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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]


Actually Rayman has those exact eyebrows when you angle the camera down.
The other rayman trophy that ubi revealed was an old version.


You know, I thought this leaked render looked too bad to be real, but I forgot how terrible the trophy render is haha. They do look extremely similar.

I mean they could, but I'd expect more 1st-party Nintendo characters before guests. The Rayman games are great, but I happen to think the character himself kind of sucks.


You know, I thought this leaked render looked too bad to be real, but I forgot how terrible the trophy render is haha. They do look extremely similar.

In fact, the leaked render is better than the in-game trophy

WTF with his nose/teeth in that trophy :p
I may believe this if something more is teased after Mewtwo. News on that has been dormant for now, but this could spice everything back up.


What if Ubi did all the work for the character on their own like with the Rayman trophy, and they leaked this themselves in hopes it would convince Nintendo to include him? lol

Velcro Fly

True or not, it wouldn't be that difficult to have a move set for him. That's what makes it at all believable.

Still think it's fake though.
If anything, I'd expect an Inkling as a way to cross-promote Splatoon. They did it for Roy in the past.
Yeah, they'd fit in well too. Good ideas for alternate costumes and everything.
If this does end up being real, at least it means more DLC on the way?
Still seems like a waste
Yeah, they'd fit in well too. Good ideas for alternate costumes and everything.
If this does end up being real, at least it means more DLC on the way?
Still seems like a waste

If anything this hurts the chances of future DLC because this is it for room on the character screen on the Wii U. Any more DLC and they'll have to either scale it or redesign it.


Probably answered ages ago, but what was the deal with the two different Rayman trophy models in the end? The first one looks particularly wrong.
The second is the model Ubisoft sent, the first is the in-game trophy.

So yes, the Smash devs made Rayman look high as a kite.


I mean, it looks good, and although 4Chan leaks are usually bunk, we did have the Smash one be mostly true (That DLC list doesn't seem to be, unfortunately, since neither Mewtwo nor the now-possible Rayman weren't on there).

If Rayman gets in, my biggest question'd be "Why?" They could easily just copy-paste Lucas/Wolf back in, or better yet, just finish the work they started on the Ice Climbers and Chorus Kids. Then again, the way I took it, the Rayman trophy meant there was some deal with Ubisoft, but the fact that the trophies are just generic drops without a box (Even Commander.Video has to be earned through a Challenge) makes me think that something went sour. My guess was more trophies before the whole Legends debacle, but who knows? Maybe it was supposed to be a character before then, and despite Watch_Dogs making matters worse, they might be adding him? After the Palutena "Leak," though, I'm aware that there are some real good artists willing to make fakes out there. I'm skeptical, but put I'd be joining Team Fake, if I didn't think I recalled EmCee saying something about not wanting that back next time Smash Pre-Release threads came back.

Again, I'd be fine if it was real, but I can think of plenty of characters I'd rather have (The Leaker's list of DLC + Ridley, Dixie Kong, Wonder Red, Bayonetta, and Bomberman, specifically).


jeez man, I didn't know about this move

Holy crap!

I did not know this was a thing at all o_O

Rayman's moveset does have so much potential.

Its really useless since all the characters basic attacks are more than capable for any situation but the proper way to pull it off (dive down during a jump and pressing attack as soon as you hit the ground) is the most satisfying move to pull off in the game. Just feels slick

Edit- i forgot the input combination since its tricky to pull off but in legends you can transition out of a spinroll into the old sidekick that was replaced with the groundpound. Barbara even has one
Try again...

Have you even played a Rayman game before?
it's a signature feature in modern Rayman

The "render" you got from the Smash Direct was actually an in-game model lol

Welp I was wrong, never actually noticed that with his eyes to be honest. Was thinking the join the battle was more akin to the specific ones that characters got via trailers not just via unlocking them.

Still, I'd find it very odd that an Ubisoft character would get put in Smash considering how much Ubisoft has largely shit on Nintendo lately but certainly stranger things have happened.


You know, I thought this leaked render looked too bad to be real, but I forgot how terrible the trophy render is haha. They do look extremely similar.

Yeah, seeing it next to the trophy makes it look both less shit and more real at the same time

still #teamfake


If anything this hurts the chances of future DLC because this is it for room on the character screen on the Wii U. Any more DLC and they'll have to either scale it or redesign it.

For that reason I hope it's fake. I want Inklings in Smash! And Lucas

If they announce that Smash is getting MK8 levels of DLC, fine, but if not I'll be pretty salty if Rayman is the one eating up the post launch development time for new Smash characters.
Still, I'd find it very odd that an Ubisoft character would get put in Smash considering how much Ubisoft has largely shit on Nintendo lately but certainly stranger things have happened.
I don't understand this logic. It's not exactly like Capcom and Namco are actively releasing games on Nintendo platforms right now.


These "leaked" screens ruin the chronological organization of the character select screen for seemingly no reason. It's almost as if the leaker didn't realize it was organized chronologically to begin with...

EDIT: Wow, Mewtwo really sticks out like a sore thumb in that 3DS shot. It looks horrible.


If that's true, they better fix his face before release because that face looks ugly. It's ugly enough for me to think it's fake.

That said, I am throwing money at my screen.

Bamboo Boy

Neo Member
Guys, this will be Duck Hunt all over again. Images slowly will appear, people at first will say "totally fake, look at this mistake", and then everything was right! It's the cycle of the legit leaks.
I don't understand the need to move Duck Hunt and ROB to where they are. The 3DS has enough room to fit them if they just shifted everyone over 1 space where Mewtwo goes.
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