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Ready at Dawn responds to "concern" over The Order: 1886 campaign length


Aren't those the same thing? That playthrough looked to me as if an average person picked up the game and played through it.

I can't really speak for the average gamer, but I'd imagine most GAFers would not ignore every single tertiary item in the game, even when button prompts pop up right in front of them, nor are they likely to move through exposition locations simply working out the exit point and heading straight for it without pause or deviation.

Instead of some jumping to the ridiculous conclusion that 6-7 GAFers are all lying or wrong, as well as RADs own internal testing, why not be logical about it and appreciate that this 5 and a half hour play through may very well be an outlier on the shorter side, and in being so, not necessarily indicative of average play times?


This might be one of those games where it pays to wait for reviews before committing. It seems like such a polarizing game on the forums and I am curious if the reviewers are going to take public perception into consideration.

Has there been much negativity from people who've played the game? Or just "concerned" players who watch Youtube to make final judgement?


Even when counting in double the amount of deaths that he had...it still doesn't add up. The checkpoints seem fairly generous and not alot of backtracking required

Hard mode can jack up runtimes in that encounters can take longer and it's easier to die. As for the normal runthroughs, I guess people were soaking up the atmosphere or something.


So if this winds up getting solid reviews and a 10hr average playtime, will we get a Hitler video where he's upset that his advisors had him cancel his preorder?


the shorter the better ! my backlog is insane ......give me 3 hours of bayonetta over 60 hours destiny ......... the former is worth every dollar

people have lost their minds


Why is game length always such a huge issue for some people? Some of the most enjoyable game experiences I've had have fallen under 8 hours.

I don't know how much I'll enjoy the order, but I'd rather have a compact, distinct experience rather than something that just feels like it's being stretched to hit some imaginary minimum length to charge $60 goal.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Are these serious posts? Like are we defending people who watch a gameplay segment on youtube and all of the sudden, their opinions are valid when it comes to game length and gameplay impressions? Jesus christ GAF.

Edit: for the record I havent played it but I wouldnt state such an opinion as "the game is shit" or "its too short". smh.

Might help if you read the post you were quoting before rushing to hit the reply button and flip out.

I was speaking strictly about impressions in regard to the story. Of course any gameplay impressions are invalid.


In any case, I don't know how you could even call that a speed run. It's not like he held up on the thumb stick the whole time or anything. Looked like a normal person playing.

Journey also doesn't have 2 hours of cutscenes. The total gameplay of a "quick run" of

The Order 1886 (including QTE) is about 3 hours. $60/3 = 20$/hour of third person cover shooting/a bit of exploration.

I also agree that judging the value of a game from purely length is stupid, but after reading impressions, this game doesn't seem to be anything special. imo it doesn't look like it will be worth $60 to most people. I will probably give it a rent.

Ahh so now the game is only 3 hrs long?

Fucking LOL.


Erm, yes he was rushing. He went out of his way to ignore each and every single collectible, viewable or readable item, and didn't waste any time moving from area to area, omitting pretty much any form of additional exposition or exploration. It was a literally bare bones, no frills, straight to the checkpoint type of affair. You couldn't get any quicker unless you knew the encounters off by heart, and ran through the entire game.

But you keep pretending that the 6 or 7 GAFers who've completed the game and posted their times are all lying or exaggerating, or that Ready at Dawns own internal testing is also all made up and wrong, because it suits your favoured narrative.
Not saying they're lying, just being sceptical. They don't even have hard evidence of how long their play time was. Lastly if there's one thing I don't trust, it's developers touting about the length of their games. GAF has taught me to shave off a few hours. So if a dev says 12 hours, it's most likely around 8 hours. And don't tell about stances. Whenever there's a new Sony exclusive coming out you immediately go into a defensive stance defending that specific title like you've received a mission order from Sony themselves.

I look very much forward to play the game in my own tempo, but I'm definitely worried about the game's length, and I'm sorry if that is a concern that hits you personally.


