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Ramadan 2016 |OT| Ramadan is over, now EID!

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Oh my god I belly laughed out in public, thank you. These are the quality memes I'm here for 😂
First time in my life I'm not fasting.

I have gone through alot of personal development, especially with regards to Islam and stuff.

Don't feel that connected anymore, feel a bit angry at the hypocricy in our community too, just don't feel theres a point in fasting just for fasting, it's supposed to be a spiritual process.

Have any of you guys ever gone through a similar thing ?
I generally am pretty cynical of Muslim community at large, focused on trivial issues etc. But I don't place that blame on Islam's feet. Don't tie your spirituality to others' actions.


First time in my life I'm not fasting.

I have gone through alot of personal development, especially with regards to Islam and stuff.

Don't feel that connected anymore, feel a bit angry at the hypocricy in our community too, just don't feel theres a point in fasting just for fasting, it's supposed to be a spiritual process.

Have any of you guys ever gone through a similar thing ?

It's good to be critical of the Muslim community, locally or otherwise, but I don't tie my spiritual connection to Islam with the actions of other Muslims.

Let the hypocrites do their thing, and you do yours.


First time in my life I'm not fasting.

I have gone through alot of personal development, especially with regards to Islam and stuff.

Don't feel that connected anymore, feel a bit angry at the hypocricy in our community too, just don't feel theres a point in fasting just for fasting, it's supposed to be a spiritual process.

Have any of you guys ever gone through a similar thing ?

I've been frustrated with communities in general. I lived in America my entire life, and went to medical school in Pakistan, when I went there- I saw a complete 180 in how I perceived Islam to be. However, I didn't let that dilute what Islam meant to me personally.

I can't say I understand what it's like to disconnect with the faith, but I can say - communities can be toxic- and it might be more fair to disconnect with the community and not the faith. Ramadan Mubarak bro, I hope things turn around.


I can't say I understand what it's like to disconnect with the faith, but I can say - communities can be toxic- and it might be more fair to disconnect with the community and not the faith. Ramadan Mubarak bro, I hope things turn around.

I generally am pretty cynical of Muslim community at large, focused on trivial issues etc. But I don't place that blame on Islam's feet. Don't tie your spirituality to others' actions.


it didnt agree with me and i spent some time sitting on the toilet giving birth to a brown slushie.

Lmao, details too vivid


First time in my life I'm not fasting.

I have gone through alot of personal development, especially with regards to Islam and stuff.

Don't feel that connected anymore, feel a bit angry at the hypocricy in our community too, just don't feel theres a point in fasting just for fasting, it's supposed to be a spiritual process.

Have any of you guys ever gone through a similar thing ?

There's probably been a few times where I've completely questioned whether I can even identify as Muslim. At best, I felt culturally Muslim. This was probably most prevalent between 2012 and early 2014, then again later that year, and again earlier this current year. The first two times I probably came back into it because of all the reading I did into Islam. The last one, I have no idea. Maybe it's just something so consistent in my life I can't really leave it? Still questioning myself.

The wonder is whether it's the community that's causing you to feel disconnected, or if you no longer align with the faith yourself. Community can be terrible, with a lot of polarizing views, but faith is personal.


I know this is late but I would just like to give kudos to whoever made the Sonic comics on the first couple pages.

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Neo Member
Late to the party, but Ramadan Mubarak to all my brothers and sisters! May Allah (SWT) forgive our sins and accept our fasting and prayers.
i've been tryna lower my gaze a little bit but admittedly i've been having more than a few slipups.

at least ramadan is making me aware of how much of an asshole I am
Almost a week into ramadan and still haven't done much worship thanks to spring classes. Was planning on reading the whole Quran this year and still haven't read a single page. Fuuuuuuuu
First time in my life I'm not fasting.

I have gone through alot of personal development, especially with regards to Islam and stuff.

