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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

Why would rockstar handicap sales of that title like that? Why do you assume Microsoft would allow the games division to spend that amount of money on such a thing? How about MS spend money on Its own studios instead?

MS's game division doesn't have some unlimited war chest that allows them to do whatever they want. The cost of an exclusive like GTA6 would be over .5 billion.


I switched because as a 360 owner, PS3 just offered infinitely more value in the long term. Back catalogs and the impression that they actually give a shit turned my opinion about Sony around when they ruined themselves PR wise early on. Meanwhile Microsofts pricing, making Kinect "happen" and the lack of backwards compatible things that I care about make the One a no-purchase.


Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

Yeah Rockstar is going to turn down at least 10 million sales because of money hats. MS better pay them like 500 million dollars then.
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

Is this the new "panic mode Nintendo is the best Nintendo?" Because that's what it seems like.


Come to think of it, Microsoft really DID try to go for the kill by moneyhatting anything and everything:

- Titanfall
- CoD DLC again
- Battlefield DLC
- Peggle 2
- Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare

while Sony has the usual Ubisoft "60 minutes" moneyhat for ACIV and... that's it, from what's already released? Am I missing something?

Amazing that all of this wasn't enough. When people want something else, they will get something else.


This describes me as well. I bought a 360 on launch but ended up getting a ps4 on launch. I mostly switched over because 95% of my friends were getting the ps4. There are still a lot of xbox franchises that I love so I'm assuming I will pick one up soon. I almost bit the bullet when titanfall came out but I'm gonna wait until theres a couple more games I really want.


Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

Thing is, I'd rather have a console that can play The Last of Us in 2013 as well as GTA V in 2014 than a console that can play GTA V in 2013. A timed exclusivity for GTA VI would sell consoles, but I'd rather they publish actual games with that money if they're that desperate. Or maybe it's because I don't feel like I need a GTA VI right now. Maybe if you used a rumoured RDR or Sleeping Dogs Tokyo or something, I'd consider it more. But I probably still wouldn't buy a console to play a game early when I can get great exclusives in the present and great multiplats later.
The idea that the XB1 doesn't have plenty of quality exclusives in 2014 is a false narrative either way.

This assumes anything announced for it so far actually comes out in 2014 of course.

I believe that it has. Getting timed exclusivity would cost a fortune

Considering how much they had to spend getting GTA4 dlc timed exclusive for a year at a time when the PS3 was selling like ass, I dread to think how much getting GTA6 fully exclusive in it's entirety would cost them when the Xbone is at such a huge disadvantage in sales right now.

More than the Xbox Division could reasonably justify spending on such a thing I'd wager.


I'd think far less of MS if they tried that. You're talking about paying to delay multiplatform content from releasing on your competitor's console.

Only MS would gain from a timed exclusive of GTA6, nobody else.

How about spending that money on exclusive games that take full advantage of the platform? Something that truly could only be done on the Xbox? That'd be good stuff.

There's no way Rockstar would do this, GTA5 was the biggest launch in entertainment history, unless Microsoft is willing to spend billions of dollars this isn't happening.


Come to think of it, Microsoft really DID try to go for the kill by moneyhatting anything and everything:

- Titanfall
- CoD DLC again
- Battlefield DLC
- Peggle 2
- Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare

while Sony has the usual Ubisoft "60 minutes" moneyhat for ACIV and... that's it, from what's already released? Am I missing something?

Amazing that all of this wasn't enough. When people want something else, they will get something else.

Seems like it was a good partnership with EA.
Come to think of it, Microsoft really DID try to go for the kill by moneyhatting anything and everything:

- Titanfall
- CoD DLC again
- Battlefield DLC
- Peggle 2
- Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare

Amazing that all of this wasn't enough. When people want something else, they will get something else.
Most of that is from their unprecedented partnership with EA.


Why would rockstar handicap sales of that title like that? Why do you assume Microsoft would allow the games division to spend that amount of money on such a thing? How about MS spend money on Its own studios instead?

