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Reggie: Switch matchmaking and lobbies handled through phone app

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I literally think Reggie misspoke. There's no way to have to take out your phone just to join a multiplayer game

Real talk, the more I think about it the more this has to be the case. There is no way you can limit developers to devising matchmaking solutions only through a phone app. If the Switch can sync to your friends list through the software there's nothing stopping anyone from doing things like Splatoon's custom lobbies which are quick and painless, in which case the app really does sound like a supplement to the online experience.

It's still no less dumb that voice chat is seemingly restricted to the phone of course but that's something I can live with.


So that's basically ignoring their entire kids market. A lot of kids won't have smartphones but would still say want to do a lobby with their friends.

This is an extremely weird decision. Even for adults I don't see how engaging another device is more productive then handling the functionality on the Switch itself.


I feel bad for the future kid who doesn't have a smart phone yet but just wants to play Mario Kart with his/her school buddies.
Impossible on an Android phone, the only way to remote launch apps on Android is via ADT with a very specific dev tooling set-up, which would also require users to enable dev functions on their phone (Which also opens up a whole host of security issues) - That is not happening, 100% guarantee it.
Wait I can launch my google music app from my Garmin smart watch. Does the Garmin app enable dev functions when I enabled it?


The system has a headphone jack. From Nintendo's official Switch site:

(leaving behind the bulky headphones in Nintendo's own promotional shots...)

(So far) it doesn't look like the system will have online voice or matchmaking functionality. To do that, you need that app, meaning your headphones will need to be hooked to your phone and the system will probably have some way to send game audio to your phone. Probably Bluetooth.

Ugh, just realized this will be draining two mobile batteries instead of just one.

Currently, this is correct.

I feel that the bolded is unlikely, as it would introduce potential game audio latency or even distortion, both of which are a nono if they can be avoided. It's likely to be the other way around, where your voice / voices is sent to the switch instead, where small latency is basically irrelevant, and you get direct game audio feed. Either that, or its something completely different, and your app literally acts like a ps4 companion app and sends lobby data etc to the switch so that you don't have to change screens ingame, as a person who replied to me earlier pointed out. It could be more of a convenience solution.


AKA, we don't want to build a dedicated frontend OS for the system or run that service.

They're still creating a GUI and related services with an app, in fact they're building more than one for different OS.

AKA I don't agree with your interpretation.

Now what you could have said is that they want to offload or out source the construction of those apps and APIs and then I could see that.


We're totally going to have to juggle the switch and phone between a portable battery arent we? Carrying all the extra accessories doesnt seem all that elegant compared to just gaming on my phone. Do they think they have no competition?
Guess they really are going for the system you need two devices to use adequately.

Still curious how this will all work once fully fleshed out.


What a joke. " Bulky headset ". Nevermind the headphone jack, Instead of including a damn mic in the switch and using the mic/speakers, you now have to use your phones mic and speakers. Lmfao. Please fire all Nintendo higher ups.


I can't even talk myself into how this could possible be a good idea.

I even convinced myself the wii u was going to do well once upon a time.


I actually think having it as a SEPARATE way to create lobbies and matchmaking for games is a cool idea. Not as the main way to do these things.


Impossible on an Android phone, the only way to remote launch apps on Android is via ADT with a very specific dev tooling set-up, which would also require users to enable dev functions on their phone (Which also opens up a whole host of security issues) - That is not happening, 100% guarantee it.
No, using adt you can install an app remotely, but they can certainly just open an installed app remotely without that.


We're totally going to have to juggle the switch and phone between a portable battery arent we? Carrying all the extra accessories doesnt seem all that elegant compared to just gaming on my phone. Do they think they have no competition?

who else has a portable home console


Infinitely worse online than the Wii U. I am so amazed by Nintendo and how their entire online system is dependent on a companion app. Better upgrade those data plans and batteries for mobile play!


Seems like this will be annoying.

I think* Nintendo is going to buckle under pressure and make it work without the need of a phone by the time this is ready...

*desperately hope
Yea, I'll need all the fucking details here, Nintendo. I might like an app that connects everything together and has some extra stuff, but lobbies and whatnot only through an app seems like a bad idea. I barely game online on consoles but I sure hope there's some kind of matchmaking on the console itself.

Don't be so vague about everything and explain what you're doing to the detail, come the fuck on.


Neo Member
Yea uh, why is all the news we get about the Switch keep getting worse and worse?

In my personal opinion the Switch has many obstacles to over come in order for it to be successful, one in which is Nintendo themselves since they seem to not know what the hell they're doing anymore.


"Our game support for our console is shit, why wouldn't our service support follow suit?"

Watching how the Switch plan comes together is incredibly confusing and very sad to watch Nintendo doom this thing before it's even out.
ok no I still can't believe this...tell me this is a joke right???? Please Reggie.
LOL ... elegant ... LOL

Do you need the phone even if playing in the base mode? Or is this just for the handheld? Either way it sucks.
I know a heap of people who wouldn't even know how to turn on a WiFi hotspot, let alone realise you have to open up another app on ANOTHER DEVICE just to play a 2 player game.


This is at Sega's level of practicality


I mean for mobile gaming the need of other device is stupid considering the size of the Switch.
So I imagine you're losing out on a big part of Switch if you don't have a smartphone or say it's out of battery? It's definitely a weird concept. Maybe they should consider putting this app on Windows too if they're really committed to the strange idea of having matchmaking and chat managed off the console.
I don't know how they thought this was a good idea. I also don't know how anyone could defend this. What the hell Nintendo. This has to be one of the most baffling gameing decisions ever.
Yea uh, why is all the news we get about the Switch keep getting worse and worse?

