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Reasons for concern when it comes to the PS4......


For everything Sony gets right, they get something else very wrong. They design this brilliant new controller that everyone says is a joy to hold and use, but then they stick a large lightbar on the top of it that will surely irritate a great many users. They redesign their PSN store and make it really pretty to look at, but the usability suffers greatly, to the point where people literally dread using it. They pimp day one digital downloads, but they still have pathetically long download speeds for many users, making buying large games less appealing.

I'm just concerned that as we saw in the previous gen, Microsoft is constantly looking forward, and always ensures that the basics are done right. I don't have that same confidence with Sony, and I hope they prove me wrong next gen, but I believe there are already early warning signs that things may not be as blissful as some are expecting come launch.

This post is like spit in my face. Not only the OP lists a bunch of trivial problems and finishes it with a pompous "for everything Sony gets right, they get something else very wrong" conclusion but he doesn't actually list important problems like the bullshit online paywall, probably because if he did he wouldn't be able to make other pompous statements like "Microsoft is constantly looking forward".
This post is like spit in my face. Not only the OP lists a bunch of trivial problems and finishes it with a pompous "for everything Sony gets right, they get something else very wrong" conclusion but he doesn't actually list important problems like the bullshit online paywall, probably because if he did he wouldn't be able to make other pompous statements like "Microsoft is constantly looking forward".

Actually, I didn't mention the paywall because I don't give a shit about the paywall. PS+ already provided enough value that I paid for it anyway, so making online play part of it didn't bother me in the least.
Actually, I didn't mention the paywall because I don't give a shit about the paywall. PS+ already provided enough value that I paid for it anyway, so making online play part of it didn't bother me in the least.

Your post implied that for every thing Sony did right it did something wrong of sufficient magnitude to cancel that out. The points you listed range from being non-issues and speculations at best to slight annoyances at worst. You were just begging for overreaction by ending your OP with hyperbole.
Your post implied that for every thing Sony did right it did something wrong of sufficient magnitude to cancel that out. The points you listed range from being non-issues and speculations at best to slight annoyances at worst. You were just begging for overreaction by ending your OP with hyperbole.

Because you feel they're non issues that makes them so? Thanks for dropping that knowledge.
Those are some pretty weak reasons for concern. The very fact that Microsoft tried to keep consumer rights under their boot with the Xbox One should trump any indifferences you have with the PS4.


extra source of jiggaflops
Downloading (client-side): Earlier PS3s (and maybe later ones) put the WiFi and Bluetooth on the same I/O lines and Bluetooth handles it decently while the WiFi takes a big steaming dump. Trying to connect directly to your router via ethernet should help and see better speeds.

Downloading (server-side): Not all the PSN servers are in the same place and some are slower than others. Pause, wait ten seconds, Resume and see if that doesn't help. This is because pausing and resuming can connect you to a different (and faster) server for you.

Installing: Everything in the system is handicapped by the crypdec chip. Unless there's somewhere around all of the I/O calls being made, not even an SSD will help much; you're stuck at sub-10MB/sec forever. Erasing is faster but still dependent on file size. This is the reason why you shouldn't install stuff while downloading on the PS3, otherwise it will take FOREVER. This will generate all of the I/O calls (and will also send the heads dashing across the disk, eating all its service time in delays). Any non-SSD hard drive will freak over that.
I wasn't aware of the client-side reason for why there are bad speeds.

There obviously is some kind of issue with Sony PlayStation's CDN that we have such variance all over the globe.
And then we have the people here on GAF that if they put a proxy in front of the PS3 it works much faster.

I get good speeds in Germany both via Wifi and via Ethernet (PS3 regular slim) but my brother who lives less than 10km away gets bad speeds via Wifi (PS3 fat) but good speeds via ethernet.

