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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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I don't really value backwards compatibility. It doesn't mean much to me in my purchasing decision. BUT if I were Microsoft (or a Microsoft faithful or whatever) and I wanted people to believe there would be meaningful ecosystem ties beyond, "Well, your GamerTag already has all your FRIENDS you will surely be telling everyone on a message board are all buying Xbox*," they should have found a way to make that stuff carry over. I understand there are technical and logistical challenges. Without it, I think there's not much tying people any platform at all. I think Sony learned this the hardware last gen. Given the popularity of their platform, so many of their software titles went on to become multimillion selling titles. Look at how SOCOM's popularity waned as people found substitutes elsewhere. I think with very, very few exceptions (and Halo could be one of those), "perfect substitutes" in gaming are just substitutes that come close enough.

I see this often and it frustrates me: "But Xbox 1 has better/more games." At what point do we decide that we will let the market decide this? This statement has not been validated by the market thus far. I see lots of arguments (and have to moderate lots of them...) regarding the PS+ indie games, the diversity of lineups, the quality of exclusives, and so on, but it just seems like a lot of bloviating to me.

For lots of people, $500 is a not immaterial proportion of their annual income. If you make $40k or you are a teenager or whatever, $500 is more than 1% of your GROSS annual income. You think people should make that decision because of Killer Instinct?

the lack of backward capability actually made my decision to jump from 360 to sony even easier. it would have been an added incentive to stick to xbox and lord knows they need to offer every incentive they can


Unconfirmed Member
Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

It isn't due to being a fanboy that I choose to not purchase an Xbox One. It's due to their practices and preconceived notions of what they think gamers want (DRM). I know their vision and I refuse to support them.


I see this often and it frustrates me: "But Xbox 1 has better/more games." At what point do we decide that we will let the market decide this? This statement has not been validated by the market thus far.

It hasn't been invalidated either because there are other factors in play, such as $100, better multiplats on PS4, and worry that MS will just stop like they did with 360 and go Gears/Halo.

Even if someone thinks MS has better exclusives, they may not think it's $100 better.


I never understood what beta tested in the future meant.

You mean you don't know about this ad?

Or that, you don't know what this ad means?


May I have a cookie?
I don't really value backwards compatibility. It doesn't mean much to me in my purchasing decision. BUT if I were Microsoft (or a Microsoft faithful or whatever) and I wanted people to believe there would be meaningful ecosystem ties beyond, "Well, your GamerTag already has all your FRIENDS you will surely be telling everyone on a message board are all buying Xbox*," they should have found a way to make that stuff carry over. I understand there are technical and logistical challenges. Without it, I think there's not much tying people any platform at all. I think Sony learned this the hardware last gen. Given the popularity of their platform, so many of their software titles went on to become multimillion selling titles. Look at how SOCOM's popularity waned as people found substitutes elsewhere. I think with very, very few exceptions (and Halo could be one of those), "perfect substitutes" in gaming are just substitutes that come close enough.

I see this often and it frustrates me: "But Xbox 1 has better/more games." At what point do we decide that we will let the market decide this? This statement has not been validated by the market thus far. I see lots of arguments (and have to moderate lots of them...) regarding the PS+ indie games, the diversity of lineups, the quality of exclusives, and so on, but it just seems like a lot of bloviating to me.

For lots of people, $500 is a not immaterial proportion of their annual income. If you make $40k or you are a teenager or whatever, $500 is more than 1% of your GROSS annual income. You think people should make that decision because of Killer Instinct?
I agree with everything you say here as well, but you yourself realise there is a part of the audience that values powerful technology more at this stage, part that values new games more at this stage, part that values compatibility longevity and a sense of community, and part that obviously values cost savings.

This is nothing new, and it's also not new that fulfilling the wishes of some parts of this audience will alienate others. I'm not an Xbox owner myself, so I'm wondering why you believe so strongly that backwards compatibility, community and cost savings were more important than raw power and PC/PS4 compatibility for multiplats. Maybe it's just that I'm not invested in Xbox as a brand or any of its IP, but I never got the impression most of their audience was that heavily invested either.

The Lamp

More expensive for an inferior tech. Consumers are not stupid, Microsoft.

Not a single one of my friends that have an Xbone care or know the power difference between it and the PS4. They're just like LOL CALL OF DUTY TITANFALL HALO YAY! Mind you that's anecdotal but I can't imagine the casual Xbox audience thinking much different.
Why? XB1 has more games right now. PS4 may be the more powerful console but at launch if you want actually exclusives, XB1 is the way to go. This is coming from a guy who bought PS4 at launch.

