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Red Dead Redemption 2 Trailer

I keep on watching it lol.

Also love this shot.


The fog on the lake looks so moody. The atmosphere just looks incredible in this trailer.


So it looks like this guy in the group at the end might be black, yeah?

And it looks like maybe two of the others might be Mexican/Native American (third and sixth guys) and a woman on the far right?

None of them really look like the people in the key art, so I wonder if you can create your own character and then jump in a friend's session or they slipped in some online footage?


Reveal trailer looks very close to that of GTA IV.

+ sweeping cycle through of shots of the world/environments
+ atmospheric musical score
+ voice over making suggestions of a probable central plot line or theme ("Perhaps here, things will be different " - "when the time comes, you gotta run and don't look back")
+ views of what looks like, but isn't confirmed, to be the main character('s)

I loved that trailer and the info drop feed for GTA IV was agonisingly brilliant. Hopefully there's a better game at the end of it than GTA IV was but.. this is a strong start. It looks glorious.


I might try a media blackout on this game. If the PS4 port is honest (900p, steady 30fps and something close to GTA V) I might buy it, but now that I'm used to 3440x1440, 1080p looks so blurry and 30fps so jaggy that I might wait 6 months for the real thing.

It might not be the tehcnical and graphical leap forward that was RDR thought, DICE and Ubisoft already pushed the line this generation rather quickly.

Well not really, if you look closely lots of things were improved (lighting, animations, models, density etc) and gave the overall "GTA V amazing look" but they optimized some of these things for the old-gen port (typically draw distance, density, ultra textures, shadows and everything that drains your power).

It's just the normal process of game developping.

Nobody thinks the launch game looked better than the trailer tbh

2013 Launch



None of them really look like the people in the key art, so I wonder if you can create your own character and then jump in a friend's session or they slipped in some online footage?
Or maybe you can form your own posse from a larger number of characters? Like you pick who to recruit.


Day one, but looks underwhelming, Witcher 3 looks way better (comparing forest, water, and general mood and lightning).

I'm sorry but you're having a laugh if you genuinely think this. RDR2 looked virtually photoreal in those opening landscape shots....


It looked so good, but it was so short! Now I want more!

So I guess the trailer did it's job very well

RDR2 looked virtually photoreal in those opening landscape shots....

RdR 2 is a generational leap over Witcher 3, it's just unbelievable amazing.

Don't get carried away guys...


Can't wait for this, but yeah, as far as Rockstar trailers are concerned, that was supremely disappointing (and short). Expected more from them, especially as this was touted as a "trailer," not a "teaser." But yeah, loving the atmosphere presented in the brief snippets we were shown.


Looks great but not forced double dipping for me. I'm not buying until they either confirm PC (in which case I'll wait) or no PC (in which case I'll go PS4).

But I cannot abide clarity being withheld.


This trailer really bummed me out.
The game looks amazing but wtf was that r*? You used to be the best at making trailers.
Either go full Malick naturalistic or go with the story tease.
This was just messy.

And the worst part is, we'll probably have to wait months for another one.
Day one, but looks underwhelming, Witcher 3 looks way better (comparing forest, water, and general mood and lightning).

I'm playing through W3 now for the first time, 30 hours in, and nah I gotta disagree with ya. In certain lighting conditions - namely dusk and dawn - W3 looks great and has some really nice lighting, but it has a much more 'gamey' look overall compared to this. I'd definitely agree with the generational leap in visuals over it.

Provided it actually does look like that in the final release...


Or maybe you can form your own posse from a larger number of characters? Like you pick who to recruit.

Interesting if possible.

Red Dead Redemption 2 confirmed to be action-RPG!!(?) ;P

In all seriousness this would be a cool mechanic if balanced right. It could be something similar to GTAV's heist selection, or a traditional RPG except without party management or level-progression of course.

Either way I'm deeply intrigued in what they plan to do with this and how much of the formula they'd be willing to change while also buckling to the old-school Wild West tragedy template we knew and loved about RDR.
i think they should have called this a teaser rather than a trailer because as a teaser its fantastic and because they chose to call is a trailer people are left kinda disappointed

nonetheless, game looks fucking stone cold stunning but still no mention of PC ;__;
If the game is really only a year away I would assume that they would have had more footage to show. Kind of a bummer, but it'll be exciting to see them do the in depth gameplay videos like they did with the first game and GTA V


dooooooooooooooooooooope trailer. some ppl on this board want too much from a reveal trailer, and by some i mean most. go take a ritalin and calm down
This trailer really bummed me out.
The game looks amazing but wtf was that r*? You used to be the best at making trailers.
Either go full Malick naturalistic or go with the story tease.
This was just messy.

And the worst part is, we'll probably have to wait months for another one.
It's very similar to the first trailer for GTA V. Tonally different but almost the exact same in how much it showed and that it had a voiceover from the protagonist.
I keep on watching it lol.

Also love this shot.


The fog on the lake looks so moody. The atmosphere just looks incredible in this trailer.

Could also be the Rockstar version of the Platte or Missouri river too. If they're going through the 'heartland' and with some of the shots also looking like Wyoming, Dakotas, etc.,

You can also spot a Native American decoration in the tree above the river/lake. I'm not sure if that's indicative of a specific tribe or anything.
Could also be the Rockstar version of the Platte or Missouri river too. If they're going through the 'heartland' and with some of the shots also looking like Wyoming, Dakotas, etc.,

You can also spot a Native American decoration in the tree above the river/lake. I'm not sure if that's indicative of a specific tribe or anything.


I wonder if this is recorded near the outskirts of a village or settlement of sorts?
Nice catch. Didnt see that. Makes me think the Native Americans will have more presence in this game.


I kind hope this is Dutch's gang. Has anyone provided any analysis on who each person is? I know I'm reaching but it would be neat to know!
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