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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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Eh... wouldn't a better survey have been to actually see whether people are switching from one to the other i.e. representative sample of new system buyers, who out of them owned a 360, bought a PS4 to replace it, or vice versa PS3->XB1, and then asked why?
My perspective is that Microsoft should have prioritized a low price and backwards compatibility. I don't know if I buy the loyalty/conversion argument/strategy but there's really no network effect of 360 XBLG to Xbone that I can think of. My software doesn't carry over...so why would it matter?
I think rather than necessarily BC, if they wanted to create value through direct network effects they should have found some manner of allowing PS3/PS4 cross-play or 360-XB1 cross-play. I don't know how many titles actually allow this, does something like COD or Battlefield? There are probably a swathe of logistical issues that prevent this I guess.

Will Titanfall allow cross-platform play? Will Destiny?


Microsoft really goofed with the specs and pricing of the Xbox One when compared to the PS4. How Microsoft could not foresee that is beyond me, they have basically given a certain amount of sales to Sony for free. It's not like Sony have done anything incredible with the new PlayStation, it's pretty run of the mill. It's just Microsoft have made it look like a great choice by getting their own competing product so wrong.

Still having said that, the XB1 is the only "next gen" console I own so far along with my trusty PC. The PS4 and Wii U just have nothing in the games department lined up as of yet. I'm the type of person who usually buys everything at some stage, though I can definitely see why many would chose to go PS4 only this gen.

I have both the PS4 and Wii U. While the game lineup for Sony is a little sparse right now that is not the case for the Wii U. There are many must have games for the Wii U right now.


And yet I have played it. Bizarre.

ACiT I haven't played, but considering I hate all the R&Cs I have played, I would be surprised if it changed my mind.

They're truly awful.

Resistance 3 was amazing, and it does compare Favorably to HL2.


Why? XB1 has more games right now. PS4 may be the more powerful console but at launch if you want actually exclusives, XB1 is the way to go. This is coming from a guy who bought PS4 at launch.



May I have a cookie?
My perspective is that Microsoft should have prioritized a low price and backwards compatibility. I don't know if I buy the loyalty/conversion argument/strategy but there's really no network effect of 360 XBLG to Xbone that I can think of. My software doesn't carry over...so why would it matter?

I think the machine is just built for the wrong audience, and it is definitely built for the wrong audience at this stage of its lifecycle.

That said, PS4 is just a more appealing machine to the market in general and I think pointing at a few exclusives is sort of misguided.

I don't disagree with your wish from a consumer point of view, but what you suggest would mean sticking to a Power processor and probably having a different memory architecture for XBO, among other implications. It would have come with its own price.


The Xbone doesn't have more games right now.

You're doing it wrong man. That's an obvious lie. You need to say:

XB1 has more games right now* (asterisk and then you elaborate how your taste is the one that matters.)

Lol, MS is in serious trouble if core gamer's don't think The launch lineup of XB1 us solid. I don't know man but, Forza, Ryse, KI, Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall* should be considered a killer lineup. I mean, the only thing that stopped me from buying XB1 was the price tag.


I'm a previous Xbox owner and to be honest it makes my skin crawl thinking of buying a PS4 or Xbone right now. Very underwhelmed by the upcoming exclusives on either console. I will probably grab a white Xbone once Halo 2 Anniversary comes out tho.


we all know both consoles will have plenty of exclusives but right now the xbx1 has the better line up. the positions of both companies have changed this gen.From start to finish everything was switched. Both will be perfectly fine.


It's already been mentioned a lot but Sony does have a lot more games than Microsoft ever will. When I traded my 360 off last July and moved over to PS3 to round out the last gen, I really thought I had played everything I cared about. Then I started seeing all the titles I never bothered to look at and it was like having a whole new generation. The way things ended up I could have waited a bit longer for the PS4 which actually shocked me. So all the people who try and say that Microsoft has a deep library just makes me laugh. In this case, the grass really was greener on the other side.


Lol, MS is in serious trouble if core gamer's don't think The launch lineup of XB1 us solid. I don't know man but, Forza, Ryse, KI, Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall* should be considered a killer lineup. I mean, the only thing that stopped me from buying XB1 was the price tag.

Forza has less features than Forza4.

Ryse looks like a pretty bad game. Run of the mill hack & slash.

