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Report: NX Handheld Dimensions, Layout Info, Lack of Region Lock

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I really think that Nintendo should have held the NX event last week instead of a 3DS direct and saved the 3DS direct for October. It seems really unlikely that they'll beat TGS, and since that's where all of their third-party support is coming from they should have made that a priority. Dumb.

Here is why they didn't do it that way, look at the LTDs:
|System |  This Week |  Last Week |  Last Year |     YTD    |  Last YTD  |     LTD     |
| 3DS # |     24.459 |     28.807 |     48.919 |    911.712 |  1.253.145 |  21.097.714 |
| PSV # |      8.923 |     10.027 |     12.692 |    556.921 |    628.102 |   5.150.319 |
|  PS4  |      5.812 |     17.596 |     18.539 |    817.690 |    741.904 |   3.118.770 |
|  WIU  |      4.519 |      4.702 |     11.781 |    231.237 |    387.815 |   3.251.900 |
|  PS3  |      1.067 |      1.192 |      2.571 |     45.911 |    176.587 |  10.433.991 |
|  XB1  |         50 |         52 |        168 |      3.695 |     11.366 |      67.586 |
|  ALL  |     44.830 |     62.376 |     94.670 |  2.567.166 |  3.198.919 |  43.120.280 |
|  PSV  |      8.923 |     10.027 |     12.125 |    556.921 |    605.900 |   4.964.866 |
|n-3DSLL|     19.300 |     22.437 |     38.498 |    684.620 |    809.508 |   3.154.739 |
| n-3DS |      4.460 |      5.400 |      7.089 |    155.401 |    271.011 |     987.848 |
| 3DSLL |        179 |        135 |      1.116 |     11.647 |     83.941 |   6.954.912 |
|  3DS  |        520 |        835 |      2.216 |     60.044 |     88.685 |  10.000.223 |


In a little less than two hours from now, NCL will be open for Tuesday's business. Although I'm holding out till a little after 10 PM Japanese time for an announcement...Pokemon news is coming at that time, and the 3DS Direct was announced at a similar time one week ago.
I really think that Nintendo should have held the NX event last week instead of a 3DS direct and saved the 3DS direct for October. It seems really unlikely that they'll beat TGS, and since that's where all of their third-party support is coming from they should have made that a priority. Dumb.
There's a reason Pokemon was shown before Breath of the Wild on the Treehouse Live demos.
I think the fact that SE has dedicated DQ/DW to NX BEFORE its launch is a good indication of interest from Japan's development community. Has Dragon Quest ever been committed to a console prior to its unveiling?
Prior to its unveiling, I don't believe so. With that said it doesn't mean much when their last console launched with DQ and MH. I remember expressing a lot of concern over Wii U and how it would perform but users on here talked me down about how it had Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter and 2D Mario at launch so it was going to be a success.


No, they definitely made the right call in having the 3DS Direct first. Once the NX is revealed, no one's sticking around to watch a 3DS-focused video.

If they did the NX event first, nobody would have gave even a fraction of a fuck about the 3DS's line-up. Best to give the 3DS its last hurrah first before it gets completely overshadowed by the NX.

Here is why they didn't do it that way, look at the LTDs:

There's a reason Pokemon was shown before Breath of the Wild on the Treehouse Live demos.

I guess. Maybe the 3DS Direct should have been a month sooner then. I feel like Nintendo is going to want some distance between the 3DS direct and the NX reveal.


Neo Member
It's worth looking into anyways, considering Nintendo presentations tend to happen on Tuesdays (and we're notified usually the day before (our time)).
You all do know that Sept 6th surprise thing was fakery all along right?

Yes, but it will be fun to see what they finally have. It's apparently a normally reputable site which doesn't do this kind of thing, so if they feel like losing all of their credibility for a hoax it better be awfully funny (at the very least funny in German).
There's only two days they could announce something NX related this week and it's either Tuesday (doubt it because Pokemon news is scheduled for tomorrow) or Thursday (which I feel has a great shot).


Prior to its unveiling, I don't believe so. With that said it doesn't mean much when their last console launched with DQ and MH. I remember expressing a lot of concern over Wii U and how it would perform but users on here talked me down about how it had Dragon Quest, Monster Hunter and 2D Mario at launch so it was going to be a success.

Not the same situation at all. Wii U launched with a port of a DQ MMO and a Monster Hunter game that had been available on the 3DS for an entire year. NSMB 2 had also been released less than half a year prior to NSMB U. Those three titles not doing much to push Wii U sales should have been obvious to most people that follow trends in the Japanese market.


Of course it is bullshit.^^

But someday they will announce something. Tomorrow they will show it...you know today was tomorrow just yesterday.