If you posted a list of games on each console right now, I think you would find you are wrong.


the lack of backward capability actually made my decision to jump from 360 to sony even easier. it would have been an added incentive to stick to xbox and lord knows they need to offer every incentive they can

The bizarre thing was that every early decision with the XBO seemed to come from the expectation that their current Xbox gamers were not going anywhere, yet they did nothing to the system to try to keep those gamers around at all. Almost nothing ties to the older system. You can't even voice communicate with your 360 friends on XBO. They couldn't even make a Skype app for 360?

It was a big mistake not having at least something tying one console to the other outside of a friend list.

So because of that, they had to compete directly with the PS4 on a point by point basis from a clean slate of gamers because nothing tied them to the ecosystem.
Im not talking about the people who cant afford it. Im talking about the people who can yet they dont. And im not talking about multiplats games, im obviously talking about exclusives. I mean, sticking yourself with xbox wont let you experience a beautiful game like TLOU. Sticking yourself with playstation wont let you experience a beautiful game like Halo. Not to forget Nintendo's amazing platform games.
I have to admit that although I went PS4 only, I really wish I could play Killer Instinct and Project Spark. KZ: Mercenary is making me HATE KZ:SF because now I know they could have gone for a much more fun and focused story and setting (and I HATE the OWL).

InFAMOUS:SS vs Titanfall is swinging me away from Xbone envy though, since Titanfall is very much not my kind of game. I'm 39 and I work nights, so finding a consistent group with which to play a competitive shooter just isn't something I can easily do. Destiny will be more the type of game I can get behind - PvP is available but not mandatory and there will be some sort of story involved.

As for SS - I've played both inFAMOUS games and liked them until they got too repetitive and the stories just started boring me. Early players have seemed to indicate that SS keeps the basic mechanics while positively addressing the flaws.

So although the early month game availability would have had me playing the Xbone more had I got one, a console is a long-term entertainment purchase and Sony and the Playstation platform simply offer more for the money. When Fallout, Witcher, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, Deus Ex, Sleeping dogs, and other multi-platform franchises come out, the PS4 versions will be better.

As for PC, I just cherish my own happiness too much to switch from Mac to the clusterfuck of a Microsoft PC and while I'm paying my debt down, building a gaming-only PC from the ground up is just too much of an investment right now.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
They're calling those 8 characters "season 1 characters" so that means the game will feature more transactions down the road.
I'm aware. There's no reason to think the model wont still include the $20 all inclusive option.

Season 2 is considered the "sequel" so of course it's not gonna be free. Most fighting games retail for $60 at release, so if I have to pay $40 for the full roster/features that's not a bad deal at all. The only thing that sucks is the wait for characters/patches.


Neo Member
I own a 360 but went with a PS4 this time around. The price was the major factor - I just don't give a shit about Kinect or integration with my cable box. It's not worth an extra $100 to me. Sure I'll miss Halo, but again not worth the extra $100.

I just hope Bethesda games actually function on the Sony platform this generation.


Yeah, I don't understand what it means. It seems to mean the console hasn't been tested yet, line up to buy an unfinished machine, but it can't mean that.

I think the marketing was going for: "it's so advanced, it's like its from the future". They ended up with that. There is a reason why everyone thinks that Xbone marketing has been some of worst in recent years.

I just hope Bethesda games actually function on the Sony platform this generation.

They have to make it work. If PS4 continues to dominate then they cannot afford to fuck up PS4 versions of their games.
The bizarre thing was that every early decision with the XBO seemed to come from the expectation that their current Xbox gamers were not going anywhere, yet they did nothing to the system to try to keep those gamers around at all. Almost nothing ties to the older system. You can't even voice communicate with your 360 friends on XBO.

It was a big mistake not having at least something tying one console to the other outside of a friend list.
A similar problem Sony had with the ps3 launch. They went "well no matter the price well get the ps1/2 fans so let's use it to win the blu ray format war". Which im sort of glad it killed that silly format war, but the problem was the ps3 launched a year too early from a cost benefit basis


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Not a single one of my friends that have an Xbone care or know the power difference between it and the PS4. They're just like LOL CALL OF DUTY TITANFALL HALO YAY! Mind you that's anecdotal but I can't imagine the casual Xbox audience thinking much different.