MS's game division doesn't have some unlimited war chest that allows them to do whatever they want. The cost of an exclusive like GTA6 would be over .5 billion.

Well, they did spend some ungodly amount on the terrible GTA 4 LATD and the Ballad of Gay Tony. Microsoft is a pretty competitive company. Even though it flopped hard, they snatched up a simultaneous release for FF13. At the time that was huge. I fully expect MS to go down swinging...with money hats.
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

As if Microsoft will be able to throw enough money at something like that and still have it be worth their while.

Releases all the over the place.


Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

It's one thing to finance exclusives, its another to block access to software. It's the same kind of garbage as the release parity clause with indies, It only benefits MS and screws every one else. It's not competing in the market, its making sure that others can't even get on the playing field.
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.
Microsoft has jut undergone a massive structural change. That division isn't writing any cheques that they can't cash off their own revenue, so not happening
Well, they did spend some ungodly amount on the terrible GTA 4 LATD and the Ballad of Gay Tony. Microsoft is a pretty competitive company. Even though it flopped hard, they snatched up a simultaneous release for FF13. At the time that was huge. I fully expect MS to go down swinging...with money hats.

It's like they are whale players in free to play mmos. Pay to win at it's finest.
Well, they did spend some ungodly amount on the terrible GTA 4 LATD and the Ballad of Gay Tony. Microsoft is a pretty competitive company. Even though it flopped hard, they snatched up a simultaneous release for FF13. At the time that was huge. I fully expect MS to go down swinging...with money hats.

They had a 1 year headstart at the time and was the defacto leader in the HD console space. Neither of those factors exist right now. MS is not in a position of power in the industry and the division does not have the cache with the company as a whole to make the moves that you are suggesting


Sony are about to announce VR for PS4 and with the cheaper, smaller and faster console how exactly are MS going to compete?
Both companies have had the longest generation ever to prepare for this and the best MS can come up with is a larger, less specced box with the PSU still on the outside and a camera accessory built into the OS that I still have issues with. Kinect 2.0 and xbone will never have my sky HD box plugged into the HDMI IN on my xbone so the only thing it has to offer is worse performing multi plats and more gears and halo.
It's just as well that I will hold onto it for gears and halo.
But that's not what MS needs right now.
Sony learned a valuable lesson last gen and MS learned absolutely nothing.

Yeah, I'm curious what is Microsoft's stance on VR. Would cost them greatly if VR catches on and they are late to the party.


I bought both the Xbox One and the PS4. I bought the PS4 because it was more powerful despite my PS3 barely getting a look in over the 360.

I've enjoyed the PS4 and dip into AC4 from time to time, completed Outlast, and have a few other multi format titles on the PS4. Killzone was an utter disappointment. I'm looking fwd to Infamous although recent gameplay vids have been underwhelming.

I've also enjoyed the Xbox. It's been played more too. As a racer I love the Forza series and whilst F5 is somewhat light on tracks I still play it a lot. It's great and frankly one of the prettiest titles on either machine. I thought Ryse was gorgeous too and decent enough that I finished it. I also can't see anything last gen looking about Titanfall which is fantastic. I really don't understand the Xbox hate.

I love them both - the Xbox certainly has the better games right now, but u suspect it'll balance out.
Yup, makes sense. I personally don't know anyone who own an X1 outside of my brother who sold his (but hey, at least I got to play some of the X1 launch games in that time). Of course, my anecdotal evidence means nothing, and I doubt it's the norm but it really goes to show since last gen all my friends were 360 only, and I was the black sheep with a PS3 (though the 360 was my first console from last gen)

For Microsoft, yes.

EA's executives must start each day by kicking themselves in the ass.

Yea, seems like a one sided relationship, but I for one am truly glad that EA is getting what they deserve and that all those moneyhats did nothing for MS. They deserve each other.


Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

If only this post was the first reply in this thread...

