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Reggie: Switch matchmaking and lobbies handled through phone app

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It still sucks though. Why should we have to juggle with our phone's battery life to play some games online?
I completely agree. I'm just saying that you'll still be able to hear the in game audio and chat through the phone. You won't hear a word from me defending this assinine proposition.


I think Nintendo is really overshooting on how "social" this will be in public. There won't be people playing this on street corners. And any online match-making/voice chat is likely to be at home, not out in public, again making the need of a phone app redundant rather than going the traditional route.

I think they're just going all-in on this app/subscription/mobile strategy. They want a massive mobile userbase to market to.
It clarifies what the app is being used for, and when it will be released, which people in this thread are still currently expressing confusion about (no matchmaking without the app? the app releases when?). The point isn't to present new information, but to present the information that was muddled by this interview.

At this point, it won't help sadly. That train left the station. Nintendo screwed up on the messaging and people aren't interested in getting to the bottom of it by using that link.

Nintendo needs to get someone (not fucking Reggie) to clarify what can and can't be done on the switch without the app.

Nope. Well, it did, but only in lobbies.

Ahh. Thanks for the info!
I don't see the problem guys.

Why two cables.... ?
For me the important question is how will the in-game sound and the voice chat sound be integrated and mixed.

I really cannot imagine Nintendo expects voice chat sound and in-game sound to be separated and force us to have either game sound or voice chat through speakers. There's no way that's going to work.

So, either the phone streams the voice chat sound to the switch and it gets mixed together with the in-game sound or the switch streams the in-game sound to the phone and you hear it mixed with the voice chat through your headphones connected to the phone.

Those are the only 2 possibilities right?


No, it'll come from the Switch.

Is your problem with the fact you're plugging your earphones into a phone, or that fact that you might want to chat to mates, play online, hear the game audio all while outside?

Most online gaming will be done at your home. Your game volume will be coming from your TV and you chat will be, via your phone, to your earpiece. Just like the PS4.

You're picking holes in something that is barely any different that what you do now.

I am not sure you get what he is saying.

I for example, play mostly at odd hours in hte morning and at night. when i do play games i need to use headphones. Its not only a preference, but a necessity at that point. PS4 and XB1S let me stream ALL audio through the headset. I can even chat and stream audio through the same controller. So if i have the options. Now take the wiiU. Not all games stream the audio through the tablet. Which is infuriating. Games like Tokyo Mirage or Wind Waker will only do certain audio prompts on the tablet. The rest needs to come through the tv. So.... the proposition of the wiiU being an off tv device falls apart really fast, but it also sucks that i have no choice but to use the tv in some way to get the audio, but not through the headphone jack that is included in the wiiu.

Now lets go to the Switch. It will be the same. I need to be able to stream ALL audio through the Switch, which i am sure that will do since its also a portable. But what if i would like to play online with my brothers or just a random match? i have to take out my tablet, matchmake, and then listen to ALL audio through the tablet? will the tablet stream all the audio from the Switch as well? How can i listen to the audio from the device, and from the phone/tablet at the same time?

I don't think its an elegant solution if one earbud needs to go to the switch, and the other earbud is going to the phone. I also don't see the practicality of separating a functionality that should be included already in the hardware. So how is he not being clear about his issue with this?

Its one thing to defend the Switch when it really needs it. But so far, this is some big bullshit of "innovation" to something that didn't need to be innovated.


I just had a reply from PDP who are selling these Nintendo Switch Premium Zelda Chat Earbuds -


I asked them originally if these chat earbuds connected directly to the Switch and enabled me to chat with friends. They replied with:

Christophe Canales (PDP)

19 Jan, 16:30 CET

Dear Sam,

Unfortunately we are not abilited to give technical details on upcoming products.

Best regards,

PDP Customer Support

Thanks for nothing, Christophe.


Yes, and that's almost certainly not what Reggie was referring to. See the link above.

I'm reading it but there's nothing that says how the matchmaking system in particular will be handled. The link specifically states the app will handle lobby stuff which is sort of what a matchmaking system does in that it puts random people into a single temporary lobby.
No, it'll come from the Switch.

Is your problem with the fact you're plugging your earphones into a phone, or that fact that you might want to chat to mates, play online, hear the game audio all while outside?