The exact group of gamers I hope stay with the xbone.


Yeah, I don't understand what it means. It seems to mean the console hasn't been tested yet, line up to buy an unfinished machine, but it can't mean that.

Technically, that is what it means. The intent was that "This system is so awesome that even the beta testing took place in the future. It is THAT advanced.".


Yeah, I don't understand what it means. It seems to mean the console hasn't been tested yet, line up to buy an unfinished machine, but it can't mean that.

it means the console is so advanced that it was beta tested in a future where technology was ahead.
I own a 360 but went with a PS4 this time around. The price was the major factor - I just don't give a shit about Kinect or integration with my cable box. It's not worth an extra $100 to me. Sure I'll miss Halo, but again not worth the extra $100.

I just hope Bethesda games actually function on the Sony platform this generation.

The two platforms are too similar for Bethesda to deliver such an asymmetric experience this time.


There's no word "demo" in that article. It was never sold as a demo nor was it marketed as a demo. The word demo never came up. Microsoft called it a full, free* game, that would require extra purchases for core content. Whether or not they offered "season passes" is utterly irrelevant because it was still designed primarily as a free-to-play, microtransaction-based game.
I called it a demo version because that's basically what the f2p version is, and because it was shorter than saying "one character version".

Sure, MS didn't call it a demo, but they did explain what the f2p version was from the start.

And you're missing the point that that is not how Microsoft marketed it and they have gone out of their way to add cosmetic microtransactions to the game.

Jesus, it's not rocket science. This is the same crap F2P MMOs use.
Not sure what you're talking about. There was no confusion surrounding the business model by the time they actually started to market the game (not saying that it got a ton of promotion, though).
You might see this lineup as "having no games" but others do not.
Well, I never said it was a situation of having no games, otherwise, I wouldn't have purchased either system from the start and simply waited until this coming holiday season to jump in. It's just an extraordinarily last-gen/cross-gen multiplat-heavy set of software this time and a lot less next-gen-feeling from that start. It's a very different-seeming appetite for the hardware than previous launches and one that makes me wonder why the start wasn't quite a bit more tepid than it was, not that I expected it as I had no idea what to really expect beyond healthy first month numbers.


You mean you don't know about this ad?

Or that, you don't know what this ad means?

Not sure why everyone making a big deal out of it. Xbox One had no network problem like PSN during launch. And everything so far has worked flawlessly. Build quality of all the component is top notch and its reliable. So why is everyone keep posting this image and making fun of it?


Neo Member
I have not read the whole thread. But I wonder how many of these switchers were primarily online players.

I have built a community of friends on the Xbox systems and that was a major driving force behind me staying with the Xbox brand.

Also I like the idea of entertainment console that MS is going for. It is not for everyone, but it works for me
Good games are good games, man. If you can afford it, why wouldn't you want to play Shadow Fall, Ryse, Forza 5, Second Son, Titanfall, Uncharted, Dead Rising, God of War, Halo, Drive Club, Quantum Break, Planetside 2, Spark, Fable, The Order, KI?
Yes, and as I said, I'd rather buy 15 more good games for my PS4, even if it means I don't get to play Zoo Tycoon. As you say, good games are good games, so as long as I have plenty to play, I'm set.
Not sure why everyone making a big deal out of it. Xbox One had no network problem like PSN during launch. And everything so far has worked flawlessly. Build quality of all the component is top notch and its reliable. So why is everyone keep posting this image and making fun of it?

Because it's a horrible marketing attempt? It's hilariously bad.
Yeah, I don't understand what it means. It seems to mean the console hasn't been tested yet, line up to buy an unfinished machine, but it can't mean that.

I believe it originally said tested for the future, or something like that, then someone changed it to Beta tested in the future as a joke... I think...unless they meant someone took a time machine, prepared it in the future, then came back in time to launch it future proofed... either way its confusing which is what makes it bad.
In case anyones taking a census...

I have 2 360s, 2 PS3s and 1 Wii.
I played all multiplatforms and multiplayer games on the 360.
I only used my PS3s for first party stuff and eventually PSPlus freebies.
The Wii I used 4 times total.

This gen..PS4 for everything.
My Live sub ends in Novemeber and I will not be renewing. By then any multiplayer game I play will long be dead or not appealing. App access is free and easy everywhere else..especially Roku.

I really do not like the attitude, decisions and greediness of Microsoft. They made my next gen preference very easy for me.