In my personal opinion the Switch has many obstacles to over come in order for it to be successful, one in which is Nintendo themselves since they seem to not know what the hell they're doing anymore.

Whoever was saying this thing seems half baked was right. It clearly is.


Um........... wtf?

I don't have a smart phone nor do I plan on getting a smart phone anytime soon. I've never even owned a smart phone before.

Surely this stupid idea will not go through.


You will be able. To easily chat. With. A. Phone.
Am I understanding this correctly?

Why not? Its a replacement for a mic. The phone will connect with bluetooth to the swittch so you will hear poeple talk fine. Pretty similar to a bluetooth car kit I suspect.


I don't think Nintendo fans use online multiplayer. Honestly, I consider myself one and really only played Smash and Mario Kart online for a few hours at most. I generally prefer local couch co-op or playing bots/computers.

Nintendo fans are irrelevant.
They didn't save the Wii U they won't save the switch.


As the dinosaur gazes into the asteroid, it utters, "wow, I've never seen that before...super innovative!"


I didn't know that Skype and Discord can now control consoles matchmaking functions =P

The app isn't only for chat, is for everything online....

What? That's crazy.

Hey kids - can't afford a Nintendo Online Switch App enabled smartphone? Tell your parents to get another job.


Sorry guys but im gonna say something positive here.

Having a fully dedicated app is great. Im sure most of you have your phone by your side anyway.

Some advantages:
- chat will be easy
- voice chat will be easy for outdoors, no need for headset but will probably connect with bluetooth and will also be available directly trough the switch interface
- invites through push notifications when console is off
- social media integration
- less system resources used for Online gaming.
- countless other possibilities of having your phone connected to switch trough bluetooth like seeing whatsapp messages and stuff durimg play.

I want to hear the full details before i will judge. In app eshop would be nice as well.

- Unecessary use of battery, annoying if you need to recharge, you'll need to position yourself near an outlet. Extremely poor if your mobile where battery is precious
- Phone is occupied and therefore will need to wrestle with other functions phone is needed for
- Push notice works on Xbox app, its nothing special apart from being aware who's online
- Sorry, less resources for online gaming ? That's not true it'll be the same minus a few extra UI screens and perhaps no persistent voice chat, which in it self is trivial amount of resource.
- Using 2 devices, meaning 2 sets of passwords need to be entered in new hotspot zones and homes, phone will always required to be next to you, keep having to pull it out of your pocket or leave exposed to avoid inconvenience

It's just introducing additional steps for something that can and has been done really well. They are making things harder. They tried to get away the Wii U and it's pointless screen, addng extra steps to play games, it didn't work, we all saw it, this here by Nintendo is unbelievably backwards that there isn't a single compelling reason for it to exist in this form


The Nintendo Difference.

I do see a nice side to having all the online stuff on your phone:

It keeps all of that UI on a separate screen, ready to access mid game and keeps all the communicating you do on your phone, which you carry around for ... communication! Makes sense to me why they went for this. Access to your friends and what they are playing anywhere anytime.

If you for example, use the app while on your way home from work/school you can start prepping a party and inviting friends into a game before you get home and start playing? You hit send/accept invite and join game from that app, and the Switch wakes up from sleep, boots the game up and connects you right into the game with your friends the moment you're about to walk into home ... that sounds pretty damn nice.

Or even when you are at home already and your cooking dinner in the kitchen you usually take your phone with you right? You can let you friends know that you can't join right now but you will after dinner, instead of letting them wait and give up by the time you get back to the Switch to check on messages and invites.

But yeah, it sounds good to me. Even if it is all still on your phone when you're playing on the Switch, you keep your phone on the side and you don't have to mess around with menus mid-game to handle online stuff.

If Nintendo has created a uniform matchmaking and controls for muting players, managing voice chat settings etc. for all games on the Switch, and developers don't have to do the UI work for that stuff then that is also pretty nice. Consistency is good, and less work for developers too. Less OS RAM usage too if they move all that stuff on the phone.

I do see them eventually adding in the functionality for simple things you can do on the Switch like join a random match online and joining friend's games, but all the communicating and friend management side of things will probably stay on the phone app to begin with until the backlash, which there looks like there might be hah.

I'm willing to give this a try Nintendo and if it works well enough for me well, no complaints!

I see it as one of those knee-jerk negative reactions 'cause Nintendo' like the big part of the presentation being on the Joy-con motion controls, and a lot of people and journalists and youtubers dismissing ARMS and 1 2 Switch because of it.

But peoples impressions of ARMS use of motion control that actually got to try it suggest it's way more responsive and accurate then Wii's, which is why Wii had a lot of waggle as its motion controls were crap even with motion plus.

That's my ramble anyway.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Wait I can launch my google music app from my Garmin smart watch. Does the Garmin app enable dev functions when I enabled it?

No, Android Wear / Android interaction is different entirely, that's kinda entirely the point of Android Wear, to control & interact with your paired Android phone with it. (And it doesn't "launch Google Music" as such - It sends a message called an "Intent" that says "play this music please" and your choice of app is loaded, which by default, will be Google Play Music for most), that kind of functionailty is denied to other, non Android Wear devices.


You really think there's going to be others out there to talk to?

My close 2 friends at least are getting it. Last gen when we played Dark Souls we had to use our phones through Skype. Problem was the phones battery drained within 2 hours and ran hot as hades.

It sucked but it was the only way all three of us could chat as we played.

Red Devil

I don't have a smart phone nor care to get one. I don't need to check my facebook all day when i am out of the house. I do play games on the go and play online all the time.

I have a smartphone and I don't use facebook or social media at all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

(Unless WhatsApp and SMS count)
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