Opinions and all that, but the multiplatform stuff was something. But the kicker is trying to put Sony's first-party devs below MS's? No way. MS is effectively in last place of the three console makers in this regard. Insomniac is 3rd party anyways as well, and I remember everyone used to disregard them when they were just doing PlayStation exclusives, but now all of a sudden they're of value?

MS is going to announce new games, but so is Sony. E3 may very well be a bloodbath if Sony's big gun studios show off, well, anything. I mean, Sucker Punch isn't known for their pushing of tech, but Infamous "looks" head and shoulders above any similar type of game, i'm sure The Order is going to wow people when it's finished up. And those aren't even games made by Naughty Dog, full-on SSM, or PD.

At least MS is going to be forced to go all out at this E3, because if they don't, it's over. They can be completely KO'd for this gen. They don't have the devs Sony does to save them in time. I just hope MS doesn't fire back via throwing sums of money around for exclusive "windows" and non-sense.
I think your right about most all this but the Xbox One has a better line up on most fronts this year. My opinion of course. Actually until Sony announces more games their exclusive AAA lineup from launch till 2015 is lacking pretty bad. Most people have to assume they are holding back a lot for E3. I think that is a safe assumption. The idea that the XB1 doesn't have plenty of quality exclusives in 2014 is a false narrative either way.

But what are confirmed 2014 releases? At retail, specifically.

Sunset Overdrive? Maybe - but after FUSE, color me skeptical.
Quantum Break? Maybe - but the production values are through the roof, especially since it has a tie-in television series.
Halo 5? Not 2015. No way. Instead, we're getting Halo 2.

And this is in no way hate towards Xbox One in 2014. I have just as much doubt in Sony's 2014 lineup.

But if they both have weak libraries that offset each other in games, the deciding factor for most will be price / value.

And I think many are looking to Watch Dogs and Destiny as the start of their next gen experience. Yes - both are multiplatform games, but you can play the likely superior versions on the cheaper PS4. And it sure doesn't hurt that both have marketing arrangements with Sony.


This is exactly what I did.

I was a primarily 360 gamer for almost the entire previous gen. Jumped ship to PS3 on a permanent basis the day after the Microsoft Press Conference and never looked back. I doubt that I've ever felt so betrayed as a consumer as I did then. For everything Sony were doing that was forward thinking, MS were going a million miles backwards.

I don't regret it now either. The PS4 is a brilliant system that only needs some added features to really make it complete.


Come to think of it, Microsoft really DID try to go for the kill by moneyhatting anything and everything:

- Titanfall
- CoD DLC again
- Battlefield DLC
- Peggle 2
- Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare

while Sony has the usual Ubisoft "60 minutes" moneyhat for ACIV and... that's it, from what's already released? Am I missing something?

Amazing that all of this wasn't enough. When people want something else, they will get something else.

EA thought MS was going to crush it with XB1. Things didn't work out this way. If MS can't get some momentum happening now I don't know what they are going to do when Destiny hits and everything regarding it will scream PS4.

Very happy to see them bounce back decently in the Feb NPD. It would be bad for 3rd parties if they disappear. MS can still carve out a solid market in the number two slot.
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.



Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

You are delusional if you think that would ever happen.


As if Microsoft will be able to throw enough money at something like that and still have it be worth their while.

Releases all the over the place.

Yeah, I don't see a moneyhat of that proportion happening. People think just because MS is a hugely profitable company they can just throw around money with no plan for recouping that cost. The reality is almost the opposite because while MS might expect a return of $2 for every $1 (just a random number) invested in the Xbox division, they have to justify that decision to shareholders who might prefer them to invest that money in Server or Office, where they would get returns much higher than anything in the console business could provide. Sony doesn't have that problem, so the opportunity cost of focusing on the PlayStation brand for Sony is so much lower than for MS to invest in Xbox.
If only this post was the first reply in this thread...