Dead Rising 3 looks like fun, I loved the previous DR games but it's not worth 560 euro's.

Titanfall seems cool, but I'll probably get bored of it quickly. It seems that UT2004 has more content than that game.


extra source of jiggaflops
Lol, MS is in serious trouble if core gamer's don't think The launch lineup of XB1 us solid. I don't know man but, Forza, Ryse, KI, Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall* should be considered a killer lineup. I mean, the only thing that stopped me from buying XB1 was the price tag.

For chronology because your response doesn't make sense:

You say: Xbone has more games than PS4.
I say: That is incorrect.
You say: Y u no consider Xbone killer line-up?

I say: That was not my objection. It doesn't have more games.

I believe a F2P game is going to be supporting this. Gotta do a search.
War Thunder and Final Fantasy 14 will be cross-play. The former might already be. The last time I heard about the patch was beginning of February.
If i didn't had a gaming rig.
I would have also gotten an ps4 first.
It the better machine and more bang for bucks.
Would have gotten an X1 when Halo 5 launched.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Why does anyone think that the current games lineup should make an argument for buying either system? That's extremely myopic. These are pretty big investments for a lot of people, and anybody who thinks it should be made on the basis of the quality of the 10 games that are currently available for the system needs their head checked.
Resistance 3 was amazing, and it does compare Favorably to HL2.

Haha, that's a really stupid thing to say, to me.

They're comparable on the level they're first person shooters created this century.

But Insomniac has struggled the entire last generation. After Resistance and Fuse, I can't believe people don't have massive reservations about Sunset Overdrive. I understand optimism, but I don't understand people holding it up as some kind of dead-cert 90+ Metacritic title.


Lol, MS is in serious trouble if core gamer's don't think The launch lineup of XB1 us solid. I don't know man but, Forza, Ryse, KI, Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall* should be considered a killer lineup. I mean, the only thing that stopped me from buying XB1 was the price tag.
TitanFall is the only one I'd care about, but Sony have nothing I care about either, except InFamous, and I want that a lot more.

They're both pretty bad line ups I think.


Not sure about that at all.

Single player or MP? HL2 was incredible in both. Also, you are comparing an old PC game with something much more recent.

Strictly single player. HL2 is clearly the superior game, I just meant it had that HL2 feel to it. I love the Resistance franchise and I think R3 is the best out of all them. It really is a great SP game, I went in expecting a decent to mediocre game like Resistance 2 and ended up loving it.
Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up

That's easy to accomplish when you kill off real 1st-party support for your 7th-gen system almost three years before the successor, and shift those games to said successor.

a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody),

Remedy? IMHO they're overrated. Very overrated. At least Quantic Dream can make visually intensive tech demos.

And Insomniac? C'mon, they had R&C, and that's it. And those weren't even Sony's best platformers. Insomniac's best days seem behind them now.

and more announced games, with more to come.

Hey that's great if all you play are the AAA games whose budgets, comparative unoriginality and unrealistic expectations are going to eventually kill the industry unless that sector of the market implodes, which it will.

Meanwhile anyone who's a real gamer and considers stuff outside of that sector to be just as worthy in conversation, know the PS4 has much more games available and on the way. And I hear they have a few AAA games in the works, too. Whodathunkit?
Why does anyone think that the current games lineup should make an argument for buying either system? That's extremely myopic. These are pretty big investments for a lot of people, and anybody who thinks it should be made on the basis of the quality of the 10 games that are currently available for the system needs their head checked.

If the current software isn't the reason, then why else are people spending $400+ for these new systems by the millions?
I'm a previous Xbox owner and to be honest it makes my skin crawl thinking of buying a PS4 or Xbone right now. Very underwhelmed by the upcoming exclusives on either console. I will probably grab a white Xbone once Halo 2 Anniversary comes out tho.

I'm on the same boat. The PS4 sounds more appealing to me when it comes down to the console itself, but neither have any games coming up soon that interest me enough to buy either one (Second Son looks awesome though).

I'll probably cave for Destiny.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Ironically, I was a PS3 owner and chose the Xbone for KI. Very glad I did, that and DR3 are keeping me plenty busy. I'm definately getting a PS4 by fall of this year though.


That describes me.

I owned both and am only owning a ps4 this gen.

7/8 friends who only had 360s last gen only have ps4s now.

