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Reggie: Switch matchmaking and lobbies handled through phone app

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I repeat so people can calm down. The article says the app is planned to launch this summer. There are games releasing this spring confirmed to have online play. Of course switch can do the online functions by itself.

Reggie own words state otherwise. It's right there in the damn article. If we could do the features he mentioned via the switch for the games coming out he would have stated it there and then. There would be no reason, really, not to. His job is to create positive pr.

Online play isn't the same as online matchmaking, lobby set up or voice chat. Three areas they haven't clarified at all if the switch, inherently, can do out of the box without the need for the app.


- voice chat will be easy for outdoors, no need for headset but will probably connect with bluetooth and will also be available directly trough the switch interface
You will be able. To easily chat. With. A. Phone.
Am I understanding this correctly?
Even if there is some type of matchmaking capabilities on the system itself, their messaging is all kinds of fucked up. They haven't learned a thing from Wii U, still confusing everyone as to what the heck we actually have to do to play these games online. They're talking way too much about the app to make me think that there will be some type of lobby invite system on the system itself. I mean why are they talking about this headphone shit? If the Switch allows voicechat and matchmaking and lobbies and it isn't just through an app wouldn't I plug in my headphones into the Switch instead of the phone? I'm all types of confused right now.


News just in it only is for Apple phones.... Shit would surprise me at this point.

There's a problem with this though, what happens when the app is outdated due to operating system change on phone?
Will they stay on top of updating it or locking it out to newer ones?
I'm seeing a few posts trying to make sense of how this could work but I still have no idea how this can seamlessly work for a multiplayer game unless Reggie misspoke and games have inherent matchmaking and lobbies
I still can't believe Reggie used "bulky headset" as an excuse. I mean, ... the very first game I did voice chat was Warhawk on PS3 and it came with this


Not everybody is gaming like those esport "athletes".
The insanely inelegant decision to make a smartphone app mandatory for all matchmaking + the likelihood VC will probably continue to be poorly handled = no way am I paying for the online service nor investing heavily in the online eShop ecosystem this time. And "bulky" headsets? I bought a PS4 Slim in October and it came with a free earbud sized chat microphone.

lol What is this from?


The system has a headphone jack. From Nintendo's official Switch site:

(leaving behind the bulky headphones in Nintendo's own promotional shots...)

(So far) it doesn't look like the system will have online voice or matchmaking functionality. To do that, you need that app, meaning your headphones will need to be hooked to your phone and the system will probably have some way to send game audio to your phone. Probably Bluetooth.

Ugh, just realized this will be draining two mobile batteries instead of just one.

Currently, this is correct.
Thanks for the clarification, although their reasons still makes no sense. :p will wait for further info I guess
Reggie own words state otherwise. It's right there in the damn article. If we could do the features he mentioned via the switch for the games coming out he would have stated it there and then. There would be no reason, really, not to. His job is to create positive pr.

Online play isn't the same as online matchmaking, lobby set up or voice chat. Three areas they haven't clarified at all if the switch, inherently, can do out of the box without the need for the app.

Matchmaking is required for online play. Unless you want to play with yourself


Has anyone pointed out to Reggie that Bluetooth is a widely accepted standard, and that bluetooth headsets are quite small?

"Big bulky headset" isn't a legitimate excuse.


Then what?

Access trophies/achievements like system through phone as well?

I hope the app really does the wonder
The worst was friend codes. Friend codes are a blessing compared to this. I'm trying my hardest, but this strategy plain and simple is not only inconvenient, it does not work.

Maybe we all are misguided by reggie's comments because I cannot fathom this being real. There are too many flaws in this idea that it just cannot be right.

The only way any of this makes any lick of sense is that the phone app is optional and it is a complementary app rather than a requirement.

I'll reserve final judgement until we get more details on this thing, but as of now I will say that this is quite possible the worst decision Nintendo has made in the last decade. Yes worse than the Wii U.

I can see the appeal of a companion app to do this stuff but if this plays out like it sounds Has to be one of their worst decisions ever.


I love how he constantly brings up "bulky gamer headset" ignoring you can use the same damn thing he wants you to use with the Switch on the other consoles if you want.


lol There's the confirmation people in the last thread were waiting for. No one can spin this into a positive. This is just ridiculous. Not just the app, but this part:

We also think it’s a very elegant solution because if you’ve taken your switch on the go, you’ve put yourself in a hotspot, you’re looking at get a quick match of Mario Kart in, to whip out some sort of bulky, gamer headset is a bit of a challenge.

1. "Bulky, gamer headsets" are way more uncommon than the earphones with microphones that come bundled with every damn iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. Incidentally, would I not need a headset to chat with this app with my phone anyway? Or do they expect me to leave it on speakerphone while I play?

2. "You've put yourself in a hotspot". And do you know why I need a hotspot? Because the Switch has no data connection other than Wi-Fi despite the portable factor being one of its big selling points. So when I want to "get a quick match of Mario Kart in" on the go, I have to either be at a McDonald's or use the mobile hotspot on my phone.

Very elegant solution, Nintendo.

This is just Nintendo's twisted way of keeping online predators away from the kids.

"The average age for a child getting their first smartphone is now 10.3 years".


How am I supposed to hear the game sounds and hear the voice chat at the same time if I'm using a headset? Did they release any information regarding that? Does the app also reproduce the game sounds?
I'm going to tell myself this is being misconstrued only because I can't actually imagine a company making such a backwards and ill conceived decision.

If this turns out being a reality and there's no matchmaking on the console itself, the Switch will be completely dead to me.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
Use Discord/Skype/dumb phone?

I didn't know that Skype and Discord can now control consoles matchmaking functions =P

The app isn't only for chat, is for everything online....


I really hope it is in addition to in game matchmaking and lobbies.

Being exclusively through a phone is idiotic.

but if a game has matchmaking and lobbies...then what even is the point of this stuff in the app, even as an option? I can think of zero use cases.

So if you don't have a smart phone then you won't be able to do any matchmaking or chat? What the hell were they smoking when designing this 'elegant' solution? lol
What in the hell are they thinking.

In the switch success bet thread I genuinely thought they had a chance to turn their fortunes around. With every piece of news I see I feel less confident.

Nintendo had a genuine chance with this thing and they've made a complete balls of it at every turn.

Matchmaking and voice chat on a phone app? Yeah okay Nintendo, good luck with that.


Impossible on an Android phone, the only way to remote launch apps on Android is via ADT with a very specific dev tooling set-up, which would also require users to enable dev functions on their phone (Which also opens up a whole host of security issues) - That is not happening, 100% guarantee it.

I would imagine it is the other way round - the Switch is slaved to the phone, not the 'master' controlling the phone. That way round you can do things like treat the Switch as basically fancy bluetooth headphones and route all voice to it so you only need earbuds connected to your Switch.

I am entirely speculating though.
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