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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length


The people here who have and played the game are confirmed. This isn't Gamefaqs.

Still, you have to wonder how it took the youtube guy 5,5 hours to complete and supposedly a GAF guy 14 hours to beat it. And the youtube guy wasn't even rushing, and I doubt it takes you 8,5 hours to find the collectibles.


Well it's not like they are all liars.

It is not about "lying," although that is a possibility. We just do not know the playing styles of these guys. Are they completionists? Are they bad at video games and died a lot? Is the reported hours actually accurate?

The Youtube is just more reliable as you can yourself answer all the questions above by just watching the content. There is a possibility that the Youtube run is rigged/shortened, so that is that.
Still, you have to wonder how it took the youtube guy 5,5 hours to complete and supposedly a GAF guy 14 hours to beat it. And the youtube guy wasn't even rushing, and I doubt it takes you 8,5 hours to find the collectibles.

As I understand it the game doesn't track your playtime either, which introduces a significant margin of error for self-reported estimates.


One of my favorite games is Journey. First playthrough took less than 3 hours looking around and searching for all kinds of shit. Just saying.
Kind of ironic how this supposedly "Short" game has spawned such a "long" thread.

You could probably beat the game in less time, than you could read this deal! :)
From the other thread, credit to nib95

Updated list of GAFer first time completions, including the relevant difficulty levels.

OsirisBlack - 14 hours Hard
Theman2k - 12 hours Hard
Verendus - 10 hours Hard
Periniumlick - 10 hours Hard
Rapier - 9 hours Normal
ReNeGaDe124 - 9 hours Normal
Nbkt - 9 hours Normal

Average is 10 hours 43 minutes.

5 hours is the outlier, not the standard.


I would have paid full price for such an experience. I actually bought it on release, to later buy it again physically and I sure will get the PS4 version.

The Order is twice the lenght, at least 10 times the production values so I think the price is right considering I have it for 39.99$CAD


Yeah, maybe you would have done a better job as their PR rep.

But what I found hilarious is you proclaiming "cinematic" games must be put on Netflix with simple button presses. I think that's just bringing down The Order to such a low basic level of interactivity thats quite disingenuous.

Your entitled to your opinion though mate, fair enough.

I just don't understand why such games aren't made to reach more people who might enjoy an interactive narrative and experience. Sure you might have the game released on consoles as well with game mechanics but there is a large segment of people who might enjoy these type of cinematic experience but currently don't play video games. I think developers need to broaden their ideas about what they can provide via Streaming a game into their smartphone or laptop from a Netflix/Amazon server. They rent it like a movie and pay a monthly fee until they decide they got enough out of the game. The servers run for a couple of years and when they stop working the game can be is free to anyone who rented it previously. There would still might be a version of the game available with the actual game mechanics for people who want a bit more out of the experience which can be bought on consoles.

Everyone keeps looking at video gaming too traditionally.
Still, you have to wonder how it took the youtube guy 5,5 hours to complete and supposedly a GAF guy 14 hours to beat it. And the youtube guy wasn't even rushing, and I doubt it takes you 8,5 hours to find the collectibles.

I'd imagine the difficulty played on would be the biggest difference, but I don't see the game lasting 14 hours either and to be fair to someone who said that, he said you should shave a couple hours off of that for his idle time and such.
I don't really care about how the Youtuber played the game. If it took him 5 hours then it took him 5 hours. But to base an argument off one data point instead of multiple others seems intentionally dense.

It's the only verifiable data point, which is especially worthwhile since everything else is hearsay. And again, the playtime just is what it is.

Him going "fast" is not really gonna alter gameplay time that much, if at all.

Agreed, as the YouTuber did not play "fast" at all. He explores, he dies, he gets lost at several points. He doesn't actively search for collectibles, but he doesn't blow through the areas either. He does come across some collectibles anyway, but he mostly chooses to ignore them instead of initiating the "examine" action.

