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Report: CBS Considering Dropping Supergirl Over Budget Issues

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm legit surprised to learn this wasn't on the CW to begin with.


No big loss, watched 2 episodes and the storyline is just trash.
Let me rescue you from a crashing helicopter, oh no a lightning strikes the chopper and now you have superpowers too and you're after supergirl now. Or here fight this army battle prototype robot, oh no now he disappeared and has a will of his own ._.
Just like, if we're going to talk in hyperboles without any context, you all get nothing!!!!!

(Also, for what it's worth, I think they will renew Supergirl with a lower budget that comes from somewhere)

Which do you think is more likely? A lower budget or just a smaller episode run at the same level?
S2 should start with Cat's funeral and reveal it was Martian Manhunter all along. Then when people ask why he just laughs.

SUPERGIRL: But she had kids.
MM: Hah, I know.

Or do a Crisis on Infinite Earths thing and during that event Cat Grant changes into Susanna Thompson (Moira Queen).
Cat is one of the very best parts of the show. y'all are dumb.

Bingo, I haven't watched all of Supergirl but she stands out like a sonofabitch

Just like, if we're going to talk in hyperboles without any context, you all get nothing!!!!!

(Also, for what it's worth, I think they will renew Supergirl with a lower budget that comes from somewhere)

Just fill the hole, hole filler! /GhostStories


Or do a Crisis on Infinite Earths thing and during that event Cat Grant changes into Susanna Thompson (Moira Queen).



Which do you think is more likely? A lower budget or just a smaller episode run at the same level?

They wouldn't do smaller runs at the same budget. That's not how broadcast television really works because then the network would make less $ per season while also paying the same amount.

My guess is that they renew it with a smaller budget, though I don't know if CBS has any hot Warner Bros. pilots this year that CBS would really want that Warner could use as leverage. But my guess is that they don't need to and Supergirl will come back.

As of now, the only freshman show they're definitely going to bring back is Life in Pieces. They will bring back at least two more, most likely Supergirl and something else.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
3 million per episode 0_o ,

That's my exact reaction. But you know what? Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. could've used that sort of money to at least get me to watch it past the first two or so episodes. So... maybe they were trying to make it look like a movie? IDK.

Parch said:
Superhero shows getting compared to superhero movies.

As they should. Or they should go the Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. route and have it be street-level heros, but S.H.E.I.L.D. failed (IMO) because it tried to bite more than it could chew in budget in having super-powered folks instead of just S.H.E.I.L.D. agents that acted like Black Widow in combat.



I feel like renewing the show is in their best interest for stuff like the CBS streaming service and having just recently established being in the Flarrow universe?

there's so much they can do to boost the ratings, (oh hi Matt Bomer as Superman) too that it would seem stupid to not at least give it one more year.


Guys, it's not $3 million per episode.

CBS pays Warner Bros. a fee to license the show from them in order to air it. Licensing fees are how studios make the bulk of their money on the front end. But all of these shows are still sold at a loss -- licensing fees generally creep up until they cover the budget for the show in the later part of a show's run. Almost every single show, broadcast or cable (not pay cable) is sold as a loss leader for their studio.

My guess is, knowing absolutely nothing about the Supergirl budget, is that Warner is producer the show at a higher $ than $3 million. Probably $3.8-$4.3. Which is large, but not huuuuuge for a broadcast drama.
I watched the first 6 or so, then the Flash crossover. Going back for that just highlighted how middle of the road this show is. They have some good actors, the effects look about as good as they can on TV, but my god, it was hard to sit through that crossover.

The stakes felt so low. The villains were awkward as fuck. It completely lacked the big event feel of the CW crossovers.

As sloppy as the CW shows are right now, even the worst episode of The Flash is packed with excitement. If this show has so much money on the line they need to make it more fun to actually watch.

I enjoyed the crossover episode, but in fairness to Supergirl, I believe the CW crossovers were planned well before those shows premiered, whereas Supergirl didn't get the green light to do a Flash episode until close to the last minute, when they were presumably well into scripting the final stretch of episodes. It's easy to tell, from the setup in the preceding episodes and the clunky origin exposition dump, that that episode was originally going to be much more centered around Silver Banshee than it was.


