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Reggie: Switch matchmaking and lobbies handled through phone app

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There's good news though, they're giving you a map screen for Zelda on your smartphone. Only on the Switch version. Wii U gets nothing.



Saint Titanfall
People wanted Nintendo to go Mobile this is a smart way to get mobile users to interact with Nintendo Hardware IMO

everyone thinking this is bad idea are not thinking of the possible ways this can tie in to Nintendo's mobile titles in the future. Hopefully Nintendo is thinking things through
Wait if your using it has a home consoles. Why do you need the phone then.
Does he not know that people use small headphones with mics virtually every day in the year of our lord twenty seventeen.

And not to mention fucking matchmaking doesn't require any sort of voice connection. You should be able to party up with your friends and play games without a headset.

(Let alone a fucking app.)


I'm a Nintendo fan without a smartphone, I'm fucked.... LOL.

Seriously, they'll at least have a web portal, right? RIGHT!?

Ditto. I can't fricking get a mobile signal in my home anyway (I had walk outside to get one)..and I work from home so really have no reason for one when I've got my PC and a landline.

I'm now assuming there's no point in me buying Mario Kart or Splatoon ..or any game I'd usually play online.. on the Switch.

That price cut is going to have to be a big one.


Gold Member
It's probably only a matter of time before they announce that you will have to buy blocks of time through the app in order to connect as well.


Gold Member
I get the feeling the Switch's UI is extremely barebones in order to maximize resources for games, thus... here we are

This is how I see it. I mean, if this frees up more power and memory for better looking and playing games, I'm for it. Even the PS4 stalls sometimes when sending simple text messages.
Nintendo has gone from not acknowledging cellphones existence to assuming everybody carrying one all the time. I bet 2010 Iwata didn't see this day coming.
What in the fuck are they doing??

What happens when (WHEN) my phone has low battery and maybe 4-5% of power left and I'd rather save its remaining power in case of a fucking emergency? Or to call a taxi? Or to I don't know, to get a ride home if I get stuck somewhere?

What happens when the phone I paid for can't even do some of the functions it has, power saving modes, since I now need to use it near constantly for voice chat, bloody matchmaking(!) and lobby set up(!!). Which will take its toll on the battery.

Why is matchmaking and lobbies set up done via phone anyway? What type of backwards ass system is this?


At least to me, the way he worded the whole thing feels more like the phone app will be the way you'll be able to get a friend room, lobbies, and such going. Not that the app will be the one handling the matchmaking, dealing with servers, hosts, connections, etc.

Imagine if people run out of battery on their phones and have no immediate way to charge it.
It'd render the whole online component of Switch useless if it were the way people think this will be handled.


This is just terrible messaging right? I'm assuming it's just a companion app which is fine. I just can't understand how you mess up the message so bad it almost makes me think they've gone over the edge.


I want to see Reggie sell me this in the format of an infomercial. I'd love to see him flailing around with the challenge of a bulky gamer headset, probably knock over some popcorn and spill a can of coke, then switch to his phone and app combo and life's fucking golden again.


It's unorthodox but I don't really see it as that big of a deal. I already use the apps to message and make most of my purchases on PS4 and XB1. Also nice that my existing bluetooth headset is guaranteed to work, unlike the other 2 consoles.

You mean, like most kids?

They're fucked, I guess.

This is probably the point of requiring the app, tbh.

No joke, the really need to have a Direct dedicated to how this fucking app is gonna work with the Switch.

Just a clear-cut video showing all the ins and outs.

This is essential, they need to clear up the messaging.


The only way I can see this working is if the app is basically just a glorified "friend list" that allows you to set up party chats. I have no idea how this is going to actually sync into the games you play. It's probably likely you'll still be forced to set up lobbies and all that entails through the actual game interface like normal. On those terms it'd be simple enough, if still stupid that they don't provide the option, but anything else and it turns needlessly obtuse.
Does the iPhone even allow apps to keep their mic 'live' when its in locked mode/screen off. Dont want my battery drained after 1 hour of online voice chat. Thought only the phone app does that
At least to me, the way he worded the whole thing feels more like the phone app will be the way you'll be able to get a friend room, lobbies, and such going. Not that the app will be the one handling the matchmaking, dealing with servers, hosts, connections, etc.

Imagine if people run out of battery on their phones and have no immediate way to charge it.
It'd render the whole online component of Switch useless if it were the way people think this will be handled.

Well, you already wouldn't be able to chat online so....
There's no way in hell Nintendo can be that stupid to not think people's phones can die and problems can occur through the phone. There has to be more and it NEEDS TO BE DETAILED NOW.



lmao, always on point


People wanted Nintendo to go Mobile this is a smart way to get mobile users to interact with Nintendo Hardware IMO

everyone thinking this is bad idea are not thinking of the possible ways this can tie in to Nintendo's mobile titles in the future. Hopefully Nintendo is thinking things through

lol what the hell?

The entire point of Nintendo's mobile outreach is to get those mobile consumers to become home console buyers.

Forcing Switch users to mobile to voice chat has nothing to do with that proposition. Those consumers have already bought in.
Maybe I'm just playing devils advocate here but honestly who doesn't have their phone with them 24/7 in 2017? I don't leave home without it and I always have it next to me when I am home.

It's silly that so far we don't have information on it being integrated into the hardware but we haven't seen the OS actually function yet. People should just chill until more info is out there.

Honestly I'm imagining it being a more robust version of the PS App. You can chat and see who's online from it and shop (kinda). This will just also allow you to voice chat and join other people's games.


The only way I can see this working is if the app is basically just a glorified "friend list" that allows you to set up party chats. I have no idea how this is going to actually sync into the games you play. It's probably likely you'll still be forced to set up lobbies and all that entails through the actual game interface like normal. On those terms it'd be simple enough, if still stupid that they don't provide the option, but anything else and it turns needlessly obtuse.

That's what's been said no? It's just for the chat and group lobbies - there will be in game matchmaking.


So the app is on a phone because they dont want you using a bulky headset. But won't I be connecting headphones to my phone anyway to voice chat?????? What's the difference between that and just plugging into the Switch???? Reggie, this is the worst spin.


I like the idea of the Switch, I'm dying for Zelda and Mario. But what the FUCK are they doing with their online?! I didn't have high hopes for their online services given what I've seen from them in the past, but yikes.


It's unorthodox but I don't really see it as that big of a deal. I already use the apps to message and make most of my purchases on PS4 and XB1.

This is probably the point of requiring the app, tbh.

This is essential, they need to clear up the messaging.

The big deal is that you are not thinking about your phone when you are playing. Or at the very least, you shouldn't be.
Because if you're playing this on the go, you probably don't want to have to pack a specialized headset, whereas you almost certainly have your phone and perhaps a pair of expensive earbuds.

That's the thinking, anyway.

That thinking is bullshit.

I can plug the iphone earbuds I carry with me at all times into my Vita or my PS4 controller at anytime and have full voice chat capabilities. The same thing I'd do with my phone except, you know, without the fucking phone.


This is like if they released the 3DS but the top half and bottom half are separated and you still need both screens to play
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