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Reggie: Switch matchmaking and lobbies handled through phone app

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Ohmygod! Again?

How tick are you guys?

You need a cable to connect your headset to your phone to talk with your friends online and you need a cable to connect your headphones on the Switch to hear the game audio in a noisy enviroment or to not disturb others using the built-in speakers!
All the Audio could go through the Switch.... And i bet this is going to happen...


I completely agree. I'm just saying that you'll still be able to hear the in game audio and chat through the phone. You won't hear a word from me defending this assinine proposition.
How though, has this been achieved before, using two separate devices from two different companies, with no latency, through an app?
How in the fuck is me having to plug my headphones+earphones while i have to put my smartphone in a area where it can decently capture my voice while playing the switch with my two hands "barely any different"? Holy shit.
You're also the one that fucking started with the bus situation to begin with if you somehow forgot that. Stop moving those goalposts.

Calm down.

Secondly, 'put your smartphone in an area where it can decently capture your voice?' Do you think you'll actually have to talk to your phone the same way you take a phone call? lol

You're saying I'm moving goalposts when at the same time putting in stupid case scenarios.
No, it'll come from the Switch.

Is your problem with the fact you're plugging your earphones into a phone, or that fact that you might want to chat to mates, play online, hear the game audio all while outside?

Most online gaming will be done at your home. Your game volume will be coming from your TV and you chat will be, via your phone, to your earpiece. Just like the PS4.

You're picking holes in something that is barely any different that what you do now.

Like I've said, I absolutely love that "where we'll play the Switch the most" just changes continually based on what the argument is and how it suits you fanboys.


Calm down.

Secondly, 'put your smartphone in an area where it can decently capture your voice?' Do you think you'll actually have to talk to your phone the same way you take a phone call? lol

You're saying I'm moving goalposts when at the same time putting in stupid case scenarios.

So you are forcing the person on the other end to hear all your ambient noise + game audio? lol
Youre doing the same thing he did. You are pegging me as a fanboy in denial, desperately clinging onto something. I asked a question in theorizing about a potential explanation. Because i also think nintendos idea is bad. Stop caricaturizing people based on what you percieve to be their console preferences maybe? Im literally asking about semantics

Did the word "fanboy" show up in my response? I don't think it did.

Maybe you just like to see whatever message it is that you wish to see in the things that you read. That explains quite a lot about your posts here.


For you.
Calm down.

Secondly, 'put your smartphone in an area where it can decently capture your voice?' Do you think you'll actually have to talk to your phone the same way you take a phone call? lol

You're saying I'm moving goalposts when at the same time putting in stupid case scenarios.

You think this app will make the voice capture in your phone magically better?

I'd love some of the kool aid you're drinking right now.


At what point do Nintendo fans throw in the towel and say "yes this is a pretty dumb idea"? Is there a legal requirement to defend them at all costs otherwise your Switch pre-order is cancelled? Mine seems okay so far.

I do think this is a stupid idea and that it should have been integrated at the OS level.

I'm just trying to make sense of the idea that you won't be able to play online with friends without the app, because based on what we know that doesn't make any sense to me. Any game could integrate a simple "invite/join friend" option at it's most basic level. Even the Wii U did this.


I usually only like these kinds of things when they simplify tedium, like the WoW Legion app allowing me to do order hall shit from anywhere
It's like someone thought got of this 10 years ago and is just now hopping on the app train...

Nintendo exec "pssst you guys hear of these things called apps, we can make money with them!"
It's because the president changed and there was a huge shift. Don't act like that had nothing to do with it.


Lol I guess the good news about all of this is that they're probably getting word that this is catching a lot of flak early, so they have plenty of time to change it before the Fall.


I'm reading it but there's nothing that says how the matchmaking system in particular will be handled. The link specifically states the app will handle lobby stuff which is sort of what a matchmaking system does in that it puts random people into a single temporary lobby.

There's no reason for it to explain matchmaking when it will be handled at the software level. The lobby is something like party/friend lobbies, which is in line with app's stated purpose of connecting you with friends to play online.


This has happened before with a Japanese company and online stuff, at Square-Enix. They sunk millions in FF14, their new MmO, and deliberately didn't look at *any* of the competition. No-one even loaded up world of Warcraft to see how mmos had changed.

Bits of Japan really, really don't understand how online stuff works in the rest of the world, and they seem intent on not learning any lessons until the roof falls in on them.

They don't want to know, because they think their way is the best approach... despite knowing nothing about the successful approaches already out there. It's the same way Nintendo acts like they make the best games in the industry (they don't, and haven't for a long time if ever). It's monumental arrogance.


This is some classic Nintendo nonsense.

I won't be getting this console until it's proven that it's not the Wii U 2. I can't deal with the ignorance of the market anymore.


At what point do Nintendo fans throw in the towel and say "yes this is a pretty dumb idea"? Is there a legal requirement to defend them at all costs otherwise your Switch pre-order is cancelled? Mine seems okay so far.

There are two kinds of defenders here. One kind (which includes me) is basically saying there's no way this is as dumb as it sounds, the app can't possibly be mandatory.

The other kind is saying that if the app is mandatory that's somehow still an acceptable or even good thing. The people saying that are straight up insane.