Don't feel that connected anymore, feel a bit angry at the hypocricy in our community too, just don't feel theres a point in fasting just for fasting, it's supposed to be a spiritual process.

Have any of you guys ever gone through a similar thing ?
Yeah I always say that the biggest threat/problem for the Muslim umma is Muslims themselves, not islamophobia, terrorists, or any other BS. So many times I just have to shake my head over stupid things I hear other Muslims say (I.e. haram police), The Muslim world being a mess and a joke, etc.
It's hard to put into words but I just feel like not much thinking goes on with a lot of the muslim community.
I know I'm generalizing but I'm just really not impressed. I try not to let it affect how I feel about the religion and how I practice, because I still actually believe in the religion, but i can definitely see how people can be disheartened. I like to listen to people like Hamza Yusuf when I'm feeling down or "lost" about the religion. Makes me proud to be Muslim and reminds me why I believe in this stuff.
The truth here is that I have some psychological issues that make answering these questions difficult. So difficult I made a thread about that as well, a really personal thread from about half a year ago. But a lot of things have changed since then.

Gotcha. Hope things continue to turn positive for you. Just keep at it.

I just heard about it actually, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they chose to publicize a traditional Islamic funeral. I was worried they'd try to downplay his religion as much as possible.

Yup. I was pleased it wasn't the case. It was quite something seeing Muslims discussing Islam, and Islamic prayers being broadcasted live to millions of Americans on basically every major television network at the same time.

Billy Crystal and Attallah Shabazz' speeches were moving.

I generally am pretty cynical of Muslim community at large, focused on trivial issues etc. But I don't place that blame on Islam's feet. Don't tie your spirituality to others' actions.



Yeah I always say that the biggest threat/problem for the Muslim umma is Muslims themselves, not islamophobia, terrorists, or any other BS. So many times I just have to shake my head over stupid things I hear other Muslims say (I.e. haram police), The Muslim world being a mess and a joke, etc.
It's hard to put into words but I just feel like not much thinking goes on with a lot of the muslim community.

Lol, the Haram-police is a real phenomena, at least with the older generation from what I've seen; it can be grating at times, and can lead to some pointlessly heated debates. I'm convinced that Muslims are far too judgmental, especially of other Muslims; "live and let live" is a concept that seems foreign to many.

As for the disjointed community, yea, it can definitely feel like that at times.

A legitimate Caliphate would be ideal to guide us in these troubled times, but that in itself is a massive can of worms because of the political implications; some regional (and world) powers will want to have control over said Caliphate. Then there's the very real chance of people not liking what they're hearing and anointing their own illegitimate Caliphates (ISIS).

Late to the party, but Ramadan Mubarak to all my brothers and sisters! May Allah (SWT) forgive our sins and accept our fasting and prayers.

Better late than never! Welcome and Ramadan Kareem.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Late to the party, but Ramadan Mubarak to all my brothers and sisters! May Allah (SWT) forgive our sins and accept our fasting and prayers.

I'm honestly jealous of your user name, lol.

Also, is it only me that feels the hardest part of Ramadan is committing to perform Tarawih prayers? Maaaaaan....
^good thing tarawee is not compulsory then huh.

Problem with Communities are the very vocal ones are from an uneducated background and in extention for some, their cultures are also archaic (and generally unIslamic funny enough) that heavily impact their view and actions. That is what I find in London anyhow and I'm sure other regions are very much the same.

So far Ramadan has bee ok. On the food and drink part anyhow. That's never been my biggest issue though. I've tried to be more conscious about my potty mouth, pray on time even at work and curb other bad habits. Still have work to do, mind.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
^good thing tarawee is not compulsory then huh.

Problem with Communities are the very vocal ones are from an uneducated background and in extention for some, their cultures are also archaic (and generally unIslamic funny enough) that heavily impact their view and actions. That is what I find in London anyhow and I'm sure other regions are very much the same.

