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Ramadan 2016 |OT| Ramadan is over, now EID!

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Why on earth would u have fast food for suhoor or futoor?
You should only ever have it for dinner :v
My family thought it would be a great idea to have fried chicken for futoor.

Eating all that greasy shit on an empty stomach destroyed me; my stomach is still hurting

Nearly at $18k! Their site has been getting hammered all day.

Lets continue to support LGBTQ and other marginalized groups in any way we can during and beyond Ramadan. It doesnt have to be just monetary donations. Solidarity and just having someones back goes a long way.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Look, please don't construe this as me doesn't care about the victims of the tragedy, but I am sad that image of Muslims in the US in particular and the world in general just got an anvil the size of a planet dropped onto its head because of the Orlando shooting :(

And it happened during Ramadan too, fucking hell.

Stay safe, those of you in the US, because I am willing to bet now there will be a million more addition to the HateMuslim army in there :(

Fuck man, why would anyone do such a thing. Fucking hell :(


Look, please don't construe this as me doesn't care about the victims of the tragedy, but I am sad that image of Muslims in the US in particular and the world in general just got an anvil the size of a planet dropped onto its head because of the Orlando shooting :(

And it happened during Ramadan too, fucking hell.

Stay safe, those of you in the US, because I am willing to bet now there will be a million more addition to the HateMuslim army in there :(

Fuck man, why would anyone do such a thing. Fucking hell :(

The actions of a mentally ill person should not define a faith followed by more than a billion. The shooter was a shiite supporter of ISIS, a state that would happily behead him the first chance they get. Clearly not a person with a working brain.

What happened was an awful tragedy, and if you can do what you must to help, especially in a month like Ramadan.


The actions of a mentally ill person should not define a faith followed by more than a billion. The shooter was a shiite supporter of ISIS, a state that would happily behead him the first chance they get. Clearly not a person with a working brain.

What happened was an awful tragedy, and if you can do what you must to help, especially in a month like Ramadan.

Weekend fasting as I have suspected is far harder than weekdays since you don't have work occupying your time

Definitely this. And as much as I hate work, I work for 8 hours a day, go home, have a nap and before you know it's iftar time.

I really struggled to handle my time this weekend; didn't know what to do with myself.
Look, please don't construe this as me doesn't care about the victims of the tragedy, but I am sad that image of Muslims in the US in particular and the world in general just got an anvil the size of a planet dropped onto its head because of the Orlando shooting :(

And it happened during Ramadan too, fucking hell.

Stay safe, those of you in the US, because I am willing to bet now there will be a million more addition to the HateMuslim army in there :(

Fuck man, why would anyone do such a thing. Fucking hell :(
i've been feeling pretty depressed for the tragedy that happened a couple days ago, and yes, this being on my mind has added to it as well.
Flying back to US tomorrow but keeping fast on the day of travel. Should be able to break fast by maghrib before boarding. Wish me luck!
You kind of makecurious. From my understanding. The fast ends at sun down, right?

How does that work is you are traveling with the sun?


You kind of makecurious. From my understanding. The fast ends at sun down, right?

How does that work is you are traveling with the sun?

Fast breaks if you travel a long distance from your home so you don't have to worry about that. It does it however make it funny if you work in the north pole, lol.
Fast breaks if you travel a long distance from your home so you don't have to worry about that. It does it however make it funny if you work in the north pole, lol.
wait, what? every friday i have 2 hour train ride home but i treat my fast the same, i just use the iftar time of my hometown for that evening..


You kind of makecurious. From my understanding. The fast ends at sun down, right?

How does that work is you are traveling with the sun?

Travelers are usually excused with these kinds of things, not sure on the exact ruling though. perhaps use the timezone you left as your marker?
wait, what? every friday i have 2 hour train ride home but i treat my fast the same, i just use the iftar time of my hometown for that evening..

It depends on your school of thought. Generally concessions are made to those who are travellers, they can shorten their prayers for example. I mean a 2 hour train ride isn't incredibly taxing,there's a lot of variables imo, you need to ask a scholar or imam about this.
Also, AFAIK(I'm not a scholar or anything) you have to prepare yourself for travel, a train ride home you make everyday wouldn't fall into this, some scholars use a certain distance which I can't remember. Even with travellers, if it's doable they can fast if they wish AFAIK.
Also, any fasts skipped due to illness or the impracticality of fasting have to made up as always.
suggest you speak to your imam about religious matters rather than get advice online, there's different schools of thought, people bring culture into religion(and don't know the difference due to these teachings being passed on for generations).
how come I didn't know this?

tell me more.

Here's some links(from the first page of google,these are websites I know of), consult an imam if you think you classify as a traveller, it's better to be cautious when skipping acts of worship rather than going for whatever is easier for you:


From these links, I can see the general consencus is, if you can fast, fast as it rids of your duty to fast. One even says since you don't know how long you will be alive for, it is better to fulfill your duty.