Only one friend has an xbone and he has a ps4 as well.

These are guys who are mostly one shooter one sports game one random game a year types. Madden GTA and cod, or nba2k halo and assassins creed etc. Guys who have been gold since halo 2 days.

The anti used always online stuff about the xbone was so toxic for them that the reversal was basically met with a "fuck you for even trying that shit" attitude for the most part.

I'm shocked shocked shocked. If you asked me a year ago I'd guess two of us at most would own ps4s and all would have xb1s.


For chronology because your response doesn't make sense:

You say: Xbone has more games than PS4.
I say: That is incorrect.
You say: Y u no consider Xbone killer line-up?

I say: That was not my objection. It doesn't have more games.

"More games" meant more exclusives. The best games I've played on PS4 is Resogun and NBA 2K14. Had some fun with Madden as well. Considering all the responses I guess it is just a matter of my own opinion.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
If the current software isn't the reason, then why else are people spending $400+ for these new systems by the millions?

I think most people aren't buying the consoles based on the games that are currently out, they're buying them based on what they perceive to be the potential future life of the console. Clearly, some people are excited by the prospect of more Halo, Forza, Fable and Gears of War than they can shake a stick at, but plainly more people are excited by the idea of getting the superior versions of every multiplatform game for a cheaper price, along with whatever Sony themselves cook up.

If you're spending $500 to play Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct I don't really know what to say.


Gold Member
Fair points on the PC-PS4 crossplay. My mistake for not looking deeper into the subject. That said, I don't see Microsoft bothering, not after having major problems with cross play in the past (brb while I hug my Shadowrun: "Mine is the Superior Platform (Vista)" achievement). The abandonment of GFWL pretty much puts a nail in the coffin of PC-Xbox crossplay.

Lol, MS is in serious trouble if core gamer's don't think The launch lineup of XB1 us solid. I don't know man but, Forza, Ryse, KI, Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall* should be considered a killer lineup. I mean, the only thing that stopped me from buying XB1 was the price tag.

I'd like to think I'm a core gamer so let me run down the list:
Forza: Same shit, different generation. There's nothing revolutionary about the XBO's version of Forza over Forza 4 on 360.

Ryse: The game looked interesting but had been shown 2 and a half years prior as a Kinect only title. Then went into development hell, turned into a regular controller title with a short campaign.

KI: What to say here except I don't like being told up front that I'm getting a shell of a game and I'm expected to bend over and take it in the ass while smiling and forking over money via microtransactions. I would have been far more amenable to the game had it been $60 directly up front rather than the ridiculous way they marketed it as Free*.

Dead Rising 3: See the same comment made for Forza. I can't shake the feeling that I've played this exact same game before...

Titanfall: Not truly an exclusive when it's available directly from EA for PC and will be a cross-gen title playable by X360 holdouts.


The lack of brand loyalty (despite how many people become corporate apologists for their respective preference) was shown at the start of last gen. Look at how many people went from PS2 -> X360.
Why? XB1 has more games right now. PS4 may be the more powerful console but at launch if you want actually exclusives, XB1 is the way to go. This is coming from a guy who bought PS4 at launch.
Why people base their half-a-grand console purchase on what is available right now during the launch window just baffles me.

The fact that I see it used as an "argument" on a hobbyist videogame forum is beyond hilarious.
I'm one of those. 360 last gen and now I'm a proud owner of a PS4

Same here.

It was my witnessing the gains Sony established in terms of new IPs and studios; whereas I felt MS had solely been focusing on Halo, Gears and Forza for the last few years.

That was my primary concern as a gamer.

Over time, MS were creating less of the games I'd wanted to play, while Sony were creating more of them.

I never had the PS3 (until yesterday), but I did buy both a Vita and PS4 at their launches.

I owned a 360 all of last gen.
Yeah, that route is definitely not for everyone, but it's a good one if you can take it. You never miss out on any games and you rarely have to concern yourself with trying to convince yourself you don't want a certain game...

Do people really do that? I've always struggled enough trying to keep up with games for the systems I do own without worrying about the exclusives on the systems I don't.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
KI: What to say here except I don't like being told up front that I'm getting a shell of a game and I'm expected to bend over and take it in the ass while smiling and forking over money via microtransactions. I would have been far more amenable to the game had it been $60 directly up front rather than the ridiculous way they marketed it as Free*.

