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Reddit [verified] User shares NX info: x86 Architecture, Second screen support etc.

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They said they wanted something akin to iOS and android which would most likely mean that at least porting between the two is easy

I think saying it is likely that porting between the two is a stretch. They might like the account based relationship aspect or the itetative nature with backwards compatibility and some forward compatibility.


But would it be even when MS and Sony release a much more powerful revision this year? I don't know if Nintendo can flaunt that if MS and Sony scream high heavens that their new revisions are much more powerful than the NX is. But then again all 3 are basically starting from "zero"

I mean sure butthan Sony and MS would be screaming to "high heavens" against not just the NX but to their 2 systems that they release 2.5 years ago.

It's a risky thing to do. They don't want to alienate 50M consumers


Now that is something I very highly doubt.

They will talk about amazing graphics etc for sure, but they will NEVER give us official tech specs and use them in marketing. Whatever they are doing, I doubt they want to be directly compared to the other 2 as their main messaging. It will counter their efforts of standing apart and being different

Well then most gamers will assume it is under powered again because that is what Nintendo's recent history suggests. They have to fight the perception or they are putting themselves at a disadvantage again.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Polaris GPU at 2.5TFlops
Quad core Excavator CPU at 2.5 GHz.

All on a custom APU. Believe.
I have one issue with that. It doesn't match the LC scale ;p


I understand that, I just don't see why Nintendo would need to, neither of their new products are desktops/laptops or smartphones as far as we know.

If they are meant to share a library as has been hinted, their priorities should be very similar.

How different in IOS between iPhone and iPad?

RAM is one area where the two form factors will necessarily differ. It would make sense to change the allocation between platforms. Exactly how they would differ depends on how the OS is architected.

Has it ever been hinted that the two will share a library? If say it's been more speculated based on asset and studio integration. I don't think it's impossible but I no longer think as I once did that it's by any means a certainty. I suspect we'll get a partially shared library with major exclusives for the HH and console each.

Iwata used iOS and Android, two platforms which share libraries between various form factors, as an example of what they want their software ecosystem to be like.


Junior Member
Now that is something I very highly doubt.

They will talk about amazing graphics etc for sure, but they will NEVER give us official tech specs and use them in marketing. Whatever they are doing, I doubt they want to be directly compared to the other 2 as their main messaging. It will counter their efforts of standing apart and being different

Nintendo used to give tech specs. It wasn't until they started making grossly underpowered hardware that they stop mentioning them. Their audience was casual gamers who had no interest in tech specs.

If Nintendo does in fact bring out a system with competitive hardware I think there is a good chance they will talk about specs.


Nintendo used to give tech specs. It wasn't until they started making grossly underpowered hardware that they stop mentioning them. Their audience was casual gamers who had no interest in tech specs.

If Nintendo does in fact bring out a system with competitive hardware I think there is a good chance they will talk about specs.

The last time Nintendo provided specs, it actually hurt them because they provided real world performance while Sony and MS did peak theoretical performance. It's honestly probably why there are so many misconceptions about GameCube's power.


I have one issue with that. It doesn't match the LC scale ;p
Fuck the LC scale :p

I picked DDR4 because Nintendo prefers to use eDRAM on the side for latency. Id prefer GDDR5 or GDDR5X for a console. And I think the GPU will have 20 CU. :p

Ah this is feeling like the WUST.


But would it be even when MS and Sony release a much more powerful revision this year? I don't know if Nintendo can flaunt that if MS and Sony scream high heavens that their new revisions are much more powerful than the NX is. But then again all 3 are basically starting from "zero"

The MS and Sony revisions will probably only upscale current games to 4K resolutions. Great if you have a 4K TV.. It's not like devs will take all that extra power and make a 1080P game with mega enhancements that the vanilla consoles will miss out on.


Gold Member
The MS and Sony revisions will probably only upscale current games to 4K resolutions. Great if you have a 4K TV.. It's not like devs will take all that extra power and make a 1080P game with mega enhancements that the vanilla consoles will miss out on.

Then the same could be said for the NX ports of third party games if it is indeed more powerful. ;)


The perception was because when Nintendt released the specs, they (stupidly) used real world performance insfead of theoretical performance. So you you had MS advertising 100M+ polygons, Sony saying 67M, and then Nintendo saying 10-12M.