Edit: Also add me to the list of people that think "For everything Sony gets right, they get something else very wrong. " is not a justified statement by the OP. It might be justified, but that list certainly doesn't argue for it well.
1) The light bar on the controller can't be turned off. Again, this could be a small thing to some, but to others like myself, who have newer tvs that are very reflective, it's a big concern. I sometimes notice the tiny red light on the dual shock 3 when playing my PS3 now. That big light bar on the dual shock 4? Oh, it's going to be noticeable. Sony had better figure this one out before launch, because it's gonna irritate a lot of people.

You can angle your controller to not reflect it? Place your tv on a higher elevation? This shouldn't even be a problem.

2) Still can't change your PSN ID name. Yes, this is a small thing to some, but for others it's a big annoyance, myself included. This was possible on the Xbox 360 the day it launched in 2005. Here we are 8 years later, and it's still not possible on PS3. Maybe it will be possible on PS4, but we have yet to hear about it.

Why? What's your current username?

Achievements are not that important. I think you're nitpicking the littlest things here.
I said this before, people that are Xbox 360 only this gen moving to PS4 are in for rude awakening if Sony doesn't fix or improve their on line infrastructure. Not only download speed slow, the patches are not cumulative and if you buy games that have several update you are in for hours (yes plural) of updating. Game need to be install after downloading and firmware update are much more frequents.
As someone switching teams (xbox > 360 > ps4) this gen, I've definitely got some concerns about going full sony. OP's points are solid, and I want to see those things addressed when I get my launch unit. OP's claim that microsoft is pushing the console online space is historically correct, the whole problem with the xbone is they pushed things way way too far. OP's not building a case against purchasing a ps4, he's just pointing out things they can and should improve. And talking about those things is positive!

This post is like spit in my face...
I don't want to call anyone out by mistake but that OP smells MS paid for shilling...

If you read the OP and caught feelings, seek help. Shit like this is a cancer.


My PS4 concerns:

1. Lack of JRPGs. Some have been announced for it. And it has the best JRPG prospects of the three. But still nowhere near PS1 and PS2 levels.

2. MS can use the Azure Cloud to power server support for online shooters on the XO. It would be very bad for Sony players if say a COD game had 32 to 64-player support and dedicated servers on the XO, but was only 12 to 18-players and still limited to P2P on PS4. We desperately need Activision to clear this up.

3. I hope Sony doesn't do what they did this gen and remove great and desirable features from the system later on.


Yesterday I tried to change my username in the forum and I find out there's no such option. WTF IS THIS SHIT? For everything Evilore does right, he gets something else really wrong. This is why I always said that gamefaqs is a forum looking forward always ensuring that the basics are done right.


I am surprised people think terrible download speeds is a trivial point on a next generation console. I know people like to say "just use an ethernet cord" but plenty of us are using ethernet cords and still get terrible download speeds.

Hopefully it is fixed, but since I think it's a network issue and not a hardware issue, I'm not at all convinced it will be.


I stated in the first sentence of the thread how excited I've been about the PS4. This thread was just my own personal reality check of things that may be problems with the PS4.

Gotcha. It's pretty upsetting when people use small issues as a reason to kill any interest in something. For this most part, I agree with you that these things should be addressed.
I said this before, people that are Xbox 360 only this gen moving to PS4 are in for rude awakening if Sony doesn't fix or improve their on line infrastructure. Not only download speed slow, the patches are not cumulative and if you buy games that have several update you are in for hours (yes plural) of updating. Game need to be install after downloading and firmware update are much more frequents.
Exactly, which is why I'm very curious to see actual, real-world improvements to the platform. Not just "wouldn't this be nice" videos and wishful thinking.

But I guess we won't see those details for a while still.


extra source of jiggaflops
I said this before, people that are Xbox 360 only this gen moving to PS4 are in for rude awakening if Sony doesn't fix or improve their on line infrastructure. Not only download speed slow, the patches are not cumulative and if you buy games that have several update you are in for hours (yes plural) of updating. Game need to be install after downloading and firmware update are much more frequents.
Even if they keep all the bad shit from before, unless you explicitly disconnect it, it's always connected and updating the device in the background.

