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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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I think most people aren't buying the consoles based on the games that are currently out, they're buying them based on what they perceive to be the potential future life of the console. Clearly, some people are excited by the prospect of more Halo, Forza, Fable and Gears of War than they can shake a stick at, but plainly more people are excited by the idea of getting the superior versions of every multiplatform game for a cheaper price, along with whatever Sony themselves cook up.

If you're spending $500 to play Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct I don't really know what to say.

Sure, there's always the future of games to look forward to, but you said it yourself that it's not an insignificant amount of money to throw down...especially with so much unemployment and financial uncertainty across the industrialized world. As for the superior mutliplats, well, I don't think most buyers bought with that idea clearly established when they bought up every unit available before this was a widely known fact. That's something that has only recently been confirmed via launch software over the last few months, but doesn't explain the huge front-load of sales to start off, even besting previous system launches. People spending $400 for mildly better versions of multiplats sounds way more ridiculous than buying a more expensive system for exclusives, IMO. I can't say anything bad about whatever reason someone has to buy one of these systems since I bought both at launch, myself, and own more than a dozen titles across both so far, and more that I have access to with my brother's purchases to share with digitally. If only I had the time and energy to really spend with all of them.


I have a Titanfall bundle I got in the MS store promo code error last week. I jumped on it because it was a deal, but, now I'm still having second thoughts about opening it up.

Anyone have a setup where they've left the 360 and a X1 in the same space? Not sure how I feel about dueling Kinects (kids play some 360 Kinect stuff yet, so, that needs to stay hooked up).

Put the 360 Kinect on top of the Xbox One for laughs.
I had a 360 last gen, and I lost faith in MS after it became clear that they cared more about making the console more about other stuff other than games. Sony has always been focused in the games, and it has the strongest 1st party studio that can go head-to-head with Nintendo. I will be picking up a PS4 in the coming months, and have no intentions of ever picking up an Xbox One unless some extremely good exclusives are developed for it.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't disagree with your wish from a consumer point of view, but what you suggest would mean sticking to a Power processor and probably having a different memory architecture for XBO, among other implications. It would have come with its own price.

I don't really value backwards compatibility. It doesn't mean much to me in my purchasing decision. BUT if I were Microsoft (or a Microsoft faithful or whatever) and I wanted people to believe there would be meaningful ecosystem ties beyond, "Well, your GamerTag already has all your FRIENDS you will surely be telling everyone on a message board are all buying Xbox*," they should have found a way to make that stuff carry over. I understand there are technical and logistical challenges. Without it, I think there's not much tying people any platform at all. I think Sony learned this the hardware last gen. Given the popularity of their platform, so many of their software titles went on to become multimillion selling titles. Look at how SOCOM's popularity waned as people found substitutes elsewhere. I think with very, very few exceptions (and Halo could be one of those), "perfect substitutes" in gaming are just substitutes that come close enough.

I see this often and it frustrates me: "But Xbox 1 has better/more games." At what point do we decide that we will let the market decide this? This statement has not been validated by the market thus far. I see lots of arguments (and have to moderate lots of them...) regarding the PS+ indie games, the diversity of lineups, the quality of exclusives, and so on, but it just seems like a lot of bloviating to me.

For lots of people, $500 is a not immaterial proportion of their annual income. If you make $40k or you are a teenager or whatever, $500 is more than 1% of your GROSS annual income. You think people should make that decision because of Killer Instinct?


I bought 360 and PS3 last gen, I played mostly on my 360 for xbox live, Forza 2/3/4 which were really great games, and all the multiplats because they ran better on it, PS3 was for exclusives.

I bought a PS4 because I don't really care about kinect, the price, and the fact that Forza 5 is just not that good in comparaison to 4. And multiplats seems to run better on it for now.

Maybe I will get an Xbox One by the time of Forza 6, if it stand comparaison to 4 in terms of functionnality and content.


If the current software isn't the reason, then why else are people spending $400+ for these new systems by the millions?

Multiplatform games, not exclusives? People buying CoD, BF4, AC4, NBA 2K. Just because one system launched with more exclusive games doesn't mean people are buying based on a list of exclusive games. Most buy consoles to play games from Activision, EA, Take Two, Ubisoft, etc.