Most online gaming will be done at your home. Your game volume will be coming from your TV and you chat will be, via your phone, to your earpiece. Just like the PS4.

You're picking holes in something that is barely any different that what you do now.

Is different in the fact I don't need the extra hardware on PS4.


I really don't get the point on gamer's headset.

If I have one, I'm kinda screwed because I can't plug it in both the console & my phone.
If I don't, what am I supposed to do ? Hold the phone with one hand, play with the other ? Put my phone on the side in speaker mode to hear my friends (oh the sound quality) ?
Because if I have earbuds with an attached mic (like most phones comes with, and the PS4 as well by the way), I could well use it on the phone for better quality but it's the same problem as the headset, I'd much rather have it plugged it on the console.

They need to do an explanatory video or something, I'm confused.


This is legit bizzare and I have no words for this.

Also do not try to argue with die hard Nintendo fans, they will only deflect and move goalposts because Nintendo can do no bad in their eyes.
Yes, one of us is certainly unable to follow the conversation and is instead determined to make this a console warrior argument, I think you're confused on which is which.

And no, you don't actually know. You are making an educated guess. There's a big difference. Especially when Im literally asking about something specific and whether or not it has been confirmed or not. lol

Nobody's making a console warrior argument.

You're just playing semantics and trying to parse statements to the point of absurdity because you really just want to believe that these things will be offered through the console.

No one's stopping you from believing what you want in the face of actual words from multiple Nintendo representatives. I believe that the Nintendo Switch will bake me a delicious cake, Peach-style, once a month. No Nintendo rep has explicitly said that it won't do that, after all!

I just believe.


Why not just include it in the console itself?
I just don't get it.

Press the home button, go to friends, invite/join them and play together. Voice chat over console.

Now you also have to put away your controller/in this case the whole console and grab your phone to do all that.
Plus the other issues like voice chat and game sound over headphones, etc.
I'm reading it but there's nothing that says how the matchmaking system in particular will be handled. The link specifically states the app will handle lobby stuff which is sort of what a matchmaking system does in that it puts random people into a single temporary lobby.

I don't think they'd be dumb enough to limit standard matchmaking (playing online in say Mario Kart or Splatoon) to the phone app, but with Nintendo you really never fucking know.


I wonder why we haven't heard any more about this.

Nintendo must know that people are confused and potentially very pissed. The smart thing to do is to immediately clarify how this app works and if it's mandatory.

I think that maybe they're changing some things as we speak. I bet they're currently scrambling to build a proper online service so that next week they can be like "of course you can do matchmaking and voice through the console, the phone is just an option! That's what we always intended."


Someone over on Reddit linked to Roku's new device or whatever, and it includes an app that has the feature of listening to the show through your phone while watching it on tv.

If this is true, I do see the game volume coming from your phone.


Does anyone else think Nintendo is doing this just to get extra app store money? I don't see why these services are being taken out of the console, when consoles have been doing them successfully since the beginning of online gaming.
According to people who made 3rd party games for Wii U the people at Nintendo who made the Wii U network had never used Xbox Live or PSN so it's not that hard to believe Nintendo could come up with something as stupid as having to use an app for voice chat and matchmaking.

Lol This can't be real.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ, if this is true its like Ninty's network engineers are the tech equivalent of a lost Amazon tribe being filmed from a helicopter for the first time.

Straight up bizarre.
Nope! The "free trial" of the online service begins in March, but the app won't be out until Summer. This can mean one of two things:

- There is a way to handle chat via just the Switch itself and Reggie is doing a bad job at explaining things

- Prior to the summer, any online games won't have voice chat at all.

It could honestly see it happening either way...

Nintendo needs to let us know how things will work at launch as soon as possible. I doubt we'll see the app in March or April,.

That's not confirmed to be the case. But as stated above, Nintendo really needs to clarify this as soon as possible.
I don't get the confusion, it seems pretty clear as the official Nintendo website says

Online lobby and voice chat

Our new dedicated smart device app will connect to Nintendo Switch and let you invite friends to play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games─all from your smart device.

A free, limited version of this app will be available for download in summer 2017.

The app that enables chat is releasing in summer. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is releasing in April. That means you can't use voice chat.

I don't get why so many people can't accept that Nintendo is just batshit insane as always.