Somehow I feel like the person in this comic. Just chage the last guardiam with the nx.



Yes, but it will be fun to see what they finally have. It's apparently a normally reputable site which doesn't do this kind of thing, so if they feel like losing all of their credibility for a hoax it better be awfully funny (at the very least funny in German).

Forgive my confusion, but, I thought that regardless of whether we get news today/tomorrow, the German site had already admitted to their thing being a prank?

There's only two days they could announce something NX related this week and it's either Tuesday (doubt it because Pokemon news is scheduled for tomorrow) or Thursday (which I feel has a great shot).

Hm, why only those two days?


Forgive my confusion, but, I thought that regardless of whether we get news today/tomorrow, the German site had already admitted to their thing being a prank?

They didn't admit anything, in fact they've stood by their reporting. It just so happens they updated the rumor with a clearly fake/jokey "blurry image of NX" post supposedly from the direct.


Of course it is bullshit.^^

But someday they will announce something. Tomorrow they will show it...you know today was tomorrow just yesterday.

Somehow I feel like the person in this comic. Just chage the last guardiam with the nx.


Oh man its been a while since I've seen these. Wow the last one was from January of this year :(
Wonder why they haven't been making much lately.
Forgive my confusion, but, I thought that regardless of whether we get news today/tomorrow, the German site had already admitted to their thing being a prank?

I'm using google translate to read their posts but nothing seems to indicate that they've admitted it's a hoax or prank. The blurry photo of the person holding the controller seems to be the best evidence, but they seem to be acting like it's real. I guess maybe it's a type of satire which doesn't translate very well?

Hm, why only those two days?

I would guess because Wednesday is the Playstation and Apple conference date, and Nintendo rarely drop big news on Fridays.
Forgive my confusion, but, I thought that regardless of whether we get news today/tomorrow, the German site had already admitted to their thing being a prank?

Not from what I can tell. Seems like the opposite going by their FB comments and follow-up post today.

Still don't believe it, of course, for the obvious reasons.


I didn't expect anything to happen, tomorrow.

Yup, pretty much....although this next quote:

Yes, but it will be fun to see what they finally have. It's apparently a normally reputable site which doesn't do this kind of thing, so if they feel like losing all of their credibility for a hoax it better be awfully funny (at the very least funny in German).

Maybe they got duped by another bogus "source?" There's an abundance of them apparently :^)


Forgive my confusion, but, I thought that regardless of whether we get news today/tomorrow, the German site had already admitted to their thing being a prank?
Not directly admit it. More like they made it more clear that it is meant as build up for some type of joke/parody video for tomorrow.

Hm, why only those two days?

On wednesday everyone is looking on Sony and fridays aren't great for announcements.


I just went to check and I see Apple's event is on September 7th now. (As everyone has been saying)

I'm mentioning this because, around a month ago I said that was when it would happen on the 7th but it was a mere guess (I thought I heard that was the date from somewhere) and it wasn't confirmed. (Because when I double checked back then, apparently it could have been the 6th.)

Now it's actually funny seeing that Apple and Sony are having events on the same day.


Unconfirmed Member
Can't wait to NeoGAF meltdown if Nintendo does a surprise reveal tomorrow. It would be fucking amazing, haha.


There's only two days they could announce something NX related this week and it's either Tuesday (doubt it because Pokemon news is scheduled for tomorrow) or Thursday (which I feel has a great shot).

I don't think Pokemon news will impact things one way or the other. Going by the 3DS Direct, it seems GameFreak saves the big reveals for its own hype cycle, so there's no reason Nintendo wouldn't do the same.

I could see benefits to both Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesday, Nintendo could steal some thunder from Sony ahead of their Neo announcement, and it would be consistent with pattern of announcements for presentations on Tuesdays. On the other hand, a Tuesday announcement of the reveal has the potential to get buried the very next day by Apple and Sony (however, if this is just a save the date announcement, would Nintendo really care if it gets buried? They could always re-drum up hype closer to the event). Thursday has the obvious advantage of being after Apple/Sony, which could lead to increased attention, though I'm not currently sure of any other advantages.


Here is why they didn't do it that way, look at the LTDs:

Yep. The 3ds is outselling everything else in Japan combined.

Once in awhile it even pops up as the #1 selling system for the month in the US like this past July.

Also possible the NX really isn't much of a handheld replacement in the first place like a tablet isn't exactly a replacement for a smartphone.


Anything I've missed?

I've got 9/6, (9/8), 9/14, 9/20, 9/21, 9/27-9/29, 10/5-10/6,10/11-10/12, and 10/20 as possible NX reveal dates before Nintendo releases their fiscal results

These are all the video game conventions, scheduled press conferences, US/Japan/Germany/France/UK Holidays, plus the news-cycle dominating US Presidential debates. I also zapped all the Mondays/Fridays as traditionally Nintendo never announces anything really big then.