I can verify the title.

Xbox and 360 guy here, never had plans to buy a Playstation after my second PS2, but I now own a PS3 and I don't plan on buying another MS product.

Blame my four RRoD'ed Xboxes.


Gold Member
Wut? Games have to be revolutionary to be worth your while.

Why should I buy the exact same game I've played for three iterations? Forza has literally NOT changed since Forza 2 except to add more cars and graphical fidelity. It's one thing to drop $60 every few years on a new incremental iteration, but it's quite another to drop $560 on one. There is literally NO incentive to drop $500 to play a game that plays near identically to the previous iteration.

Also: KI's business model isn't based around microtransactions. Read up on it.

Be snarky as much as you's like, but this is a typical free-to-play microtransaction chart if I've ever seen one. They marketed the game as "free" but if you wanted the full experience, you had to pay per character.


Uhm, pretty sure you can buy KI as a 'regular' game with all of the characters + the DLC characters included for like, $40 or something.

See above. They originally marketed the game as Free to all Xbox One owners*. It wasn't until later that they added an inclusive purchase option. The game was built around being a free-to-play microtransaction title. That first impression, just like the rest of the console, gave people a lasting negative impression.
I still think MS could turn this all around with a well thought out E3 conference. Hopefully they've learned from thier past PR mistakes and can keep a smart, unified message. I think they can. Make some unique announcements and announce a price drop or interesting bundles.

I firmly believe that interest is still out there with the X1, it's just a lot of money. For it to keep up as well as it is with PS4 sales being in fewer countries and costing a $100 bucks more makes me think they're actually still doing pretty good.

Was this survey taken before or after the $499 titanfall bundle?
I have both the PS4 and Wii U. While the game lineup for Sony is a little sparse right now that is not the case for the Wii U. There are many must have games for the Wii U right now.

It's all personal opinion and preference though isn't it. If my heart belongs to any of the big three it would be Nintendo and I just can't find enough reason to buy the Wii U at this stage. It is starting to build up a decent exclusive library but not enough yet for me.

The PS4 I will only ever be using for exclusives so there's really is no reason for me to buy one for at least a couple of years. I may even not bother if PlayStation Now gets PS4 games and isn't dog shit. I will just go that route instead.
Multiplatform games, not exclusives? People buying CoD, BF4, AC4, NBA 2K. Just because one system launched with more exclusive games doesn't mean people are buying based on a list of exclusive games. Most buy consoles to play games from Activision, EA, Take Two, Ubisoft, etc.

Sure, multiplats are the mainstream sellers. But why buy a more expensive system for those when many if not most are appreciably close enough on current systems and offer far greater userbases to play with? Seems that the extended last gen and hype for next-gen was more the reason than software.


I firmly believe that interest is still out there with the X1, it's just a lot of money. For it to keep up as well as it is with PS4 sales being in fewer countries and costing a $100 bucks more makes me think they're actually still doing pretty good.

It hasn't kept up well, especially this year. PS4 is over 6 million.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Sure, multiplats are the mainstream sellers. But why buy a more expensive system for those when many if not most are appreciably close enough on current systems and offer far greater userbases to play with? Seems that the extended last gen and hype for next-gen was more the reason than software.

But again this seems to be a statement that the market does not agree with.


It's really no surprise considering the charade they pulled last E3. That alone set the precedence for this generation. I've been jumping around ever since the beginning. I typically try to purchase all the consoles of each generation but this is how I've been so far.

NES -> Genesis -> N64 -> Gamecube -> X360 -> PS4

I have no brand loyalty to be honest, I just look for which system has the best games that appeal to me.


Sure, multiplats are the mainstream sellers. But why buy a more expensive system for those when many if not most are appreciably close enough on current systems and offer far greater userbases to play with? Seems that the extended last gen and hype for next-gen was more the reason than software.

And there is a large segment of the 160 million PS3 and 360 owners who are doing just that (I know there is overlap on those numbers, but I don't know how many)

But there is another segment who would rather enjoy those crossgen titles on a superior platform because they are sick to death of 720p, no AA, muddy textures, and sub-30fps.
I was 360/PS3 owner with the Xbox 360 as my main console. I felt the PS3 was laughable for most of its lifespan. Outside of Uncharted and some japanese exclusives (Demon Souls) I didn't care much about it.