So far Ramadan has bee ok. On the food and drink part anyhow. That's never been my biggest issue though. I've tried to be more conscious about my potty mouth, pray on time even at work and curb other bad habits. Still have work to do, mind.

The fact that its not compulsory IS what makes it hard to do lol.

And regardless, I kinda feel like its a must do.
Lol, the Haram-police is a real phenomena, at least with the older generation from what I've seen; it can be grating at times, and can lead to some pointlessly heated debates. I'm convinced that Muslims are far too judgmental, especially of other Muslims; "live and let live" is a concept that seems foreign to many.

As for the disjointed community, yea, it can definitely feel like that at times.

A legitimate Caliphate would be ideal to guide us in these troubled times, but that in itself is a massive can of worms because of the political implications; some regional (and world) powers will want to hold power over said Caliphate. Then there's the very real chance of people not liking what they're hearing and anointing their own illegitimate Caliphates (ISIS).

Better late than never! Welcome and Ramadan Kareem.

Yea muslims seem to have a narrow view on the world compared to most other people
Ugh I over ate watermelons and then passed out for like 2 hours after iftar.

I'm careful not to over eat on actual food but watermelons are so deceptive. You can eat like 15 pieces before starting to feel it. Need to have better self control tomorrow and onwards u_u


First time in my life I'm not fasting.

I have gone through alot of personal development, especially with regards to Islam and stuff.

Don't feel that connected anymore, feel a bit angry at the hypocricy in our community too, just don't feel theres a point in fasting just for fasting, it's supposed to be a spiritual process.

Have any of you guys ever gone through a similar thing ?

I never understood this.

Community has nothing to do with individual belief or actions. What does other people have to do with you praying and stuff. I never understood this.

I am not connected to the Muslim community at all. Their hypocrisy and generally being such an awful people ( believe it or not, it got to a point where I got attacked physically and verbally) and I have more non-Muslim friends than Muslims.

But you know what, that even made my Islam stronger. I know these people aren't true to their religion and I know the fact that they are generally dicks make me think that I am doing something right by practicing the religion properly and be a better person.

I am sorry to say this, but if you base your lifestyle (not only religion!) on community then you are nothing but a sheep.

Sorry if I am being harsh or whatever, but I never understood people rationalising things because of a larger abstract reason (I suppose I don't know what your personal struggles are, so maybe what I say is a moot)


A bit late to the thread but Ramadan Mubarak

On a side note, last Friday our imam lead a prayer for Muhammad Ali. For the first time in years, I noticed almost everyone (hundreds of people in our musjid) actually stayed for the junazah prayer. Most of the time, a few people stay and everyone rushes out. I mean I know fame can explain it, but it still surprised me
So far Ramadan has bee ok. On the food and drink part anyhow. That's never been my biggest issue though. I've tried to be more conscious about my potty mouth, pray on time even at work and curb other bad habits. Still have work to do, mind.

It's hilarious seeing my family shout at each other and get irritable while fasting. Some people genuinely think fasting is just about abstaining from food and is about praying.

Next time I'll just say you're doing it wrong XD



Take a trip. Visit me. Prophet profit. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

P.S. Eastleigh still the mess it is. Looking like its entered a most trash in the street comp, or one for simulating a city attacked in war. Idek.

Pretty close to me, subtract an hour there and add 30 minutes there.

The hate we earn is the hate we earn here, but no matter the time, I'm still hungry in that final little bit before the mosque starts blaring their speakers. If you don't mind me asking, where are you located?

A bit late to the thread but Ramadan Mubarak

On a side note, last Friday our imam lead a prayer for Muhammad Ali. For the first time in years, I noticed almost everyone (hundreds of people in our musjid) actually stayed for the junazah prayer. Most of the time, a few people stay and everyone rushes out. I mean I know fame can explain it, but it still surprised me

Ramadan Mubarak!

Sometimes, you just need something you can relate to/affected you in some way. Relevance keeps people rapt.