Ever since switching to PS+ back in June last year I didn't really have any issues with my PS3 and I prefer the way I can play on it to my Steam-powered PC.
Even this unattended updating hack that PS3 implemented using PS+ goes a long way to make the experience better.
And how PlayGo fixes the attended updating process remains to be seen.

Yesterday I tried to change my username in the forum and I find out there's no such option. WTF IS THIS SHIT? For everything Evilore does right, he gets something else really wrong. This is why I always said that gamefaqs is a forum looking forward always ensuring that the basics are done right.
But the NeoGAF customer support system works well. You can do a free-text username requests and it will be swiftly handled by an administrator.


The PSN online gaming experience and PSN download times are the only things I have a concern with, but neither are really deal breakers if they aren't improved in the evolution from the Playstation 3 to Playstation 4. As it stands now, the only glaring issue with the Playstation 4 is its software lineup, but given Sony's history in that department, I'm not worried at all. I preordered one for launch, and I plan to carry through with the purchase.

And I like how putting tape on the Playstation 4 light bar is a perfectly accepted means of rectifying an issue, while applying the same logic for the XB1's Kinect is seen as some type of insurmountable task.
2. MS can use the Azure Cloud to power server support for online shooters on the XO. It would be very bad for Sony players if say a COD game had 32 to 64-player support and dedicated servers on the XO, but was only 12 to 18-players and still limited to P2P on PS4. We desperately need Activision to clear this up.

You do realize that "the cloud" is pretty much just a marketing term, right?

I mean this isn't a legit technology like "blast processing".
And I like how putting tape on the Playstation 4 light bar is a perfectly accepted means of rectifying an issue, while applying the same logic for the XB1's Kinect is seen as some type of insurmountable task.
Yep. Why not just enable users to toggle the damn lights? Or have the controllers enable the lights only if a webcam is detected. There are solutions, but being forced into workarounds should make it obvious that its an issue for some.

You do realize that "the cloud" is pretty much just a marketing term, right?
No, it's not. MS is mixing bullshit marketing into it (the cloud making xbones more powerful), but the cloud itself is not a perfect synonym with dedicated servers. Its a legit technology, and one that Sony can utilize as well, but they may not have as much invested into it as MS.



If you read the OP and caught feelings, seek help. Shit like this is a cancer.

I love how you miss the extreme irony of your post when you're replying to my hyperbole with even worse hyperbole. Anyway thanks for the out of context quote, anyone interested in why I said that can check the full post here.


But the NeoGAF customer support system works well. You can do a free-text username requests and it will be swiftly handled by an administrator.

Oh great, I have to email people now? Another HUMONGOUS problem. I wonder why I post here anymore.
My biggest concern withe os4 is that there will be so many games that I skip because I can't afford them all. I'm also a little upset to have to pay for 2 online services this gen but so far psn looks to have a great amount of value even when compared to xbl so I'm not too worried about it.
My biggest concerns with the PS4 is OS interface, UI controls, clunky OS systems (Vita management is really really weird to me), Store issues (Vita store is fast, but also really buggy for me sometimes), and Online system in general.

I don't trust sony at all with UI for anything more than the initial year. The XMB was great for that first amount of time, but the more stuff you add to it the weirder and less useful it got. The Vita was fast, but the bubble/page system was horrible to manage. If you have a lot of content, it becomes much less intuitive.

With my relatively little time with the 360, I've been impressed with the UI of the latest dashboard. I'm generally looking forward to the Xbone interface more because of this, but that might be misplaced enthusiasm because I really haven't used the 360 nearly as much as the ps3 (and therefore have much less content on it). I also work on the WP team, and really like the UI and flow of the OS...so maybe I'm just Bias for metro's blocky interface. The PS4 seems to be going that route, but I haven't actually seen a good video of someone using it with controller in hand. Just marketing videos--which I really don't trust at all. My relative excitement and glass half-full nature is because I've seen the OS used and can relate to using the Kinect with it. I've already got many situations where the Xbone OS is going to be really nice for me--though other people seem to not have the same interests/use-cases as me, big surprise :). The PS4's OS/Interface on the other hand is just this big black box. I can't be excited for it if I haven't seen it--right now it just seems like a souped up PS3 with some social feeds mixed in.