Now I'm pretty open to the PS4 platform. I just hope Sony creates some new IP's that I'm interested in. The Order is a pretty good start. Anywyas, Microsoft has just completely turned me off. It will be a few years before I look at buying their products again.


I'm a previous Xbox owner and to be honest it makes my skin crawl thinking of buying a PS4 or Xbone right now. Very underwhelmed by the upcoming exclusives on either console. I will probably grab a white Xbone once Halo 2 Anniversary comes out tho.

This seems like flawed logic.


I chose to stay with Xbox mainly because I thought it would be better online but I also preferred their IP. I made the right choice for me.

In a few months I'll still be able to play Titanfall, that's more important to me than slight graphical improvements.
Full HD, higher FR plus textures are slight improvements? C'mon son.

Fox Mulder

Why should I buy the exact same game I've played for three iterations? Forza has literally NOT changed since Forza 2 except to add more cars and graphical fidelity. It's one thing to drop $60 every few years on a new incremental iteration, but it's quite another to drop $560 on one. There is literally NO incentive to drop $500 to play a game that plays near identically to the previous iteration.

I actually would be fine buying an xbox one just for a shinier forza, but it has fewer cars and tracks than Forza 4 did. It's fine if they want to remodel everything for a new generation, but I'll wait to buy it or skip this one.


Why should I buy the exact same game I've played for three iterations? Forza has literally NOT changed since Forza 2 except to add more cars and graphical fidelity. It's one thing to drop $60 every few years on a new incremental iteration, but it's quite another to drop $560 on one. There is literally NO incentive to drop $500 to play a game that plays near identically to the previous iteration.
So why dump on the Xbone's lineup then? It's not like the PS4's lineup is any more revolutionary.

See above. They originally marketed the game as Free to all Xbox One owners*. It wasn't until later that they added an inclusive purchase option. The game was built around being a free-to-play microtransaction title. That first impression, just like the rest of the console, gave people a lasting negative impression.
Except they told us from the start that there would be multiple options.

One f2p demo version for those who just wanted to try the game. And a season pass version for those who wanted to get everything


Maybe those who can afford it would rather buy 10 extra games for their PS4 plus an additional game every year than play Halo. It's not like there won't be a ton of great $GENRE games coming out for PS4.

Being a gamer, I'd rather play more games than fewer.

Good games are good games, man. If you can afford it, why wouldn't you want to play Shadow Fall, Ryse, Forza 5, Second Son, Titanfall, Uncharted, Dead Rising, God of War, Halo, Drive Club, Quantum Break, Planetside 2, Spark, Fable, The Order, KI?


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Be snarky as much as you's like, but this is a typical free-to-play microtransaction chart if I've ever seen one. They marketed the game as "free" but if you wanted the full experience, you had to pay per character.



See above. They originally marketed the game as Free to all Xbox One owners*. It wasn't until later that they added an inclusive purchase option. The game was built around being a free-to-play microtransaction title. That first impression, just like the rest of the console, gave people a lasting negative impression.
I hate DLC and micro transactions as much as anyone. I usually don't butt in on conversations but you're ignoring the single most important point..KI is $20 for all 8 characters and modes.
Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).



I know a lot of people who had 360 that also made the switch... seeing as they missed a lot of good games near the end of the PS3 cycle

a lot of them are also anticipating PS Now


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Whats wrong with the DS4? The online infrastructure works like a charm. How can you say you dont like Sony exclusives? Why would you purchase an Xbone when MS basically says fuck you Netherlands.

Looking at what you posted above me and im baffled. Quite a lot of ignorance of how PS4 works. Online infrastructure seems better on ps4. Have you seen Infamous SS? Halo4 sucked balls, and I agree that killzone is no Halo, its still a lot of fun.

I LOVE ninja Gaiden but that doesnt mean god of war isnt a cool game lol...

Design-wise I'm not feeling the controller, regardless of the changes it still has the symmetrical sticks and triggers that I don't have a preference for. I can't go for that for my shooters after all the years of the Xbox controller setups over the past generations.