I'd love for this to be wrong and that we can voice chat through the system but nothing we've heard so far indicates that AT ALL
I just had a reply from PDP who are selling these Nintendo Switch Premium Zelda Chat Earbuds -


I asked them originally if these chat earbuds connected directly to the Switch and enabled me to chat with friends. They replied with:

Christophe Canales (PDP)

19 Jan, 16:30 CET

Dear Sam,

Unfortunately we are not abilited to give technical details on upcoming products.

Best regards,

PDP Customer Support

Thanks for nothing, Christophe.

Classic Christophe


Neo Member
I think it's crazy how they think millions of us are going to just be hanging around in public playing switch games. Let alone using voice chat. They can't be serous.
And the big N is always safety first. Lol

I can see it now on the news. 10 yr old gets his switch and iPhone stolen because he was in public all mic'ed up playing some splattoon 2 online not paying attention to his surroundings. Jesus.
Why two cables.... ?

Ohmygod! Again?

How tick are you guys?

You need a cable to connect your headset to your phone to talk with your friends online and you need a cable to connect your headphones on the Switch to hear the game audio in a noisy enviroment or to not disturb others using the built-in speakers!
That purposeful exaggeration of something that is really not that complicated makes for an accurate portrait of how most are trying to paint it.

It's really not that complicated. I already play PS4 online with the PS messages app on hand, because it's awesome and does a better job than the native console tools for chatting and whatnot.

Ps messages is NOT voice chat . it's certainly NOT matchmaking.

having a second option to view messages is different than having an unique solution that doesn't take into account that those features should be on the console.

You can see those messages on the console AND the app on PS4.
Can you do that stuff on the switch ?


Nobody's making a console warrior argument.

You're just playing semantics and trying to parse statements to the point of absurdity because you really just want to believe that these things will be offered through the console.

No one's stopping you from believing what you want in the face of actual words from multiple Nintendo representatives. I believe that the Nintendo Switch will bake me a delicious cake, Peach-style, once a month. No Nintendo rep has explicitly said that it won't do that, after all!

I just believe.

Youre doing the same thing he did. You are pegging me as a fanboy in denial, desperately clinging onto something. I asked a question in theorizing about a potential explanation. Because i also think nintendos idea is bad. Stop caricaturizing people based on what you percieve to be their console preferences maybe? Im literally asking about semantics


I just had a reply from PDP who are selling these Nintendo Switch Premium Zelda Chat Earbuds -


I asked them originally if these chat earbuds connected directly to the Switch and enabled me to chat with friends. They replied with:

Christophe Canales (PDP)

19 Jan, 16:30 CET

Dear Sam,

Unfortunately we are not abilited to give technical details on upcoming products.

Best regards,

PDP Customer Support

Thanks for nothing, Christophe.

PDP: Shoddy products and shoddy English.

Hari Seldon

So if my 9-year-old wants a Switch, he's now going to be asking fro a smart phone to go with it? Fat chance there.

Actually this is great. Sorry son I'm not buying you a smart phone, so I guess I don't have to pay the online fee either. Nintendo is just doing their part to prevent kids from getting on voice chat.

t hicks

I don't really use voice chat at all so this doesn't affect me much...
....But that doesn't change the fact that it's really dumb they are forcing this through a phone...
and they want me to pay to use the app?? Wow
I'm still keeping my switch preorder for Zelda but this is so dumb...


At what point do Nintendo fans throw in the towel and say "yes this is a pretty dumb idea"? Is there a legal requirement to defend them at all costs otherwise your Switch pre-order is cancelled? Mine seems okay so far.


Lol This can't be real.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ, if this is true its like Ninty's network engineers are the tech equivalent of a lost Amazon tribe being filmed from a helicopter for the first time.

Straight up bizarre.

This has happened before with a Japanese company and online stuff, at Square-Enix. They sunk millions in FF14, their new MmO, and deliberately didn't look at *any* of the competition. No-one even loaded up world of Warcraft to see how mmos had changed.

Bits of Japan really, really don't understand how online stuff works in the rest of the world, and they seem intent on not learning any lessons until the roof falls in on them.


For you.
Because you still need the smartphone to play online on the Go...

That's still no reason to put the voice chat on the smartphone! With the Vita I could put my phone doing a hotspot, put it on my pocket and play online with chat just fine with my regular headphones! How are you going to this with the Switch? Strap the phone to your head?
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