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Reddit troll apologizes for trump CNN gif/all those racist remarks

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!

Both his attempts at an apology have been deleted by the mods of /R/The_Donald, and the user has nuked his account.

For those you just joining us:
He took credit for making a gif the president of the United States tweeted out. They followed up to get a comment from him. He didn't want to be identified and also issued an apology because his shitty internet views would negatively impact his life and family in the cold hard streets of the real world, so they aren't going to release his name.

They reserved the right to publish who he is in the future so if he comes up in another news story they can go, "this is the dude who made that gif and had all that racist hate speech on his reddit account btw". They aren't going to say, "we aren't going to release his name and never will" because they don't know what the future holds. There's nothing stopping him from making a new reddit account and going back to exactly the same behavior without outing himself anyway.
Look at it this way.

1. Member of the press is bodyslammed by a Republican.
2. 40-year-old child makes GIF of Donald Trump beating up a figure with "CNN" over their face.
3. Donald Trump retweets the wrestling GIF.
4. The news picks up the story and discusses it.
5. CNN investigates and contacts the 40-year-old child, gets details, and intends to report on it.
6. The 40-year-old child issues an apology and deletes his blatantly racist history.
7. CNN chooses not to withhold certain details of their reporting to prevent the 40-year-old child and his family from the aftermath of the incident, assuming that the apology was sincere.
8. CNN states that they are willing to release the information they withheld as they originally intended, should the apology that lead them to their previous decision end up being insincere after all.​

It seems less nefarious this way; that's my understanding of the situation.


It's time to start treating these violent neonazi groups like the terrorist organizations they are. Only a matter of time before something really terrible happens.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It's time to start treating these violent neonazi groups like the terrorist organizations they are. Only a matter of time before something really terrible happens.
I mean the fucking dude who made the gif literally has an eighteen month long history that includes making terroristic threats with concealed weaponry.
But because they are white they aren't terrorists right guys.


Fucking America. Fuck this country right up the fucking ass.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Trump can't even do stupid disasters properly. He has to include some amplified level of metafuckery even when his original affront is cut and dried awful. Oh you stepped in shit? That's also radioactive shit from an irradiated rapist dog.


It's almost as if the President of the United States shouldn't do this shit in the first place. But no, it was totes worth retweeting a 4chan racist because he really laid into the FAKE NEWS!
People who want to talk to/have a discussion with the "other side", here they are clear as day, Alex Jones and Richard Spencer's base, sending death threats and daydreaming the different ways they can get a civil war or slaughter "shitty libs". Just PM me the debate schedule.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Damn that journalist for doing their job and spending five minutes using Google and searching reddit! What lows will they sink to next?


WaPo apparently cannot publish "Asshole": https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...lims-is-claiming-credit-for-trumps-cnn-video/

Han‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Solo: “Holy s—!! I wake up and have my morning coffee and who retweets my s—post but the MAGA EMPORER himself!!! I am honored!!”

Joy echoed across r/The_Donald, which a day earlier had been more interested in conspiracy theories about the Clintons killing people and stick-figure drawings of Californians embarrassing themselves.

“TWEETED by the PRESIDENT,” one of many admirers wrote. “Now it’s confirmed that Trump sees our memes.”

“We all wish for such validation.”

“You are now a legend!!”

Wondered SnugMeatSocks: “Did you ever think one of your memes would go into the Library of Congress?”

Which isn’t far from the truth. The National Archives has advised the White House to save all the president’s tweets — from the indecipherable “covfefe” to “she was bleeding badly from a face-lift,” which was in the running as one of Trump’s most offensive tweets before his pummeling video drew condemnation from lawmakers and journalists on Sunday.


Well, actually the guy is an antisemite. And this should be a crass reminder that antisemitism is a very big problem still today in the U.S..


Everything the right accuses the left to be they're even worse at it.

Because they were never once put into a situation in their whole lives where they had to be self-aware. I think it counts as actual brain damage.

EDIT: Not saying this phenomenon is limited to the Projection Party, though. Just browse Tumblr. Lack of self-awareness affects a lot of people.


Well, actually the guy is an antisemite. And this should be a crass reminder that antisemitism is a very big problem still today in the U.S..

God I remember when Trump got extremely defensive when someone asked about the rise of antisemetism and he immediately said he was not anti Semitic, completely missing the question.
4chan seems like a great place to become emboldened and feel normalized in your views to want the recognition for your prolific racism that reddit can provide. What a great pair.

Yup, that's why Moot typically had mods IP range ban people who got that bad and deleted /pol/ or /new/ to diffuse them. If they can't create a community, they'll typically go somewhere else to do it.


People who want to talk to/have a discussion with the "other side", here they are clear as day, Alex Jones and Richard Spencer's base, sending death threats and daydreaming the different ways they can get a civil war or slaughter "shitty libs". Just PM me the debate schedule.

and people will keep with that nonsense


God I remember when Trump got extremely defensive when someone asked about the rise of antisemetism and he immediately said he was not anti Semitic, completely missing the question.
The guy even praised him and he said he was attacking him IIRC
Yup, that's why Moot typically had mods IP range ban people who got that bad and deleted /pol/ or /new/ to diffuse them. If they can't create a community, they'll typically go somewhere else to do it.
doesn't pol still exist


Looking for meaning in GAF
It still blows my mind that that subreddit hasn't been banned yet.

Actually, reddit in general is terrible at banning what are obviously hate groups.


It's time to start treating these violent neonazi groups like the terrorist organizations they are. Only a matter of time before something really terrible happens.

They got their President and people already got murdered. It isn't a matter of time, its a matter of now.


“I think a lot of these people have a shared idea that this would be a time where they would basically be able to kill liberals,” Sexton said. “With a little bit of research what I’ve found is there are large online havens where they talk about widespread murder of journalists. They fantasize about killing them in the streets, like a revolution. They have terms for it, like ‘day of the rope.’”


Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
HanAssholeSolo has now posted an apology and tried to distance himself from this whole thing.
Gonna take a guess and assume that he was contacted by authorities for some of his terroristic threats and was exposed irl. Seems he nuked his account also, (wtf autocorrect)


Clothed, sober, cooperative
It's really troubling when adults do this stuff. Sadly teenagers and kids do this stuff with amazing abundance. Death threats and threats of anonymous violence are actually a reflex along with racism for some groups. I suspect only a small proportion of death threats I have received were serious but how am I supposed to sort the wheat from the chaff?

Exhausting and probably a natural evolution of technology and anonymity that used to be expressed through phone pranks.

Education technology are the only things that will change this and that education needs to start including some examples of abusers getting more than a slap on the wrists - and this guy's apology is probably a tiny step in that direction but what do you do when it's a 14 year old?

And how the fuck do you tell a 14 year old how bad this is, when the goddamned PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is doing it?

This is why my real anger is aimed at McConnell and the GOP. Their silence and in some cases vocal support is a national tragedy. No hyperbole.
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