Opinions and all that, but the multiplatform stuff was something. But the kicker is trying to put Sony's first-party devs below MS's? No way. MS is effectively in last place of the three console makers in this regard. Insomniac is 3rd party anyways as well, and I remember everyone used to disregard them when they were just doing PlayStation exclusives, but now all of a sudden they're of value?

MS is going to announce new games, but so is Sony. E3 may very well be a bloodbath if Sony's big gun studios show off, well, anything. I mean, Sucker Punch isn't known for their pushing of tech, but Infamous "looks" head and shoulders above any similar type of game, i'm sure The Order is going to wow people when it's finished up. And those aren't even games made by Naughty Dog, full-on SSM, or PD.

That's what I find funny of Sunset Overdrive. You have all these people hyping it up, yet if it was on PS4 you can bet no one would care because Insomniac has been an incredibly mediocre developers for years now. I don't know where the hype is coming from outside of it being on X1.

And yea, people saying X1 has better games, I guess you can say that now but once Sony starts flexing it's first party, it's not even going to be remotely close. I guess they should enjoy saying that as much as possible since soon enough the PS4 will home to best exclusives, best multiplatform games, best price, and the gap will only continue to increase. I imagine they'll push out a new GT as soon as possible and that should be the final nail on the X1 coffin outside NA.

You are delusional if you think that would ever happen.

I truly hope that guy was kidding. I swear, some people think MS is just gonna up and buy EA. The amount of insanity, delusion and denial I've seen these past few months across various forums is just crazy (never head to the xbox one subreddit on reddit, it is pretty horrifying).

EA thought MS was going to crush it with XB1. Things didn't work out this way. If MS can't get some momentum happening now I don't know what they are going to do when Destiny hits and everything regarding it will scream PS4.

Very happy to see them bounce back decently in the Feb NPD. It would be bad for 3rd parties if they disappear. MS can still carve out a solid market in the number two slot.

Sony hit the jack pot by securing exclusive marketing for Watchdogs and Destiny, the two biggest games of the year. I feel that's really going to pay off.
That's what I find funny of Sunset Overdrive. You have all these people hyping it up, yet if it was on PS4 you can bet no one would care because Insomniac has been an incredibly mediocre developers for years now. I don't know where the hype is coming from outside of it being on X1.

And yea, people saying X1 has better games, I guess you can say that now but once Sony starts flexing it's first party, it's not even going to be remotely close. I guess they should enjoy saying that as much as possible since soon enough the PS4 will home to best exclusives, best multiplatform games, best price, and the gap will only continue to increase. I imagine they'll push out a new GT as soon as possible and that should be the final nail on the X1 coffin outside NA.

I hadn't even considered GT6 and how pivotal that would be in PS4 sales in EU territories. The gap is wide without it, even. Crazy.
That's what I find funny of Sunset Overdrive. You have all these people hyping it up, yet if it was on PS4 you can bet no one would care because Insomniac has been an incredibly mediocre developers for years now. I don't know where the hype is coming from outside of it being on X1.

And yea, people saying X1 has better games, I guess you can say that now but once Sony starts flexing it's first party, it's not even going to be remotely close. I guess they should enjoy saying that as much as possible since soon enough the PS4 will home to best exclusives, best multiplatform games, best price, and the gap will only continue to increase. I imagine they'll push out a new GT as soon as possible and that should be the final nail on the X1 coffin outside NA.

I truly hope that guy was kidding. I swear, some people think MS is just gonna up and buy EA. The amount of insanity, delusion and denial I've seen these past few months across various forums is just crazy (never head to the xbox one subreddit on reddit, it is pretty horrifying).

What games are Sony releasing exclusively throughout this generation then?

The way people talk in absolute is getting ridiculous. You don't know what's getting made or how they will turn out.


Own both, and a upper mid tier PC. Been playing the PC the most. PS4 doesn't have many games, and the X1 feels like an underpowered PC.