Hard mode can jack up runtimes in that encounters can take longer and it's easier to die. As for the normal runthroughs, I guess people were soaking up the atmosphere or something.

I could believe chasing collectibles and soaking up atmosphere to maybe add an extra hour to the gameplay...but not 5 (on the same difficulty level). Either the Gaffers were just really bad at the game and dying constantly, or there is missing content from the videos imo
Has there been much negativity from people who've played the game? Or just "concerned" players who watch Youtube to make final judgement?

I've read both good and bad feedback during the process of the game. Most of it was based on the limited demo. Lately a lot of concern seems to stem not just from game length but from how much of it consists of cut-scenes breaking up the gameplay along with QTE. Replay value will be an issue too I imagine.
This has now become the Too Human thread redux. All we need now is for Ru or Andrea to register and draw a line in the sand for those who are for or against The Order. I really hope those who've shown an interest in this game have done a little sleuthing to see how it actually plays, cause after personally breaking down and checking out some of the youtube walkthru and then hopping into the spoiler thread to confirm some things

Well... The 20th is gonna be a pretty interesting day for all involved :l

I'm still committed to this game, regardless of the length claims. I have this deal paid off and I will be picking it up on the 20th.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Ahh so now the game is only 3 hrs long?

Fucking LOL.

Is it really that hard to see what he's saying? It's obviously an exaggeration to counter a pretty dumb breakdown, but he's comparing "interactive time vs. interactive time." You can tell he's not even seriously arguing for it.

The gameplay breakdown of the YouTube playthrough came out to about 3 hours.

Including the QTE segments.
I could believe chasing collectibles and soaking up atmosphere to maybe add an extra hour to the gameplay...but not 5 (on the same difficulty level). Either the Gaffers were just really bad at the game and dying constantly, or there is missing content from the videos imo

Or the Gaffers were just estimating their playtimes because The Order has no in-game timer. People are very bad at estimating time.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Imru’ al-Qays;152368301 said:
Or the Gaffers were just estimating their playtimes because The Order has no in-game timer. People are very bad at estimating time.

Does the Ps4 have a save counter like Ps3?


Deduct cutscene time from that and you're looking at 8.5 hours for a combination of hard and normal modes. We also don't know how they played.

Why would you not consider cutscenes in total game length? They're an integral part of the experience, esp. in this game.


I have a theory about this.

- PlayMeThrough beat the game in less than 6 hours.
- GAFers got scared, so they tried to beat the game collecting everything and with pause.
- The result is an average of 10-11 hours. Just what this guy needed to get platinum. http://psnprofiles.com/ReNeGaDe124

But you cannot ignore PlayMeTrough videos. He is not doing a speedrun, he is simply not looking for collectibles.


The Order 1886 (including QTE) is about 3 hours. $60/3 = 20$/hour of third person cover shooting/a bit of exploration.
What the hell, this game seems to be getting shorter the closer to the release date we get, by Friday I'll be owing Ready at Dawn hours from my life. If only they hadn't delayed the game it would probably have been at least three weeks long late last year when it was originally supposed to have been released.


Not saying they're lying, just being sceptical. They don't even have hard evidence of how long their play time was. Lastly if there's one thing I don't trust, it's developers touting about the length of their games. GAF has taught me to shave off a few hours. So if a dev says 12 hours, it's most likely around 8 hours. And don't tell about stances. Whenever there's a new Sony exclusive coming out you immediately go into a defensive stance defending that specific title like you've received a mission order from Sony themselves.

I look very much forward to play the game in my own tempo, but I'm definitely worried about the game's length, and I'm sorry if that is a concern that hits you personally.

Skepticism is good, but within reason. Continuously latching on to this one play through and ignoring all others is not really logical. It could easily be misconstrued as confirmation bias. Remember, I haven't disregarded the YT play through, and think it is fully legitimate and fair, I also look at the other play through commentary, and appreciate mileage will greatly vary, and that the average play time will likely be higher.