I think the rule is there to protect the devout worshippers who would attempt to fast a large amount of time, whilst being exhausted thus damaging their health. This is a matter of fiqh & is based on Hadith - so again consult your imam.


wait, what? every friday i have 2 hour train ride home but i treat my fast the same, i just use the iftar time of my hometown for that evening..

That's different. If it's something you do consistently for work it doesn't break. But say you had to travel a long distance for something you don't do often like a sudden business trip then you're excused for that day. You still have to make up for it later, though.


Travelers are usually excused with these kinds of things, not sure on the exact ruling though. perhaps use the timezone you left as your marker?

Also your fast wouldn't be mandatory when you're travelling for that long.
You kind of makecurious. From my understanding. The fast ends at sun down, right?

How does that work is you are traveling with the sun?

Well yeah there are lot of exceptions with regards to traveling. But in my case, I will be boarding my first flight right before Isha, so that means I should be able to fast on that day without any problems. The next day however I'm not fasting as I'll be 30k ft in the air for quite a bit.


How is everyone doing?

I am at work, and I am relapsing into my need for coffee.. So its mid day and I feel like a zombie right now..

how come I didn't know this?

tell me more.

I think Getdigitized posted supporting links, but thats as far I know on the subject.


Ah I love Ramadan schedule. Work starts at 9, time breezes by, it's 3 pm, go home and watch the Euro cup at 4 pm, pray for half an hour, then iftar.
First day and I've already prayed at all the important places! Even had a great prayer spot for Isha (in front of Salami) but had to give it up because nature called.

Overall an excellent start.


I got so fat this past week omg. Watermelon and lemonade binges have been the biggest culprits.

$45k in two days. Thats amazing!

I'm always surprised that every year, I again a couple of pounds during Ramadan. You would think that it would be the opposite.


I'm always surprised that every year, I again a couple of pounds during Ramadan. You would think that it would be the opposite.

Don't eat so much at night. Try to be a little active too, since most people just kind of act like slugs all day.
I'm always surprised that every year, I again a couple of pounds during Ramadan. You would think that it would be the opposite.

I always underestimate just how low my metabolism gets. I compared calories burned on my Apple Watch on days I go to work with and without fasting and the days I fast I burn significantly less. Like I have more steps but burned less calories!

Its hard to have that self control during Iftar but thats one of the things we have to try and improve!


Doesn't have to be during the day.

I've been meaning to do some exercise after dinner, but I've also been getting lazy. :(

Just gotta hit the gym twice as hard after Ramadan
Already up in weight
All this sugar and junk


The masjid that I go to received a call last night from the police about a danger of a possible retaliation as a result of what happened in Orlando. During Taraweeh, we had several volunteers guarding the entrances during prayer. It felt weird.


Doesn't have to be during the day.

I've been meaning to do some exercise after dinner, but I've also been getting lazy. :(

I work out thirty mins before breaking fast and it's worked pretty well. By that time my stomach is pretty numb and working out actually relieves some of the pain. Try it out.

On a side note, today's been the first day where I've really felt the fast and it's mostly due to the stress and grief over the massacre committed by that jackass. Trumps been going all out against Muslims again because of this. It's exhausting being an American Muslim these days.


What does the quran say about suicide.

“And do not kill yourselves. Surely, God is Most Merciful to you.” (Quran 4:29)

“And do not throw yourselves in destruction.” (Quran 2:195)

Don't ask why I have these bookmarked. Mental health issues are common in every community in the world.

“O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them; nor let women ridicule [other] women; perhaps they may be better than them. And do not insult one another and do not call each other by [offensive] nicknames. Wretched is the name of disobedience after [one’s] faith. And whoever does not repent – then it is those who are the wrongdoers.” (Quran 49:11)

There is a lot that is in Islam that helps people ease their worries and restore faith in humanity; though that is often buried these days, by those who want to see Islam buried. Still, please do seek professional help.
What does the quran say about suicide.

Others have answered your question, but keep persevering, everything may look narrow like a dark tunnel to you, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel. People may not be in the same situation as you, but humans have the power of empathy, they do understand.Whether you find your help within religion or elsewhere it doesn't matter, just make sure you get some,nobody remains stagnant in the same place forever, you will progress. Comparing yourself to others will only set yourself up for negative feelings, there's children smarter than fully grown men, you need to look at how you can improve,not dwell on the negatives.
Just gotta hit the gym twice as hard after Ramadan
Already up in weight
All this sugar and junk

What kind of sugar and junk are you consuming during this month?

I always find Ramadan to be the easiest month to improve my nutrition intake and the kind of food I eat; however, and sorry if this is too TMI, but I'm always constipated regardless of how much fibre I eat during this month lol.
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