Neo Member
In the last few months I fear they have been slipping back into their old habits. The PS4's success has made their heads get big again.

I'm getting the same impression, that cocky Sony has returned. They have just increased the price of the ps4 up here in Canada. Although that can be attributed to a weak Canadian dollar there has not been a similair price increase in the Vita or Ps3. It doesn't seem to matter who it is, Sony or Xbox. Success seems to give these companies the excuse to treat their consumers like crap.

Rolf NB

Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.
They can certainly try. But with sales shaking out as they are, it's going to be pretty expensive.
I bet EA expected Xbone to lead sales (because reasons) when they signed the Titanfall deal. But that was before launch. I wonder if they're still happy about the details.


Very happy to see them bounce back decently in the Feb NPD. It would be bad for 3rd parties if they disappear.

Why is that? Why should they care if they sell on a user base of 100M PS4 and 50M XB1 or 150M PS4. The latter would save them the cost of porting their games.
That's what I find funny of Sunset Overdrive. You have all these people hyping it up, yet if it was on PS4 you can bet no one would care because Insomniac has been an incredibly mediocre developers for years now. I don't know where the hype is coming from outside of it being on X1.

And yea, people saying X1 has better games, I guess you can say that now but once Sony starts flexing it's first party, it's not even going to be remotely close. I guess they should enjoy saying that as much as possible since soon enough the PS4 will home to best exclusives, best multiplatform games, best price, and the gap will only continue to increase. I imagine they'll push out a new GT as soon as possible and that should be the final nail on the X1 coffin outside NA.

I truly hope that guy was kidding. I swear, some people think MS is just gonna up and buy EA. The amount of insanity, delusion and denial I've seen these past few months across various forums is just crazy (never head to the xbox one subreddit on reddit, it is pretty horrifying).

Sony hit the jack pot by securing exclusive marketing for Watchdogs and Destiny, the two biggest games of the year. I feel that's really going to pay off.

I thought people enjoyed their downloadable game..
Own both, and a upper mid tier PC. Been playing the PC the most. PS4 doesn't have many games, and the X1 feels like an underpowered PC.

People keep saying this, but as far as I can see they both have about the same number of titles. They both have the same multiplats, each have a selection of exclusives, but if you include indies and F2P games on PSN may give the PS4 a slight edge. But to say one console is lacking games compared to another makes absolutely no sense and I don't get why people keep saying it.

BestBuy in Chicago - No PS4's, but stacks of XBO's.

Honestly, I think it needs more than a price drop to stay competitive. TitanFall looks great to the casual consumer, but when they realize it'll cost them $500, they get cold feet.

Problem is, I can't think of any retail XBO exclusive games coming out between now and holiday period / post-E3. Am I mistaken?

And Halo 5 will be 2015, which begs the question - what will people want to drop $500 on this year? Not a lot.

PS4 is in a similar situation, but riding off great social media chatter / word of mouth and a lower price point. It has a weak stream of exclusives, but stronger than XBO. Second Son this week, with a superior version of MGS. Then FFXIV, DW8, MLB2014 (the only baseball game this year exclusive to PlayStation platforms.)

But then there are heavily marketed multiplatform titles in favor of PS4, like Watch Dogs and Destiny. And forget marketing for a moment. In all likelihood, PS4 multiplatforms will run better. Reviewers mention things like that and forums go crazy about it. That will lead to stronger software sales on PS4, too.

Going to be a rough year for XBO. Give it time, a price drop, and a hard-hitting exclusive like Halo 5 or Gears, and they'll be fine.

Yeah, I think most casual players are deterred by price, while most hardcore players figure the Titanfall franchise will be multiplat eventually, in addition to knowing ps4 has better multiplats and the full force of SCEWWS yet to come.


I think the challenge will be Sony securing an announcement for Titanfall on PS4 in some way shape or form (rereleases, sequel, whatever) before Xbox One nears a more mass market price point. Though I may be overestimating the importance of Titanfall here.
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