It is unclear how anyone could inflate their playtime into to 8/10 hours range. Maybe the harder difficulties really pin you down even more during combat? We shall see.


Gold Member
Ground Zeroes doesn't seem like such a bad deal now, huh.

Ground Zeroes wasn't meant to be a complete game. It leads up to the actual game (The Phantom Pain). It didn't even retail for the full amount. That's like saying GT5 Prologue was a deal breaker and GT5 came eventually came out 2 years later. It wasn't the actual game.

Where's the quality? Where's the experience? I thought that was "-"in"-". I thought there were feelings attached to games now and they taught us so much about ourselves? :)

The worst part about this whole debacle is that we have no choice whether to buy this game or not. It's fucking ridiculous. We should be allowed to wait until reviews are out, or at least wait the game is released to hear some impressions here on NeoGaf before we spend our own money on this.

And since RAD is a business, there should be a financial incentive for them to make a good game. As it stands, they can just make a half assed 5 hour game and direct debit $60 from our bank accounts. What's to stop them from making a 4 hour game for $70!? Or a 3 hour game for $80?!!

Also, we should have a way to trade in games or rent them. Also Shareplay.


People beat REmake in around 2 hours. My best time was 11 hours. Does this mean the game is only 2 hours long and I suck?

No, it means they've played the game before and can speedrun it.

A first time playthrough of REmake is at least 8-10 hours.
Here is another question I have: How difficult is it to Platinum this sucker?

Fairly easy? I imagine it cant be too tough! Just beat it on hard and get all collectables? IS that it?
The worst part about this whole debacle is that we have no choice whether to buy this game or not. It's fucking ridiculous. We should be allowed to wait until reviews are out, or at least wait the game is released to hear some impressions here on NeoGaf before we spend our own money on this.

And since RAD is a business, there should be a financial incentive for them to make a good game. As it stands, they can just make a half assed 5 hour game and direct debit $60 from our bank accounts. What's to stop them from making a 4 hour game for $70!? Or a 3 hour game for $80?!!

Also, we should have a way to trade in games or rent them. Also Shareplay.

At first I thought this post was serious, then I read on haha
The worst part about this whole debacle is that we have no choice whether to buy this game or not. It's fucking ridiculous. We should be allowed to wait until reviews are out, or at least wait the game is released to hear some impressions here on NeoGaf before we spend our own money on this.

And since RAD is a business, there should be a financial incentive for them to make a good game. As it stands, they can just make a half assed 5 hour game and direct debit $60 from our bank accounts. What's to stop them from making a 4 hour game for $70!? Or a 3 hour game for $80?!!

Also, we should have a way to trade in games or rent them. Also Shareplay.

Maybe next-next gen we can have all these features you speak of.


No, it means they've played the game before and can speedrun it.

Point is it can be beaten rather quickly if you blow through it. It does not make it a 2 hour game.

I am not going to watch the video as I have been waiting a long time for this game but how do we know he hasn't played it before?


Imru’ al-Qays;152363051 said:
Journey costs $15.

The average playtime for Journey is around 2hrs. 15/2=$7.50/hr
A quick run of Journey can be done in around 1.5 hrs 15\1.5=$10/hr

The Youtube run of The Order is about 5.5 hrs 60/5.5=$10.90/hr
The average playtime of GAFers so far is about 10hrs=$6/hr

If we are going to gauge a games value solely off it's playtime, the two aren't really far off from each other.

Please note: I think it's dumb to base a games value solely off it's playtime. Most games with extreme value in this department I easily get bored of and never finish.
If the length is really such an issue. Then just go buy the game in the morning, play it, and trade it in the next day. Boom, the game only costs 5 bucks. Enjoy.


Point is it can be beaten rather quickly if you blow through it. It does not make it a 2 hour game.

I am not going to watch the video as I have been waiting a long time for this game but how do we know he hasn't played it before?

It's been said multiple times that the player was not rushing. From people that have seen the video.


Point is it can be beaten rather quickly if you blow through it. It does not make it a 2 hour game.

