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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]



Someone probably just went ahead and made this. I doubt this is the same guy.
I don't understand this logic. It's not exactly like Capcom and Namco are actively releasing games on Nintendo platforms right now.

Namco helped develop the game, originally Mega Man was only available on Nintendo platforms. Rayman has always been on a verity of consoles. I'd also note that you don't see Capcom or Namco speaking out publicly against Nintendo or pulling support from them publicly (maybe privately sure but largely they are just silent) where as Ubisoft originally made a Rayman game exclusive to Wii U and pulled out at the last minute despite the game already being finished, they have also had other games completely finished for the system that they have refused to release because the sales of the system aren't high enough and in general their attitude towards Nintendo has largely been very negative in the press as of late.

Now if this is real it could certainly have been a deal that was worked out a long time ago before all of that happened but I personally find it very odd that with how hard Ubisoft has flipped on Nintendo in the last few years that they would want anything to do with having one of their mascot characters as a character in Nintendo's biggest game for the Wii U to date.

But again, stranger things have happened.

Besides, picking apart whether the render of him is real or not, having Rayman as a character makes a lot of sense. At this point, Smash will have a character representing each major developer/publisher that has had a game on a Nintendo console. At least, that is what I think. Would be a cool way to celebrate the characters and developers behind them.

Snake for Konami pls



What does bug me is that the bright yellow shape in ROB'S icon blends PERFECTLY into Mewtwo's. That would require serious attention to detail.


Everyone keeps saying "Mewtwo" is bothering them without specifying exactly why. I really hope these people don't come around and say "I knew it!" if it is revealed to be fake because they had no real reason to believe it would be fake either.


It seems like its too zoomed in.

Ironically this was a huge problem I had with the ESRB leak. Meta Knight looked too zoomed out which had me confused, but it ended up being real after all, so at this point I never find character focus to be a huge defining factor of leak images.


Junior Member
As far as the Wii U leak goes, I'm starting to change my tune. But like before, it'll take footage for me to completely convert to #TeamReal, but I'll remain neutral until then. Not sure about the 3DS image, though. Is it from the same guy?
Everyone keeps saying "Mewtwo" is bothering them without specifying exactly why. I really hope these people don't come around and say "I knew it!" if it is revealed to be fake because they had no real reason to believe it would be fake either.

I think it's real, but Mewtwo's eyes seem too close together (and too big) and his head shape doesn't really seem to match his official Pokemon art, which every other Pokemon matches exactly.


It's like nobody has learned a single thing from the ESRB leak.

I had access to the ESRB leak before it was posted on 4chan so I knew it was real. Not only that but remember how all the screenshots on an actual 3DS turned out to be fake? All the actual leaks came from a common source. I'm not outright dismissing the whole thing, but I don't believe it just yet and I think the 3DS screenshot is most likely fake.
Yeah, more and more this is starting to seem unfortunately real. Very reminiscent of the original Smash leaks. As much as I would rather not be, I'm with #TeamReal on this one.

I bet we'll have gameplay shots/footage of Rayman and Mewtwo in the next 24 hours.


Yeah, more and more this is starting to seem unfortunately real. Very reminiscent of the original Smash leaks. As much as I would rather not be, I'm with #TeamReal on this one.

I bet we'll have gameplay shots/footage of Rayman and Mewtwo in the next 24 hours.

why is it so unfortunate


If Mewtwo and Rayman were to be added to the roster, the screen would look something like this...

But here, we see Ness is below Duck Hunt.
... Which suggests that Ness was shoved to the site to make room for Mewtwo. But where did Falcon go then? The bottom row is already full. They're not going to move him to the top, because that would mess up the order. (All the single characters are sorted by their debut.)

So unless they completely changed the screen, the leak doesn't make any sense. There is not enough room for both of the characters.

I don't know, there might be a solution to this, but I don't see it. Just caught my eye.
Kind of weird that the guy managed to get another system out that also had playable Mewtwo and Rayman and only took a picture of the character select screen and no gameplay pics yet


Everyone keeps saying "Mewtwo" is bothering them without specifying exactly why. I really hope these people don't come around and say "I knew it!" if it is revealed to be fake because they had no real reason to believe it would be fake either.

Im getting flashbacks to when people were debating the stripes on Ness' shirt tbh

The kerning looks the same to me. It's just the space around the first "A" that makes it appear different.

I think its the A and Y combined giving the 'off' vibe. Jigglypuff has 'off' looking kerning because of the Y as well.
There's just one problem with this being real for me, my hunger and hope for even just one or two more characters will then be awakened, no limits to my greed.

Especially because I haven't really clicked with any one newcomer.


Kind of weird that the guy managed to get another system out that also had playable Mewtwo and Rayman and only took a picture of the character select screen and no gameplay pics yet

Wouldn't surprise me if this was from the esrb again for rating the dlc characters/Stages(?). So it would be a video.

Oh, if you're talking about the 3DS screen, probably fake.


If Mewtwo and Rayman were to be added to the roster, the screen would look something like this...

But here, we see Ness is below Duck Hunt.

... Which suggests that Ness was shoved to the site to make room for Mewtwo. But where did Falcon go then? The bottom row is already full. They're not going to move him to the top, because that would mess up the order. (All the single characters are sorted by their debut.)

So unless they completely changed the screen, the leak doesn't make any sense. There is not enough room for both of the characters.

I don't know, there might be a solution to this, but I don't see it. Just caught my eye.

On the other hand, why would the leaker change something when it would be easier and more convincing to not change it?
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