though, I just don't understand why people play this way just to annoy everyone.
Joined up with the PS4 community, haven't had a chance to play with any of you guys yet. Most of you still playing solo? I check for open parties once in a while but I guess most people are staying in game chat?


That said I love the community on X1, minus the few bad eggs it has been a pleasant experience.

Bandit is hands down my favorite defender, there is nothing more satisfying the hearing the popping of enemy drones as they drive over my electrified barbed wire.


I'm loving Kapkan at the moment. Quite satisfying when you think you're going to lose and then one of your trip mines goes off!


how can someone die on your mines as kapkan? how to place them to trick successfull?

It's more about getting lucky than anything. I try to place them on windows or doors that aren't quite obvious or close to the objective room. When the clock starts to run down and the enemy is looking for alternate entrances, chances are they'll get hasty and trip one.


It's more about getting lucky than anything. I try to place them on windows or doors that aren't quite obvious or close to the objective room. When the clock starts to run down and the enemy is looking for alternate entrances, chances are they'll get hasty and trip one.


I've managed to get kills because I just so happen to pick the side of the building they spawn on. It's hilarious really.

Or you can put a mobile barricade directly in front of the door where you placed the mine. If they're like me they'll jump over the barricade and blow up. Haha.


How do you get trip mines wit him? Or do you just mean the barricade booby traps?

Yeah, I was just referring to the barricade traps.


I've managed to get kills because I just so happen to pick the side of the building they spawn on. It's hilarious really.

Or you can put a mobile barricade directly in front of the door where you placed the mine. If they're like me they'll jump over the barricade and blow up. Haha.

That's clever. I should try it out next time.
I caved in and bought this the other day and really glad I did. Honestly the best MP shooter this year and the community is largely decent. Probably the best sound design in any Ubisoft game, everytime a breach goes off you know it's on.



I've managed to get kills because I just so happen to pick the side of the building they spawn on. It's hilarious really.

Or you can put a mobile barricade directly in front of the door where you placed the mine. If they're like me they'll jump over the barricade and blow up. Haha.
A mobile barricade? Like barbed wire? Sorry still green to the game and dont have many games under my belt. Didn't know you could booby trap those. Or maybe im misreading that altogether. Im just trying to figure out how to get a booby trap kill with Kapkan because ive yet to get one yet sadly. I mean yea Ive only got a handful of games with him but still Id think someone would of at least fallen for it once :)


A mobile barricade? Like barbed wire? Sorry still green to the game and dont have many games under my belt. Didn't know you could booby trap those. Or maybe im misreading that altogether. Im just trying to figure out how to get a booby trap kill with Kapkan because ive yet to get one yet sadly. I mean yea Ive only got a handful of games with him but still Id think someone would of at least fallen for it once :)

The mobile barricade is the little shield that you can set up. If you put it infront of an open door there is a chance they could miss the laser going across the doorframe as they try to mantle it.


The mobile barricade is the little shield that you can set up. If you put it infront of an open door there is a chance they could miss the laser going across the doorframe as they try to mantle it.
Whoa what kapkan can put up a shield? I thought he only had access to c4 and barbed wire? Or do you mean using it in conjunction with rook? My apologies again, noob.


I was once kicked because I clutched 3 rounds in a row for our team. The match was on Hereford Base and first round were down 2v5 on defense and the attackers plant the bomb, I killed all 5 and right as I'm disarming it my teammate kills me so he can disarm the bomb. Pissed I vote to kick but it was only me and one other friend playing together so we play on. Next round the guy team kills me and we lose the round. Next round I team kill him and we win the round on a 2v4 with me and my friend clutching it. Next round he team kills me and my friend and we lose yet again. So now its 2-2 final round to win the match as defenders. Me and my friend rush to kill him and he kills my friend but I managed to kill him with no health loss. My final two teammates die 30 seconds into the match were down 1v5 so I camp on the third floor while the bomb on the first floor. So I take my time and get it down to a 1v2 just as the final 2 plant the bomb. I throw a stun inside kill one and headshot the last guy to clucth it... Or so I think because as soon as I go to disarm the bomb, you have been removed from match! One of the most infuriating moments I've ever had in gaming. I had something like 15 kills that game I was so upset. I tried to record it but only managed to get the kick screen. My friend was dying laughing at the whole ordeal but I surely wasn't haha.

My blood is boiling just reading this!


I was once kicked because I clutched 3 rounds in a row for our team. The match was on Hereford Base and first round were down 2v5 on defense and the attackers plant the bomb, I killed all 5 and right as I'm disarming it my teammate kills me so he can disarm the bomb. Pissed I vote to kick but it was only me and one other friend playing together so we play on. Next round the guy team kills me and we lose the round. Next round I team kill him and we win the round on a 2v4 with me and my friend clutching it. Next round he team kills me and my friend and we lose yet again. So now its 2-2 final round to win the match as defenders. Me and my friend rush to kill him and he kills my friend but I managed to kill him with no health loss. My final two teammates die 30 seconds into the match were down 1v5 so I camp on the third floor while the bomb on the first floor. So I take my time and get it down to a 1v2 just as the final 2 plant the bomb. I throw a stun inside kill one and headshot the last guy to clucth it... Or so I think because as soon as I go to disarm the bomb, you have been removed from match! One of the most infuriating moments I've ever had in gaming. I had something like 15 kills that game I was so upset. I tried to record it but only managed to get the kick screen. My friend was dying laughing at the whole ordeal but I surely wasn't haha.