I am not going to watch the video as I have been waiting a long time for this game but how do we know he hasn't played it before?

Because that'd be reaching, the youtuber played on normal and died multiple times.

He isn't some lightning fast speed runner, he was just going through the game avoiding collectables.


Imru’ al-Qays;152271269 said:
Pretty much. If The Order were $40 or something I'd feel no compunctions about buying it. But $60 for 6 hours is just too much. And from the lay of the comments it seems like the only way you're getting 10 hours out of this game is if you spend 4-5 hours lingering in corners looking at the beautiful scenery over the course of your playthrough.

Don't buy it on release? Rent it on RedBox?

Why do people complain about paying $60 for a game? Just wait.


I am not going to watch the video as I have been waiting a long time for this game but how do we know he hasn't played it before?

We don't know anything for sure (just as we don't know if he deliberately edited content out of his videos to make it appear shorter).

I know he at times appeared to be unsure of where to go or what to do....but again, that could have been fabricated.
You clearly don't play a lot of single player focused games, do you? Because if you did, you would know there are tons of them out there, especially indie games.

Pretty much what I was going to say.

If all you play is AAA console games, you might have a point about last gen games.

Most games are single player still now a days. Expand your horizons.
Even if the game has been beaten by 'PlayMeThrough', a person who is known for speed runs, who skipped any sort of collectables 5.5hrs, is it really fair to use his playtime of 5.5 hrs as the base time for the game? We have 6 or more gaffers, people who are usually good at videogames all reporting almost double or more time. Wouldn't it be reasonable to at least meet near the middle around 7hrs? Or do gaffers have to start now, with this game to provide video evidence of any claims of playtimes?


Gold Member
This game isn't a sandbox like Dragon Age... For a single player only game, if it takes like Murdered Soul Suspect or Ryse, up to 6,5 to complete, I'm okay with it.

Second Son take up to 10h to beat the game once and is a sandbox... Why are that 6~7~8h such a problem?

Should be games for all kinds, and short and intense ones are as good a 100+h games with lots of fillers.

The Uncharted games average time is also up to 9~10 hours... What if Uncharted 4 is jusr another 9h games?

That youtube 5,5h walktrough is clearly rushed and played on easy just to be the first uploading a walktrough of the game to get views... I don't see it taken less than 9h playing on hard and exploring the enviroments.
Updated list of GAFer first time completions, including the relevant difficulty levels.

OsirisBlack - 14 hours Hard
Theman2k - 12 hours Hard
Verendus - 10 hours Hard
Periniumlick - 10 hours Hard
Rapier - 9 hours Normal
ReNeGaDe124 - 9 hours Normal
Nbkt - 9 hours Normal

Average is 10 hours 43 minutes.

This completely lines up with GAF times. Almost perfectly.

Requoting because it appears that people are back to thinking that this game is 4-6 hours for everyone (atleast better than the 1:30 that people were inexplicably talking about earlier).


Because that'd be reaching, the youtuber played on normal and died multiple times.

He isn't some lightning fast speed runner, he was just going through the game avoiding collectables.

That's fine but i don't get why that is reaching. He may have played through it before. What about the gaffers that took 10 hours? Are we saying they are liars? What difficulty did he play?

I am usually on the slow side of finishing games as I explore, take my time and soak the atmosphere, and play in hard difficulty, So I don't care if it's around 8 hours for me. That's a good time.


Even if the game has been beaten by 'PlayMeThrough', a person who is known for speed runs, who skipped any sort of collectables 5.5hrs, is it really fair to use his playtime of 5.5 hrs as the base time for the game? We have 6 or more gaffers, people who are usually good at videogames all reporting almost double or more time. Wouldn't it be reasonable to at least meet near the middle around 7hrs? Or do gaffers have to start now, with this game to provide video evidence of any claims of playtimes?

I think you don't get it man...

Only this dude on Youtube is the real deal, the only truth, the one that will be remembered until the end.
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