9/6: Open
9/7: Sony Playstation Meeting & Apple Media Event
9/8: Sony Playstation Asia Press Conference
9/9-9/11: Weekend & 9/11 15th anniversary
9/12: Open (but Nintendo usually never announces things on Mondays)
9/13: Sony TGS Press Conference
9/14: Open
9/15-9/18: Tokyo Game Show
9/19-9/21: Open (9/19 is a Monday and is a Holiday in Japan)
9/22-9/25: EGX
9/26: First US Presidential Debate
9/27-9/29: Open
9/30-10/2: Twitchcon
10/3: An open Monday (German Unity Day Holiday in Germany)
10/4: US VP Debate
10/5-10/6: Open
10/7-10/9: Friday & Weekend
10/10: Holiday in Japan & Columbus Day in the US
10/11-10/12: Open
10/13-10/16: IndieXchange & Indiecade
10/17: An open Monday
10/18-10/19: Indiecade Europe, 2nd US Presidential Debate
10/20: Open
10/21-10/23: Friday & Weekend
10/24: Open Monday
10/25: Final US Presidential Debate
10/26: Nintendo Fiscal Earnings Release
10/27: Nintendo Fiscal Briefing
10/27-10/31: Paris Games Week, 10/31 is Halloween
GCAP/PAX Australia: First week of Nov, 1st couple days in Nov are Holidays in many countries
11/4-11/5: Blizzcon
11/8: US Presidential Election
First thing i thought about when hearing about all the NX rumors was this...

Some people have posted it, but it's rather different. The controls are supposed to detach and be usable separate from the unit and likely for multiplayer like a Wii mote sideways. don't think this allows for that.

Calm Mind

Some people have posted it, but it's rather different. The controls are supposed to detach and be usable separate from the unit and likely for multiplayer like a Wii mote sideways. don't think this allows for that.

Polishing a turd doesn't make it any less of a shit idea.
First thing i thought about when hearing about all the NX rumors was this...


That looks an awful lot like the Sheikah Slate from BotW...


Maybe a slightly different variant where the controllers somehow detach, rather than the screen coming out of that device?

Nah probably not.
I've been thinking that the controller attachments might connect long ways. They might choose to include the Wii Remote's expansion port at the bottoms (as they're using it for the NES Classic mini) and have them hook up via that somehow. Based on the screen size (and assuming a thin bezel), that would produce a controller very close in length to the Wii Remote.
This is pretty much basically an old mock (predating the hybrid rumors) that have posted several times. It's a simple solution that works as an hybrid of a Free Degrees of Freedom motion controller and a traditional Dual Analog 2 handed one.

The solution applied to the NX would be quite elegant:
  • Basically a Dual Analog controller with a touch screen in the middle when attached.
  • A Dual Analog Wii Remote/Nunchuck combo for 1 player when detached.
  • 2 player out of the box gaming with a Remote motion controller for each user.
  • A more traditional Dual Analog controller for 1 player when the 2 halves are joined together, preferably without a coupler.
  • Sell the halves in pairs as extra controllers for multiplayer.
No need for ergonomic gimnastics or other over complicated solutions.
Or there's a separate shell. Or just a different classic controller for home use. It seems to me that these side controllers will be designed for traditional handheld use first and foremost. The two player portable mode is probably the "novelty" the one dev spoke of. It's not going to be perfect or as good as two people playing w/ Pro Controllers. How could it be?
With the original Eurogamer rumor about the hybrid, i thought the 2 player NES orientation was something Eurogamer and Digital Foundry themsleves were imagining instead of something out of the source's mouth.

After that, it seems most everyone took this for granted even when it overcoplicates the design. Then we heard about the separated Dpad, which doesn't mean the multiplayer would be handled in the NES style way necessarily. However, the thing that makes this somewhat plausible at happening is that it seems the left and right halves have the Analog Sticks in alternate positions, which favors the horizontal NES style multiplayer theory.

If one were just going to join 2 Remote like devices to form 1 "Traditional" Dual Analog controller having a symmetrical Analogue Stick layout would work better, since the Sticks would be the main inputs for each thumb, which is how many important game genres work these days. Save for Nintendo purposedly ignoring this trend specifically, to have the Right Thumb over the ABXY as main position.
It's probably still going to be in March, because they're clumping all the major 3DS releases (Mario, Yoshi and Pokemon) in the pre-Spring window.

We'd probably see the releases spread out more if the 3DS was really supposed to carry Nintendo to next November. Mario Maker 3DS would probably be the traditonal May title for instance.
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