Wow, I haven't run into any assholes quite that bad yet, thankfully


I'll hopefully be playing quite a lot on PC in the next 2-3 weeks.

Add me up and drop me a message to let me know who you are on GAF.

Pretty sure my uPlay name is Som_Tervo.


Nice! Sounds like they just about fixed most of the glaring stuff.

Edit: Hmm, I don't see the open-mic bug being mentioned anywhere. :/


I personally believe it could go both ways (ranked and casual). Too many times have I seen people get kicked because they did something stupid because they were in the moment thinking it was the right thing to do, while we were all spectating.

It really can be annoying how everybody critiques you when you're the last one alive on your team. Like bro, STFU and watch me work lol. Why couldn't you do all that shit while you were alive???

I got kicked when I was basically leading my team in ranked, both kill wise, and objective. Long story short, clock was counting down and I had to contest the objective. I didn't see a trip mine and vaulted through the door. Very stupid on my part for not checking the floor, sure. But kicking me? When I'm the one that basically carried the team and is TRYING to win? Lol come on now. People choke.

And they were in a party chat, came out to tell me I'm a dumbass then got booted. Smh.

Damn, im usually rooting for whoever is the last one playing, if they dont live. It's ok. They lasted longer than me.

P.s. damn i just saw the patch notes. Now that's a patch! Good stuff. I'm glad they're supporting the game well.


I've just got this but its gone away for Christmas day.

If anyone wants to add me for EU and xbox one add Dazzyman same for steam as will probably be double dipping for PC :)


Stormy Grey
I am in awe of the in-depth analysis of each major change covered by the patch notes. Far above and beyond what I expected them to post. A lot of the changes were exactly what the community had requested too, which gives me faith that they'll keep listening and adjusting over the game's lifespan.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Nice patch.

I almost beat defuse on realistic with a group. But yeah, that shit is near-impossible.


What is the cheapest place to get the PC version currently? Based on the "please don't buy the season pass" bullet point it is not worth to get the gold edition?


Dat Patch
Really happy to see how detailed those patch notes are. I wonder what that Ultra texture pack looks like and if it'll be that taxing to use.

What is the cheapest place to get the PC version currently? Based on the "please don't buy the season pass" bullet point it is not worth to get the gold edition?
I'm pretty sure the Season Pass is all that's extra included in the Gold Edition. It mainly gives you a week early access to new, free Operators, some exclusive weapon skins, and a big renown (in-game currency for unlocking stuff) boost. It's shockingly superfluous and makes the base game seem more consumer friendly since you're only locked out of acquiring some skins.

I have seen plenty opt to buy it just to support this game, but if that's out of your budget, the game's post-launch life won't punish you for choosing not to get it.


Searching a PS4 R6 EU squad. Any chance some EU GAFfers want to adopt me or form a new group? Username = PSN name.

My last european group disbanded after the beta, which is unfortunate because those guys were hilarious. It can be frustrating to play solo at times, thanks to team killers and whatnot. Yet, R6 must be one of the most addicting multiplayer games this year. Can't... stop... playing.
No mention of the various server errors on the Xbox One version of the game???

I'm assuming that's what they're talking about with the servers issues.

This looks great, I'll be putting it to the test as soon as it's up. Once they fix the Xbox one aiming issue, I'll be an extremely happy camper.


It's a PC patch.

It's all platforms, but it hard to find where they explicitly state this other than the patch notes address issues on PS4 and XB1 along with PC Specific issues.

Never mind found it here : http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1355221-PC-PS4-XB1-Global-Scheduled-Maintenance-12-16-2015

We will be bringing down the servers on all platforms to apply a game update. You can find the patch notes here.

The outage time will vary depending on platform.

PC: 1:00pm-2:00pm EST
XB1/PS4: 2:00pm-3:00pm EST

During this time, game services will be unavailable. You will need to close the game in order to apply the update.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.




It's all platforms, but it hard to find where they explicitly state this other than the patch notes address issues on PS4 and XB1 along with PC Specific issues.

Never mind found it here : http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1355221-PC-PS4-XB1-Global-Scheduled-Maintenance-12-16-2015

Ah alright,it read like a PC only patch.

I btw just for the first time managed to grab the hostage and win the round with an extraction.

We had them down to 2 players and i used my drone to check the hostage room, saw that it was empty and just rushed in and back out with the hostage

felt pretty damn great
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