I think the show needs a new timeslot, too. Going up against another DC show, Gotham, isn't doing it any favours.
I think the show needs a new timeslot, too. Going up against another DC show, Gotham, isn't doing it any favours.

I always thought that was really weird. Then again, they both kinda go off the goddamn rails in terms of character conventions so eh
I think people are confiding some of the flying effects, which looks pretty eh when fighting since mostly wire works with the whole show

Because you can see it in the location... when everything isn't in a warehouse or docks... as much as I love Arrow and even SHIELD... the per diem of these locations in cities...

Granted, Gotham is still the best looking comic book show to me

Perhaps, but unless the show has changed drastically in S2 (I haven't watched since the third episode of S1), Gotham doesn't have aliens, monsters, or superpowers, so it can mostly restrict its use of non-practical FX to easy things like digitally adding fictional buildings to the NYC skyline.

As far as FX-heavy SF/fantasy shows go, I highly doubt there's a better-looking one on broadcast TV, though Flash comes surprisingly close given those CW budgets. That's not to say the show hasn't had its share of dodgy CG and makeup, of course, but network budgets only go so far.
I watched the first 6 or so, then the Flash crossover. Going back for that just highlighted how middle of the road this show is. They have some good actors, the effects look about as good as they can on TV, but my god, it was hard to sit through that crossover.

The stakes felt so low. The villains were awkward as fuck. It completely lacked the big event feel of the CW crossovers.

As sloppy as the CW shows are right now, even the worst episode of The Flash is packed with excitement. If this show has so much money on the line they need to make it more fun to actually watch.

You basically watched the worst episode of the season and rated the entire show based on that. I think to truly judge Supergirl people should watch the episode two episodes before the Flash crossover, because that's the closest thing to the perfect hour of TV I've ever seen. While it's true that the creative team has serious trouble maintaining a constant bar of quality, episodes like that prove that they can deliver if they have to, and I think given time they could figure out how to deliver like that consistently.



  • Move out of LA
  • Kara starts working from home and teleconferencing with Cat via Skype.
  • All fights scenes take place in the same empty warehouse every other Vancouver show uses.




  • Move out of LA
  • Kara starts working from home and teleconferencing with Cat via Skype.
  • All fights scenes take place in the same empty warehouse every other Vancouver show uses.


I feel like I have an intimate knowledge of the Vancouver empty warehouse circuit thanks to television.


Perhaps, but unless the show has changed drastically in S2 (I haven't watched since the third episode of S1), Gotham doesn't have aliens, monsters, or superpowers, so it can mostly restrict its use of non-practical FX to easy things like digitally adding fictional buildings to the NYC skyline.

As far as FX-heavy SF/fantasy shows go, I highly doubt there's a better-looking one on broadcast TV, though Flash comes surprisingly close given those CW budgets. That's not to say the show hasn't had its share of dodgy CG and makeup, of course, but network budgets only go so far.

A lot of CG work goes into a single episode of Gotham. The show has become more sci-fi as its went along too. Especially in Season 2.




it's funny because this now puts Kara's promotion to an office on a different floor from Cat in a whole new light.
I watched that first chunk of episodea I mentioned and I was forcing myself to give it a chance to get to that point. I was disappointed to find that the Flash crossover was actually worse than those.

They deserve another chance either way. The lead is great, Cat Grant is great, and the general look and tone of the show is just about perfect. Now make it fun to watch an hour of consistently and I'll come back.

Wow, you basically stopped right before what I'd consider the second best episode of the season. If anything, I'd suggest checking out episodes 7, 13, and the aforementioned 16. Other episodes are mediocre to pretty good, but I think those three episodes are the show at its best.



  • Move out of LA
  • Kara starts working from home and teleconferencing with Cat via Skype.
  • All fights scenes take place in the same empty warehouse every other Vancouver show uses.


Or that one street that every episode of Arrow is set on.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Calista is the best part of the show, which is not something I expected to be saying. But she is. It wouldn't be that hard to write her out of the show. Her character is the CEO of a major media conglomerate. "She's overseas to start a new venture...she moved the base of operations...she stepped down to do whatever"
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