I know how the PS4 infrastructure is, I don't own either of the consoles but that does not mean that I'm not keeping up on where they stand now. Xbox One was missing a lot of the core things at launch that the 360 has UI-wise, and the last update finally began to bring some of those things back. By the time there's a price drop I'd expect the XB1 to be at least on par with the 360 feature-wise, or else I can just wait, no rush whatsoever. If I wanted to buy an Xbox One that badly, I could just import for the same price as everywhere else, which is why XB1 not being released yet worldwide doesn't bother me one bit.

I've seen Infamous SS, I've played the first two by a friend, and the game simply doesn't appeal to me. Games like that, or Just Cause etc. aren't my thing. The closest thing to those that I've actually bought are the first couple Saint's Rows and Crackdown 1. Being a good-looking game isn't everything to me, and I see the same thing with others whenever I pop into the Killzone PS4 thread after the new game shine has worn off.

Ninja Gaiden is a game I can see myself coming back to forever because of the gameplay. Games that are difficult and challenging are my kind of thing, regardless of genre - God of War is one of those games that I find are on the easy side and aren't my kind of thing at all. Metal Gear Rising, although a far, far second place after the Ninja Gaiden series in Itagaki's hands, is the next closest thing to me in the action genre, and even that game isn't that deep or solid control-wise compared to NG.

And this is your problem. It is completely different from the DS3 but it seems you are far past listening.

I don't have to listen about the controller at all, because I've already mentioned from an ergonomics standpoint that I'm not feeling how the controller is designed, regardless of how much different the feel is in my hands. My preference for the console is not solely based on the controller as also mentioned, but it is one of the major points, yes.

Right now PSN is currently superior to the XB1 in nearly all of those things, the most prominent being Party chat (there's been a lot of discussion on XB1 parties) and regarding the patching, it seems to be vastly superior on PS4 right now too. Most of your reasoning is regarding PS3 vs. 360 and it's simply not like that anymore.

By the time I get the XB1, I would hope that Microsoft get their stuff together to at least match the 360's feature set, it's part of the reason why I haven't gotten one yet aside from the price and power disparity.

I've had a similar opinion as you regarding the dualshock controllers but the DS4 really is comfortable. It doesn't feel cheap, it's bigger so it feels better for those with bigger hands like me, the d-pad isn't uncomfortable to travel between directions, the triggers feel like actual triggers, and the sticks are further apart and feel better as well. Honestly, I have few complaints with the DS4, with the battery life really being the only major one.

As for your other concerns about the Playstation, PSN is much improved over what we had on the PS3. Party chat works great and I haven't had any issues playing with my friends. I'm not really sure how you can have an issue with exclusives when we don't know what they are yet. Sure we'll have new Uncharted, GT, and possibly GoW games, but both MS and Sony introduce new IP every generation. So there may be something that fits your taste coming from Sony yet. Plus wasn't there that Famitsu article about a surge of exclusive development for the PS4? That's sure to produce some good games.

I agree with you regarding the stupid wars over electronics. IMO too many people let the box decide their opinion about the games. I care about the games, the box is mostly irrelevant to me, which is why I had no issue switching from the 360 last gen to the PS4 this gen. It's also a bonus that I won't have to worry whether or not my version of a multi-platform title will turn out worse than the others. That's one of the main reasons I couldn't use the PS3 last gen as a main console and can't do the same with the Xbox one this gen. Why settle for the lesser version when I plan to own both consoles.

I like and appreciate your post a lot since you took the time to discuss, plus you're doing so with an understanding of where I'm coming from, nice.

Your post makes me want to give the controller a try now, since you also had the same problems I had with the previous controller(s). I understand why others don't see why I don't dig the controller, a shame that they don't understand why I do have a problem with it.

I know that PSN has had some major improvements on the PS4 on paper, I still have to experience them first-hand. My issues with the exclusives are that I wasn't attracted to the previous ones, so any sequels or games made by the same devs won't hook me in either. Unless there is some fresh blood in there that brings something to the table that I really like, I don't see me going to a PS4 for exclusives either. I'll be watching the new IPs for both consoles like I've always done though.