Uhm, pretty sure you can buy KI as a 'regular' game with all of the characters + the DLC characters included for like, $40 or something.

Fox Mulder

Lol, MS is in serious trouble if core gamer's don't think The launch lineup of XB1 us solid. I don't know man but, Forza, Ryse, KI, Dead Rising 3, and Titanfall* should be considered a killer lineup. I mean, the only thing that stopped me from buying XB1 was the price tag.

yep, I've been a xbox fan since the first one and the xbox one launch lineup is just more appealing to me. It still hasn't got me to buy one though.

The ps4 will get great games, including better versions of third party games and Sony's superior fist party output. It'll do fine, there's no need to sugar coat its lame launch lineup.

Why people base their half-a-grand console purchase on what is available right now during the launch window just baffles me.

The fact that I see it used as an "argument" on a hobbyist videogame forum is beyond hilarious.

Buying a console now for the future instead of what's out is stupid to me. Of course I care about launch games, since that's what I'm going to be playing until a year or so when good stuff comes out. If the launch lineup sucks, I might as well wait. MS already sweetened the pot over their launch offering with free games.
I owned both and am only owning a ps4 this gen.

7/8 friends who only had 360s last gen only have ps4s now.

Only one friend has an xbone and he has a ps4 as well.

These are guys who are mostly one shooter one sports game one random game a year types. Madden GTA and cod, or nba2k halo and assassins creed etc. Guys who have been gold since halo 2 days.

The anti used always online stuff about the xbone was so toxic for them that the reversal was basically met with a "fuck you for even trying that shit" attitude for the most part.

I'm shocked shocked shocked. If you asked me a year ago I'd guess two of us at most would own ps4s and all would have xb1s.

This has been my experience as well. My office was completely 360-centric last gen, but now everyone has switched over to the PS4. Price was certainly a determining factor, but the biggest issue was Microsoft's messaging. People still thought it didn't allow used games and such. I could have corrected them, but I'm not collecting a paycheck from Microsoft.


Why people base their half-a-grand console purchase on what is available right now during the launch window just baffles me.

The fact that I see it used as an "argument" on a hobbyist videogame forum is beyond hilarious.

But I bought a PS4...I skipped the XB1 due to price tag. Had they both been 399.99 I would have definitely got an XB1.
Im not talking about the people who cant afford it. Im talking about the people who can yet they dont. And im not talking about multiplats games, im obviously talking about exclusives. I mean, sticking yourself with xbox wont let you experience a beautiful game like TLOU. Sticking yourself with playstation wont let you experience a beautiful game like Halo. Not to forget Nintendo's amazing platform games.
Maybe those who can afford it would rather buy 10 extra games for their PS4 plus an additional game every year than play Halo. It's not like there won't be a ton of great $GENRE games coming out for PS4.

Being a gamer, I'd rather play more games than fewer.
Anecdotal, but I actually only know 2 people with xbox ones. All the others have come over to the dark side or are holding on to last gen for dear life. It is amazing how much marketshare MS has lost in the US so far this gen.

Last gen I had all three plus a ds lite. This gen I am prolly going PS4, Wii U, Vita. Just waiting on a new SMG for the Wii U.
I was a 360 only guy because the ps3 was to expensive and most of my friends owned 360, plus i really hated that dualshock 3. Now i am a PS4 only because Xbox One is too expensive and i hate Kinect. I will probably get an XOne after i finish college and Halo 5 and Gears of War 4 comes out.


Meanwhile anyone who's a real gamer and considers stuff outside of that sector to be just as worthy in conversation, know the PS4 has much more games available and on the way. And I hear they have a few AAA games in the works, too. Whodathunkit?

What the fuck is a "real gamer?" Thus far, I'm having more fun with Killer Instinct on the Xbone than anything on the PS4, short of my time with RESOGUN. Both have their problems and both have unlimited potential going forward. Knock it out with this "real gamer" bullshit.
I have a Titanfall bundle I got in the MS store promo code error last week. I jumped on it because it was a deal, but, now I'm still having second thoughts about opening it up.

Anyone have a setup where they've left the 360 and a X1 in the same space? Not sure how I feel about dueling Kinects (kids play some 360 Kinect stuff yet, so, that needs to stay hooked up).
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