Yeah... didn't Rogue Leader end up pushing more polygons then any game released on the xbox?

If the NX is actually stronger than the other two, they should def advertise it. There is a perception amongst most gamers that they only release under powered boxes. They have to actively and directly fight that.

Agreed completely there


Then the same could be said for the NX ports of third party games if it is indeed more powerful. ;)

Absolutely.. The only games that would use the extra power would be first party titles or 3rd party exclusives.

Anything else would just be ports from whatever the lead platform is.


Junior Member
The perception was because when Nintendt released the specs, they (stupidly) used real world performance insfead of theoretical performance. So you you had MS advertising 100M+ polygons, Sony saying 67M, and then Nintendo saying 10-12M.

If the NX is actually stronger than the other two, they should def advertise it. There is a perception amongst most gamers that they only release under powered boxes. They have to actively and directly fight that.
They'd still have to fight the "Nintendo has no third party games" perception, which will be harder to do.


formerly sane
Yeah... didn't Rogue Leader end up pushing more polygons then any game released on the xbox?

Rebel Strike did more and had light scattering which no xbox game ever had faked or done in a similar using the DX api. People saying GC games were behind just don't know. Metroid, RE4 and what I mentioned are more than enough to take on most xbox games in certain areas. GC games were never matched in high polygon setting with similar lighting or texturing to any xbox game, so I see no point in comparing areas where the two just weren't matched. People in to xbox are better off talking about shader usage and technique. Problem is once you considering polys and fps we are talking certain GC games running at 60fps and doing this while most high end xbox titles struggled to run at 30fps looking well.

I'll be gentle.

Do you think the excavator CPU is what's in the NX? Maybe I put the clock speed to high lol.

I just know where they are aiming in that one bit I haven't gotten a pdf full of goodies yet so I don't know what chipsets or features to claim. So want to see the SDK more it could tell me a lot about the API. I want to say more but until I know what gpu is being paired with the system I have no clue how to feel. Whatever it is unless nintendo goes with a bigger form it will be small potent and highly tweaked.


Absolutely.. The only games that would use the extra power would be first party titles or 3rd party exclusives.

Anything else would just be ports from whatever the lead platform is.
Looking at the Wii U "top games" 1rst Party/3rd party ratio... I'm ok with this :]


Rebel Strike did more and had light scattering which no xbox game ever had faked or done in a similar using the DX api. People saying GC games were behind just don't know. Metroid, RE4 and what I mentioned are more than enough to take on most xbox games in certain areas. GC games were never matched in high polygon setting with similar lighting or texturing to any xbox game, so I see no point in comparing areas where the two just weren't matched. People in to xbox are better off talking about shader usage and technique. Problem is once you considering polys and fps we are talking certain GC games running at 60fps and doing this while most high end xbox titles struggled to run at 30fps looking well.

I just know where they are aiming in that one bit I haven't gotten a pdf full of goodies yet so I don't know what chipsets or features to claim. So want to see the SDK more it could tell me a lot about the API. I want to say more but until I know what gpu is being paired with the system I have no clue how to feel. Whatever it is unless nintendo goes with a bigger form it will be small potent and highly tweaked.
Yep, the GameCube was such a masterpiece when it came out. I still remember the jaw dropping graphics of metroid prime especially when fighting ridley and it was all 60fps. Do you see the nx doing anything out of the ordinary when it comes to "exotic" hardware? Edram for higher bandwidth? Anything?


Update 9: Remember what i said: "There is a Nintendo Direct planned before the Nintendo Investor meeting."Nintendo will announce it within the next few days. One of the highlights: "Star Fox news"
Nintendo of Europe (UK) teasing Star Fox: http://i.imgur.com/x6CftTS.jpg
Don't do this. This guy has dug his grave deeper than six feet. That tweet was essentially standard marketing hype for Star Fox Zero. It doesn't indicate an upcoming direct at all.


Don't do this. This guy has dug his grave deeper than six feet. That tweet was essentially standard marketing hype for Star Fox Zero. It doesn't indicate an upcoming direct at all.

It's unfortunate you had to say this lol. Should be obvious.
Don't do this. This guy has dug his grave deeper than six feet. That tweet was essentially standard marketing hype for Star Fox Zero. It doesn't indicate an upcoming direct at all.