Well, I never said it was a situation of having no games, otherwise, I wouldn't have purchased either system from the start and simply waited until this coming holiday season to jump in. It's just an extraordinarily last-gen/cross-gen multiplat-heavy set of software this time and a lot less next-gen-feeling from that start. It's a very different-seeming appetite for the hardware than previous launches and one that makes me wonder why the start wasn't quite a bit more tepid than it was, not that I expected it as I had no idea what to really expect beyond healthy first month numbers.

AAA games are too expensive now. What you saw this launch will be the norm. Maybe even worse next time. Hell, even early exclusives may start being cross-gen next time to try to recoup development costs.
If you posted a list of games on each console right now, I think you would find you are wrong.

PS4 retail games not available on Xbox One
Infamous Second Son this week

Xbox One retail games not available on PS4
Dead Rising 3
Forza 5
PvZ Garden Warfare


Technically, that is what it means. The intent was that "This system is so awesome that even the beta testing took place in the future. It is THAT advanced.".
it means the console is so advanced that it was beta tested in a future where technology was ahead.
Oh, very strange choice to mention the beta testing, I don't get why it's not just "Xbox One, a taste of the future" or whatever, citing testing is bizarre to me.


Not a single one of my friends that have an Xbone care or know the power difference between it and the PS4. They're just like LOL CALL OF DUTY TITANFALL HALO YAY! Mind you that's anecdotal but I can't imagine the casual Xbox audience thinking much different.

The casual Xbox audience are more or less gone now. They're mostly the ones that bought a Xbox 360 for Kinect.


I think the lack of backwards compatibility hurt MS more than Sony in this respect.

I was primarily a 360 gamer and so it "hurts" me more that the XBO has no backwards compatibility since I already have a large figital library of MS games. I have little investment in the PS3 in this regard so the lack of PS4 backwards compatibility doesn't really affect me much.

I know this is mostly psychological but it still impacts me. It feels like I gave MS a lot of loyalty and money last gen and I am very aware that they've effectively thrown that loyalty out whereas I am not willing to let my investment go.


Not sure why everyone making a big deal out of it. Xbox One had no network problem like PSN during launch. And everything so far has worked flawlessly. Build quality of all the component is top notch and its reliable. So why is everyone keep posting this image and making fun of it?

Rose coloured glasses? The Xbox infrastructure was flaky day one as evident by the Xbox Live Status page. For hardware, grinding Blu-ray drives? Also, Beta tested in the future with a giant profile, external PSU, giant clunky plastic parts, etc and so on.


Well, duh. That's what happens when you shit on gamers' trust in you and proceed to make an inferior console.

Anyone who's informed WILL purchase from your competitor. I certainly started to.

The only thing the XB1 really has going for it right now is Titanfall, whose ability to incur XB1 purchases as a result of its "exclusivity" has been analyzed to death and needs no summary from me.


I have not read the whole thread. But I wonder how many of these switchers were primarily online players.

I have built a community of friends on the Xbox systems and that was a major driving force behind me staying with the Xbox brand.

Also I like the idea of entertainment console that MS is going for. It is not for everyone, but it works for me

When this generation began, I literally had 10 times the friends list on Xbox. I now actually have more on PSN -- that's just in a couple months! A lot of the people I know went with PS4, as well as a lot that I just knew online. I'm just one person, so this doesn't really mean anything through the whole ecosystem - anecdotal evidence no all that. But, I found it kind of fascinating.


Moved from MS to Sony this gen myself. Sold both my 360's and bought a PS3/PS4. Will pick up a Vita once the Borderlands 2 bundle is out.
I only owned Xbox for the past 2 consoles . I never owned or even considered Sony .

Even after seeing what Microsoft started doing with Live on the 360 later in the Generation, I was still on the Xbox One train early last year.

But after the coup attempt my MS and their initial policies on the XB1 I basically said screw them . I'm not coming back and I will not own their console at any price, it offers nothing I want and I will not support them in any way . I gave the PS4 a shot and its the best decision I ever made.

Much better value then live ever was. I even picked up a PS3 and a Vita to complete the tri-fecta.

There really was only one choice this gen, some people understood that and others are still in fantasy land.
and why is that? Please do elaborate. If the console, software and accessories went to brutal tests and from the launch it proves it did. How is that a horrible marketing attempt?

Because it's a confusing way to convey their message. I didn't understand it until someone explained it to me. It makes it sound like the console will be beta tested in the future.

Lol brutal.
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