Sony's PSN has gotten way better over the years, but my little interaction with XBL has shown me how bad by comparison it is. With the paywall in place, I imagine they'll be able to bump up the download speeds and make their internet infrastructure better, even if it takes 6 months or so. Patching offline with PS+ this past year made playing games on my PS3 fun again...rather than having to wait for another update nearly everytime I booted the system. Whether XBL will offer more innovative features again this gen, they haven't proven it to me, so they'll probably be closer this gen. I do like the 'queued matchmaking' feature though, and will probably use that quite a bit.

I can't wait for November to get my grubby hands on both systems and futz around with the OSes/Applications/Capabilities that they offer. Really intrigued about this next step for consoles. WiiU didn't do much for me, but its serviceable. That console is basically going to be a Nintendo box for me, so I don't really care too much.


I have those same concerns as well....not so much changing my username though. But the download speeds/install speeds and PSN store are atrocious. I purposely don't buy anything on the PS Store, even though I'm a PS+ member, simply because I know the download and install will take half a day. And my PS3 is wired (not wireless).

Minor concerns, but very legitimate in my opinion.


I suppose I am the only one who loves the new PSN store? A little slower on start-up, but much faster overall and much better laid out. Dat awesome search function. And I can actually find thing now! Love it.


My biggest problem with PSN is definitely the speed. They appear to have massive routing issues at Sony.

Yea, PSN (outside 'the hack') was nothing less than rock solid for me and my friends. People who 'worry about online play' need not worry.

I will blindly assume that PS4's Party Chat works day one perfectly, I mean, its not like they didn't know how to do it, they just couldn't cause of the PS3s memory structure.

Sony's points of concerns are less than MS's, and come with a more powerful machine, and $100 cheaper, and no creepy ass NSA camera looking at me...and its going to have a big worldwide lead in year one which, as we PS3 owners unfortunately know, leads to 'lead platform' development focus.
Some of the responses in this thread... It's a huge leap of the imagination to think that anyone who says anything remotely negative about the PS4 must be a Microsoft shill. But that seems to be the sort of binary black and white world many internet posters live in. People are trying to air their legitimate concerns about their next $400 console investment, there is a huge difference between that and being some sort of shill/fanboy.

Boss Man

I begin to think the Xbox One might just be the one I buy first.

1) The light bar on the controller can't be turned off.
Agreed, hopefully they change this or devs turn it off when it's not being used. I'm hoping this is more of a system-wide thing, and that individual games will let you keep it off in the options.

2) Still can't change your PSN ID name.
This isn't really concerning...

3) Download speeds are still a problem for many of us.
Agreed, hopefully the Gaikai stuff is not all talk.

4) The PS3 store got redesigned for a third time, and usability regressed dramatically.
Fair point, hopefully we see improvement and not regression.

5) Achievements are going to involve, but we've heard nothing about trophies.
Also not concerning....and I like achievements.
I guess this is all subjective, but those seem like some very minor issues to make you want to purchase a weaker machine that costs $100 more. Not to mention all of the concerns associated with MS right now...

My main concern about PS4 is that Sony won't be willing/able to pay for third party games like Microsoft is. This is somewhat lessened by the notion that it's only going to happen for the initial push like last gen, but if the Xbox One struggles like it's anticipated to right now then they may be pouring a lot money into keeping some significant third party games locked down.

Another 'concern' (not really a concern so much as a negative point) is paying for online multiplayer. This levels the playing field a bit for me, especially since Live has the performance edge on PSN. The only thing keeping that from being a big point is that PS Plus has been such an incredible value. I don't expect it to really feel like I'm paying for multiplayer.

A more personal concern is the heat output of the PS4. I hate how hot the PS3 makes my room, and the fact that they've gone with internal power (and that crazy ventilation on the back) doesn't lead me to believe that it is going to end up being any less of a heater.

