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Rayman DLC leak for Super Smash Bros. Wii U [revealed fake]

Bamboo Boy

Neo Member
People talking about the ESBR leak, it had 3 phases. The first one only had menu images, time later appeared the second one wich had combat images, and some time later appeared the third one with actual footage of the characters. In the second it got kiiiinda popular, but in the first phase nearly no-one outside smash fans got any interest on them.

I'm totally #TeamReal for this, just wait and some more evidence will appear in due time.


There's no reason to even entertain this. It's a fake character select, the easiest thing to fake ever.

The only reason the ESRB leak was notable was we had ingame footage to corroborate the character select.

Not entertain? What are you, anti-fun? We're getting Mewtwo.....as DLC, I'll entertain anything smash 4 related now lol.


my contribution to this is that the backgrounds on the CSS doesnt look right. It's one giant image that moves behind the characters and should be consistent


(I took the liberty of straightening it out)

You can see the orange color patch carries from ness to rob to Mii and them immediately stops when it gets Mewtwo and (especially)Rayman, only to continue again when you get to Sonic

if you smash Greninja and Sonic back into place the shapes and colors flow between the panels much better I think.
I can understand someone making a fake Rayman render. Some people are dedicated. Anybody remember this?

That was never really proven fake, though.

my contribution to this is that the backgrounds on the CSS doesnt look right. It's one giant image that moves behind the characters and should be consistent


(I took the liberty of straightening it out)

You can see the orange color patch carries from ness to rob to Mii and them immediately stops when it gets Mewtwo and (especially)Rayman, only to continue again when you get to Sonic

if you smash Greninja and Sonic back into place the shapes and colors flow between the panels much better I think.

Oh snap.


Sakurai: And the next newcomer to smash is r-

*Ridley flies ino the room*

Sakurai: Rayman. Congrats Rayman!

*Ridley flies into the sun, ending it all*


my contribution to this is that the backgrounds on the CSS doesnt look right. It's one giant image that moves behind the characters and should be consistent


(I took the liberty of straightening it out)

You can see the orange color patch carries from ness to rob to Mii and them immediately stops when it gets Mewtwo and (especially)Rayman, only to continue again when you get to Sonic

if you smash Greninja and Sonic back into place the shapes and colors flow between the panels much better I think.

I can't say I agree, mostly because Sonic does not mesh well with the Mii icon. It only meshes remotely well if Rayman is between the two.
Calling fake. They already released Mewtwo's character model, and it isn't that. Also, rather than menu images, why not show gameplay to really hammer the point home.

Also, source is 4chan. Calling it now.

L Thammy

Sukapon, a Nintendo character with a similar gimmick, was considered for Brawl, so maybe they're using the ideas from that old character design for Rayman.

I remember reading this, but I cant find a source now. Does anyone know where it was?

No idea how Sakurai envisioned it (assuming he did), but Sukapon's movements in Joy Mech Fight were really weird. Like throwing his head at the enemy and sliding his floating body bits forward to meet it. Or taking a whip-like shape.


Calling fake. They already released Mewtwo's character model, and it isn't that. Also, rather than menu images, why not show gameplay to really hammer the point home.

Also, source is 4chan. Calling it now.
The in-game character model always looks different from the character select model though.


Junior Member
Calling fake. They already released Mewtwo's character model, and it isn't that. Also, rather than menu images, why not show gameplay to really hammer the point home.

Also, source is 4chan. Calling it now.
To be fair, the final roster leak originated from 4chan.


Sakurai: And the next newcomer to smash is r-

*Ridley flies ino the room*

Sakurai: Rayman. Congrats Rayman!

*Ridley flies into the sun, ending it all*

"Our next character is usually known for going in purple"

"He can fly and shoot projectiles"

"You all know his name, it begins with an R!"

"Please welcome...Rayman!"


To be fair, the final roster leak originated from 4chan.

The person who posted them on 4chan had no connection to Nintendo or anybody responsible for getting the information, which was known for a while among a small group of people.
I'd be pretty upset if this was real. I know the whole "character slots don't exist" argument has been done to death, but being DLC it must have started being worked on recently.
While I really liked Rayman as a kid, I don't think he's big enough to justify his inclusion especially after the whole Legends thing.
I'd be really salty if Rayman made it in over a lot of the potential candidates like the Wonderful ones, Bayo, etc.
I know neither of them are very big, but at least Wonder Red is 1st party and Bayonetta is kind of 1st party.


If this is fake, one thing is impressive...