In my own personal experiences, my play times are usually much longer than the ones quoted by developers, but that's just me. I just like to appreciate the atmosphere, world, and art that is often painstakingly created by artists and developers, instead of just rushing through missing all the nuance. Obviously this varies greatly from game to game, but The Order especially is one of those games that rewards exposition, if you're in to that sort of thing anyway. The art and visuals are near enough second to none. Hell the material properties and lighting make looking at simple things more tangible and impressive.
I have a theory about this.

- PlayMeThrough beat the game in less than 6 hours.
- GAFers got scared, so they tried to beat the game collecting everything and with pause.
- The result is an average of 10-11 hours. Just what this guy needed to get platinum. http://psnprofiles.com/ReNeGaDe124

But you cannot ignore PlayMeTrough videos. He is not doing a speedrun, he is simply not looking for collectibles.

Most of the gaffers here finished the game and posted impressions before that video came out so no.

OT: Why are some people in this thread so hell bent on trying to make the game seem as short as possible and actively arguing against the longer playthroughs. The average time for those that have played it is 10 hours. Why do some people here feel the need to argue this or downplay it?


I have a theory about this.

- PlayMeThrough beat the game in less than 6 hours.
- GAFers got scared, so they tried to beat the game collecting everything and with pause.
- The result is an average of 10-11 hours. Just what this guy needed to get platinum. http://psnprofiles.com/ReNeGaDe124

But you cannot ignore PlayMeTrough videos. He is not doing a speedrun, he is simply not looking for collectibles.

Game was finished by gaffers before playmethrough put up youtube vids.


But you cannot ignore PlayMeTrough videos. He is not doing a speedrun, he is simply not looking for collectibles.

Not only is he not looking for them....he doesn't even bother picking them up when he is standing right in front of them with the button prompt lol
I can't really speak for the average gamer, but I'd imagine most GAFers would not ignore every single tertiary item in the game, even when button prompts pop up right in front of them, nor are they likely to move through exposition locations simply working out the exit point and heading straight for it without pause or deviation.
Either you're being purposefully misleading, or you haven't watched as much of the play through as you've claimed.

Yes, the player does not examine the majority of the side stuff, which they seemingly come across naturally anyway during their time.

But the player absolutely does not head for the checkpoints "without pause or deviation." The player does not speed through the rooms, the player sees nearly everything there is to be seen in the various rooms (and the game forces your hand in this at several points,) the player often scrounges the battle arenas for ammo & weapons, and the player gets lost several times when they haven't properly triggered the next cut scene or got turned around in the heat of combat, resulting in backtracking / exploration for the way forward. Not to mention the combat deaths & insta-fail stealth section deaths.

It's going to be very telling in retrospect, once everyone gets their hands on with this, who on this board is about truthful discussion, and who on this board is about brand hype.


I have a theory about this.

- PlayMeThrough beat the game in less than 6 hours.
- GAFers got scared, so they tried to beat the game collecting everything and with pause.
- The result is an average of 10-11 hours. Just what this guy needed to get platinum. http://psnprofiles.com/ReNeGaDe124

But you cannot ignore PlayMeTrough videos. He is not doing a speedrun, he is simply not looking for collectibles.

There you go ladies and gents, it is now officially a conspiracy.




I have a theory about this.

- PlayMeThrough beat the game in less than 6 hours.
- GAFers got scared, so they tried to beat the game collecting everything and with pause.
- The result is an average of 10-11 hours. Just what this guy needed to get platinum. http://psnprofiles.com/ReNeGaDe124

But you cannot ignore PlayMeTrough videos. He is not doing a speedrun, he is simply not looking for collectibles.

I disagree with your theory, but I do agree with the bolded.


This might be one of those games where it pays to wait for reviews before committing. It seems like such a polarizing game on the forums and I am curious if the reviewers are going to take public perception into consideration.