The Problem is that he keeps digging.....why is he going through all this effort. If so clearly he has nothing to do in his spear time
For me though i think the specs are the following.

Assuming we have 50w to work with because Nintendo is going to stay small form factor and cool. Fab is 14nm.

8 puma cores at 2ghz
16+ CU Polaris cores at 1 ghz. 2 teraflop+
8gb of DDR4 on 256 bit bus. 80-100 gb / sec bandwidth.
64mb edram 512-1024gb/s.

SOC is 50w. Total system tdp is 65W.

First party titles and most ports run at 1080p 60fps without a hitch.

I don't understand the notion of people wanting 1080p and 60fps so badly. It's really not that hard. Its just that you have to sacrifice some special effects and graphical fidelity for one or both them. You can't have all three.

It's a never ending cycle with consumers and devs. Devs will want to push out the most beautiful game in graphical fidelity , but they would have to sacrifice FPS and/or resolution for it.


The last time Nintendo provided specs, it actually hurt them because they provided real world performance while Sony and MS did peak theoretical performance. It's honestly probably why there are so many misconceptions about GameCube's power.
That, and the fact that Nintendo's first party games never really pushed the envelope in terms of graphics. It's no wonder why you still see people claiming the ps2 had more power.

I would love to see Nintendo go back to making competitive hardware.


Yep, the GameCube was such a masterpiece when it came out. I still remember the jaw dropping graphics of metroid prime especially when fighting ridley and it was all 60fps. Do you see the nx doing anything out of the ordinary when it comes to "exotic" hardware? Edram for higher bandwidth? Anything?

That's why it is frustrating to me Nintendo won't engage in any advertising wars about specs. Perception is a thing. Nintendo thinks that the games will speak for themselves but you can't underestimate the power advertising has on the general perception.

A lot of Nintendo's issues would be solved if they just marketed it better. But they don't want spend the money.


Nintendo used to give tech specs. It wasn't until they started making grossly underpowered hardware that they stop mentioning them.

But even then they got screwed by using real world application of such specs. For example, when the GC was announced, they said it could render (made up number for example purposes) 10 million polygons with all effects on. Meanwhile, Sony touted the PS2 could render 100 million polygons (made up number). What Sony didn't mention was that those were just polygons with no other effects on (which really no game ever does).

So in the eyes of many people, the GC seemed less powerful.


This guy clearly doesn't know when to stop. He's just embarassing himself now.

But would it be even when MS and Sony release a much more powerful revision this year? I don't know if Nintendo can flaunt that if MS and Sony scream high heavens that their new revisions are much more powerful than the NX is. But then again all 3 are basically starting from "zero"

They aren't though, because the PS4K (and the Xbox One.5 if it exist, which doesn't seem to be the case at the moment considering AMD's financial report and Spencer's word) will very likely be a "premium", more expensive version of a "base" machine that will still be on the market, and not as a cheaper way to enter the Sony ecosystem but as the "main" console. It's not a new generation, and it's not exactly a New 3DS (which basically replaced the older model) situation either.

Nintendo used to give tech specs. It wasn't until they started making grossly underpowered hardware that they stop mentioning them. Their audience was casual gamers who had no interest in tech specs.

If Nintendo does in fact bring out a system with competitive hardware I think there is a good chance they will talk about specs.
To clarify, Nintendo didn't stop mentioning specs because "they were ashamed to show them" like many suggest around here. They stopped doing that because in their Wii and Wii U strategy, specs weren't an important factor in the experience they wanted to offer and communicate, so they shifted attention towards all those factors that were and that we should know by now (different control interface, new gaming experiences, gameplay first, etc).

PS: can we not overshoot with specs please? Last time didn't end so well :p


The Problem is that he keeps digging.....why is he going through all this effort. If so clearly he has nothing to do in his spear time
One guy literally made a 3D model of the fake controller, then 3D printed and built it. Spare time is not what you should be worried about.
One guy literally made a 3D model of the fake controller, then 3D printed and built it. Spare time is not what you should be worried about.

at that point in time we all thought it was true, this guy we are like 80%sure he''s fake, people are exposing him but he still continues. something is fishy.


The last time Nintendo provided specs, it actually hurt them because they provided real world performance while Sony and MS did peak theoretical performance. It's honestly probably why there are so many misconceptions about GameCube's power.