Like I've said, I absolutely love that "where we'll play the Switch the most" just changes continually based on what the argument is and how it suits you fanboys.

Switch will change from handheld to console to hybrid whenever it suits the argument. You are going to see this all the time in sales threads, graphics threads, etc.


Did the word "fanboy" show up in my response? I don't think it did.

Maybe you just like to see whatever message it is that you wish to see in the things that you read. That explains quite a lot about your posts here.

So what are you saying ? Why would i be playing dumb and exploiting semantics? What do I have to gain by being in denial? What are you saying exactly? You tell me, please.

And keep going dude, attacking my psychology definitely bodes well. Seems like you're the one whos emotionally invested in this. You dont have to say the word fanboy to imply that im being a fanboy


I really just don't see the point in this "solution", I just don't, I mean why on earth should I have to use my phone for this, why?.
Weird how this promo pic clearly shows "bulky headphones" with a mic...


It has a mic too. That proves you'll be talking with your friends through the Switch just like I said. It could be pick your phone or switch to talk through, but Switch is what I would hope for atleast with this app being on a smart device.
At what point do Nintendo fans throw in the towel and say "yes this is a pretty dumb idea"? Is there a legal requirement to defend them at all costs otherwise your Switch pre-order is cancelled? Mine seems okay so far.

Oh stop. Most people think it's dumb as heck. Of course there are a few diehards though.
Eh. All that the details (or lack thereof) about chat have done is keep the Switch in the "definitely not until I know a shit-ton more" category.

And if it's chat through a phone, then I'll very likely just use my PC and a third party solution. Skype comes to mind, though there are a ton of others out there. And I'm close enough, seating-wise, to my PC for my Sony headset to work. It does not solve the problem of game audio though, and that's why I would need Nintendo to provide more details about this, among other things, so that I can make a purchasing decision.

I was there day one for Wii, day one for 3DS, got a WiiU and games to go with it. I own damn near every version of every console, home and handheld, that they've ever made (exceptions being special editions). In some cases, I own multiple units of the same thing.

I buy games and systems, and it's a hobby that Nintendo got me into. But the lackluster performance of the WiiU, from a technical and game offerings point of view, and the choices they've made in the past about virtual console and digital purchases (say what you will, Sony and MS do a much better job and have offered significantly more value in that arena), do not lead me to believe that they'll do anything different.

Bluntly, my feelings aren't hurt, because they're a business that makes decisions that work for them, and they should. But if their decisions don't represent a good value to me, then I'll probably pass, at least for a few years. To me, other platforms offer better services. Details of what Nintendo offers could still swing my decision, but I am not optimistic.

I'm just one buyer though. I don't have an expectation that they cater to my requests in the least, and I don't think they're villains either.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Like on Wii U, I'd expect individual Switch games could support voice chat with their own in-game interface and VOIP code.

Unless the Switch OS is patched later, the smartphone app would be used for party chat, cross-game chat, social messaging, etc.


...hate me...
Weird how this promo pic clearly shows "bulky headphones" with a mic...


Reggie messed up going for teh #edgy angle. He should've stayed humble, and should've told the actual advantages of an app, because there are a few (or more, depending on their implementation).
At what point do Nintendo fans throw in the towel and say "yes this is a pretty dumb idea"? Is there a legal requirement to defend them at all costs otherwise your Switch pre-order is cancelled? Mine seems okay so far.

I don't think anyone is denying it is a dumb idea if it is mandatory. If it isn't mandatory then there is no issue and people are complaining over nothing.

NOA website says this: If you sign up to the online subscription service for Nintendo Switch*, you can play with friends far away and players around the world. Subscribers can also sync up a dedicated smart device app to set play appointments, meet up in online lobbies to play and voice chat while playing

The words Can Also suggests to be that it is optional.

Having said that Nintendo PR on this as been poor and they need to address this sooner rather than later. Judging by the systems website also, it says check back after the system launch to hear more which isn't great.
So you are forcing the person on the other end to hear all your ambient noise + game audio? lol

You think this app will make the voice capture in your phone magically better?

I'd love some of the kool aid you're drinking right now.

When was the last time you spoke to someone on your phone that was out, using a headphone, that you couldn't hear what they were saying?

What year is this?
So what are you saying ? Why would i be playing dumb and exploiting semantics? What do I have to gain by being in denial? What are you saying exactly? You tell me, please.

And keep going dude, attacking my psychology definitely bodes well. Seems like you're the one whos emotionally invested in this. You dont have to say the word fanboy to imply that im being a fanboy

Hey, you can project whatever feelings you want to project onto me, but all I'm saying is that if we're going to ignore the actual words people say just to believe what we want to believe, I can't wait to buy a Switch so that it can bake me a cake each month. Reggie never said that the Switch wouldn't come with that functionality, after all. Therefore, I choose to believe that it will.

I don't know why that would upset you so much.


Weird how this promo pic clearly shows "bulky headphones" with a mic...


If this is how it works, then I'd be a lot cooler with it. This is not how Reggie is selling it though and it seems pretty ass backwards to require a phone for voice chat if all your doing is pumping it back into the Switch.
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