Glad to see that you agree with the whole nonsense about console war bullshit too, and just your post in general since you're posting as someone who owns and likes both consoles.

Oh please. So you'd ignore the game because there's an alternate that isn't that much better. Wtf!? Ninja Gaiden isn't exclusive to Xbox either. And God of War, Heavenly Sword and Killzone aren't the only Sony exclusives but seeing what you compared them to, I see where your head is at. Typical...

Patching seems to work fine on PS4, in fact faster and better than the XB1. Party Chat works perfectly fine on PS4, so does Invites and all the 2007 BS your still on when it comes to "online infrastructure". So stop. This is 2014 not 2007. We are far passed the BS arguments about what the PS3 couldn't do technically because of the way it was built. The online portion of it was always fine.

And besides, you DONT have to play with a PS controller as there are alternative out there that you can play with the system. The controller is a damn excuse and so is picking an choosing the games that you haven't tried just because of the couple you didn't like. What kind of logic is that? I would understand if you played ALL of them but if you didn't.. I mean how can you even have an opinion on what you haven't touched.


I don't need an excuse to not buy a device meant for my hobbies or for fun. Why spend hundreds of euros or dollars, let alone a cent, for something I'm just not feeling?

The exclusives I mentioned were just a quick type-off. Does it make you feel better if I wrote that I'm not pulled in by Uncharted, The Last of Us or Infamous? I already mentioned that I'm not going to argue opinions with you or anyone. You like the games you like, and you enjoy them, good for you. I like the games I like, and I've been a happy gamer with my choices as well. The other reasons for my game choices can be found in my two responses above.

As for PSN in 2014 on PS4 vs XB1, as mentioned earlier I know that XB1 is missing features that are even standard on 360. The latest patch added some of those features once again, and by the time I plan on picking up a much-cheaper XB1, I would expect the features to be at least with 360. If that is the case, I would put XBL over PSN.

If you think that PSN was "always fine" on PS3, I definitely have nothing more to discuss on that front either, because that surely not the case. Maybe you're just not a technical person. I can't count the amount of testimonials from personal friends and fellow GAF members that have nothing to gain or lose from saying that their online experiences on PSN were below their experiences with XBL as owners of both consoles.

Finally, I am a person that does not buy or deal with 3rd party products so I don't see myself buying another controller just to play on the PS4. Good luck having conversations with people with opinions different than yours in the future man. I don't need to hold or buy a PS4 controller when I've known for more than a decade that I do not prefer symmetrical sticks. Doesn't mean that I won't try the pad, but my eyes can be enough to form an opinion in a case where I have a preference in the way I like my sticks laid out.

Thats what I thought originally. But once I tried it, I was in Heaven. There's just some kind of ergonomic magic going on with it.

This post also make me want to try the pad - thanks for your impressions man.

I have a friend that has a PS4, he lives a bit on the outside of the city though, and I've been way too busy for the past few months to go and swing by.


i switched, and there's no way i'm buying two launch consoles at the highest price to play the fewest games. Plus.....MS's used game strategy of not wanting them.
But again this seems to be a statement that the market does not agree with.
Maybe, but we'll never know. I think people just bought safe bets while waiting for real meaty stuff to satisfy if I look at the tie-ratios, which seem to be historically low for launch systems, though I could be wrong.

And there is a large segment of the 160 million PS3 and 360 owners who are doing just that (I know there is overlap on those numbers, but I don't know how many)

But there is another segment who would rather enjoy those crossgen titles on a superior platform because they are sick to death of 720p, no AA, muddy textures, and sub-30fps.

Yeah, I get that, but it seems strangely high considering the lack of software.
I was 360/PS3 owner with the Xbox 360 as my main console. I felt the PS3 was laughable for most of its lifespan. Outside of Uncharted and some japanese exclusives (Demon Souls) I didn't care much about it.

Now I'm pretty open to the PS4 platform. I just hope Sony creates some new IP's that I'm interested in. The Order is a pretty good start. Anywyas, Microsoft has just completely turned me off. It will be a few years before I look at buying their products again.