I think the lesson to learn from the whole 12m poly/s fiasco is that it's not necessarily that important to build the most powerful console, but it's pretty damn helpful to fixate on a single metric that makes it sound like you've got the most powerful console.

There's actually an argument that Nintendo should go with HBM for NX, just so they can go around shouting "512GB/s!!!" every time hardware power comes up, even if the console would never even come close to saturating that bandwidth. After all, 512 is a much bigger number than 176! (And almost certainly more bandwidth than PS4K will have as well, for that matter)

Yeah... didn't Rogue Leader end up pushing more polygons then any game released on the xbox?

I don't know about that, but Factor 5 claimed that Rogue Leader (a launch game) pushed up to 15 million polygons per second, which actually exceeded Nintendo's claim. As far as I recall most PS2 games were running with somewhere between 2-3 million poly/s, with some developers claiming around 5m poly/s. It shows how important pre-release marketing is in framing people's beliefs on console performance.


Doop is Tre still around? I'd look in to what he is saying if he is and has gone beyond rumors.

Not trev, unless that's what DrTre has become. I have no clue who trev is or thy claims by which one might have made.

DrTre? Do you know DrTre, or did he release some info or did he just "guess" something correctly?

I'm assuming this is the same DrTre that ran amok on the IGN boards for the past 15 years, and what i've read of him, he's just a raving fanboy with no actual sources. I've seen him on Gaf the past few months and (going on his reputation on the IGN boards) i actually assumed he would have been banned by now. But he's posted in this thread so he's definitely around. Basically AceBandage x10.

PS: DrTre, no offense meant, nothing personal, but i just remember some really fanboyish discussions back on the IGN boards from you. If i recall correctly, usually with that guy with the Indiana Jones avatar.
The problem is it's already Thursday in America. It's too late to announce a Nintendo Direct. Nintendo usually announces them on Wednesday. They're not going to have a Nintendo Direct on Friday here which would be pretty much Saturdy in Japan.


DrTre? Do you know DrTre, or did he release some info or did he just "guess" something correctly?

I'm assuming this is the same DrTre that ran amok on the IGN boards for the past 15 years, and what i've read of him, he's just a raving fanboy with no actual sources. I've seen him on Gaf the past few months and (going on his reputation on the IGN boards) i actually assumed he would have been banned by now. But he's posted in this thread so he's definitely around. Basically AceBandage x10.

PS: DrTre, no offense meant, nothing personal, but i just remember some really fanboyish discussions back on the IGN boards from you. If i recall correctly, usually with that guy with the Indiana Jones avatar.
HAHAHA HOLY SHIT. Is that really him? I remember so much nonsense around the Wii launch shit like Oblivion tier games hitting the Wii it was insane.
DrTre? Do you know DrTre, or did he release some info or did he just "guess" something correctly?

I'm assuming this is the same DrTre that ran amok on the IGN boards for the past 15 years, and what i've read of him, he's just a raving fanboy with no actual sources. I've seen him on Gaf the past few months and (going on his reputation on the IGN boards) i actually assumed he would have been banned by now. But he's posted in this thread so he's definitely around. Basically AceBandage x10.

PS: DrTre, no offense meant, nothing personal, but i just remember some really fanboyish discussions back on the IGN boards from you. If i recall correctly, usually with that guy with the Indiana Jones avatar.


I don't drink. :p

Do you swall... nevermind.

HAHAHA HOLY SHIT. Is that really him? I remember so much nonsense around the Wii launch shit like Oblivion tier games hitting the Wii it was insane.


DrTre has a youtube channel. Dont think hes that person or you guys are talking bout sumtin different?

Wait, i didn't say it's the same guy, i was asking if it was. Right, i meant this Doctre81 guy... If it's not the same guy, ignore my post obviously.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Update 9: Remember what i said: "There is a Nintendo Direct planned before the Nintendo Investor meeting."Nintendo will announce it within the next few days. One of the highlights: "Star Fox news"
Nintendo of Europe (UK) teasing Star Fox: http://i.imgur.com/x6CftTS.jpg


Polaris GPU at 2.5TFlops
Quad core Excavator CPU at 2.5 GHz.

All on a custom APU. Believe.

Hawaiian Islands GPU
Quad core Piledriver at 1.8 Ghz

All with Nintendo's trademark secrecy and fans debating whether it was stronger than the PS4 and Xbox One for years.
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