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Reggie: Switch matchmaking and lobbies handled through phone app

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So, let's examine the use cases.

A. You can put the phone on speaker for inbound voice chat, and pray that the internal mic's noise cancellation is shit hot

B. You can awkwardly jam your phone between your ear and shoulder and use the internal speaker

C. You can plug a Monster Gaming Headset TM (or pair of earbuds with inline mic) into the phone and use that

Or entirely hypothetical and off-the-wall solution D. Plug directly into the switch and circumvent the requirement for a smartphone entirely.
But that's crazy talk.

I do not understand how Reggie can call this an elegant solution with a straight face.
If Nintendo is smart they'll have the ability to launch the app right from the switch, with audio pass through so if you have your headphones plugged into your phone you wont have to remove them. Also pop-ups like friend request and such can show up on the switch screen so no need to juggle your phone and switch. That's the only way this would work for me. I'll wait and see before I judge.




It has the earphone port. We saw it in the initial reveal trailer. No worries, it's just (part of) the online functionality that's fucked.

The Switch has an earbud jack. I could have sworn I read someone pointing out that the Switch documentation specified that the headphone jack has mic support. I really don't get why there's not an option if that's the case.

Ok thanks. I wouldn't even want to bring it out of the house if I couldn't use earbuds.


It's too late; the Switch has no mic.

I think I may buy a PS4 now. Get BoTW on Wii U and leave Nintendo until they sort things out in their next console. I am a Nintendo loyalist who is saying this!
Which fucking makes no sense since the wiiu has camera and a mic on the gamepad itself.
My mom is even baffled as to why they took that stuff out.


Maybe not predicting this actual thing but one had to assume Nintendo would absolutely go beyond stupid with their online strategy.

The worst was friend codes. Friend codes are a blessing compared to this. I'm trying my hardest, but this strategy plain and simple is not only inconvenient, it does not work.

Maybe we all are misguided by reggie's comments because I cannot fathom this being real. There are too many flaws in this idea that it just cannot be right.

The only way any of this makes any lick of sense is that the phone app is optional and it is a complementary app rather than a requirement.

I'll reserve final judgement until we get more details on this thing, but as of now I will say that this is quite possible the worst decision Nintendo has made in the last decade. Yes worse than the Wii U.
This would be fine as a secondary OPTION. If I'm not mistaken, this is required which is so beyond ludicrous. What the fuck are they thinking? Why? Why can't they have normal online functionality on the system? Is it because it would be too resource heavy and suck up all the battery when you're on the go? If so, then why the fuck are you making a portable console?

These decisions, while may be the best solution for Nintendo's situation in a vacuum, is fucking ridiculous when you're looking at the competition. It's almost like Nintendo doesn't even acknowledge they have two competitors. It's almost like they don't even realize consumers can purchase a PS4 or X1 instead. It's like they've gotten so used to not having any competition with their handhelds that they could make these beyond dumb decisions for their home consoles and no one would bat an eye.

It just keeps getting worse and worse...


You move your 'always online' requirements to the device you have with you that is always on and built specifically for messaging and communications, you decouple your social functions to a platform agnostic device that already has access to a list of your real world contacts and friends and can populate your friends list accordingly, you have a somewhat persistent ID for users so that problematic users can be identified and persistently banned at a more inconvenient level than buying a new console or creating a new username, and you are future proofed against having to recreate all of those social links in future, as you already have a device independent list that would let users of future hardware communicate with users of future IOS or android software.

The practicalities of seamlessly integrating your phone with a seperate device I have no idea how they would handle. Ideally, it would be something as simple as pairing your Switch with your phone by tapping your phones NFC with the Switches, and letting all those features be slaved into the game accordingly. Or even automatically letting you use your phone as a limited wifi hotspot when enabled.

The devils in the details though.
Conceptually its not stupid, especially if it is intended as their basis for all future social features.

This is basically my thoughts. Very "future thinking" of Nintendo to be honest. Obviously they have to actually make a seamless, easy to use and operate app. and yes I imagine its a simple NFC tap and it all syncs up.


Shit, good point. Maybe the phone will just be a second screen in which to interact with the switch? So the phone connects via BT to the Switch, allowing you to leave join mute people etc by using your phone, it's just so you don't have to swap between or minimise 'screens' on the Switch in tabletop mode?

Honestly that's what it sounds like. It's a companion similar to PS4's companion app.


What a joke. They spend all their time trying to cram features and innovations into the JoyCons and can't even be bothered to do things that consoles have been doing for over a decade now.

It's pathetic. They made a portable device with a touch screen and they want us to facilitate it with another device with a touch screen.


I hope the App is great. It just sounds like they are creating problems which might not need to exist and possibly costing their potential customers money unnecessarily.

Online service = $$, Cell Data plan costs for those out and about choosing to play online including data cap and possible overage charges (especially for those with kids who have no regard for cell data plan limits) = $$, paid wi-for hotspot options for those without access to free online when out and about = $$... etc.

I guess it may truly be a home console since I know I have wi-fi there... though, some have data caps there too (which wouldn't matter whether this paired through a Smart Phone or not).