This is pretty much me to a T. I owned all consoles last gen, but moving forward I have become more of a Sony fan due to them supporting their platforms longer and a more diverse field of IP.
I just recently got my Xbox One and love it. Titanafall is amazingly fun but the interface with my TV is also great. The seamless switching with my voice from games to tv and apps works near flawless. To me thats what PS4 cannot match. I will have my PS4 eventually though.
Yeah but I got both and am pretty glad I got the X1. Unless the Ps4 has a great holiday season lineup (it likely does) its probably not worth owning till 2015. I think people are convincing themselves that the X1 is bad news because of the bad taste MS left in their mouth but it is a great console to own. Just my opinion GAF. Don't hurt me please.


That's me! But really, that one year headstart+console parity+non-shitty MS tactics during the beginning of last gen had a lot to do with it.


Yeah but I got both and am pretty glad I got the X1. Unless the Ps4 has a great holiday season lineup (it likely does) its probably not worth owning till 2015. I think people are convincing themselves that the X1 is bad news because of the bad taste MS left in their mouth but it is a great console to own. Just my opinion GAF. Don't hurt me please.

We won't hurt you.

*Secretly preparing machete


I hate DLC and micro transactions as much as anyone. I usually don't butt in on conversations but you're ignoring the single most important point..KI is $20 for all 8 characters and modes.

They're calling those 8 characters "season 1 characters" so that means the game will feature more transactions down the road.


Gold Member
Except they told us from the start that there would be multiple options.

One f2p demo version for those who just wanted to try the game. And a season pass version for those who wanted to get everything

There's no word "demo" in that article. It was never sold as a demo nor was it marketed as a demo. The word demo never came up. Microsoft called it a full, free* game, that would require extra purchases for core content. Whether or not they offered "season passes" is utterly irrelevant because it was still designed primarily as a free-to-play, microtransaction-based game.

That you're calling it a demo now is pure revisionist spin.

I'm dumping on the Xbox One's library because it deserves to be dumped on, and Microsoft has done VERY LITTLE to promote a more diverse lineup. Project Spark? Gimme a break. Microsoft is still stuck in a routine with their games marketing. Forza! Halo! Gears! COD Exclusive DLC! At least Sony encourages developers to try other things than the same old shit.

I hate DLC and micro transactions as much as anyone. I usually don't butt in on conversations but you're ignoring the single most important point..KI is $20 for all 8 characters and modes.

And you're missing the point that that is not how Microsoft marketed it and they have gone out of their way to add cosmetic microtransactions to the game.

Jesus, it's not rocket science. This is the same crap F2P MMOs use.


Underpowered is not an issue when you compare the fun you get from Titanfall VS Killzone/Knack.

I'd rather play a fun game than a showcase game with no fun.

The issue is the price of the bundle. Xone has better games than PS4 for now : PVZ /Titanfall/ DR3 / Forza .

When I play Xone I see the gap between it and X360. But not a 250 $. MS has gone mad on price. But for now it seems to fit them as they don't do the same thing they ve done with original XBOX.

I think XBOX division needs someone with a vision, they have people that don't take any risks, they play it safe and they will die if they continue top drop the ball.

Kinect is a problem when you have no games for it and is only used to make skype calls ...
This seems to be a problem for most folks like you poster to understand. What's others cup of tea may not be yours. People love Knack and Killzone and people love Titanfall. Get it?


Maybe, but we'll never know. I think people just bought safe bets while waiting for real meaty stuff to satisfy if I look at the tie-ratios, which seem to be historically low for launch systems, though I could be wrong.

Yeah, I get that, but it seems strangely high considering the lack of software.

But overall there are plenty of games to play on both consoles. Even if you only buy it for BF or CoD now, it's not like you have to wait for the 2nd or 3rd iteration of those games before you jump in. You know they're coming so why not upgrade now and enjoy those games now instead of a year from now?

Usually 2 years before a price drop, right? So you could keep plugging away on sub-30 fps versions of these games for another 2 years just to save $100 off the next console purchase 2 years later, or you can buy now and just eat that extra $100 so that you can enjoy the upgraded versions of the games now.

You might see this lineup as "having no games" but others do not.
This sure is an article that Microsoft would like to sweep under the rug, or find a way to spin it.

Maybe many gamers are currently beta testing the Xbox One in the future? So they do not have a final retail console yet?
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