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Report: CBS Considering Dropping Supergirl Over Budget Issues

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Unpopular opinion on gaf but there are way too many superhero shows on TV, I'd like to see more cut so some of that programming time can shift to other genres.

Shifting it to the all access streaming site would be great too, if that means the new Star Trek debuts on both streaming and air.
I mean are there too many superhero shows? Compared to what?


Unpopular opinion on gaf but there are way too many superhero shows on TV, I'd like to see more cut so some of that programming time can shift to other genres.

Shifting it to the all access streaming site would be great too, if that means the new Star Trek debuts on both streaming and air.

It's probably not an unpopular opinion as much as an odd one. There's like 4 across dozens of channels, unless you're including like the Walking Dead because it's based on a comic book, which is still an odd thing to do.


Unconfirmed Member
If CW could walk away with both Supergirl and Constantine that'd be juuuuust great.

If they need to make drastic budget cuts, goodbye J'onn J'onzz.

I don't understand why he's a full CGI character. That seems unnecessary as hell to me. Does Harewood just not want to wear a full makeup application? I can't imagine it's cheaper to actually fully animate J'onn as opposed to putting a guy in the costume and putting makeup on his face.

It looked like later in the season they started to do this, but still fully animated the face/head.

Shooting in LA is also... I dunno. I don't think they're getting much out of that, either.

Move to a cheaper city
Make J'onn practical effects
Reduce episode count.

And also cut out that intro.

And kill Superman.


If they adapt Powergirl's story to Supergirl (refugee from a destroyed alternate Earth) it could work. It'd even solve the Superman problem the show has.

"This world doesn't have a Superman, so it looks like they'll have to settle for Supergirl!"

♬ Superman's got nothing on me ♬

That sounds good to me. Not the song part, but the destroying of her universe.


Box office revenue justifies the costs for a big budget 2 hour movie, but TV revenue can't keep up for the amount of content created. People are willing to pay for movies but reluctant to pay a lot for TV.

So TV quality is turning to crap as budgets decrease. Huge volumes of low budget junk mixed in with the occasional show with a decent budget is the new TV.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
If they're spending that much money per episode and still ending up with the most lackluster of superhero setpieces out of the whole bunch of comic adaptations on TV right now, I'd say just kill it.


Jesus, people think Supergirl looks "cheap" even by broadcast TV standards? What exactly doesn't, then?

I think people are confiding some of the flying effects, which looks pretty eh when fighting since mostly wire works with the whole show

Because you can see it in the location... when everything isn't in a warehouse or docks... as much as I love Arrow and even SHIELD... the per diem of these locations in cities...

Granted, Gotham is still the best looking comic book show to me
At some point the CW will just host DC superhero shows. They might as well, at that point change the CW's name to reflect that.

Im just messing around, i know they have non comic book related shows. also i am not against the CW taking over supergirl, I personally find all cw superhero shows to be spectacular.
If CW could walk away with both Supergirl and Constantine that'd be juuuuust great.


^ This, very much this!
Oh okay, it is the licensing fee, not the budget, that's what I thought. WB will probably do as much as it can to keep it airing. How it is selling internationally? If it moves to the CW, the Vancouver move is inevitable which would be kind of disappointing, I don't know if I could take another DC show on the CW set there.


What a weird way to phrase the title? The whole reason most shows get canceled is that there isn't an avenue for profit for their ad sales versus licensing fees.

The show has middling ratings and is not owned by the network, and is fairly expensive. I think it'll could come back, but I'd be surprised.

$3m per episode is crazy.
Put supergirl on team Flash.

The budget is probably higher. Most studios take a loss on first season shows.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Good. Flash Crossover aside Cat Grant was the only thing good about this show.


They film Supergirl in California, which probably inflates the budget a ton (the CW shows film in Vancouver, I believe). Bring it to CW, cut the budget a little, and give us Crisis on Infinite CWs
Thank you. Shit shouldn't have been on CBS in the first place. Knew it was gonna have trouble. Bring it to CW and retcon it having been a different earth.
Jeb! *bullhorn* can't ca*bullhorn*tch a break!*longbullhorn*


Swoop in CW, Netflix, Amazon, pretty much anyone. The show has tons of potential. I mean, they're doing it a disservice already by not having it on Hulu. It's aimed towards young people, young people watch TV via streaming services. The entire show is like an experiment ran by old men who don't get it.


Casting Calista Flockhart


I've only seen the pilot but she was pretty decent in it, and I've always liked her. I don't fault anyone for wanting to stay around their family. They just shouldn't have cast her and CBS should've put her on another pilot, like Code Black or Beyond Borders when they kicked Anna Gunn off.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Calista's talent deal saying the show has to film in LA and then them not getting the tax credit is probably what killed the show's budget.
They have to film in LA but didn't get the tax credit.

Holy shit.
She's pretty great as the character, but that's just crazy!
I've only seen the pilot but she was pretty decent in it, and I've always liked her.

I was being a smartass. She really isn't all that bad (there's a run of four or five episodes in which she's really good, in fact) but she's nowhere near good enough to handcuff your show like that. That's just a bad gamble.

Besides which they basically turn her into a combination Yoda/GI Joe PSA in the back half of the series. Like clockwork, around the 30 min mark of every episode, there's going to be a "Cat Grant Speech Scene" that drops like hot rocks in your lap. It was pretty cool the first two or three times. And then it got cloying.

When they bounce this thing to the CW, they can leave Cat (and Superman) on the other Earth, and have Supergirl (and choice DEO members) go to work with Ollie/Barry/Whatever.


lol...so basically she's the reason for the budget to be that high. Fuck her then.
Kill Cat Grant, move the show to Vancouver, give it to CW.

Okay, no, that's not how this works. Warner Brothers was dumb to bank on getting the tax credit.

Next time I won't say anything then.
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