... etc.

Very reasonable response.this may well be the nightmare people imagine. But cant we just wait and see before forming a mob and grabbing torches?

More cell phone reliance is the future. Data rates go down all the time, some even offer unlimited data. Its actually intriguing that Nintendo is trying such a future looking approach. Maybe it wont work, but lets judge that this summer.


Is it because they don't want to have to deal with a 3G/4G sim card to get internet access, so they want people to have a phone app AND use the phone hotspot to get internet access?


I own a smartphone, so I don't mind. Shame for those that don't. Otherwise, I don't see the issue that's caused such a huge uproar.


Unconfirmed Member
Holy cow, I didn't think about that. You think it's not coming to the Windows store eh? Guess no online features for me eh Nintendo?

This is crazy.

They HAVE to release a web portal in addition to the app.

And if they eventually create a web browser for the Switch, you can finally do your matchmaking and chat from the console itself, LOL.
Or - hear me out - you can have all that functionality in the Switch itself and you do not need to take out your phone at all! I just don't get it. This "solution" makes absolutely no sense at all to me. Why can't they just have this built into the system.


The in itself is neat but i don't see why the online features has to be exclusive to the app. not sure what kinda use case they are operating on but there isn't a scenario i can come up with that demands that the online features be app exclusive. i hope this is a decision they think about and hopefully reverse. That said it doesn't completely ruin the console for me it just one of the small annoyances Nintendo does every now and then.
This takes all the portability aspects and slaps it in the face with how clumsy it is

Do I have to strap the phone to my face or have it remain in one spot or keep pulling my phone out whilst im trying to hold the Switch as well?

You can use a headset. Oh wait...


I repeat so people can calm down. The article says the app is planned to launch this summer. There are games releasing this spring confirmed to have online play. Of course switch can do the online functions by itself.

Reggie's speaking about OS-level integration like with Xbox lobbies and such. Software will likely have its own matchmaking and sorting, they kind of have to for local to work for LAN.

So Switch alone still wont have this functionality.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
If Nintendo is smart they'll have the ability to launch the app right from the switch, with audio pass through so if you have your headphones plugged into your phone you wont have to remove them. Also pop-ups like friend request and such can show up on the switch screen so no need to juggle your phone and switch. That's the only way this would work for me. I'll wait and see before I judge.

Impossible on an Android phone, the only way to remote launch apps on Android is via ADT with a very specific dev tooling set-up, which would also require users to enable dev functions on their phone (Which also opens up a whole host of security issues) - That is not happening, 100% guarantee it.


Maybe this was mentioned but how am I supposed to listen to the game's audio when I have to have the headphones plugged into my phone? I only have so many ears Nintendo.

Bluetooth? I suspect the voice will come through the switch console.
Wait, did they confirm no earbud jack? Wtf? This can't be real.

The system has a headphone jack. From Nintendo's official Switch site:

(leaving behind the bulky headphones in Nintendo's own promotional shots...)

(So far) it doesn't look like the system will have online voice or matchmaking functionality. To do that, you need that app, meaning your headphones will need to be hooked to your phone and the system will probably have some way to send game audio to your phone. Probably Bluetooth.

Ugh, just realized this will be draining two mobile batteries instead of just one.

Hmm it has ear jacks but it's not for online use audio but for regular audio use....? I'm confused lol

Currently, this is correct.
Well honestly i can see why people freak out and have concerns, they are about to maybe spent 300+- dollars on a new gaming system. Also while i'm a big fan of Nintendo games the company itself is known to make strange business decisions from time to time.

This isn't strange this is down right ass backwards. Requiring extra hardware just to have basic online features is the opposite of what should be happening in 2017. Then again this is the same company that thought a wired speaker would be a good idea for voice chat.
Voice of reason?
No, voice of speculation.

Reggie himself in the interview outright said the app was "how you’ll voice chat, that’s how you’ll do your matchmaking, and create your lobby". He didn't say it would be an option. He directly stated those things would be tied inherently to the app.

I'll take Reggie's direct words over the speculation that online games in spring means they'll have some built in solution.

What, you think the online functionality in those games will be disabled until summer? That's complete extrapolation.

I see this as Nintendo (and Reggie) being all like "look at this new shiny thing nobody's done before", but I can't make any conclusions about any sort of traditional functionality based just on that.


This really is complete insanity.

If you wanna offload voice chat to smart phones to save a few bucks, I guess there's some logic to that. But requiring a phone app just for matchmaking is so bizarre it boggles the mind. That really can't be how this works, can it?


So you'd chat via speaker phone on your phone? Is that right? Sounds.... not great, but its certainly an interesting solution.


How many little kids are going to have a smart phone? Idiotic.

That's probably why they went with this plan. "Can't have children going online and talking to strangers! Nope! The internet's the scary place where bad men live! Only older people should talk online."


Also I understand that using a blackberry means that I'll have naff all in terms of apps, but I draw the line at (very likely) being unable to use voice chat on the latest hottest console.

That shit's straight dumb.
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