Duck Hunt isn't supposed to be above Ness. This means the roster was changed to accommodate the new guys. This is such a minor detail that I'm surprised a fake would get this.
So... if Rayman gets to be DLC, does that mean CommanderVideo gets to be DLC later? :'D

It's definitely fake, anyway. The P1 image doesn't give the model a shadow. It's a damn nice model though.
I mean, if Ubisoft funded the additional development time for the character themselves, I guess I could see it happening. Otherwise, I don't really think Rayman has even a slight chance.

Still, even if I don't exactly like the guy, I can't possibly be miffed about getting new DLC characters, especially if we might not have otherwise. Still won't humor the possibility of this being real until more substantial evidence shows, though.

That's not saying much. Megaman still made it into the game.


I'd be pretty upset if this was real. I know the whole "character slots don't exist" argument has been done to death, but being DLC it must have started being worked on recently.
While I really liked Rayman as a kid, I don't think he's big enough to justify his inclusion especially after the whole Legends thing.
I'd be really salty if Rayman made it in over a lot of the potential candidates like the Wonderful ones, Bayo, etc.
I know neither of them are very big, but at least Wonder Red is 1st party and Bayonetta is kind of 1st party.

If anything, I'd expect an Inkling as a way to cross-promote Splatoon. They did it for Roy in the past.


I'd be pretty upset if this was real. I know the whole "character slots don't exist" argument has been done to death, but being DLC it must have started being worked on recently.
While I really liked Rayman as a kid, I don't think he's big enough to justify his inclusion especially after the whole Legends thing.
I'd be really salty if Rayman made it in over a lot of the potential candidates like the Wonderful ones, Bayo, etc.
I know neither of them are very big, but at least Wonder Red is 1st party and Bayonetta is kind of 1st party.

Legends still sold the most on Wii U though! :p


So... if Rayman gets to be DLC, does that mean CommanderVideo gets to be DLC later? :'D

It's definitely fake, anyway. The P1 image doesn't give the model a shadow. It's a damn nice model though.
It's been shown in the thread earlier the shadow only shows up if the character is selected. If the cursor just hovers over the character the shadow doesn't appear.
It's been shown in the thread earlier the shadow only shows up if the character is selected. If the cursor just hovers over the character the shadow doesn't appear.
Shoot, yeah, you're right. I was just looking over the rest of the thread... I thought that the character render was transparent in addition to lacking the shadow before being selected. I think maybe I was thinking of Brawl?

In that case... well, I dunno. The Mewtwo render seems really... off, but the Rayman render is really nice...
Didn't people/doubters learn their lesson after the crow-filled pre-release of Smash 4?

They cried FAKE so many times when credible pictures started popping up of Duck Hunt, Bowser Jr., and Shulk that you would think they wouldn't be so quick to do the same now.

These look pretty real, especially since they include small details, such as Mewtwo and a reordered character list.

The Boat

Probably fake but Rayman lends himself very well to a game like smash, his floating limbs and "haircopter" make a lot of sense in Smash.


Its scary how much this thread looks like the ESRB leak one

If people don't want to believe something, they're going to obsess over so much that they'll take anything as proof to strengthen their opinion.

This is the same forum that had so many votes for #TeamCG, so I never really believe all the conspiracies and proof people come up with :p Disbelief can make people do crazy things.

That isn't to say this is definitely real. I think there's enough stuff to make it better than most leaks, but it could still be fake. I'm 50/50 on it.
Its scary how much this thread looks like the ESRB leak one

- incredibly high quality, new, professional renders
- no real inconsistencies, in fact, small inconsistencies the game has that help the leak (no shadows for example)
- people denying it on the merits of "this character doesn't deserve to be in Smash"

Yep, this is the ESRB leak alright.


If this is fake, one thing is impressive...

Duck Hunt isn't supposed to be above Ness. This means the roster was changed to accommodate the new guys. This is such a minor detail that I'm surprised a fake would get this.
In that picture, it seems like the top two rows of the character select screen remain the same. The reason why Ness is below Duck Hunt is that Mewtwo was added. One would assume Captain Falcon was then moved to the bottom row. If this is the case, then there's no room for Rayman. Unless the screen was entirely rearranged.


- incredibly high quality, new, professional renders
- no real inconsistencies, in fact, small inconsistencies the game has that help the leak (no shadows for example)
- people denying it on the merits of "this character doesn't deserve to be in Smash"

Yep, this is the ESRB leak alright.
Certainly brings back memories on how it was for me.
"It can't be real, no way would they make Duck Hunt look like that"
"Bowser Jr can't be in Smash!"
"Shulk looks just like Little Mac!!!!"
I ate so much crow that day.
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