I really can't see any value in that.
I'm not sure about this particular video, but last year terrorists attacked mosques in the Middle East (particularly Saudi Arabia) which caused a lot of havoc in the region. Days later people started to pray like his because they are terrified for their lives.

If this is the case I the video then it is even more admirable that they continue going to mosques knowing the potential consequences.
I never understood this.

Community has nothing to do with individual belief or actions. What does other people have to do with you praying and stuff. I never understood this.

I am not connected to the Muslim community at all. Their hypocrisy and generally being such an awful people ( believe it or not, it got to a point where I got attacked physically and verbally) and I have more non-Muslim friends than Muslims.

But you know what, that even made my Islam stronger. I know these people aren't true to their religion and I know the fact that they are generally dicks make me think that I am doing something right by practicing the religion properly and be a better person.

I am sorry to say this, but if you base your lifestyle (not only religion!) on community then you are nothing but a sheep.

Sorry if I am being harsh or whatever, but I never understood people rationalising things because of a larger abstract reason (I suppose I don't know what your personal struggles are, so maybe what I say is a moot)

Yeah that's basically it. I think I'm basing my belief on community. I think I've been going through a long process of finding out for myself that I really don't believe in religion.

And then it's kind of clear why I think I'm disconnected on a spiritual level lol.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone for answers, won't continue derailing the thread now.


Yeah that's basically it. I think I'm basing my belief on community. I think I've been going through a long process of finding out for myself that I really don't believe in religion.

And then it's kind of clear why I think I'm disconnected on a spiritual level lol.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone for answers, won't continue derailing the thread now.

Hopefully you will find your way man. Don't worry about derailing.
Well I'm glad I weened myself off two big cups of coffee slowly over the past montg. Its paying off dividends when I'm fasting. Last year I did a stupid when I stopped drinking coffee cold turkey on 1st day of ramadan. Man I wanted to jump off the roof.

Mind over body yo!
Yeah that's basically it. I think I'm basing my belief on community. I think I've been going through a long process of finding out for myself that I really don't believe in religion.

And then it's kind of clear why I think I'm disconnected on a spiritual level lol.

EDIT: Thanks to everyone for answers, won't continue derailing the thread now.
"Believing in religion" is a nebulous statement. Islam is more than just set of prayers and fasting and charity. I am not going to be harsh on you, because I wandered the wilderness at one point too. Anyways hope you find your way my friend. Feel free to PM if you wanna talk.


Why on earth would u have fast food for suhoor or futoor?
You should only ever have it for dinner :v


A little late but Ramadhan Mubarak everyone!

Gonna be tough to perform tarawih prayers every night this year due to long work hours with my new job but I'll do my best.


The hate we earn is the hate we earn here, but no matter the time, I'm still hungry in that final little bit before the mosque starts blaring their speakers. If you don't mind me asking, where are you located?

True, those last 30 minutes are the worst. I'm in Saudi Arabia.


Take a trip. Visit me. Prophet profit. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

P.S. Eastleigh still the mess it is. Looking like its entered a most trash in the street comp, or one for simulating a city attacked in war. Idek.

The hate we earn is the hate we earn here, but no matter the time, I'm still hungry in that final little bit before the mosque starts blaring their speakers. If you don't mind me asking, where are you located?

Ramadan Mubarak!

Sometimes, you just need something you can relate to/affected you in some way. Relevance keeps people rapt.
Got a good point 😎
Wouldn't be shocked to hear it can't be lived in at this point
Place was already uninhabitable when I was there


Weekend fasting as I have suspected is far harder than weekdays since you don't have work occupying your time


I generally am pretty cynical of Muslim community at large, focused on trivial issues etc. But I don't place that blame on Islam's feet. Don't tie your spirituality to others' actions.

Well said, this is my feeling as well.
Though I always hope when incidents occur that the perpetrators do not have a Muslim sounding name
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