I'd also note concern over the PS Eye, since offering as an optional accessory (like Move was this gen) with no real push ends up making its support pretty nonexistent...but I don't want it included and I don't really care about it beyond novelty. It's worth mentioning though I guess.


The only thing that really bothers me in that list are the slow downloads, but then again, XBL does not seem to be that much faster for me, hopefully they kill having to install a freaking demo.

The dashboard has been getting slower and slower on the 360 after NXE as well, but yeah, the new PS store is probably a bit slower, so I definitely agree on this point as well.

As for the rest: I'm sorry your PSN ID is still xXDopefish420Xx and your virtual worthless trophies might not carry over... But seriously, I kind of get it, but I also kind of wish Achievements and Throphies would go away.


My PS4 concerns:

1. Lack of JRPGs. Some have been announced for it. And it has the best JRPG prospects of the three. But still nowhere near PS1 and PS2 levels.

2. MS can use the Azure Cloud to power server support for online shooters on the XO. It would be very bad for Sony players if say a COD game had 32 to 64-player support and dedicated servers on the XO, but was only 12 to 18-players and still limited to P2P on PS4. We desperately need Activision to clear this up.

1. The JRPG isn't as big as it once was, more will come, but the genre itself doesn't sell like it use to outside of Japan unless you are one of the big franchises. I would wait till TGS.

2. There isn't anything to clear up, Microsofts Cloud system isn't free, it costs money just like any other dedicated server service would, they just offer it at a reduced price but it isn't going to make a different for multi-platform games that can use the multiple other providers, just like on any other game with dedicated servers that came out before MS offered theirs.


My controller points below my TV, light bar isn't an issue for me, I'm sure they will do a quick fix if outrage occurs, Sony has been pretty good at listening to people as of late.

The store works fine for me, the search function is silly but I'm sure they will evolve it for the PS4.

Don't give a fuck about achievements or trophies.

My concerns are, is the controller good, is the hardware good and future proof, are there games being made for it that I want, this stuff so far is 'yes'. If you think your points are so bad they counter these kind of positives your priorities are all wrong..
I love how you miss the extreme irony of your post when you're replying to my hyperbole with even more hyperbole. Anyway thanks for the out of context quote, anyone interested in why I said that can check the full post above.
Your reply was another one of many expressing a hilarious level of personal offense at a perceived "pompousness" in the OP instead of addressing the larger thrust of what he's actually saying.

Sorry, but my observation wasn't hyperbolic. And now I'm off topic, so I'm out.


BruiserBear said:
Actually, I didn't mention the paywall because I don't give a shit about the paywall. PS+ already provided enough value that I paid for it anyway, so making online play part of it didn't bother me in the least.

BruiserBear said:
Because you feel they're non issues that makes them so? Thanks for dropping that knowledge.

You just defeated your own arguments.


You don't mention paying for online? All the other items on your list pale in comparison to it.

I know you probably didn't mean for it to be hierarchical but having the light reflection as the number one thing on your list is ridiculous to say the least.


Neo Member
You're right, those issues on PS3 with not changing ID's and the PSN store and download speeds are very true.

Good thing the PS4 isn't a PS3, isn't it?


I actually agree about the trophies. I love what Steam is doing with the cards...I'd love to see something similar from Sony/MS, although it looks like MS is already expanding on the achievement system. Whether it pans out and hooks players remains to be seen.

I don't understand why so many people are against achievements/trophies. They're an evolution of the arcade high score board. Which never would have existed (or made money) unless people wanted to flaunt their skills. Hell, there are movies based on it. I want the ability to pursue something challenging in a videogame, get credit for it and/or have it be recognized. They can be fun when thought is put into them by developers too.


Just to chime in - the download speeds of the PSN Store have always been excellent for me. Maybe it's because I am in mainland Europe, maybe due to something else.

The rest of OP's nagging is just sad. Who the fuck cares about Microsoft now selling you achievements instead of implementing them in games?


Neo Member
These are your reasons for not buying the PS4, yet issues like a $100 price increase, notably less power, and mandatory kinect do not offend you?
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