Its a good practice to do for all games, wait for reviews, dont preorder, whats the point in potentially wasting money?
I have a theory about this.

- PlayMeThrough beat the game in less than 6 hours.
- GAFers got scared, so they tried to beat the game collecting everything and with pause.
- The result is an average of 10-11 hours. Just what this guy needed to get platinum. http://psnprofiles.com/ReNeGaDe124

But you cannot ignore PlayMeTrough videos. He is not doing a speedrun, he is simply not looking for collectibles.

Wrong. The time between getting the first trophy till the last one is 10-11 hours. The first trophy he received was killing 3 people with a single explosion, so for all we know, he coud've received it after 3 hours of starting the game. Also, don't know what difficulty he's on as there are no difficulty trophies.

Also, you want last long.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Considering we don't know how the Gaffers played, in that they probably have a large percentage of collectibles, the game is still potentially on the short end and definitely not a full 10 hours.

Well, not full 10, maybe 8, maybe 9, maybe 7, who knows really. Maybe 6.78, 8.45, 5.98, 7.56...there really are so many possibilities.


Well, not full 10, maybe 8, maybe 9, maybe 7, who knows really. Maybe 6.78, 8.45, 5.98, 7.56...there really are so many possibilities.

We already have a full runthrough and a 2nd filmed runthrough is actually going faster than the one cited in the OP so I'm more inclined to believe that the Gaffer runtimes were way on the slow side.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
We already have a full runthrough and a 2nd filmed runthrough is actually going faster than the one cited in the OP so I'm more inclined to believe that the Gaffer runtimes were way on the slow side.

So it could be 4.56, 5.01, 5.66, 7.50, 3.99, or many more possibilities!


Well, not full 10, maybe 8, maybe 9, maybe 7, who knows really. Maybe 6.78, 8.45, 5.98, 7.56...there really are so many possibilities.

Exactly. That's the point I've been trying to make. This isn't a definitively 5 hour game, just as it isn't a 10 or 12 hour game. Mileage will vary greatly from player to player.


This might be one of those games where it pays to wait for reviews before committing. It seems like such a polarizing game on the forums and I am curious if the reviewers are going to take public perception into consideration.

Not saying they're lying, just being sceptical. They don't even have hard evidence of how long their play time was. Lastly if there's one thing I don't trust, it's developers touting about the length of their games. GAF has taught me to shave off a few hours. So if a dev says 12 hours, it's most likely around 8 hours. And don't tell about stances. Whenever there's a new Sony exclusive coming out you immediately go into a defensive stance defending that specific title like you've received a mission order from Sony themselves.

I look very much forward to play the game in my own tempo, but I'm definitely worried about the game's length, and I'm sorry if that is a concern that hits you personally.

I feel like if this was another game in another thread, this wouldn't even be up for debate, no one is saying GAFers are lying, it's just that we have a video on youtube clearly showing the game time, regardless of the style it which it was played.

Calling it a speedrun too is ridiculous.


Why is game length always such a huge issue for some people? Some of the most enjoyable game experiences I've had have fallen under 8 hours.

I don't know how much I'll enjoy the order, but I'd rather have a compact, distinct experience rather than something that just feels like it's being stretched to hit some imaginary minimum length to charge $60 goal.

I don't have a problem with it either, too many games have arbitrary fillers that just dilute the whole game experience.

My preorder awaits me in 3 days!!! I'm exicited


My hypothesis is built on a false premise then.

Your premise that GAFers saw his playthrough and got scared so theydid the collectables. Yeah, it is. You don't know if they read the length comment first before playing or did their own plaything first then looked back to see how long it took.


Why would you do that? Since when is reading news articles, or looking at weapons, objects, posters or whatever else, not considered as part of the gaming experience?

Even if you don't take it away the difference as of chapter 4 is only about 29 minutes. I think it's safe to say that by the end of the game it will be around 1 hour and 30 minutes for a playthrough of 6:30.
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